View Full Version : Flooded with synchronicity

24-02-2016, 10:41 PM
In around the year 2006 or 2007 I began receiving synchronicities nearly every day, for months on end. At first I dismissed them as reg. coincidences, or me just looking for stuff like that. You know the excuses people come up with to dismiss that. I wanted to be a person of reason. But they became impossible to ignore.

A lot of them occurred between different media, which is what perplexed me the most. A news article, or forum post might reflect the same unusual phrase as a 10 year old syndicated tv show - at exactly the same time.

It happened a lot with Seinfeld. (a LOT. I started calling them Seinfeld Synchronicities). As one example, I was in the middle of a forum conversation about corporations like Walmart taking over the business of local shops. I used the term "mom and pop stores" in a message. An hour or so later Seinfeld came on tv. Title of the episode: "The Mom & Pop Store".

Another time, I was chatting with someone about how to guys, the urge for sex is something daily, like eating, going to the bathroom or shaving. At that very moment, Jerry went into his opening comedy bit, and I heard him talking about masturbation. He said "it's something you've gotta do every day... like shaving!" Totally dumbfounding.

They weren't always involving entertainment - but quite a bit. And most weren't crude, but I was a bit perplexed when they were, because I thought "if there is a spirit world explanation to this, it must be some mischievous entity.."

One time I dreamed that a bass guitar was sitting in my hall. I asked my brother in law what it was doing there. He said a friend of ours was going to come over and pick it up that day. I woke up, and thought about this. We hadn't seen the guy in about half a year. I made no mention of the dream. That afternoon, the bass player showed up at the door, he just randomly came over to chat over coffee.

I used to document these a lot, to maybe write a book or something about it. It got tiring to keep track of, honestly. They got stranger and more complex. Here's an example.

There's a band, who I have members of in my online contacts on a social network. One set his avatar as a Geisha Girl. It reminded me of this weird Japanese rap video I saw back in the 90's. All I could remember about it was that the song had lyrics that included "to the partyin' crowd, here's to kickin' it loud". So I typed that in Google. This returned a completely different set of lyrics by a different band. One of the composers names, however, was the same as a member of the band that I know, whose other member had an avatar of a Geisha Girl. For completely unrelated reasons. And no it wasn't something like "Mike Smith".

Synchronicities still happen to me every day, but I've learned to tune them out, because I think that otherwise, I wouldn't function very well. I just kind of rest in the knowledge that there is some kind of strangeness out there beyond what human reason can explain with things like statistical probability, or looking for meaning where it does not exist. I mean, I dare someone to explain how I LOOKED for the above to happen. The connection was just immediate and obvious.

Anyone else go through something similar, that has nothing to do with numbers?

25-02-2016, 01:44 AM
Love the Seinfeld connection haha..

There is a pretty good book about this subject matter, it's called 'Synchronicity' (Kirby Surprise)... You may be interested in exploring it...

25-02-2016, 06:18 AM
I used to be fundamentalist Christian in a family that would have called this all satanic but nonetheless I found if I was praying a lot, I would have heaps upon heaps of experiences like these come out of nowhere. It got to the point where I could actually predict hymns and bible verses specifically that we're going to be used in church the next day. And then somehow I always doubted it the next and the next time around and was looking over my shoulder for Satan..lol but it was too much, too consistently to be mere coincidence. Not that I'm concerned with convincing anyone of this, they'd have to experience it to get it. But yeah, and the TV was a major source.
I almost never watch tv. Like once for 5-10 minutes every two months and as soon as there is a commercial I feel extremely annoyed and hate the pace that tv shows go, and end up seeking quiet. I used to watch a lot of tv however. So what would happen during these times where I was praying more, I would suddenly get a flash of a scene and a few lines from a show episode from years ago. And then an hour or two later someone in the house or at a friends house might turn on the tv and it would not only be that show being re-run, immediately on the screen at the moment I turned up in close proximity to the tv, but it would be that line and scene specifically for the few moments that I was actually passing through and paying any attention to the screen. Of all the dozens to hundreds of channels people get how in the heck is that likely at all whatsoever....

And it drives me wild because I feel like I should be able to use this phenomenon for something but it seems within itself kind of full of random and meaningless subject matter.

Oh, there was the one day that a bible verse showed up in something I was reading and it really bugged me for some reason I couldn't place... That morning at church it was contained in the sermon. Afterwards I was going through some pamphlets/small magazines I had stashed in my purse and I opened one up from about 10 years back, and there was that same verse. An hour after lunch I was at my fathers place to visit and he turned on some dvd he was working his way through and the preacher was in the middle of reciting that verse precisely where the dvd had been paused lol... I started to feel nuts at this point. I pulled a random book off my step moms shelf and opened it to a random page. Guess what? Same verse.

That was one of the most disturbing days I've ever had lol and still don't know what it means. It was one of the verses in the story of Tyre about the fishnets (can't remember any more than that now) and it didn't seem to contain any particular wisdom or message for me, just a detail amidst the rest of the story. Could just be my shortcoming in interpreting these things lol

25-02-2016, 09:26 AM
Thanks wolfgaze.

Very interesting Myvie. Our experiences sound similar. I mean, that could have happened to me with the verses probably if I was still involved heavily in the church but at that point I already wasn't. In fact before all this happened, I had a vision that led me to ultimately focus on seeking God's reality specifically outside of the church, because I was disillusioned by it.

For one thing, it all seemed fake and manufactured to me. I was really bothered by this whole "I sense someone in the audience with this kind of sin in their lives, please come up to the altar and repent" kind of approach. And then how everyone somehow seemed to have this gift of speaking in tongues - except me! No matter how hard I tried to turn off my logical thoughts. So when I looked around me during praise and prayer, it seemed reasonable to conclude that a whole lot of these people were putting on a show while they had their eyes closed and hands in the air.

In my experience, there are a lot of people that acting like that didn't "save" in the end anyway. I know one guy specifically that is now atheist and doesn't mind blaspheming about Jesus. It seems impossible to me that "the Holy Spirit" was in any way flowing through this person on a real level and then allowed him to become like this. He would not, if he had truly experienced God. He would be changed beyond all doubt.

People who have NDEs, (usually) experience something so real and intense and full of love that they are forever changed. My vision was itself so real that it profoundly affected me. However, I still didn't know how to carry on from that point, in learning more about spiritual realities - that's what it was all about. I'd experienced the spiritual world since childhood, and knew of a reality beyond religion. But, this sort of stuff doesn't happen every day.

That's basically when the synchronicities hit relentlessly. No, they did not seem to have much specific meaning, like you said. And even seemed like nonsense a lot of the time. But for whatever reason, the phenomenon itself imo had more of an intelligence to it than regular coincidences, and made me sit up and pay attention at least. Maybe there were messages I missed, but I think that if there was an intent, it was more to get me seeking again in general.

29-02-2016, 05:48 AM
That's my biggest challenge with these things...incredible things can happen but what to do with them, how to carry on from that point? I've started to feel like there's much to be said for just doing what's in front of you, taking on whatever you have control of and then just sitting back trusting and accepting the rest...enjoy the ride :) Even if it's enough to drive me mad, if there isn't some clear task ahead, these things still shape us and change us bit by bit, consciously and subconsciously. Everything does, after all..
That's where I'm at but still can't say I'm 100% content with it lol...I don't want to look back someday and see that I've missed major signs, taken wrong turns, either...
Somewhere in this I'm sure I'm contradicting myself lol