View Full Version : Why are Negative Synchronicities never spoken of?

17-01-2016, 01:58 PM
For the past few months, I have been coming across “coincidences” that don’t uplift me, but rather give me anxiety and throw me into a panic. Even thinking about them is tightening my chest. They seem to pick out on my biggest insecurity, the one thing that frightens me most, and every time I think I’m doing better, along comes the chain of “synchronicites” that I just can’t ignore. It doesn’t feel like a reassuring message, it feels like it’s mocking me.

I know that many of you will think “It’s probably not a synchronicity then.” But trust me, these signs are too random not to be, and they have an air of arrogance about them. They make me doubt myself, always questioning who I am as a result, that maybe everything I am is just a big lie.

The other night I came across a few articles on Negative Synchronicities: messages that are put in place by lower dimensions to try and divert you off your intuitive path. Everything I read made absolute sense, and I am so grateful to have that clarity. The next time it happens I’ll know I can fight it off and not let it affect me.

That was one of the reasons I joined this forum, because I had a hunch that these were messages put there especially to try and divert me, but I found no answers here.

My questions:
Have you had any similar experiences?
Why are “Negative Synchronicities” never spoken of, when they really do exist?

17-01-2016, 03:01 PM
They are spoken of, but I assume you are talking of 'blocks' when something happens and it prevents you from being somewhere or doing something.

Maybe you don't get the job you want and you don't know where, or something doesn't work out how it should have. I try not to see it as negative, but the Higher Self that is pushing you in another direction, although you may not see it like that right away.

17-01-2016, 04:28 PM
They are spoken of, but I assume you are talking of 'blocks' when something happens and it prevents you from being somewhere or doing something.

Maybe you don't get the job you want and you don't know where, or something doesn't work out how it should have. I try not to see it as negative, but the Higher Self that is pushing you in another direction, although you may not see it like that right away.

I see what you're saying, but these aren't blocks. These are literally signs that I'll see on a billboard, or a sticker, or a word, or a book title, or that I'll hear on the radio, or in a song, or someone's conversation. And it has a very very negative effect on me, no matter how I interpret it. It's not a warning either... I don't want to say explicitly what it is because it's a very personal fear. Does that clarify it a little more?

17-01-2016, 06:16 PM
Have you ever considered that the unconscious field, collective unconscious or whatever you wish to term it reflects aspects of what's on your mind back to you in the form of syncs, and that it covers the entire energetic enchilada? The whole spectrum? That your own inner state helps generate them and what form they take? Not to suggest by any means it's that simple or all there is to it.

I think even aside from your personal anxieties that you bring up a good point. Frankly, sometimes it seems most threads in this forum, esp. re: numbers, are little more than reiterations and references to the Doreen Virtue handbook encyclopedia of angel numbers with little further consideration.

Please don't get me wrong Doreen Virtue fans, I'm not familiar enough with her to have an opinion really one way or another as to veracity of her work or system, what have you; but i do believe sometimes there can be confirmation bias involved deciding so arbitrarily to take what a single author says as gospel. Then again maybe it intuitively makes sense for people, which is fair enough, if this is in fact the case and it's not simply a personal preference for something that sounds the most easy and appealing answer.

There are many interpretations for example of number meanings. Various schools of thought on numerology, Kabalah, etc. Imo syncs must be at least in part be a personal interpretation b/c it is on our own minds (and on those of the people who might be involved w/ them) that such signs make an impression, it cannot help but be subjective. I do believe there is a common symbolic/spiritual/archetypal theme shared universally on the other hand as well, but even then, can it's true value and meaning be determined or even described in a simple, single paragraph or two dictionary type definition?

In my experience sometimes it's just best to gauge and consider them as they arrive, in that very moment, then let them go. Otherwise it can get obsessive, although I've always meant to keep a synchronicity journal, think that might be worthwhile, much as a dream journal would.

I've witnessed a friend create an intricate series of interconnected, multilayered syncs before others and my own eyes. It can be done, but then, clearly the pieces were already in place to be discovered, it was already there to be found. Free will or destiny? It's not an either or maybe, rather both. You've made choices, you'll make more, you make some now, choosing to read these words, for instance. Did you choose to read this or were you drawn to it?

Time all over again, but where is the space in your mind? Because it takes time to travel through physical space, but mental space? Where is consciousness? When? Ok, i apologize I'm spitballing a bit at this point, sort of rolling with my stream of consciousness. Honestly, at times to me they seem little more than psychic overspill, neither threatening nor comforting but nonsensical more or less. The good ones have a luminous quality to them i find, or so it tends to seem to me atm, thinking about it.

I guess imo first step would be get your source/s firmly established. Whether this be prayer, meditation, or whichever spiritually uplifting/grounding practice of preference towards realization/remembrance/recognition of who you are, where you're coming from, from t/here the syncs might seem/become more reassuring in nature for you.

I've had darker syncs but also plenty of positives ones. I think one reason they are not spoken of is b/c they can make a person paranoid and that gets into the, at least perceived, schizophrenic side of things. I remember reading in school that one example of a symptom on the checklist (in the DSM at the time) for schizophrenia was thinking that license plate numbers held secret meanings... and license plates happen to be a great breeding ground for number syncs ime/imo.

I could probably edit this down some and express what i'm getting at more clearly, but enough is enough. Hope I've given some food for thought anyways!

May only the good spirits guide you. ~

17-01-2016, 06:57 PM
For the past few months, I have been coming across “coincidences” that don’t uplift me, but rather give me anxiety and throw me into a panic. Even thinking about them is tightening my chest. They seem to pick out on my biggest insecurity, the one thing that frightens me most, and every time I think I’m doing better, along comes the chain of “synchronicites” that I just can’t ignore. It doesn’t feel like a reassuring message, it feels like it’s mocking me.

I know that many of you will think “It’s probably not a synchronicity then.” But trust me, these signs are too random not to be, and they have an air of arrogance about them. They make me doubt myself, always questioning who I am as a result, that maybe everything I am is just a big lie.

The other night I came across a few articles on Negative Synchronicities: messages that are put in place by lower dimensions to try and divert you off your intuitive path. Everything I read made absolute sense, and I am so grateful to have that clarity. The next time it happens I’ll know I can fight it off and not let it affect me.

That was one of the reasons I joined this forum, because I had a hunch that these were messages put there especially to try and divert me, but I found no answers here.

My questions:
Have you had any similar experiences?
Why are “Negative Synchronicities” never spoken of, when they really do exist?

Here are some alternative perspectives to consider, friend...

Experiencing synchronicities tends to coincide with periods of rather significant internal growth/progress. You say that these syncs revolve around a partciular fear/insecurity of yours. Well what if this is the Universe's way of nudging you that now is the time for you to conduct the necessary inner-work for you to finally release and rise above this fear/insecurity once and for all? Throughout our lives we are not always in a position to consciously confront and process our most sensitive emotional energy and our fears. We're just not in the 'right place' (internally) to be ready for that or to be capable of doing so - and this is understandable. However, there comes a time in your life after you have made substantial internal progress and further developed/refined your state of consciousness where you will find that it is now time to process these sensitive internal 'issues/conflicts'. That your advancing state of being now requires you to bring about a resolution to this and free (liberate) yourself in doing so. What happens when we continue to suppress our fears/insecurities and do our best to avoid thinking about them or encountering any situations that remind ourselves of them? Well the fear/insecurity doesn't go away or leave us - it continues to lurk beneath the surface and continues feel threatening and make us feel vulnerable. We continue to be affected by our fear/insecurity and do not feel a sense of wholeness within ourselves because we are closing ourselves off to an aspect of our psyche that we would rather not face/address. So, with the understanding that it requires inner-work and a conscious effort to successfully heal ourselves from our fears/insecurities/afflictions - the fact that you are having experiences that remind you of your insecurity/fear is not necessary a negative development at all. It may be life's reminder that you have some pending 'work' to complete and now may be a good time to do so.

Let me give you a quick example of how life can put you in situations which ultimately serve to help bring about a very important emotional release/purging. I was in a brief 4 month relationship with a person and I did not feel 'in love', nor was the relationship anything special/significant. However, this coincided with a period of my life when I was going through many internal changes and experiencing growth. When this person understandably ended the relationship with me, I experienced the most intense emotional reaction over the course of the next 4-6 weeks. I felt like I had been run over by a truck - it was both awful and terribly confusing because on the surface there was no reason why the surface level circumstances should have elicited this type of reaction from me. Why was I responding this way to someone I wasn't even in love with breaking up with me? Well I can only tell you this in hindsight, but that external situation/experience served to activate and cause to rise to the surface a lifetime's worth of sensitive emotional energy surrounding feelings of rejection (in my case self-rejection). It had to come up and be consciously acknowledged and experienced in order for me to finally process it and release (purge) it once and for all. That's exactly what happened and exactly what I did... After that huge emotional release had played out - I was free from the weight of that old emotional energy (it was gone/purified) and I would never again feel any sensitivity or sense of insecurity surrounding this.

Of course this wasn't a synchronicity experience, but it's an example that illustrates how the Universe or 'life' can put you in certain situations/circumstances that are challenging to experience - but ultimately present to serve a higher purpose and greater good for you. Had I experienced that brief relationship and subsequent 'break up' 3, 4, 5 years earlier - it would not have had the same affect on me as back then I was not yet ready and not in a position to go through the emotional release/purging that I ended up going through. It's no coincidence that these circumstances materialized in my life exactly when they did. Looking back I undeniably feel like there was a 'higher plan' operating behind the scenes - thing just came togetherall revolving around a period of my life in which I was experiencing significant internal changes and growth (I just call it a spiritual awakening)...

I don't think synchronicities are necessary about feeling 'good' when you experience them - or that they should always be reassuring/comforting. More often than not I found that they leave people feeling confused and a bit disoriented. It's usually like a jolt to your state of awareness and you find yourself almost in a subtle state of shock at what has just unfolded. From a larger perspective, synchronicities are showing you the interconnectedness of your 'inner world' and your 'outer world' - and that there is no real separation between you and your environment. That the 'internal' and 'external' are deeply connected/interconnected. Respectfully, I would not judge your internal reaction to those experiences as a sign that they originate from some malevolent source - and adopting such a perceptual orientation is not productive and likely to influence you to identify with being a 'victim'. So please do some serious reflection on this matter. One possibility is that the reason you are are having such syncs/experiences is due to what currently resides within you (because you are still carrying and holding onto that emotional energy). Imagine you had already fully healed yourself of your fear/insecurity - well then finding yourself in those particular circumstances and having those 'sync' experiences would no longer have any ability to affect you - right? How could it? : )

Lastly, this reference to "questioning who I am" and that "maybe everything I am is just a big lie... These are very important themes which are commonly experienced by individuals who have been 'seeking' and navigating their way down the spiritual path. This need not carry a negative connotation and actually can lead to very positive developments. Question who you are (who you think you are) is absolutely vital if one is to eventually uncover and discover one's true nature/self. When your state of awareness is expanding it is quite natural to go through a phase of feeling disconnected from your former self and to feel disoriented - this happens because you find yourself letting go of your former conscious attachment to your 'self image' and your former identity (sense of self). Now the notion of who/what you thought you are being a 'lie' - that particular wording conjures up some negative emotions because it carries with it a feeling of deceipt (having been deceived). No one likes to feel lied to - so let's change the wording and explain where this feeling originates from. It's not that your identity is a lie, or that you've been lying to yourself. It's that by way of having this human experience here on Earth, we naturally are shaped and conditioned by our experiences and we form this identity (sense of self) that is a product of our more limited human perspective and that particular reference point. It's like we are telling ourselves these stories about who we are here - and this is largely influenced by what we have experienced, how others have treated and reacted to us throughout our lives, and how we feel about ourselves (a reflection of our state of being). Now, when a person's state of awareness increasingly expands, and they begin experiencing significant internal changes as a result - there is very much a feeling of moving away from one's former and more limited identity (sense of self). Again, this comes in the form of relinquishes your former conscious identification with and attachment to that former identity and that story/narrative you told yourself about who you are. Yes his can be troubling/concerning/destabilizing initially - but only for a period of time. In psychology circles this may be termed an 'existential crisis'. It's necessary that one goes through this transition in order to discover your higher nature and greatly expanded sense of self which extends above and beyond that former story that we told ourselves about who we are. You have to let go of the 'old' in order to make room for something new to take it's place - does that make sense? So rather than telling yourself that your identity or who you thought you were was a 'lie' - you can approach it from a different angle and choose to adopt the perspective that your preexisting self-image/identity is naturally a product of your life experience here, and part of the story that we all have gone through the experience of telling ourselves. It's not that it's 'wrong' or a 'lie' - it's just something which arise from a more limited vantage point and something which had it's proper place and functionality during our Earthly incarnation. It has served it's purpose and in realizing this, we can find ourselves ready to let it go when the timing is right for us.

I hope what I have communicated is helpful for you in some way.

Kind Regards,

17-01-2016, 07:04 PM
Have you ever considered that the unconscious field, collective unconscious or whatever you wish to term it reflects aspects of what's on your mind back to you in the form of syncs, and that it covers the entire energetic enchilada? The whole spectrum? That your own inner state helps generate them and what form they take? Not to suggest by any means it's that simple or all there is to it.

You bring up an excellent point and I know this author (referenced below) would certainly agree with you:

"Synchronicity is a mirror of the content of your psyche, made manifest as meaningful events. Synchronistic events happen when your inner and outer worlds seem to mirror each other." - Synchronicity (Kirby Surprise)


17-01-2016, 07:18 PM
Deusdrum, thank you for your response, you make some fair points. I think with numbers, at least for me, it's entirely based on intuition. I agree that there may be a general message behind each number, otherwise numerology wouldn't be a thing; but in my experience the numbers and "meanings" rarely coincide. Maybe I'm wrong though.

The concept of syncs mirroring your psyche makes sense, so the more the fear occupies my mind, the more it will be mirrored? But then doesn't that go against the idea of syncs being a guiding message or reassurance that you're on the right path?

With these syncs, I just know they're not right somehow. That's why I was asking about negative synchronicities... I just find it interesting because I have had reassurance through my dreams, intuitively, that the signs should not be taken as guidance. And yet, they keep appearing. Maybe it's a lesson of perseverance, or training me to listen to my intuition rather than negative thoughts? I don't know, it just doesn't seem right.

Best Wishes,

17-01-2016, 07:40 PM
Wolfgaze, thank you for your very reflective response which also made me think... When I think about the fear that is reflected in these syncs, it questions a huge aspect of who I am, makes me doubt it, even though at heart I know that this is me. These syncs are what led me to a spiritual awakening, because I was in a very dark place after questioning my whole being, and for this I am grateful. I found a whole other part of my authentic self that I didn't know was there. I was able to grow and it felt incredible. However, I began to notice a pattern, that at every period where other things in my life were causing stress, my insecurities would increase and the syncs reflecting my largest insecurity seemed to increase. The reason I used the wording I did was simply because no matter how I try and interpret the signs positively, they always always lead me into a depression. I guess you're right on the point that I need to learn to not let them affect me anymore, and only then will I have the full positive outcome of these seemingly negative syncs. hmmm, I'm beginning to think they're just a test I have yet to pass?

Kind Regards,

17-01-2016, 07:46 PM
I just find it interesting because I have had reassurance through my dreams, intuitively, that the signs should not be taken as guidance. And yet, they keep appearing. Maybe it's a lesson of perseverance, or training me to listen to my intuition rather than negative thoughts? I don't know, it just doesn't seem right.

I think it would be wise to adopt the 'lesson' and 'training' perspective as this would be functional and serve to counteract a negative emotional reaction to the syncs... Consider the following options/scenarios:

Perspective A - You have a synchronistic experience which reminds you of your fear/insecurity. You react by feeling threatened/victimized and perceive the experience as some type of negative sign telling you that you should feel fearful and insecure (that you are supposed to identify with that fear/insecurity as if it were your true nature).

Perspective B - You have a synchronistic experience which reminds you of your fear/insecurity. You perceive this as a sign from the Universe reminding you that you are still carrying this sensitive emotional energy from your past inside you and this serves as an indicator that now is the right time in your life to make a conscious effort to work on addressing and processing this fear/insecurity so that you can come to heal and liberate yourself from it once and for all.

You can look at these two perspectives (or perceptual orientations) and imagine that they are likely to evoke quite different reactions/responses when you have those experiences (syncs). Perspective A could likely influence you to feel threatened, vulnerable, victimized, angry, fearful etc. - and embracing those types of emotions would serve to drag you down make you feel dejected (which obviously does not help facilitate ongoing conscious growth). However, Perspective B enables you to perceive what is experienced as something that is functional (serves a purpose) and which is playing a role as part of your overall process of internal growth and healing (moving towards a state of wholeness). Perspective B importantly allows you to find acceptance for those types of experiences and this is important because you will not be bringing yourself down by otherwise having a rather adverse reaction to such experiences. So you would be maintaining your cool and composure - and yes this directly ties to what you alluded to about listening to your intuition and learning to rise above those those pesky negative thoughts. It's like an important skillset that you develop and the more you practice it, the easier it becomes.


17-01-2016, 08:03 PM
hmmm, I'm beginning to think they're just a test I have yet to pass?

This too would be a wise and functional mindset to adopt... I say run with it! : )

17-01-2016, 08:41 PM
yeah i think wolfgaze nailed it, pretty much. The one thing maybe i'd only add is to not assume anything, even that much, although far as approach, that is great advice and a place to start imo. Was going to take my initial post along similar lines, though not as thoroughly, but it kind of took a more contemplative turn re: syncs in general, rather than address your question more specifically.

I'll share one creepy sync i had one time, that cannot rightly to my mind be attributed to anything necessarily having to do with my development, at least on surface appearances, although it was a memorable experience all the same.

I was outside smoking on my front porch one evening, and i heard rustling in some bushes just outside of the area, surrounding where i sat. Not the usual squirrel, bird or small animal kind of rustling, more substantial. Either then or later when i was once again outside, i heard it again, though this time the noise was coming my way, so i looked and saw some bearded man approaching directly where i was sitting by the front door.

I stood up said something like, 'hey man, can i help you?' to him.

Apparently he hadn't noticed me sitting there and so I startled him when i spoke. At that point, he quickly turned around and made a beeline the opposite direction away from me and onto the sidewalk out of view.

So i texted my friend who was on a work related trip with two other guys i knew. A former co-worker and boss, who I'd all worked with before. My friend called or txted me back (can't recall) and explained that he had just that very moment of receiving my text, finished listening to the other worker recount to him and the boss in the truck, a story about some guy randomly walking up to his front door very shadily and suspiciously and also book it when confronted, as had happened to me just moments before.

My old boss who was not really a believer I don't think in synchronicity, or hadn't experienced it was apparently pretty freaked out by the coincidence and timing of my text arriving right as the other guy in the truck finished telling him and my friend a near identical story.

Only time that's ever happened to me, wasn't like i lived in a particularly bad neighborhood. I still have no clue what that guy might have been up to. Could've just been snooping around for bottles or something, best case scenario i can come up with, that or cigarette butts.

17-01-2016, 09:19 PM
Deusderum, that's a crazy story! I guess some things aren't here to be understood, rather just to Be. Trouble is when you're inquisitive and always seek more knowledge, that can be a very frustrating mindset.

I'm really grateful for your responses and insights, it means a lot to me and has brought me the clarity I needed :)

17-01-2016, 09:20 PM
Thank you so much too Wolfgaze, your helpful and wise responses make me so grateful. I'll try my best to always have perspective B when I encounter these syncs again :)

17-01-2016, 09:37 PM
Thank you so much too Wolfgaze, your helpful and wise responses make me so grateful. I'll try my best to always have perspective B when I encounter these syncs again :)

You're welcome friend... Glad you found some of the things I communicaed to be helpful.

Thanks to Deusdrum as well for adding his contributions to the thread...

17-01-2016, 09:54 PM
I've always noticed them and sometimes mention them to someone who it might be worth talking about it to/if I'm particularly concerned. But that's rare. Other than that overall, I really think a sync is a sync on a spectrum of "unwanted>neutral>wanted, nothing truly inherently good or bad.. And I want to lend extra energy and attention to the things that seem to be flowing towards "good" or what I want from my subjective point of view. And then also, I tend to naturally try to think positively anyway.... Just my personal explanation as to why the negative stuff isn't so much talked about I guess. Hope I understood the question.

Another thought I had is similar to something mentioned...if there seems to be an over abundance of negative syncs happening, it could be serving as a warning, or a reflection of something boiling up inside/in subconscious that needs to be resolved, or both...