View Full Version : Songs that randomly pop into your head, do you think they are messages?

04-01-2016, 12:09 AM
Hello all,

Does this ever happen to you? Out of nowhere a song "starts playing" in your head. This happens to me all the time and it's usually a song I have not heard in a long time. In some cases, songs I forgot even existed.

I was listening to a podcast earlier by a psychic medium who was describing clairaudience, clairsentience, and clairvoyance. One of the things he said happens to clairaudient people is that they will hear messages seemingly coming from a voice within, a voice they know is not their own.

In any case, I just received the lyrics to an old song about Angels :)

04-01-2016, 02:35 AM
I think they could be messages..maybe see if there's a connection to the song with what you were thinking if at the moment the song appeared?..just something to look into..;)..Thanks for sharing..:)

04-01-2016, 03:08 AM
Thanks, RedRose!

I've been thinking about the song lyrics and I think I know (sort of) what they mean. Hugs!

04-01-2016, 03:37 AM
Awesome, lunapixie!..Hugs back!..:)

04-01-2016, 04:27 AM
Yeah that happens all the time to me.

04-01-2016, 10:04 AM
Everything's Connected

When The Bible Code Book Came Out, A Group Of People Looked At Music Lyrics In The Same Way And Found They Were Also Prophetic

God Is The Programmer Of Our Universe

The Universe Is A Vast Quantum Computer

Our Brains Are Quantum Computers

04-01-2016, 10:32 AM
I would have to say yes. I don't believe that anything is random, and I've come to realize this through my own direct experiences and observation. If you are living from a place of present moment awareness and random songs pop into your head I would pay attention to what the message may be. I have been experiencing very obvious signs as of late through music, it usually will relate to whatever you happen to be thinking about or pondering at the time. The lyrics of songs have been hauntingly accurate and meanigful to me lately, so much so that it actually makes me wonder if the universe didn't conspire to create these songs for the event when they would be relevant to certain indivuals at certain times. Indeed that seems to be the case. Your spirit will use any medium to relay relevant information to you. Keep your ears open.

04-01-2016, 11:55 AM
hi lunapixie
this happens to me all the time. In my case I don't automatically see it as a message or a sign. It's a lot like interpreting an interesting dream. The first thing I do is quickly scan in my head if the dream could have been triggered by something I recently saw or experienced. e.g. I dream about a horse when I've been talking about horses/seeing horses on tv the previous day. In that case I see my dream as a result of my brain processing what was going on during the day. If I haven't thought about or spoken of horses for a long time, then it gets interesting. (In fact, last night I dreamed about two enormous dragonflies. They got their heads tangled in something that looked like a thick spiderweb, and I tried to help them get out of it. They looked sweet but they still scared me a little bit. No idea where that came from, so I'm going to look into that today! :)

Same with the songs that pop up. This can be triggered by words, like a word someone says that triggers the same word in your song memory. (Musical memory is stored in a different part of the brain than regular memories. This is why people with late stage dementia/alzheimers can still remember and sing the songs of their childhood/youth.)
However, if I don't see any outside triggers for the song, then I interpret it as an inner voice thing.

06-01-2016, 03:52 PM
A funny thing that happens to me is if my partner has a song in his head I'll start singing it and vice versa -- happens a few times a week!

08-01-2016, 01:47 AM
I regularly wake up to snippets of songs that sound like they are playing on a radio in my head. This started a couple of years ago, during my unexpected spiritual awakening. In the beginning, it coincided with waking up at 1:11,2:22,3:33,4:44 and 5:55 for a few weeks. At the time, I had no conscious knowledge of the significance of seeing these numbers repeatedly. The song snippets were loud, like an alarm to wake me up to see the numbers. These days, they are not so loud and I think they are messages. Sometimes, I can figure them out. Other times, I leave them to Spirit to decipher.

08-01-2016, 01:29 PM
Oh ho yes. :)

This is very common for my soul to try and grab my attention--oftentimes the song is very relevant do something I'm going through or something I need to bring my attention to.

Latest songs to pop up in my head?
"Watch Me" -Lorrie Morgan
"Fear Not This Night" -- Guild Wars 2 (this is a very powerful, moving song that comes into my head regularly when I am feeling down or sometimes after being healed.)
"Walking Away A Winner" -- Kathy Mattea

I recently had a huge revelation that caused me to realize the path originally chosen in this lifetime was too daunting for me--so I'm just on a quest to improve myself as a person rather than Ascension.

So naturally the songs popping up into my head involve walking away from a situation or person that no longer serves them.

09-01-2016, 03:23 PM
I agree with the others that songs popping in your head are messages from spirit or your higher. A way to help you get a message. I find them invaluable and in times of trouble an inspiration. Start asking questions of life or of your soul and see what pops up. I especially like to ask questions before I go to bed and see what lyrics I wake up with or sometimes I just wake up speaking the answer. I find them very useful guides.

15-01-2016, 12:27 PM
I was wondering about a song too!

Few days ago i saw a signs and think about it much, because it kept appearing. I think i got it's meaning but i need confirmation. I was reading article online, doesn't much caring about anything else, a song came from a car out there. I barely ever pay attention, and it wasn't so loud, but the note keep playing in my head. I don't recognize the song at first, but after some minutes and Mr. Google involving, I finally got it. My confirmation.

17-01-2016, 04:22 AM
I remember last spring/summer "Broken Wings" by Mister, Mister came on constantly. It's not a new song, so it was odd. I never paid much attention to the song before and when it first came out I didn't really like it for that matter. So it continually was playing every day and numerous times a day...I thought okay, enough already, I'll listen to it (I would turn it every time it came on)...sigh...if that wasn't bad enough, I go trail running as much as I can and feathers would be every where.

I really didn't know what to take from it. I guess I'm dense.


17-01-2016, 07:48 PM
What about on the radio? I fear I've become the crazy lady who thinks the radio talks to her. It started out subtle when I would notice song repetition with a certain theme, sometimes the same song (not a new, popular one) again and again, or similar song with same word choices, that seemed relevant to me in meaning. Then I'd look forward to turning on the radio and when I've asked questions I'd literally hear completely pertinent words in the next lyric. I quite enjoy it, crazy or not. Needless to say I don't tell anyone.

17-01-2016, 09:09 PM
What about on the radio? I fear I've become the crazy lady who thinks the radio talks to her. It started out subtle when I would notice song repetition with a certain theme, sometimes the same song (not a new, popular one) again and again, or similar song with same word choices, that seemed relevant to me in meaning. Then I'd look forward to turning on the radio and when I've asked questions I'd literally hear completely pertinent words in the next lyric. I quite enjoy it, crazy or not. Needless to say I don't tell anyone.

Haha! You're not the only crazy lady with the talking radio! Totally feel I experience the same thing.

17-01-2016, 09:13 PM
Definitely. It gets better when dreams also contain songs that can function as a form of guidance in terms of what to expect to happen within the next week.

23-01-2016, 03:40 PM
Oh most certainly - my spirit guide / twin flame puts the same song our song in my head EVERYTIME he's around somethings 10 times a day. I just start humming it & know oh your back.

24-01-2016, 04:44 PM
Same here, it happens to me quite often. Always, the right lyrics to either lift me up, encourage me, answer me, guide me, etc... they are definitely messages and I pay attention when it happens. It is most of the time portion of songs I've not heard for a long time or even a song I don't even know in that case that usually gets me curious to search the full lyrics online. I do keep records of those messages in my spiritual diary.

25-01-2016, 10:10 PM
O yes, I have had it several times, my guide, (who is also my twin soul), often cheers me up with an 'unexpected song' but I always know it comes from him. He made me laugh with a song when I was in a bad mood. And in times when I feel insecure and need some "love words", he does too. And it works that way wit a song. Suddenly I heard a song pop in my head, just the words, but I did not know from what group or singer it was? Well, I started to look on you tube, and almost found it immediately. It was the song on the wings of love from Jeffrey Osborne. This is such a beautiful song, I thanked him, and cried, because this felt so good.
I give you the link so that you also can listen:


26-01-2016, 02:25 AM
great song Sarah! thanks for sharing :smile:

27-01-2016, 11:18 PM
great song Sarah! thanks for sharing :smile:

Your welcome:smile:

27-01-2016, 11:27 PM
I remember last spring/summer "Broken Wings" by Mister, Mister came on constantly. It's not a new song, so it was odd. I never paid much attention to the song before and when it first came out I didn't really like it for that matter. So it continually was playing every day and numerous times a day...I thought okay, enough already, I'll listen to it (I would turn it every time it came on)...sigh...if that wasn't bad enough, I go trail running as much as I can and feathers would be every where.

I really didn't know what to take from it. I guess I'm dense.


I know that song, it is one of my favorites. I seems to me, that he wants to say that you've been hurt, and even when it is broken, learn to fly again, to feel good again. That is what my feeling says, I could be wrong of course. But it must have been important as I read you keep hearing the song over and over again, and then the feathers.... I always say to myself, what do I feel inside when I get messages. Isn't it lovely they want to help us...:smile:

14-02-2016, 06:55 AM
It happened again a couple of days ago. The background story is that my twin flame and I have been going through a separation again, this time for the last nine months. So two days ago I was driving home and a song came on the radio by a young female singer I love. Instantly this feeling washed over me of "this will be one of our songs." Afterward I kind of forgot about it and went on with my day.

I had been missing my love as usual, trying to decide whether or not to break the silence between us. Suddenly I made up my mind to just text him "I love you." You know, one of those almost out-of-body experiences when you're in this otherworldly zone and you do things automatically (guided). I almost regretted sending that text but I didn't even have time to because that song started playing in my head VERY LOUDLY! I mean, it was so loud that it blew me away! Someone wanted to make sure I didn't regret texting him?

Signs... They are everywhere. Oh, and I get the radio thing all the time too. The other day this older song kept playing everywhere I went. It was crazy!