View Full Version : How the centuries fly by

28-11-2015, 02:02 PM
The Good old days, and the Bad.

Seems like it was only yesterday when....

- an officer title was something that was either sold, or given away to someone of suitable social standing. Not because of any military training or experience.

- a nobleman was respected because he had inherited the title. I realize that in some backward countries aristocracy is still allowed to this very day.

- any substantial wound, like a deep cut, was potentially life threatening. Especially if there was a fever.

- childbirth was the leading cause of death among grown women. Especially if the birth happened in a hospital.

- childbirth was normal among 15 year olds

- a woman of the age of 23 who still had no child was referred to as a spinster.

- voting was something only pirate crews did.

- piracy was a professional career option.