View Full Version : Not Sure What to Ask My Guide

11-10-2015, 04:03 AM
Tomorrow I'm going to a kind of gallery reading and I'm having trouble narrowing down what I want to ask in my message to my guide.

It has been difficult for me to communicate with my guide, though I have tried many different ways of doing so, the connection never seems to be very clear. When I met with a gentleman to do a past life regression, one of my questions at the end for him to explore was why I was having trouble conversing with my guide. The answer I received was that it had been planned for me to handle this life with minimal guidance. I was able to receive my guides name at least, which made me very happy.

I still feel very lost at the moment though. I'm sure this just comes with the stage of life I'm at, being 24, but I would still like to form a question I could ask that my guide might not feel was interfering too much with any life altering decisions if he were to give an answer.

There is so much I want advice on. Should I be going back to school? What big life lesson did I set out to work on before I came to this body? Am I heading in the right direction to reach the goals that I wanted to? Am I living my life in a way that is helping those around me or am I really just coddling them? What should I be focusing on in my life right now? Is it really necessary for me to be this lonely?

I have so many questions and I can't think of a way to make any of them generic so that my guide might feel that he is not giving too much help but I still can get some kind of direction because I feel like I have none at all right now.

I've always wanted to pursue writing as a career, even from a very young age, but I haven't wanted to take a chance and waste the time if my writing really wouldn't help anyone or be helpful for me in reaching whatever goals I had set out to achieve in this lifetime. Would it be a good question to ask if pursuing writing further would help me with realizing lifetime goals and also be beneficial to those around me? I would really like confirmation on this from him

I am trying very hard decide on the question I will ask because this wonderful lady only does these gallery reading a few times a year and I was absolutely blown away at the last one I attended. I feel like I might have a real chance at hearing from my guide through her

11-10-2015, 04:26 AM
Ask It all!
Seriously, why not?

I talk to my higher aspect almost daily, I ask advice on everything, friendships, clients, circumstance that are to unfold during the day, my own report card, how to shine my light into the world more clearly. Today I ask for guidance picking out paint. Yesterday I asked what on the menu would taste best and be most nutritious, day before it was which melons to buy, the day before that it was 20 other little things. But then again I hear my Inner Guidance.

So maybe that's your most worthwhile question -" How can I regularly hear my Higher Self/ Guides/Angels/God?" or " How do I have a daily one-on-one relationship with the Eternal aspects?"

11-10-2015, 06:01 PM
Hi Pug :)

It is quite possible you yourself made a contract with your current guide while last in the spirit world. This might explain the difficulty with contacting them. It could well be that you are on the right path at the moment, even though it does not seem that way.

I would say try not to fixate too much on finding answers and go out and live :D If you need guidance and answers they will surely come in time.

That all said, if you really want to delve deeper, it would be worth trying some guided meditations. Remember, your guide may not communicate with words. My other half gets all her messages as feelings that she has to decipher and also gets a lot of guidance through music.

Best of luck and love and light :D

12-10-2015, 04:37 AM
CrystalSong - I took your advice and did ask what I could do to hear more from him in the future :) I typed out more details below. Thank you for your response

Dezmax - most of what I've always gotten have just been feelings, and being a writer I know that I'm a very imaginative person so I never know just how much is in my head and what is my guide trying to reach out to me. I think I will look more into some guided meditations. I know that the past life regression I did seemed helpful so maybe they would be too for me.

Update on how the reading went:

I think it did go well

The message I wrote to my guide was answered. It was great to hear a response from him, though I was a little embarrassed that my message probably sounded very needy.

I had written how I was feeling lost, lonely, scared and weak and asked if I was not meant to receive help from his side in this lifetime. I also wrote that I felt cut off from companionship and love and also that I felt like those around me might be using me but not also loving me. I asked what I could do to stop feeling this way and how I could hear from him more in my life.

His response, via the amazing lady channeling the messages, was that he knew this year had been a hard one for me and that the next one will be better. In life there are many ups and downs and he knows that I often feel very small and like I don't belong in any place or with any group but that I do indeed have a place here and there are great things ahead for me to do. He says I need to learn how to command the space I'm in and stop shrinking into myself. He noted that of course I won't be able to hear him, even if he is standing right next to me, if my mind is stuck in the lower frequencies of anxiety and depression and if I want to converse with him more, I will need to move myself into a higher plane.

Of course his response made me blush something awful as all of them are said to a room full of about a hundred people, and I was with my bestfriend and her sister at the time. Its hard to appear weak and needy in front of people though I am almost sure it was worth it this time to hear from him.

Everyone in the room writes a message to someone or God or the universe and it gets put in a basket and the lady, Cyndy, blindfolds herself before the basket gets put in front of her and then she goes through it over an hour or so touching them and talking to all of us. Those of us in the crowd that hear familiar things about those we have written to are supposed to speak up so she can further relay the rest of the message. So in this instance she said I am hearing (My Name) and seeing a powerful figure, a personal angel of sorts and I feel that his name begins with an R sound. At this point I spoke up and said "Yes, that's me" and then she relayed the message.

I think it was helpful for me to hear

12-10-2015, 03:06 PM
What a powerful and validating experience for you!!
And as soon as you can start raising your frequency you can be in personal contact with your guide R. :D

Do you know how to raise your frequency?
In case you don't I will list a few things for you:

1: Listen to upbeat music that makes you feel happy and want to dance.

2: Find reasons to be light hearted and laugh often throughout the day.

3: Meditate daily and learn to quiet the mind - it's when the mind isn't thinking that we can hear our Guidance.

4: Stay away front Fast Food and GMP foods as much as you can, same with canned and frozen. They are dead energy food, the life in them killed so it gives us no energy and lowers our frequency through the effort it takes our body to process the dead food and we take a frequency hit when the body has to deal with chemical and pesticides.

5: Get Rose essence and go to a crystal store and buy Selenite. These are the two highest frequency's occurring naturally on this planet. Rose Essence is between 330-350 MHz and Selenite is 244.5 Hmz. Use the rose in a mister or wear it and breath deeply of it before and after meditation. Keep the Selenite on you or near you at all times - it will harmonize with your field and great a higher frequency field around you.

6: Control your mind - when it starts thinking negative or reactive thoughts give it something to be happy about, sing a song or otherwise distract it from it unpleasant thinking. (Meditation helps with this)

7: Each hour take a minute to look around and feel inside yourself and find something to feel grateful for.

8: Find things and people to feel strong love for. Feel love daily as deeply as you can.

Do these things regally and your frequency will increase. Over time you will learn more things too.

7: Get lots of sunshine.