View Full Version : hole appears in crystal??

08-01-2011, 02:38 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm hoping someone knows something about this, but I gave my rose quartz tumbled crystal to my mother because she really needed it, she slept with it and the next morning she said she feels it really helped her and drew a lot of heavyness out of her heart area or chakra, when she woke up she noticed a small hole had appeared in the crystal and it wasn't there before. This has happened before when my best friend had bought an aquamarine crystal and after a few days a pefectly round hole appeared right through her crystal. Ive looked at both of them and the holes that appeared look perfectly rounded shape. Can anyone explain this?? I find it soooo very weird!

Any insight would help!

Love and light to you all

08-01-2011, 08:48 AM
it happens sometimes when they take in too much of our energies and do not get cleansed properly, i've heard of them crumbling and breaking too, and it is because people do not cleanse them on a regular basis, or that the crystal is working overly hard to heal the person.

08-01-2011, 08:55 AM
I've never experienced holes but have had my crystals shatter or crack...as Ciquala said...doing heavy work.

09-01-2011, 12:44 AM
Yeah somethings going on energetically. Dan and I were going thru a tough time relationship wise and were thinking of parting, I had a rose quartz wand that was in our bedroom and it broke in half...no reason just broke in half. It was my crystal on my side of the bedroom and I feel represented my heart breaking...we're fine now.

12-01-2011, 02:48 PM
its odd....my friend wears Haematite rings on her fingers..like i do....and hers always break....mine dont and i clean them regularily!!

a hole though..hmm odd!
