View Full Version : Subtle energies

05-01-2011, 05:54 PM
Hi Everyone,
As I have been moving about the forum, something occurred to me.

I was responding to a post about someone's meditation and was thinking about the kinds of non=physical guidance we have....specifically angels, spirit guides and higher self.

When in communication with these energies (especially communication with guides/higher self) how can you tell which is which? I don't know if I am talking to the guide or my higher self or what. It is my understanding that if you are acute enough, you can sense the subtle differences. So far, I am not that advanced.

I suppose it doesn't really matter. I am just glad to have the guidance I know I can trust. Perhaps only time and continued practice will give me my answer. But, it is something to think about and discuss nonetheless.

Any thoughts?

05-01-2011, 08:46 PM
Look on this as part of your development growth... start to become aware of the differences in energies, because there *are* differences. When you sit for development or get communications, take a moment as soon as possible afterward to go over every single point of the work done and analyse what happened. It helps if you have someone to take you through it step by step, but if on your own, clear your mind and ask yourself the questions - what happened? What happened next? What was that? How did I know that? How did that feel? How was I aware of that? and so on. Keep an enquiring mind, anticipate each encounter as new and thus, adding to your knowledge.

An example - when working with my teacher, she will say - right, we're going to practice your mental mediumship... so I will be expected to tell her how I expanded my awareness, who I was speaking with, how I communicated with them, how I got my information, how I translated it (audient,sentient,voyant) and so on. There is no such thing as 'I don't know'!!! I *do* know... on some level of my mind. And so do you.

Your guides and spirit mentors will be delighted to help you with this, as it is *your* development they are working with.

05-01-2011, 09:11 PM
You can distinguish between these things by addressing your questions to, or asking for guidance from, each source in particular.

For example, in asking questions regarding understanding yourself and your direction, the best bet is your higher self (though you are usually following the desires of your higher self when you feel good about a decision or action, and resisting it if you feel bad! You can learn to understand where your higher self is guiding you in every aspect of your life if you can master a good understanding of your emotional response). For advice about your spiritual progression or problems you are having with emotions, relationships, and other aspects of your life, or to request help or ideas, you should ask your guides. And for healing, protection, or higher wisdom, you could address yourself to angels, or indeed to Source itself - I think sometimes in our excitement at speaking to our spirit friends we forget we can talk to God, too!

If you practice doing this you'll begin to get a feel for where your guidance is coming from when it appears out of the blue. As a general rule - at least this is the case in my experience - if you have a feeling about something it's usually your higher self, and if it's a thought, idea, or vision, it's usually your guides. :smile:

06-01-2011, 12:10 AM
That's a really good question. I'm never quite sure if I should address my guides or angels.

06-01-2011, 03:24 PM
Enya...Westleigh I loved your responses!! Thank you so much for sharing that information, not just with Diva but with all of us. I feel that is question a lot of us have in the beginning. It is hard to discern the difference at times. When I first started building a relationship with my Guides I was not even aware of a higher self. It wasnt until I read Jung that I really understood the difference. For me, it is about being "hyper aware" of what is going on around me, at all times, and that is not easy in a world filled with mental, physical and emotional clutter. It really does take getting still and asking the right questions. When I first started making contact with my main Guide I wrote out questions on a piece of paper before I would quiet my mind for dialogue. I often questioned whether it was my higher self until I began to ask for signs and guidance. It really wasnt until I began to tune in enough to hear Rowena audibly before I was really sure of the difference. What I have found today is that when I am tuned in to my Guides I feel a very comforting feeling in my heart chakra and I feel my third eye begin to open. The voice I hear is a higher frequency than my own inner voice and it is very mothering and speaks in a way that I do not. I keep a running dialogue going throughout the day with my higher self and that voice is very much my own. Rowena has a way of saying things that I would not even begin to think of on my own. She makes me aware of the unknown at least unknown to my conscious mind. We all have untapped memories and life experiences that go beyond this life but I dont believe I can access these through my higher self..at least not yet....

boy that was rambling!!

06-01-2011, 04:05 PM
I just have a feeling. For me if it's a voice in my mind it's a guide. If it's a voice deep in my heart, it's my higher self.

06-01-2011, 06:07 PM
Thanks for all of your thoughtful responses.

After I made that post, I went about my day and pretty much forgot about it.
In this morning's meditation, I remembered so I thought I would just ask. Funny, it never really occurred to me to just do that but when I tried, I couldn't. I know this sounds strange but I am just telling you what happened.

I got the distinct impression the question IS pointless. So, I decided to just try and feel my way through it instead. Suddenly, I got the impression that was the exact thing I needed to do. It was like I got the feeling that they could not just tell me. I MUST discern for myself. Plus, my guides are weird about not wanting to "give me too much".

Then, tears started to flow yet the emotion was different somehow. Very hard to explain/describe. Coming2, this is probably why you felt you were rambling. You can't help it. Language just is inept to the task most times when trying to articulate this stuff!

Now, the guidance felt more warm and compassionate. I have gotten guidance that felt very detached (almost robotic, if that makes sense) so that must have been my guides. And, it was it was coming from a different spot inside my head. I've heard people say that before and now I understand what they mean.

Then, I come in here and read Westleigh's post. That was pretty much spot on for me! I already knew about how each is kind of "in charge" of different things as in you can call upon angels for protection etc. but it was what you said about the emotional component that really hit home.

And Enya, you are right. It IS part of my development and growth process and I DO know! Keep reminding me of this because apparently, I need reminding occasionally. :wink:

I also felt like the emotional component was key to more than just this. It was like I was being told that if I could just let that part of myself out and stop trying to control and stifle it, it would open many more doors for me somehow. :confused:

And, finally, I realized just how important it really is to ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS! Sometimes you think you are asking for something but really what you want has nothing to do with what you are asking.

Thanks again everyone!

06-01-2011, 10:29 PM
Divajules: When in communication with these energies (especially communication with guides/higher self) how can you tell which is which?

This is a question for Them, Diva... along with the questions of whether it makes any difference or not, and how you can become more subtly aware.
