View Full Version : 11:11 mysteries

18-07-2015, 10:23 AM
Reply and tell me your thoughts on this, i'd like to hear outside perspective.

All my life I would see the number 11:11 ALLL THE TIME. Almost didn't miss a day of it, from the age i could remember at least.

When I became awakened, I didn't see 11:11 as much. or I didnt pay attention to it. Either way, 5 or so months back i learned about synchronicity. I started to see more of the pattern like 11:11 or 12:12 or numbers along those lines.

then, a couple months back i read an article about the meanings of 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55, 666, 777, 888, 999, and so on. Soon enough, i started seeing those numbers EVERYWHERE I WENT. no matter how much i paid attention to the clock or didn't, i would always stumble across these numbers. I then started to think that maybe i've been seeing these numbers because i subconsciously recognize and have acknowledged their meaning. And now, i try to avoid paying attention to the numbers. But i'll be sitting in the car and someone in a license plate with 444 or 777 or 333 will come up in front of me, almost every day. and then every day i'll look at the clock right before it turns 1:12 or 2:23. Every time i see these numbers, i feel this sensation. Like i'm being guarded by the universe or something.

But i honestly can't tell if its because of my subconscious because i started stumbling across these numbers after i learned about them.

thoughts/opinions are much appreciated.

thankful for you all,

love and light

Suzan :hug3:

18-07-2015, 12:01 PM
This is a shining light from places we had no control over, but when it happens we begin starting a new journey into the unknown, as feelings become more pronounced without words before and after it - being in the now within the present, here, is every matter of feeling as touching enlightenment. :bunny: