View Full Version : Doubles, Doubles everywhere!

06-06-2015, 07:13 AM
Since I've been in love with Kristen, I've been trying to pick up more and more on things that could be signs, synchronicities, what have you. Lately, everytime I look at the clock, or see a string of numbers somewhere, I always see 2 numbers that are the same in it. Sometimes is 5:44 or 7:47 or 10:55. Today when I was on a delivery, my miles on my car said 110588 at 8:18. I said out loud "wow double 8s, double 8s, what does this mean Kristen? I'm going to a have a double delivery when I get back?"..... sure enough, there's 2 deliveries waiting for me when I return. also I found something interesting... 8 + 8 = 16. 1 + 6 = 7. 7 is Kristen's life path number. 7 is also my favorite single digit number.

07-06-2015, 05:45 AM
Hello GreenMetroid,

Interesting on your seeing double numbers. For myself, I have noticed that once I start noticing a series of numbers, then it seems there are more of these numbers that catch my attention.

As for the meanings of the numbers there are a few sites on the web that give different meanings, best to go with what feels right for you ...as regards to number meanings.

Interesting on the number 7 for you and for Kristen. :smile:

Best wishes to you !