View Full Version : Synchronicity or coincidence?

22-04-2015, 11:14 AM
Sorry I basically only post about my ex girlfriend but as I feel she is my TF and in her running stage, this site pertains to me and my situation in a lot of ways. In particular this is freaking me out.

Around this time two years ago, early February 2012 I dated this girl and we didn't really get along to well but we dated I believe for comfort sake. She ended it saying we don't get along, always up and down and ultimately I knew we didn't actually love each other, never said it or anything. We just dated off and on for over a year. That following March through April we kept minimal contact but I kept noticing this kid liking a lot of her pictures on instagram and I knew him before she ever did. He's an ex junkie, doesn't drive and always had problems with people and getting in trouble. I kept ignoring that anything was going on and eventually as time went on I kept noticing they were now hanging out despite her claiming nothing was going on. Mutual friend's started telling me to not listen to her and that there's definitely something going on but since I was heartbroken I only listened to her. They started dating officially the end of that following May. To reiterate; there were plenty of signs something was up that I just chose to ignore.

Now the end of March me and my now ex (TF) broke up because she's never had a boyfriend before and isn't sure if a "relationship is making her happy." Claims she wants to be with nobody and wants to keep it that way. But I'm living in fear that the same thing is repeating itself as it did two years ago, what I described earlier. There's this kid who is a born again Christian because he went to rehab for heroin a year or two ago I think but he's friends with my now ex's drummer and really likes their band. He's also in a band that plays shows with them. They are friends now through the local music/show scene and via social media they don't like any of each other's pictures or anything and in group pictures he's never in them. But my ex and her drummer are having a bonfire this Friday and in the picture she tagged that kid in it to come along with a lot of others and for some reason I keep feeling like it's going to end up how it did this time two years ago with that ex. That she is going to start talking and dating a kid who used to use drugs during the months of April/May. Am I just feeling fear and paranoia about this? I need an outside opinion because it's making me so anxious. To reiterate this; there are no obvious signs like what happened two years ago but I can't shake the feeling regardless, not sure if it's my intuition or just fear/paranoia.

I asked my spirit guide to help me. To show me a sign that if they are "talking" to bring it out in the open so I can just know and be able to understand and move on with a clear head. The night of asking my spirit guide she posted a picture on her instagram of the haircut she got and he didn't "like" it when I was thinking that could of been a sign if he did, but as I mentioned he never likes her pictures. Second, although I don't see it as a good sign, is on her twitter she posted a picture of her collection of Bruce Springsteen records she hung on her wall..3 of the 5 she had I gave her. So I'm also wondering if perhaps my spirit guide is telling me not to worry about that kid? Sorry but the time period and situation just seems similar and it's hard to discuss with my friends without sounding insane.

22-04-2015, 12:56 PM
To add to it, I researched "life cycles" and understand sometimes cycles in your life repeat until you learn the lesson you were meant to. But in this situation I really can't understand what lesson I should be learning. Back two years ago I kept asking her for answers to whether her and that kid were involved or not and she kept saying no until I found out they were "official." During that whole period we kept loose contact, she'd text me wondering why I stopped texting her for example. After I learned they were dating I let go and moved on and haven't contacted her since nor did I want to.

Now I'm not in contact with my ex and don't question her business. I want to be with her again but I am not chasing her and basically let her go. I still notice stuff she posts on social media but that's about it. If she were to end up dating the kid I mentioned, albeit no real evidence leading to that, I would move on without saying anything to her. So either I'm supposed to learn something I can't figure out what or I'm just over thinking nothing.

22-04-2015, 05:52 PM
Coincidence implies that an event is accidental. Synchronicity is the coming together of seemingly unrelated events. And when they come together you realize, you innately understand, they do have, in fact, an underlying connection. If you have the wish, if you have the desire, then you are "putting that energy out" in your reality, you are giving off that vibration. One of creations' few absolutes, karmic kickback, what you put out is what you get (reflected) back.

It is your reality that you are creating through your consciousness directed by your Higher Mind. Synchronicities are one way your HM has of 'snapping its fingers' in front of your consciousness, telling you to wake up. Wake up to ideas such as afterlife, human-spirit communication and as you do, expect there to be more and more synchronicities as 'markers' or proof that you are expanding your concepts and your physical experience.

Google search synchronicities+in+life