View Full Version : There is an old mirror upstairs.

20-04-2015, 08:33 PM
Its strange but there is something about it.
Like I can see something in it in the dark.

I kinda believe that we leave traces in things. At one time, in its pomp, this mirror was probably adored and lovingly looked into.

There is something about it. :D

desert rat
20-04-2015, 11:15 PM
Sounds like you are picking up on the energy of a past owner . You might see if others see the same things .

21-04-2015, 08:47 AM
Mirrors I think hold energy of our reflections.

I used to hate looking in a mirror, back when my shadow self was extremely active I felt like I was being watched from behind me... well, I was lol.

Also there was a mirror of my narcissistic step-dad's which when he left we had to throw away, the negativity in it was so overwhelming I remember when my mum left it in my room one night because there was nowhere else to put it, I walked in and literally threw it out because it terrified me so much.

Same happened when mum got a second hand doll from the charity shop. I picked that up with a towel and threw it in the cereal cupboard which was the furthest away from me I could get it, that was even more ominous than the mirror. Mum thought I was crazy as she didn't believe in all this stuff but I wouldn't go near it again.

02-05-2015, 02:02 AM
I wonder if it could have been used as a scrying mirror. Also I read somewhere that mirrors are thought to be doorways into the spirit realm.

02-05-2015, 02:23 AM
I visited a Haunted mansion once, and in the entry way was this long mirror. The guide said that one could sometimes see images of former residents who died mysteriously in the mansion. And sure enough, I took pictures and later saw the faces. They weren't visible when looking directly in the mirror, but they appeared in the picture later.

Burntfruit, do you know where the mirror was from ? like purchased from an antique shop or has it just always been there upstairs ? just curious ....

dream jo
19-05-2015, 03:36 PM
hi luv old stuf its kin a got a spri t 2 it ii haz
p;d mirir is grt pnly thng we worry abot if its got a evil sprit tormet us funny spirts has lol thy do angl sprits is 2 sweet thy r

21-05-2015, 12:32 PM
Its strange but there is something about it.
Like I can see something in it in the dark.

I kinda believe that we leave traces in things. At one time, in its pomp, this mirror was probably adored and lovingly looked into.

There is something about it. :D
Burntfruit - I used to have a very old mirror that was passed down to me that belonged to my grandmother at one time. I painted the frame, trying to spruce it up and give it a new life, but the mirror still had an oppressive feel about it. I often wondered what that mirror saw and where exactly it was located in my grandmother's house. There was a lot of abuse going on with my mother as an adopted child. I eventually gave the mirror away. I tend to agree with you that mirrors especially can hold onto traces of things and people it has reflected in the past. I use to frequent consignment shops, but after having another not so pleasant experience with a portrait, I decided I didn't need to buy other people's stuff.

21-05-2015, 12:51 PM
Many people believe mirrors are portals to other dimensions. You can Google "mirrors as portals" to see if any of that agrees with you or not.

Sounds like you have an awesome mirror, though.

desert rat
21-05-2015, 01:57 PM
The o.p. of this thread may have what is known as psychomerty . They are picking up on the left over energy of a past owner . Its either natural of developed .

dream jo
21-05-2015, 02:01 PM
hears 1 u can get spirts in cras as well as mirrirs mnt cars as well as mirrirs

25-05-2015, 12:36 PM
Mirrors I think hold energy of our reflections.

I used to hate looking in a mirror, back when my shadow self was extremely active I felt like I was being watched from behind me... well, I was lol.

Also there was a mirror of my narcissistic step-dad's which when he left we had to throw away, the negativity in it was so overwhelming I remember when my mum left it in my room one night because there was nowhere else to put it, I walked in and literally threw it out because it terrified me so much.

Same happened when mum got a second hand doll from the charity shop. I picked that up with a towel and threw it in the cereal cupboard which was the furthest away from me I could get it, that was even more ominous than the mirror. Mum thought I was crazy as she didn't believe in all this stuff but I wouldn't go near it again.

What's a shadow-self? This reminds me of me, I've been terrified of mirrors practically my whole life. I often feel like I'm being watched no matter where I am. Every now and then I even feel a strong specific "energy" behind me that feels dense, like a person is standing behind me, and I turn around and no one's there. But, this feeling along with a general feeling of paranoia and unrest intensifies dramatically whenever I'm around mirrors or even just think about them.