View Full Version : Calf cramps while watching "Eclipse" proposal scene

19-12-2010, 06:15 PM
Today I watched the "Eclipse" DVD with a female friend in her home. Just when Edward gave Bella the ring, I got strong spastic cramps in both my calfs. They lasted for a minute or two, but very intense.

I know from my mother that I used to have a lot of fever cramps and calf cramps in my childhood, and as of lately they have returned, especially when I moved myself a lot (walking long periods) - magnesium lack?

I take ELEVIT (complete multivitaminic and minerals) every evening and I have Schüssler Salts - Magnesium Phosporicum. I treat the cramps with those.

Nevertheless I'm told calf cramps have to do with your future and communication - aquarius sign.

Opinions on that, anyone?

19-12-2010, 06:20 PM
It's because you are one with Jacob, the spirit of Jacob resides within you and to see such a relationship that ought to be with you instead of Edward, it just screams throughout your entire body!

19-12-2010, 08:08 PM
Hummm. Actually, yes, I feel with Jake. But I identify myself with Bella a lot, too.

20-12-2010, 12:24 AM
Calcium deficiency, Kiran. Some people don't assimilate calcium well so a chewable or liquid form works best.


20-12-2010, 06:06 PM
Calcium deficiency, Kiran. Some people don't assimilate calcium well so a chewable or liquid form works best.


Now that's interesting because my psychiatrist (I am a labelled bipolar with psychotic attacks, but for me it's just mood swings and visions) recently gave me a new medicament called DEPAKINE which works on the calcium transmitters. It calms me a lot and gives me balance.

20-12-2010, 06:13 PM
Bananas will also help muscle cramps - extra potassium.

20-12-2010, 11:59 PM
Yep Kaere. I LOVE bananas. Little monkey inside :mrgreen:

From my chinese medicine chart, I have excess of metal and lack of earth. Maybe that's why I need so many substances to "earthe" myself.

21-12-2010, 12:03 AM
Kiren... I'm a firm believer in the need for mineral complex supplements, since the food we eat has been grown in soil that is largely depleted of them, and so many functions in our bodies require minerals.

Depakane works on calcium transmitters. That is very interesting, because calcium and other minerals make up the myelin sheath that protects our nerve tissues. Without it our nerves literally are raw.


21-12-2010, 12:10 AM
Xan, this lack of myelin sheath seems to be in our family... we are all very sensitive. My father is depressive, my mother is manic-depressive. It's our genes to have "raw nerves", hehehe.

Thank you so much for your help. I need to build up my sheath and protect myself from this all too strong empathy and telepathy that touches me every day.

21-12-2010, 12:16 AM
As for protection from intense empathy and telepathy there are other methods that may help too that you could try. Here's a good one:

* Be aware in your breathing down in your lower belly, and notice how your mind begins to slow down.

*Visualize pure light from the universe flowing down through your crown
breathe it all throughout your body
then all around you like a protective cocoon
then down into the earth like light roots.

Do this every day for awhile until it feels clear and smooth and flows easily.

I'd like to hear if you use it, how you find that it feels for you.


21-12-2010, 12:27 AM
actually, i've long since tried with visualizing white light surround. I lose contact very often or set "flying". I need strong "earthing".

I've only just recently stumbled upon matrix energetics and a good friend of mine uses it on me to earthe me. it feels very powerful, although i almost pass out every time.

21-12-2010, 12:35 AM
actually, i've long since tried with visualizing white light surround. I lose contact very often or set "flying". I need strong "earthing".

In this case you might begin by first visualizing the light roots extending from your feet down into the earth, then open to the universe.

On the other hand, maybe 'flying' is just what you need to do. I love it, myself. We lose contact in this world only to find it in another.
