View Full Version : Physical forms of protection that have worked for you.

09-11-2014, 07:51 PM
Does anyone have any forms of protection that have actually worked well for them ? Ive heard mixed results with sage smudging and talk about various stones that work to protect from negative entities.

The reason I ask is because lately upon going to sleep I have been awoken with loud noises I have perceived to be in front of my face with no material explanation. Ive tried sage, and often burn white sage in my house, along with other various herbs. I also have my collected stones on my nightstand. Ive been so creeped out Ive been sleeping with the light on the past few nights.

I also ask because I plan on doing some spiritual work on myself, in the past when I have, I have felt as if someone is watching me. It could be my negative perception of entities and ghosts, but either way it hinders my spiritual progression.

any suggestions would be appreciated.

Little Peanut
09-11-2014, 08:39 PM
some physical grounding and protection that I do and find very helpful are these:

1. I stand up and quietly envision roots growing out of the souls of my feet, going down into the ground--like the roots of a tree. It seems to really help me stay grounded.

2. I also envision a white light pouring out from the heavens above, and this white light comes down and covers my head, my neck and shoulders, all the way down, past my shoulders - down to the tips of my fingers. It continues down the trunk of my body, down my hips, thighs, knees and legs--and covers my feet. This light envelopes me in a protective white light - sort of like being in an egg. It extends a few inches outward from my physical body. It is a great exercise to envision--and works too.

3. Lastly, I pray to Archangel Michael, to keep watch over me and to protect me through the day/night. To make sure nothing negative is able to penetrate the protective light around me and to keep me well relaxed and able to function positively throughout the day and to rest comfortably at night, and sleep well.

I swear I have even at times sensed Archangel Michael keeping watch over me and it is very comforting. As an empath and a medium--I need to ground and protect myself, and have often had to have A.M. come to my aide when confronted by a negative spirit.

Try it and I hope it'll work for you as well. :)