View Full Version : breathless

09-12-2010, 09:16 PM
, i dont know whats going on , but whenevr i hear twins name or hear form him i always get bretahless , it feel like i cnat breath but get all fluttery , howveer tonite i was just sat there when he popped in my head again i couldnt breath properly and felt palpitations , my heart raced so fast , now i have a tension headache , does anyone else get this??????

10-12-2010, 02:02 PM
Yes, I get this..more at the beginning of our connection...recently received a letter from TF and could hardly breathe.

10-12-2010, 04:46 PM
well last nite was well weird , cos after i popsted this , my friend messaged me to say she had managed to get my documents of my old pc that was broken for me , all i wnated was my diary as it was about twin , when i recieved it an hour later i ntoiced the date i began it was 09.12 , so was a bit taken aback to disccver i actually got it back the same night i started it but a year later ... could this be sumthing its trying to tell me ? was weird , when i started my diary it waswhen he just showed back up , n i only get this feeling when he is around or just coming

11-12-2010, 06:15 PM
when i opened his facebook profile, i could hardly breathe....

11-12-2010, 06:24 PM
hmm , i always get breathless when i see him , hear from him , or hear about him ,never normlaly whne i think about him tho which is why i couldnt understand it