View Full Version : The Shadow Thing?

01-07-2014, 05:53 AM
I am new here and I decided that this would be my first "large-ish" post.
So please forgive me if I uhm...did something wrong or other. And it isn't gunna be completely happy until the end so...if you like happy things skip practically the whole post. So on I go.

The earliest I saw this "thing" was at age 3 or 4, seeing it as a wispy like dark shadow at the end of my bed. It had these red eyes that would scare me so badly that I froze in place, having some little mini anxiety attack in bed. My mother had even told me, that is when I was at a good age of understanding, that even she could not sleep in that room without a nightmare occurring. She had continued to say that she would take me into her and my father's room to sleep when he was at work. Only then could we get "sleep".

Later on in my life I had encounters with other things, either while awake or dreaming, but the worst of the worst was that entity. The older I got, the clearer it became and the more curious I became in the spirit world and being true to my inner wants of becoming more connected to nature, the more it strove to enter my thoughts. I had an extremely irregular pattern of sleep due to fear of the nightmares and did not want to wake up at some random time in early morning to find something standing in my room, waiting.

At a certain time I had a very bad experience during a dream but it ended up giving me something good, which I still believe today was a guardian spirit of sorts. I would constantly ask for someone to help me, something to come and stop these negative vibes that I was having. And so I finally got my wish.

For a longer period of time, the longest I have had, this spirit would follow me, speak to me, touch me, and even sleep next to me. Many a time I would even smell a faint scent of cigarette's around me, of which I know was a trait of that spirit. As time went on, at least four years, my father and I ran into some financial problems and lost our little house, forced to move into my grampas home. Here was where the "thing" finally showed itself completely to me.

I had to sleep in my grandfathers room, which really to be honest, was completely uncomfortable and extremely awkward. He wasn't there but something was telling me to get out. I had no other bed and so I didn't have any choice but to sleep there that night. Day one consisted of me looking to the closet and seeing hands, multitudes of them, clawing at the small opening that I had accidentally left. I grabbed a cross, believing that it would cease by fearfully throwing it inside of the closet and shutting it hard. And so it did. Thus ending that night

The second night, cross still laying on the floor of the closet, I got another feeling of: "Get out" or this feeling that someone was standing directly by my side of the bed, just glaring. I looked up for a moment and realized that I began to see eyes at on the ceiling. This I didn't even let bother me and shrugged it off and fell asleep.

The last night I was in that room was the worst. I went into his bathroom which was sortive old and had a large portion of sinks and then a tiny shower and toilet. I washed my face then looked up, only to see it's true self. It actually was attempting to scare me off by "wearing" something but I am not really comfortable with saying what exactly it was "wearing" (kind've disgusting). It stood there a moment before I began to scream bloody murder and slam the door shut. That wasn't the end of it. It began to stick it's fingers beneath the door jam and so I ran to the "toilet and shower" part of the bathroom and slammed that door shut too.

It was so close now that I could hear it scraping. The smell was awful.

Then, as soon as it began it ended. I smelled the faint smell of ciggs and then a felt this weight lift from me. As if a light had shone into the room and cleared it of the fog. I still was shaken up and ran to get my dad, of whom was outside smoking at the time and told me he hadn't heard me scream at all. I was shaken up, terrified. But I knew who took that thing away. The spirit guardian that had followed me for so long.

The entity that once haunted me for so long in my life was quickly cut out when the "guardian" spirit came into play. Nowadays I say my thanks and appreciation for what that spirit allowed me to do and what it had done for me. Every now and then I'll get an answer or a feeling that he is near me again. And it makes me feel warm inside.

That whole experience pushed me into being real with my beliefs and not pushed into some sort of belief system out of fear. I can now freely believe what I wish!

Has anyone else had an experience with a "guardian spirit"?

PS: I no longer have these terrible experiences which I blame on my new sense of positivity and happiness that I get from my practice.
(Forgive me for the length of my post :T )

04-07-2014, 12:27 AM
I haven't had experiences with a guardian spirit, or negative spirits like that before either. What is your practice nowadays?

desert rat
04-07-2014, 02:02 AM
My guess would be two different ghosts . One bad one good . I have heard of ghosts smelling of cig.s I dont think a gurdian angel would smoke , or have ever been human . You might try talking to them find out who they were and why they have stayed earth bound .

04-07-2014, 03:10 AM
My guess would be two different ghosts . One bad one good . I have heard of ghosts smelling of cig.s I dont think a gurdian angel would smoke , or have ever been human . You might try talking to them find out who they were and why they have stayed earth bound .

I actually know the answers to those questions! But thank you for the tip!
I really appreciate it!

04-07-2014, 03:24 AM
I don't think the "guardian" with the cigarette smoke was "earth-bound", but it might have been a relative there to protect you.

I haven't had such horrible experiences as you, but do have a Master Guide who gives me the same warm, protected feelings.

I got a reading from someone on this site, and after I had requested the reading, I was standing in the livingroom and got this overwhelming wave of warmth and emotion that made me tear up. I was asking "What the heck is this from?" and then I got the email reading.

I had gotten these feelings at 10:30 in the morning, about the time (adjusted for timezone) when she had done the reading (mailed at 11:00). In her reading she said, "I see your guide cover you with a dusky pink energy, to make you feel protected." That was what I felt.

So it was very nice to get this confirmation that when I felt that, it was my guide.

As to your red-eyed "evil" shadow figure, I was once waiting in line to see a medium, John Edward. The two girls were cousins but very close like twins. They told me many stories about their childhood, but what I remember was that their mother was an alcoholic. The two girls would see these short, 4' tall dark figures running down the hallway. They verified that it wasn't shadows from the trees outside their room.

One day they went into their mother's room and saw these black figures dancing around her bed as their mother was passed out.

I believe one suggestion that these kind of entities can be created when people sincerely believe that there is an "evil" part of them and a "good" part--and they try to deny the "evil" part is them. It begins to have a life of it's own (not an entire spirit entity, I don't believe). So, they are splintered parts of someone's soul---usually someone who didn't/couldn't take responsibility for the bad things they had done.

Is there someone who might have been in your grandfather's house--or even your grandfather himself--that might fit this category?

Just an idea.


04-07-2014, 03:41 AM
I don't think the "guardian" with the cigarette smoke was "earth-bound", but it might have been a relative there to protect you.

I haven't had such horrible experiences as you, but do have a Master Guide who gives me the same warm, protected feelings.

I got a reading from someone on this site, and after I had requested the reading, I was standing in the livingroom and got this overwhelming wave of warmth and emotion that made me tear up. I was asking "What the heck is this from?" and then I got the email reading.

I had gotten these feelings at 10:30 in the morning, about the time (adjusted for timezone) when she had done the reading (mailed at 11:00). In her reading she said, "I see your guide cover you with a dusky pink energy, to make you feel protected." That was what I felt.

So it was very nice to get this confirmation that when I felt that, it was my guide.

As to your red-eyed "evil" shadow figure, I was once waiting in line to see a medium, John Edward. The two girls were cousins but very close like twins. They told me many stories about their childhood, but what I remember was that their mother was an alcoholic. The two girls would see these short, 4' tall dark figures running down the hallway. They verified that it wasn't shadows from the trees outside their room.

One day they went into their mother's room and saw these black figures dancing around her bed as their mother was passed out.

I believe one suggestion that these kind of entities can be created when people sincerely believe that there is an "evil" part of them and a "good" part--and they try to deny the "evil" part is them. It begins to have a life of it's own (not an entire spirit entity, I don't believe). So, they are splintered parts of someone's soul---usually someone who didn't/couldn't take responsibility for the bad things they had done.

Is there someone who might have been in your grandfather's house--or even your grandfather himself--that might fit this category?

Just an idea.


First off, thanks for commenting!

I really like this idea and it makes sense. The family was all in distress over a woman who my grandfather was dating. She was very rude and got everyone there in a huge red rage every time she was around. It never spoke, it just acted. So I have guessed that, yes, I believe it was a part of negative energy in the house.

Thank you for the stories also! I really enjoyed them! I also must say I feel the same way at times with my guide.

I don't really know if he is one, but I'll call him that until I really find out!

I've also once heard a certain tune that made me immdiatly jump into a past memory of some sort and I was dancing with him at some military ball. When I "came back" I was sobbing.

That I can't understand.

04-07-2014, 04:01 AM
I've also once heard a certain tune that made me immdiatly jump into a past memory of some sort and I was dancing with him at some military ball. When I "came back" I was sobbing.

That I can't understand.

Yes, those past life pieces can be so confusing, as they usually come incomplete!

Is your military past life related to smoker Guardian person?

You prolly know best if he is your master guide or not. Could just be a relative or helper for the time.

But lots and lots of people report having a spirit that helps protect them from negative entities. It's really more common than not, so don't feel you are weird. But you should be proud that you've made it through all this.

And then, there are many who can help.

Welcome. Glad you posted.


04-07-2014, 04:28 AM
Yes, those past life pieces can be so confusing, as they usually come incomplete!

Is your military past life related to smoker Guardian person?

And those parts right there are 100% accurate.
They are incomplete a lot and it's aggravating but intriguing none the less.

For my past life, I can only make the assumption that I did know him.

But as said above, I didn't really feel like writing our first "meeting" or
"introduction" to one another! The dream is completely confusing and emotionally draining. It really was a total nightmare that came out to be something good!

Thanks again Lora!

desert rat
06-07-2014, 01:18 PM
You can use one of the many methods of past life regression to see if you have any past lives with your guard/ghost . You may have karma togher .