View Full Version : My Ghost Story - Great-Grandma Comes Back!

25-06-2014, 10:46 AM
Remember when I posted the ghost story about my great grandmother saying hi to me on the phone and stroking my hair as I drifted off to sleep? Well I have ANOTHER story to share!

It was around 4 months after her death, the month was February 2013. As I was getting ready to go to bed, as usual I would face towards the wall. I fell asleep for a moment, I woke up an hour later.. to see my great grandmother laying on the bed next to me, except… she was in the wall too… But anyways..

I can remember exactly how she looked, freshly permed hair with her false teeth in which she often use to make faces at me when I was younger (haha!) Her favorite black and blue flowered top with her necklace. She smiled at me, I could actually see her breathing and to me it was as though she never left, she looked a little younger and radiant. As I smiled back she said “Don’t worry…. I’m okay now”

This made my heart drop, but in a good way, it was then I knew she was fine, she was finally with her husband and her family once again after more than 40 years apart. When I nodded to her she slowly began to dissolve into the wall and all that was left was the scent of her perfume. I laid on my back with a huge smile on my face and whispered “Thank you”.

Still to this day I remember it as though it happened just a couple of seconds ago, I hope she will make contact again.. but in the mean time, I hope she’s having a lot of fun on her journey in the afterlife!

25-06-2014, 08:50 PM
That's awesome ParaGirlProductions, and Thank you for sharing :))

25-06-2014, 10:56 PM
That is such a beautiful experience!

It seems your grandmother wasn't so much a ghost there as a visiting spirit. Our loved ones can -and do, come back to visit us from time to time. Sometimes only once....and sometimes for the rest of our lives here.

Bless her, she sounds like such a lovely lady, who cares about you very much.