View Full Version : LOVE... according to Sri Aurobindo

27-11-2010, 07:20 AM
"Love is a Divine Force.

At it's origin love is like a flame, a white flame which overcomes all resistance."

"Love comes to us in many ways; it may come as an awakening to the beauty of the Lover, by the sight of an ideal face and image of him, by his mysterious hints of himself behind the thousand faces of things in the world, by a slow or sudden need of the heart, by a vague thirst in the soul, by the sense of someone near us drawing us or pursuing us with love or of someone blissful and beautiful whom we must discover."

(Sri Aurobindo - The Synthesis of Yoga: The Mystery of Love)

And these following are some of my favourite quotes from "Savitri", the epic work of Sri Aurobindo (Aravinda Ghose). They are taken mostly from books VI and VII.

"Savitri" tells the love story between the "sun-word" Savitri and her lover Satyavan.

"Among the many who came drawn to her
Nowhere she found her partner of high tasks,
The comrade of her soul, her other self,
Who was made with her, like God and Nature, one."

"Out of the voiceless mystery of the past
In a present ignorant of forgotten bonds
These spirits met upon the roads of Time.
Yet in the heart their secret conscious selves
At once aware grew of each other warned
By the first call of a delightful voice
And a first vision of the destined face."

"For more than earth speaks to me from thy soul
And more than earth surrounds me in thy gaze,
How art thou named among the sons of men?"

"O Satyavan, I have heard Thee and I know;
I know that Thou and only Thou
art he."

"I look back on the meaning of myself,
A soul made ready on earth's soil for thee."

"I have found the deep unchanging soul of Love."

"My eternity clasped by his eternity
And, tireless of the sweet abysms of Time,
deep possibility always to love."

"My heart will stay here on this forest verge
And close to this thatched roof while I am far:
Now of more wandering it has no need.
But I must haste back to my father's house
Which soon will lose one loved accustomed tread
And listen in vain for a once cherished voice.
For soon I shall return nor ever again
Oneness must sever its recovered Bliss
Or fate sunder our lives while life is ours."

"And what to me are common souls of men
Or eyes or lips that are not Satyavan's?
I have no need to draw back from his arms
And the discovered paradise of his love
And journey into a still infinity."

"For I know now wh my spirit came on earth
And who I am and who is he I love.
I have looked at him from my immortal Self
I have seen God smile at me in Satyavan;
I have seen the Eternal in a human face."

"Once my heart chose and chooses not again.
The word I have spoken can never be erased,
It is written in the record book of God.
The truth once uttered, from the earth's air effaced,
By mind forgotten, sounds immortally
For ever in the memory of Time."

"At night she woke through the slow silent hours
Brooding on the treasure of his bosom and face,
Hung o'er the sleep-bound beauty of his brow
Or laid her burning cheek upon his feet.
Waking at morn her lips endlessly clung to his,
Unwilling ever to separate again
Or lose that honeyed drain of lingering joy,
Unwilling to loose his body from her breast,
The warm inadequate signs that love must use."

"She brooded through her stillness on a thought
Deep-guarded in her mystic folds of light,
and in her bosom nursed a greater dawn."