View Full Version : Can my daughter have the sixth sense?

09-06-2014, 12:51 PM
ok, my daughter for the past last 2 night has been telling me that she is been seeing this color boy with red on his face (I'm assuming is blood) and she told me it was blood too, and that boy its a monster and its following her. I know it sounds silly (I mean it comes from a 3 1/2 year old girl) I can't tell whether it was a dream or if is reality. She only talks about it at night time. I asked her last night where was the color boy and she told me he was on his way. That was a weird answer, but I know she's still a baby and I don't know if she is making that stuff up or what. I do know my house is not haunted, I do believe she may have the sixth sense. One day she was panicking telling me that there was a big black cat with monster eyes in the back of the house, I opened the door and I told her look there's nothing and she keep telling me that there was a big black monster cat, she wasn't joking she was saying seriously. If she does have the sixth sense, how do I protect her from evil spirits? I don't even know how to handle it, at the moment I can't do anything. Some advice is appreciated.

09-06-2014, 01:08 PM
If what she is seeing is negative entities then you need to put up a protection around her. You cannot stop her from seeing these things, as much as you may want to, but you can make her aware that you are protecting her from them.

For a child so small she will need a visual, tangible object to show her. I suggest a dream catcher. I know it is not dreams but you are using it as a visual aid to help her see that you are protecting her, call it whatever you want to, something she can say and identify with. Hang the dream catcher in her room. Next you must ground yourself and ask the powers that be to put up a shield around you and your daughter, your whole house even. Ask for white and golden energy to protect your daughter from these negative entities, be specific.

Once you have done this explain to your daughter that you have ask 'God', I am assuming she will understand 'God', to protect her from any monsters and that the dream catcher is what will catch all the bad things and not let them harm her. You are not lying to your daughter this way, not breaching the trust she puts in you.

Each time your daughter tells you of something strange that she sees, remind her of the dream catcher that is going to protect her. At some point if she does have the sixth sense, these spirit might begin to ask her for favors, to help them in some way. By doing all of this you are reassuring her that she is safe and that you are providing her with protection.

One thing you must never do is tell her these things are not real. If she ever feels like you do not believe her she will feel she has to hide this from you and that will do her a lot of harm. She needs to feel like you are looking out for her no matter what, and as a mother I'm sure that is the reassurance that you want to give her.

I wish you well and hope that this helps.

Peace and Light,

09-06-2014, 01:17 PM
spiritcarrier has given you excellent advice.

esp runs in my family.

besides the dream catcher, it wouldn't hurt to smudge (burn sage) in your house and her bedroom.

09-06-2014, 01:20 PM
Since this happens while she is awake, teach her to make a imaginary 'white snowball' with her hands and throw it on anything she sees that feels bad, because white will send the dark things away.

desert rat
09-06-2014, 02:55 PM
She probly is seeing real astral beings . The kid with blood on his face may of died that way . They may not be evil , just scarry to a 3 1/2 y.o. I think a lot of kids see stuff like this , they stop seeing them when parents tell them there not real . You could use some of the standard protection rituals , if you can explane them to a 3 1/2 y.o.

09-06-2014, 04:35 PM
Thanks for your input SpiritCarrier! as a mom I really don't want to put fear on her, I really want her to be open and comfortable with me. She slept on my bed for the past two days just in case. I can be a little overprotective. elisi - I still need to buy sage, I just don't know where to buy it.
whitewarrior - thanks for the snowball comment pretty neat!
desert rat - I thought of that too!

10-06-2014, 03:05 AM
For a child so small she will need a visual, tangible object to show her. I suggest a dream catcher. I know it is not dreams but you are using it as a visual aid to help her see that you are protecting her, call it whatever you want to, something she can say and identify with. Hang the dream catcher in her room.

That's what my dad did for me when I was about 6 and seeing beings. He took it one step further though and made the dream catcher himself to give it more meaning to me.

10-06-2014, 01:05 PM
That's what my dad did for me when I was about 6 and seeing beings. He took it one step further though and made the dream catcher himself to give it more meaning to me.

Did it worked for you? Did it make you feel comfortable?

13-06-2014, 12:59 AM
I dont think it can be said she is actually seeing real things or not at this point, young children do have great imaginations.

She only talks about it at night time

Your daughter could be tired and starting to go into lucid dreams. My daughter was a bit like the boy from 6th sense from a young age (my daughter also sees auras) and she'd not just see things at night but during the day too... so this makes me wonder in your daughters case esp since its going on at night, if its cause she is tired, lucid dream images can appear quite real. Make sure she's getting plenty of sleep and put her to bed before she's getting too tired.

She also could be scared of the dark (many children are and she's around the age that happens) and hence her imagination going wild. What happens when a person even an adult starts getting scared in the dark? They start to imagine things eg footsteps, someone outside or whatever. Its a fact that young children have difficulty distinguishing between imagination and real (very young children will even believe that cartoons are real)...distinguishing imagination from reality is something they learn. A 3 and a half year old would still have issues with things like this.

It also could be something like, she wants to sleep with you so has made up this young boy thing. (I know some say children do not lie but my own children certainly did at times to get their own way and thought up very smart ways to do it. Some children are very smart and can get quite creative with a story and really act it out).

. I asked her last night where was the color boy and she told me he was on his way.

I suggest not to ask her leading questions as she will then attempt to answer these and this can cause a childs imagination to go wild. There is such a thing as false memories which can be caused by asking leading questions etc.

This being said, play it safe and do as others have suggested in the replies to protect your daughter just in case. Take care thou not to project fear out over the situation as a young child will then take on your fears. Young children can often sense what their parents are feeling.

13-06-2014, 01:42 AM
Thanks so much for your comment sea-dove, I have proven that sometimes she does lies and makes up stories but this one seem a little odd, I never expected for her to be lying at such a young age. But I will definitely keep your message in mind.