View Full Version : My beloved rabbit Pixie

24-03-2014, 11:35 PM
I lost my beloved Pixie a couple of years ago. It was hard to deal with especially since she died in my arms. She's been sick for a long time. Took her to the vet many many times for tests and medication. I really hated making her go through all the tests and medication but even after all that they still couldn't figure out what was wrong. The last week with her, it look like she was getting better. She started to eat on her own, drink and move. The last night with her was the worst. That morning everything was fine but when I gave her, her medication one last time she went back to being sick again. Til this day I still wonder if giving her that last medication was the cause of her death. She was sitting still in her x-pen. She started to moan and move in such an awful way. Head tilting back and moving forward like she was in pain. I picked her up and held her in my arms and that's when she took her last breathe. Even writing this still makes me cry. I can still remember the sound she made.

Not too long after her passing I kept seeing what look like an apparition of a rabbit every now and than running and hoping by. I know it wasn't my other rabbit because she was in her x-pen. I would hear scratching noises and at night it felt like something was hopping on my bed. I don't know if it was her or something else pretending to be her. Only reason why I am not sure if it was her is because I was a little afraid of it but I kept telling myself it's her just to try and not be afraid. I guess I'm afraid of it only because I can't really explain what I saw or felt. What do you think? Was it her or something else?

25-03-2014, 02:00 AM
To be honest, I don't know. But all I can say is I did have a couple of experiences after my dog passed -and they happened quite a while after she had gone -for instance, one night I was awakened abruptly by a distinct movement of my mattress. My fuddled sleepy brain thought it was just my dog moving off the bed, as she usually did, just to get back on again! Then I half sat up amazed, because I remembered that she had passed away.
So I lay down again and decided to go back to sleep, still amazed that the movement of the mattress had been so real and tangible.
Then guess what? Suddenly I heard a dog (her) shake her whole body out right next to my head on the pillow! That was such a real live event, and something I could not explain rationally. (how the heck does that happen??)
It was a weird night, but so happy. I fell back asleep smiling to myself.

Don't be afraid. It is very possible she has found a way to visit you. Just send her your love. She will feel it.