View Full Version : It started on halloween 2010

08-11-2010, 12:45 AM
ok, i was very skeptical, i didn't believe in souls, heaven, life after death, let alone ghosts or souls that could be earth bound. my boyfriend, has been telling me ever since we first got together about his family and how there is ghosts that visit him, his nephew ethan who is 2 years old has been spotted sitting up during the night talking, his mum asked him he was talking to and he said bruce, bruce was my bf's uncle who died many years ago.

but now i believe in them, like the title says, it all started on halloween for me, me and my bf were out in the lounge watching a movie around 5 something and the table and the remote weren't anywhere near us but something pushed a button on the remote, the tv menu came up to change settings, it was weird and we just ignored it. then later that night in his bedroom, like a joke i said lets do some paranormal activity snince you have ghosts, i turned on my phone to record, we started kissing and then stopped and then this loud crush shound happened like someone had wacked the plastic bag in here. straight away i screamed and ran out the room. after that we played back the video and wow you can really hear it. then i really strated to freak, after that it felt really cold in the door way and that night i had a dream, of a guy telling me to wake up, open ur eyes, wake up, i was too scared to open them and didnt and then it ended. after a couple of nights of nothing happening and going back to my place and feeling that nothing was there, i thought it was nothing.

Then the friday that just past at the same time of 11pm that happened on the sunday, we were going to sleep and my bf had fallen asleep and was snoring as, and then i noticed, lights on my side of the bed's wall, i just lied there watching with my eyes open and then it happened, the light got stronger and stronger till at one point it was bright white like a flash light but there is no way that light can get in here from the outside and i didnt turn a light on. then i just lied there and the light went dark very fast and then that crush sound happened, i ignored it to see what would happen, then it happened again, and oh my it was very loud, there was no way u could miss that, i freaked and screamed and then it felt like it was gone after that.

saturday night we spent at my place and nope nothing again, though i slept with tv on.

then last night, we were playing around with our phones doing supernatural stuff, trying to see if they would come back, my bf's phone caught some cool stuff, of lights going accross the screen, up - down and straight across, like an orb shooting accross. but we got no sounds and my phone doesnt have uv stuff to pick anything up. then at a quater 1, my bf was fast asleep and snoring again, and i had my eyes closed, and i felt this bright light in my eyes and i opened them, there was that light on the wall again, this time up higher, i kept watching and which point i said i can see you, will show me more and it got brighter and brighter till oh my god the whole top half of my wall and the roof to the window was ligt up, it looked so awesome and i said wow thats so cool, then it fadded very fast and went black, then i said can you do that again for me or make a sound and then nothing for a bit and then i noticed the light again and it did it again, omg i was freaking out but it was cool. then it all went away and nothing else happened, i went and told my bf's mum out in the lounge, she came down here to see if it again but it didnt, then not long after she left, my arm felt cold it felt like something was breathing cold air on it and then i could smell something burning, and then it got stronger and im not sure it smelt like burning toast or something like that and then it stopped and the cold was gone and i feel asleep and then i rolled over and opened my eyes and i saw a man looking over my bf and then they made eye contact with me, i screamed and jumped and went back to sleep. it was so freaky, the man had blonde hair and very distictive features, im not sure if i was dreaming or what, but just adding that in, maybe it was my subconcious.

I don't know what to make of all of this stuff, i don't know if it's all in my head sometimes, i feel like im crazy, yet i know what ive seen, and i know what i heard and ive tried to logically find an answer but i can't. i'm scared of them, i think im scared because if it it all is true, i don't know who they are and why they are here, why now, like why are they now showing themselves to me. i don't know what to think to be honest, though last night i don't think that was the same person as those who made the sounds.

08-11-2010, 01:06 AM
hi and welcome speaknow,

quit messing around with them, you are provoking the spirits and you dont know what your doing, dont listen to those stupid ghost hunters on T.V. smudge and do other thinks to protect your self and do not ask them any thing or even notice anything ignore it, it can sense you thinking about it. dont be scared dont be anything, its taking advantage of your ignorance of energies, spirits, even your spirit, you are powerful but you dont know it they are laughing about that. it can get really bad and effect you in other ways your not aware of, dont be scared thats how it spreads.

it may not be bad but you shouldn't provoke it no matter what

08-11-2010, 01:29 AM
hi back,

but i don't think what i'm doing is really that bad, they came to me first, i never expected to see or hear anything, everytime that stuff has happened, i haven't expected, i'm just trying to sleep and then stuff happened. the first time as a joke, yes i may of been prevoking them, but they responded and it was only a few mins after i turned on the camera that night that the sound happened.

i've asked them to leave me alone and if they also wanted to be left alone then i can see it as then they shouldn't visit me or anything and we'd both win there.

i don't feel that they are negative and don't think they would harm, because they've had their chance and they haven't done anything yet to me or anyone else i know.

08-11-2010, 02:04 AM
hi back,

but i don't think what i'm doing is really that bad, they came to me first, i never expected to see or hear anything, everytime that stuff has happened, i haven't expected, i'm just trying to sleep and then stuff happened. the first time as a joke, yes i may of been prevoking them, ...
i don't feel that they are negative and don't think they would harm, because they've had their chance and they haven't done anything yet to me or anyone else i know.

Even you just said it, they haven't done anything YET...
You need to be a whole lot more cautious as you do not know what they may be up to, you don't know their motives, you don't know why they are there, and you don't know what they may do, if the mood strikes them to do something. Being silly around them could be all the invitation they need...
Do you happen to believe in a higher power?

08-11-2010, 02:50 AM
you may find yourself arguing with people more or get depressed, thats how it works, slowly never fast, it sneaks up on you. you may get ill or someone you know may get ill. because you do not know much about it yet wouldn't you think it would be a good idea to respect it, and heed the warning?

08-11-2010, 02:55 AM
no i don't believe in a higher power. i don't believe in god or angels.

i just find the whole thing puzzling and the only reason i speak to them was to find out if i am crazy and seeing things or if this is real or not.

i've had 2 things happen during the day too, like my arm feeling like its covered in spider webs and just after i wrote that msg before, the closet door opened a bit and then i walk over to the other side of the bed and i could smell that burnt toast smell again, it was so strong and i got my phone and got out of there. came back in not long after i noticed no one in the kitchen was making toast and the smell was gone, its gone now too. i cant explain how come i smell burnt toast and it was nowhere near a window and the window wasnt open.

i understand that you two, are saying that they could be dangerous. i'm just curious about them now.

08-11-2010, 02:59 AM
but also, who is to say, that they are bad, once again they came to me, i didnt go to a strange building and try to get them to communicate with me, i just noticed something go weird with the tv, turn on my camera and record a sound. the rest they have done.

it's not just me who experienced stuff in this house the other people who live here, heard voices talking.

08-11-2010, 03:05 AM
So you got their attention, they now know you are sensitive so they decided to stick around and feed off of your emotions which gets them closer to this reality. Why wouldn't someone want to come back to our world after parting? After finding out that it's not exactly only Heaven and Hell (and Purgatory for others), they're desperate to come back. It's a wild world out there, why do you continue to hear scared stories from amateurs who don't know what they're doing when they AP into the land?

08-11-2010, 03:12 AM
yeah, it doesn't matter that you did not go to them. they dont come they exist in the astral realm they exist everywhere. if you want to do something about it make offerings in your house, burn sage and learn more about your ability and above all, respect. prey and lookout for your self, you think its sooo cool but you will get over that initial wow, it seems as though you are wanting to go even further with it but you shouldn't assume that its ok and you will somehow do things right. well its not respectful to them to mess with them. i dont agree with ever invoking them just for you own amusement. your also harming the other people in the house, it seems like you either dont care or you think that we must be wrong even though the people here have more experience than you.

08-11-2010, 03:21 AM
no i don't believe in a higher power. i don't believe in god or angels.

i just find the whole thing puzzling and the only reason i speak to them was to find out if i am crazy and seeing things or if this is real or not.

i've had 2 things happen during the day too, like my arm feeling like its covered in spider webs and just after i wrote that msg before, the closet door opened a bit and then i walk over to the other side of the bed and i could smell that burnt toast smell again, it was so strong and i got my phone and got out of there. came back in not long after i noticed no one in the kitchen was making toast and the smell was gone, its gone now too. i cant explain how come i smell burnt toast and it was nowhere near a window and the window wasnt open.

i understand that you two, are saying that they could be dangerous. i'm just curious about them now.

So, have you found out, do you think you're crazy?
Don't you see how easy it is to get all wrapped up in this kind of thing?
You'll never get the answer that you're crazy or not. So, you'll continue down this road until who knows what. So far, the things they have 'done' just draw you into their sphere of influence. That's all they have to do is keep on drawing you, you still won't get the answer and that will drive you crazy, IF you let it. You have no faith in a god of good, no nothing to protect you.

What do the other people who live in this house do about these entities? Do they do the same as you? Are they in on this or do they just shrug and go on with their lives? Why did you visit Spiritual Forums? Was it about this situation?

08-11-2010, 03:29 AM
i don't think anyone is wrong and i am not doing this for my amusment, all i was doing was sharing what happened to me, in the hopes to see if this is real or if it isn't. i didn't expect to be jumped at like ive done something wrong, what have i done so wrong, yes i find it cool at the moment because i don't know anything about it and i was so strongly skeptical about it and yes i will get over it or get used to it. i haven't done anything to other people in this house, its those people who were here first and have been for years, ive only been staying here for 6 months, they're the ones who told me bout them and they are the ones who have had experiences long before i came here.

you can shoose what you want to believe, and i will do the same, but i don't think you are wrong, maybe they are bad and maybe they're not, time will tell.

08-11-2010, 03:33 AM

no i don't think i am, i know what i saw and i know what i've heard. the other people shrug it off and go on with life, it puzzles them but they don't go any further. i came here to the forums, to share my experience and maybe to get some calrity on why they would do it now after all the time ive been here, also to get verification that its not all in my head.

08-11-2010, 03:34 AM
Pestering spirits is not what you want to do, there's a lot of people in this and the other realities that can hold a grudge, treat a spirit like your everyday human (because more than 80% of them were once that human), emotions and feelings all match like yours would be. Some have patience and some don't, some take offensive easily and others don't.

08-11-2010, 03:35 AM

oh i forgot, what do u mean about this situation?, and ive told them but they aren't playing tricks on me or anything if thats what you mean

08-11-2010, 03:38 AM
Pestering spirits is not what you want to do, there's a lot of people in this and the other realities that can hold a grudge, treat a spirit like your everyday human (because more than 80% of them were once that human), emotions and feelings all match like yours would be. Some have patience and some don't, some take offensive easily and others don't.

ok rumar, thank you, i am not trying to make them mad at all, i'm just trying to understand is all.

08-11-2010, 04:05 AM

oh i forgot, what do u mean about this situation?, and ive told them but they aren't playing tricks on me or anything if thats what you mean

Basically, this situation meaning what you just shared on this thread...

The humans aren't playing tricks or the whatevers?

Just that these invisible entities are doing things that are very noticeable to you and others means they are playing tricks, I didn't mean the humans, LOL.

And Rumar is on track as far as they aren't human, so they are even less predictable, so be careful.

08-11-2010, 04:12 AM
you should think of god as the string that holds the universe together and you are at the end of one of those strings so you are the puppet master as well as everything else, i prey to the strings of love to bless me or vibrate down that string to me. just an alternative to the whole man with long white beard idea

08-11-2010, 08:57 PM
you should think of god as the string that holds the universe together and you are at the end of one of those strings so you are the puppet master as well as everything else, i prey to the strings of love to bless me or vibrate down that string to me. just an alternative to the whole man with long white beard idea

And a lovely metaphor it is! I "grok" to that :hug2: