View Full Version : Weird things happening to me

06-11-2013, 07:32 PM
Let me explain the layout of my place. The kitchen sink is out in the garage with the washer and dryer. To enter to my place I have to go inside the garage and then my front door is on the left side.

It all started last month. I came home after work and did the laundry and decided to wash the dishes. While I was out in the garage washing dishes and my boy friend was in the living room and the door is closed since we have 2 rabbits and we do not want them running out into the garage (too many places for them to hide in or get hurt). I saw and felt someone walking behind me since I could see the shadow of the figure on the wall. I turned around to see maybe it was my boy friend but nobody was behind me. I wanted to tell myself it was him even though the presence felt evil. It was a negative feeling. I shrugged it off and continue washing dishes. Then the negative feeling was behind me again and when I turned around nobody. I shrugged it off again and continue washing dishes. I felt it the 3rd time behind me and nobody again. This time I had enough since I was too scared to be out in the garage by myself. I went inside and asked my boy friend if he came out into the garage and he said no. So I left it as that.

I forgot everything about it until a few weeks after I had a horrible dream that felt so real and felt like it last forever. A woman in black her face was covered with her long black hair floating above me while I was sleeping and just screamed in my face. It freaked me out so bad I tried to scream and wake up but I couldn't. I finally managed to wake up and calling out to one of my older brother even though no sound came out of my mouth. I stayed up for awhile and finally fell asleep. No other bad dreams after that...

Nope, I was wrong a weeks after that nightmare I ended up having several different nightmares in one night. First one was a little girl poking me. It sounds harmless but her face was so twisted and I couldn't wake up for awhile. When I finally did manage to wake up I shrugged it off and went back to sleep. As soon as I did the second nightmare was someone or something standing by my bedroom door staring at me sleeping. I was afraid of it because its face and entire body was twisted and it had big round black eyes. I finally managed to wake up again and eventually fell asleep. The next 2 nightmares was the same. It felt as though there was something running around the right side of my head and when I woke up I was too afraid to fall back asleep since I did not want another nightmare. The first two nightmares I had a bad vibe the last two I don't remember what exactly I felt.

After all the nightmares I've been a little afraid to fall to sleep but have to. So far no nightmares, but yesterday it was my lunch break. I always put my earphones in the left pocket of my jacket and my clippercard (bus pass) in the right pocket. My jacket is hanging in the fax room. When I reached in the the left pocket my clippercard was in it so I thought that was strange. I kept search the left pocket but no earphones. So when I finally gave up I reached in the right pocket and I felt my clippercard in the right pocket. I kept searching and finally I was like ***. Wondering were the heck is my earphones. I decided ok one last time, I reached in my left pocket and there it was my earphones. I decided to shrug it off and went to lunch.

So, what the heck is going on with me? Am I going crazy?

I forgot to mention there was another incident before the earphones. While at work I was getting another cup of coffee and I heard someone say my name and when I turned around nobody. I asked my coworkers if they had just called me and both of them said no. So, as usual I shrugged it off.

desert rat
06-11-2013, 08:47 PM
There may be some kind of being there , your dreams may be just some fear on your part . You could set up a recorder and look for e.v.p. You could do a smudging or use other methods to get rid of any thing bad .

06-11-2013, 08:56 PM
My sister said something similar that there might be something in the house and it might be following me to work. I'm trying to tell myself it's all in my head even though I do not believe it's all in my head. Coworker said I should go to a Catholic Church and get blessed. Both my sister and coworker is telling me to get my place blessed as well.

Why would this happened though? I've been living in this place for more then 2 years and nothing negative ever happened at least not in this house. Where I used to live is a whole another story. The only thing I can remember way before all of this, probably around last year while in the bathroom getting ready for work someone was outside on the other side of the door saying something. I couldn't make out what but I heard someone. So, when I opened the door there was nobody. My boyfriend was still in the bedroom sleeping. When I closed the door I heard someone again and I just tried to ignore it.

What is e.v.p and smudging? Thanks

desert rat
07-11-2013, 12:52 AM
Electronic voice phomenon is the sound that a tape recorder can pick up . It could be a ghost or a lot of other things . With smudging you burn some sage or other materal to clear out bad guys with the smoke . Different smudging rituals are posted on the net .
I found these smudging links , I know nothing about the sites

07-11-2013, 01:44 PM
As I read your post I senced a older woman in spirit seems she is attached to that place. Fear is how they get negitive energy from you so no more fear. Ask this spirit to leave you alone and then imagin your self in a bubble of white light full or love and compassion that no negitive energy may enter.

desert rat
07-11-2013, 03:17 PM
You might talk to this ghost/ being , let her/him know that they are dead . Tell them to go to the light , find loved ones in the astral garden , tell them that hell is just a myth . The bubble of white is a method of psychic self protection , it is also called the circulation of white light or middle pillar . This is a post by me , it a shortned version I got from a book , other methods are posted on the net .

07-11-2013, 05:17 PM
If there is something or someone in my place would recording him/her/it make it mad?

I tried to talk when this is happening but nothing comes out. I did it once when I was younger and living at my brother's house. Many things happened in his house but I no longer live there. It's a place I would only go and visit and do not want to spend the night. I know when I moved away my dad said it started to bother him. I'm not sure if they still do since I haven't asked him about it. Is there anything I could do to make whatever is in his house go away?

desert rat
07-11-2013, 08:12 PM
I dont think recording a ghost would make them mad , but who knows . I will post a link to a site with e.v.p. recordings . There are other sites that are easy to find .

07-11-2013, 08:42 PM
Thank you both
I will try it when I can and let you know what happens.

08-11-2013, 12:58 PM
Sit in your house with your eyes closed ask this spirit to come forward (when you feel it is near) with love and understanding in your heart create a white light in your mind and with your hand imagin yourself pushing this spirit into the light. remember with love in your heart, there is nothing as strong as love

If there is something or someone in my place would recording him/her/it make it mad?

I tried to talk when this is happening but nothing comes out. I did it once when I was younger and living at my brother's house. Many things happened in his house but I no longer live there. It's a place I would only go and visit and do not want to spend the night. I know when I moved away my dad said it started to bother him. I'm not sure if they still do since I haven't asked him about it. Is there anything I could do to make whatever is in his house go away?

11-11-2013, 08:39 PM
I haven't purchased the recorder yet to try and see if I can recorder the presence in my place.

Just wanted to give a little update on what's happening. So far no scary dreams lately but every now and then when I'm in the garage I feel that negative presences around.

I also forgot to mention my little rabbit is really afraid of the garage. Every time I open the door she would move away from the door. I'm not sure if she sense something or just being a scary rabbit. The other rabbit never sits near the door so I don't know if he sense anything.

Yesterday, when I went groceries shopping with my boyfriend, we were by the fridge section. It was just us two. He stepped away to get a push cart since the basket was getting full. I just turned my back from the fridge and was looking at the eggs section. (Keep in mind I didn't move away on turned around) As soon as I turn back to look at the fridge where the milk was stored the door to the fridge was opened and it slowly closed. I looked around to see if someone had opened it but nobody was near me. I kept staring at it until my boyfriend came back. I didn't tell him since he doesn't believe in ghost and he'll just laugh at me.

My question is, am I just imagining things or am I being haunted and why?