View Full Version : Full moon experience

23-10-2010, 12:38 PM
I am a leo, and as far as I know, none of my houses are in Aires, but several in Libra.
I took a nap yesterday around noon. This experience started while I was sleeping..and it was not fully a dream..just kinda mingled with my dream so to speak. When I woke up this was happening to me and I was fully awake and had even moved and turned over and removed the blanket I was covered with.. In real life, well spiritual life, I have a net that is around me..It is a spider web net kinda. Spiritual spiders are a part of my daily journey with the spiritual world. It is nothing new to me to see spirit or spirits come up around my net. Just what happened yesterday was new.

Yesterday, I took a nap. I was having dreams and then this face looked in a window. It is somebody I do not know. It was all in black and white except for the face in the window. Then I see this light person, the only way I know how to describe it. From the ground up to the heavens this mass of white balls of light person, thing, was walking across the land shooting balls of light everywhere..they burned the ground where they landed. I ran to get some people to see this event taking place..when they came, the figure was already gone..but a massive display of fireworks was going off where this being had been. It kind of scared me a little when a girl was going to venture off to see if she could find the source of the light.

This caused me to wake up. Then I could see this older man talking to a younger man by my net and it was the same young man that was in my dream. There was another man standing right next to my net. It was like this energy was coming from him...(the net, spider webbed appearance is what keeps spirits from entering my body I guess) There were light balls after light balls coming towards me and filling my body with these balls of electric/energy. I could feel my body filled with this energy. as i (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fenergy.as%2F)t filled my body, it was causing my body to become so hot that I had to uncover..It was so strong on top of my head like it was filling me from head to toe.. I still feel it today.

Thank you full moon. lol..Have you any idea what happened to me? Being filled with these balls of bright white energy was not a dream. I was fully awake as the energy kept filling my body. This morning I feel like I am full to the brim with these balls of light..they were bright white lights, like the color of stars..and looked to be about the size of lil golf balls. :confused:

25-10-2010, 05:59 AM
Are you familiar with Chakras?
Maybe do some research (if you haven't already) on the different Chakras, could give you insight as to what the energy and where it was being absorbed could mean.
If you talk to others as well learn their experiences too.

30-10-2010, 07:36 AM
:hug3: :hug3:
Hello friends,,,,,,Happy full moon according astrology......... There were light balls after light balls coming towards me and filling my body with these balls of electric/energy. I could feel my body filled with this energy. as it filled my body, it was causing my body to become so hot that I had to uncover..It was so strong on top of my head like it was filling me from head to toe.. I still feel it today............Thanks,,,,,,,,