View Full Version : Are timeframe accurate in tarot cards?

04-02-2013, 05:44 PM
I had a tarot reading and a timeframe was given something would happen in 2 months. However, 2 months is sooner than I expected. I was thinking of it happening in 6-7 months. So, can timeframes in tarot cards be a little off? Or I do not know how timeframes are even determined in tarot cards?

05-02-2013, 01:38 AM
I've always heard, and the way I read - is that timings can be subjective sometimes. It's hard to really figure sometimes but usually a good rule of thumb for something you know the reading is telling is going to happen in the near future is in the next 2 years in any reading (sometimes it helps when asking the question, to make certain the time period i.e.: "In the next 6 months will.... happen"). Sometimes it helps to clarify. Again this is all just from my experience.

It could be that it will happen in 2 months, maybe your attitude or view of the situation changed (which can change the whole reading, remember we have free will). Or it could be that the 2 is significant in the timing in an other way. A second week of a month perhaps, or the 2nd of month, or the 2nd month of a year, etc. I've had the like happen to me, which is why journaling or some recording of your tarot experience is key...

General Readings Disclaimer: It's not an exact science though I know we all sometimes wish it was. Sorry, but I hope this helped a little at least.