View Full Version : Third Eye Opening/Aiding Crystals

14-10-2010, 10:15 AM
Here is a list of crystals that are said to be especially useful, effective and aiding in psychic development and intuition issues specifically regarding opening of the third eye. As usual, please feel free to add any that you feel are suitable that I may have missed here.

Amethyst – Opens intuition, beneficial for third eye and all kinds of spiritual development, encourages higher vibrations.

Ametrine – Opens the third eye and promotes healing and divination.

Apatite – Helps develop spiritual gifts.

Aquamarine – Invokes higher consciousness and greater spiritual awareness, assists in meditation and sharpens intuition.

Azurite – Cleanses and stimulates the third eye and attunes to spiritual guidance.

Beryl – Helpful with scrying, opens and activates the crown chakra.

Calcite – Linked to opening/awakening higher awareness, insights and psychic ability.

Celestite – Placed on the third eye it opens a connection to the universal energies.

Charoite – Opens and balances the crown chakra.

Danburite – Stimulates the third eye, the crown and higher crown chakras opening these up to the fourteenth level.

Diamond – Links the crown chakra to divine light.

Dioptase – Placed on the third eye it activates spiritual attunement and psychic vision.

Fluorite – Heightens intuitive powers and brings spiritual awareness.

Galena – Generally opens up the mind.

Howlite – Placed on the third eye it brings insight from past memories/lives including those from “in between” life states and the spiritual dimensions.

Iolite – Activates the third eye and facilitates visualizations and intuitive insight when all chakras are in alignment.

Jasper (Royal Plume) – Opens crown chakra.

Kunzite – Opens the third eye and aligns it with the heart and throat chakras.

Lapis Lazuli – Opens third eye and facilitates spiritual journeying.

Lepidolite – Opens and stimulates third eye and crown chakras, clearing blockages and bringing awareness.

Magnesite – Placed on the third eye it enhances visualization and imagery.

Obsidian (Black) – Held briefly above the third eye it breaks through mental blockages and barriers, dissolving mental conditioning.

Seraphinite – Placed on the third eye or meditated with, it is a stone of spiritual enlightenment and great for self healing. Opens the crown and higher crown chakras.

Shattuckite – Stimulates the third eye and throat chakra, bringing them into harmony and alignment.

Sodalite – Stimulates third eye and deepens meditation.

Topaz (Blue) – Placed on the third eye it can align the chakras.

Tourmaline (Blue) – Stimulates third eye and promotes spiritual freedom; aiding psychic awareness and promoting visions.

Turquoise – Placed on the third eye it enhances intuition and meditation.

Ulexite – Placed on the third eye it enhances visualization and dispels negative mental energy, beneficial for meditation.

Unakite – Opens and promotes visualizations and psychic vision when placed on the third eye.

14-10-2010, 04:43 PM
I've owned a piece of Kunzite for many years and used it about 12 years ago to meditate. Recently I bought myself a kunzite necklace and my husband, who does hands on healing, told me that whenever I'm wearing Kunzite my energy is filled with green and blue (which for him means inner piece), whenver I don't wear it he has to put green and blue in me. Kunzite is very loving and I find I can meditate with it so easily it's so gentle. Kyanite I'm wearing right now also helps me to meditate I think because it cleanses the aura and chakras.
Great post.