View Full Version : Doubts about asking for guidance

04-01-2013, 09:00 AM
I know a clairvoyant who I don't doubt is very gifted. She can channel and give very accurate information from one's Guides. I went to her once and I was very happy with the messages I received, they were helpful and empowering.
That was a few years ago and I feel like I am "lost" again and could use some guidance.
However, I am really uncertain if it's okay to ask for another person's help in communicating with Guides/Higher self more than once, or is it preferable to access the information yourself though reflection. I feel this way because the information I received last time doesn't really apply anymore. This is not because her information was inaccurate but because I made some very very bad choices and didn't take her advice. Essentially I don't know if it is helpful for me or if I should rely on my own guidance- which I have been having a hard time with, unable to access my intuition and just confused and lost. I feel that if I don't go I'll be stuck for a while longer, and I want some immediate issues resolved.

Really I am not sure exactly why I have this doubt, I didn't have it before. Could it be my intuition telling me that I do not need readings now, that they would just confuse me? Or should I simply allow myself to receive guidance from others?
Can anyone relate to this?

05-01-2013, 02:42 AM
I think my journey (my spiritual journey anyway) so far has been all about finding my own self, my own guidance, what makes me happy. So, while I don't think there is anything wrong with going to whomever it is that you had a good experience with before, they are going to tell you something that either you like or you don't like, but it is just a starting point really.

For me, the more I immerse myself in channelled material (or I should say, the channelled material I immerse myself in is what calls to me) the more I began to understand what they were all saying, and they were all saying the same things.

You are source energy. You are still source energy. Only a part of you is physical and the majority of you is in the nonphysical as source energy. Of course you can connect to yourself, and oh, it is so glorious when you do.

So just ask your guides for help, and ALLOW the help in. If you ask, it is given, but if you don't ALLOW, it won't come in. That is the most important lesson I learned when I was in your shoes.

And then just pay attention. To what you are drawn to, to what appears in front of you. Some of the things will be miraculous in a sense, because you won't believe it at first, and then you have to laugh at the way it came out of the blue, but it really didn't come out of the blue, you asked for it and allowed it in.

It is fun and it is exciting. In my way, I am a slow learner. I have to hear something many many times before I can really understand it, and a lot of the channelled material comes through in layers; that is, the information is layered so that, at first reading, you pick up a little bit of this or a little bit of that. Then say you go back and read it again in 3 months - you pick up something totally different the second time around and it make you wonder if you ever read it because that is not what it said the first time around.

Anyway, have fun with it, put the fun in it, and it will be fun. Make it a journey, like a vacation you want to go on, and you have to find things to put in your suitcase.

Hope this helps. And, as always, if you look down below, I have book recommendations for anyone that is trying to get in touch with themselves.


05-01-2013, 02:45 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention, the ALLOWING part is really really easy. Just say, I ask for (whatever) and I allow (whatever). It's like magic words.

Something like, I ask my guides for help with connecting to my inner self, my inner being and I ALLOW them to help me with this.

07-01-2013, 11:38 AM
I know a clairvoyant who I don't doubt is very gifted. She can channel and give very accurate information from one's Guides. I went to her once and I was very happy with the messages I received, they were helpful and empowering.
That was a few years ago and I feel like I am "lost" again and could use some guidance.
However, I am really uncertain if it's okay to ask for another person's help in communicating with Guides/Higher self more than once, or is it preferable to access the information yourself though reflection. I feel this way because the information I received last time doesn't really apply anymore. This is not because her information was inaccurate but because I made some very very bad choices and didn't take her advice. Essentially I don't know if it is helpful for me or if I should rely on my own guidance- which I have been having a hard time with, unable to access my intuition and just confused and lost. I feel that if I don't go I'll be stuck for a while longer, and I want some immediate issues resolved.

Really I am not sure exactly why I have this doubt, I didn't have it before. Could it be my intuition telling me that I do not need readings now, that they would just confuse me? Or should I simply allow myself to receive guidance from others?
Can anyone relate to this?

The primary goal is to become self empowered. I do a substantial amount of one on one work with friends to assist them with that.

However if there are immediate concerns, it never hurts to receive spiritually guided insights about those things.

You can PM me on either or both of those things.


07-01-2013, 08:05 PM
Even though I channel, I from to time ask other readers for guidance especially if emotions are involved. For me reaffirmation just helps me believe in me even more and have stronger faith.
Often they tell me what I know already.. sometimes hearing it from someone else helps..

09-01-2013, 10:18 AM
I channel for myself and sometimes for others, but not so much at the moment.

For me, it is about making sure there is a really good map with you, and from that map, you can make the choices you have. A clairvoyant / channeller will help you see the map and the choices involved but then you can make your own decisions. For me, it is indeed empowering as you are put in a strong position to make choices. And remember there are always choices and they do matter. I did a series of channelling over a year ago and a lot of the messages were "It doesn't matter what choice you make" and a friend of mine got "you don't have to make the choice". With hindsight, that was very egoic - it did matter, the choices are important and we do have to make choices.

Don't think of anything done as bad choices tho, we do what we do in order to heal and the universe doesn't sit back whilst we make "bad" choices, we are presented with different lessons or the same lessons in different ways.