View Full Version : The Touch of Nourishment - The Voice

The Voice
12-08-2012, 02:00 PM
Tell me what is the nature of your touch? As you move through your day? What is the nature of your touch in your relationships? How would you describe the touch of your community? There are many words to describe the nature of touch. Each is shaped by the intention and awareness of the person touching – warm, helpful, pushy, gentle, absent, healing, pulling, sticky, encouraging, light, heavy, soothing, invisible, sexual, directing, comforting, encouraging.

A wonderful practice is to become aware of your touch. Start with this list, do not be limited, select your own words. If you need help ask someone who will tell you the truth.

A second characteristic of touch is interest. Is the touch grounded in self-interest – “something I want.” Is the touch grounded in service – “here is my offering.” Is the touch grounded in mutual interest – “we are often walking along side one another.” Of course, there are many other positions of interest in between the space of self-interest and service. Consider a mother and her son. He awakes in the middle of the night crying. She is both concerned and tired. She truly wishes to soothe him and part of her wishes for him to stop crying. Discerning the nature of your touch is not always easy. Once there was a great teacher adored by many. He was in service to his students and attached to the adoration also.

Have no judgment toward the mother or teacher. Nor should any mother or teacher judge himself or herself. This is a message of discernment not judgment. Can you discern in any given moment the nature of your touch?

There is a great need everywhere, without exception for healing and nourishing touch – within relationships of all kinds and within communities of living and work.

Communities also have touch. In many neighborhoods touch is absent, sense of true community and connection is dormant, vacant. In other communities the touch is selective, some are nourished and others are not. In communities of work people are often asked to be less-than who they are and to leave their passions, spirituality and feelings at the door. The touch is one of competition.

Ask these same questions of your children’s schools. What is the touch of the school?

Become awake! Notice the nature of your touch. Keep a journal of touch. Write on the cover – My Journal of Touch. Record each day what you notice about your touch and what touches you – write, draw images, color, paste in pictures. When you are ready – set you intention for you touch in a relationship. Do not be attached to people’s reaction or lack of reaction – hold your intention and keep touching.

People around you need your healing and nourishing touch.

Received August 10, 2012
