View Full Version : Mediumship

02-10-2010, 04:53 PM

Mediumship is the term used to describe someone who claim to have the ability to communicate with the Dead or Spirit World. This is not yet been scientifically proven of disproved . From the scientific point of view a medium is simply doing a cold reading. Getting information from what is said. In face to face readings using facial and body reactions.

Testing the information given though rules a lot of this out.

Modern Mediumship

Physical Mediumship :
is the act of picking up energies from the other side. This can be done by voice communications where one talks directly to the Spirit. Or visually were one can see the Spirit and describe who is being seen.

Mental Mediumship:

This is via thought or telepathy via the Medium. Nothing is seen or heard in the physical but in the brain only of the Medium. This is also know as trance Mediumship where the Medium can be either fully aware of the process or in full trance.

Physical Mediumship:

This encompasses levitation, Automatic Writing, and visual sight of Spirit energy. Letting a Spirit for a time enter your body to speak.
How we make or know of contact.

First off working well protected and grounded.

Burning of candles gives a Spirit that Light connection.

Spirits often move things, can be something simple like a picture being off center on a wall or turned face down.

Make sounds such as footsteps, or bang something.

Odors that go to the person passed. IE Smoke, perfume, cologne.

Even medicines or home surroundings odors. Cooking smells from special event days.

At times emotion in you come into play. You feel something come over you. Something that brings in a memory of one passed. You smile for no real reason and feel a sense of peace.

Music that you hear that takes you to the memory of someone passed. Some phase that is seen on a billboard sign that takes you to someone.
Pictures where the is a ORB or other strange image in it. Many images will when enlarged have a face in them.

Spirit contact to you. That cold shiver you get. Watch for Goosebumps that are only on one side of the body.

Feathers that come from no where. Some refer to them as Angle Wings.
Pennies found in odd places note the date.

Books left open to a page or when toppled from a table they are on take note of what is on the page.

Lights going on and off, TV volume changing, doors or windows rattling with no wind. Indoor wind chimes moving. Whisper sounds. Seeing things in the corner of your eye. Phone rings and no one is there. Note the number might not exist.

Messages left on a machine that the number does not exist or was the number for someone passed.

Dream contacts where a message is left.

03-10-2010, 12:37 PM
Thanks Lynn. I found this very interesting.

I would not call myself a medium, but have on occasion got 'mental' messages (well, not so much messages, more ideas - eg: details of pets, likes etc) from people who have passed over, I have also occasionally got 'feelings' as well.

I cannot do this whenever I want to, but it usually comes through when I'm doing healings for people - probably because it has to do with their healing.

04-10-2010, 02:34 AM
Thanks Lynn. I found this very interesting.

I would not call myself a medium, but have on occasion got 'mental' messages (well, not so much messages, more ideas - eg: details of pets, likes etc) from people who have passed over, I have also occasionally got 'feelings' as well.

I cannot do this whenever I want to, but it usually comes through when I'm doing healings for people - probably because it has to do with their healing.
When details such as you describe can not be attributed as coming from an identified discarnate source, it may be no more than psychic/auric reading.

Mediumship involves communication with discarnates, identification of communicators, along with 'messages' for a third party, is evidential mediumship.

Many individuals confuse auric reading and mediumship.

04-10-2010, 04:54 AM
Mac, in the cases I have had, the 'information' I got, was relevant to a deceased relative of my client(s).

04-10-2010, 12:51 PM
Mac, in the cases I have had, the 'information' I got, was relevant to a deceased relative of my client(s).

But did that information come from a discarnate source - or did you learn it from inadvertently 'reading' the client? :wink:

04-10-2010, 12:59 PM
for me it is all of the above. but we had a nice long chat about that didn't we Mac? you helped me figure some things out. :hug:

04-10-2010, 01:20 PM
Mac, in the cases I have had, the 'information' I got, was relevant to a deceased relative of my client(s).
But did that information come from a discarnate source - or did you learn it from inadvertently 'reading' the client? :wink:

oops double posting, browser problem - sorry - I'm glad if I helped a little

14-11-2010, 09:11 PM
Psychic and spirit reading can be very easily confused.
I usually ask for names and description from spirit coming through,sometimes spirit are not very keen on giving names.
I do not see spirit but hear voices not through the ears but in my mind.
I 'see' them also in my mind,if you can understand what I mean.
Very hard to explain.
Then again,I remember being woken up one early morning,actually hearing a young boy or toddler crying.
It was heart breaking to hear but I couldn't do anything about it because that was all I received.
I am not an experienced medium,unfortunately.

14-11-2010, 09:49 PM
"Psychic and spirit reading can be very easily confused." Even, sometimes, by those who really should know how to differentiate....

16-11-2010, 04:45 PM
I was wondering if any of you had any advice on developing these abilities to a higher level. I usually can see people from the other side and pick up the emotions they convey, but I haven't learned how to actually communicate with them. I would love to be able to develop the ability to do that and wondered if you guys had any good tips on how.

16-11-2010, 07:48 PM
I usually ask for names and description from spirit coming through,sometimes spirit are not very keen on giving names.
I do not see spirit but hear voices not through the ears but in my mind.
I 'see' them also in my mind,if you can understand what I mean.
Very hard to explain.
Then again,I remember being woken up one early morning,actually hearing a young boy or toddler crying.
It was heart breaking to hear but I couldn't do anything about it because that was all I received.
I am not an experienced medium,unfortunately.
So you're clairsentient, voyant and audient.
You could have sent the kiddie some comforting healing and asked that they be guided to someone who could help... sometimes, just getting them to the right person is doing enough. :smile:

16-11-2010, 08:29 PM
So you're clairsentient, voyant and audient.
You could have sent the kiddie some comforting healing and asked that they be guided to someone who could help... sometimes, just getting them to the right person is doing enough. :smile:

I did,Enya. I talked to him through my mind,asking his name and who he was looking for. But the poor little soul just kept crying.
I couldn't do anything else though I tried.

18-11-2010, 11:08 PM
It's sad when that happens... I just have to ask my spirit friends to make sure the kiddie is looked after and shown the way home. :hug2:

19-11-2010, 11:07 AM
It's a problem when a child gets 'stuck' between here and there... Adults, too, but it feels worse when it's a child. :icon_frown:

Some years ago I was unexpectedly involved in the 'release' of a young girl who, we learned, thought she had been locked up in a cage as punishment for stealing bread - she was too afraid to try to get away from those who were holding her. It seemed she had been there for quite some time.

I expected there would be someone nearby waiting to help and we persuaded the child to look around. With our encouragement she began to walk away from where she was imprisoned to join her waiting sister.

We last 'saw' them walking hand-in-hand across a meadow, the girl turning briefly to smile at us as she disappeared from view....

Sometimes unseen friends need our help to help those who they can't reach directly.

19-11-2010, 12:51 PM
Wonderful story Mac. It's worth a lifetime just to be able to that one thing. Marvelous.

19-11-2010, 01:01 PM
Wonderful story Mac. It's worth a lifetime just to be able to that one thing. Marvelous.
thanks, glen. :redface:

Nowadays I hardly ever think about it - it's just gone into my past but it was even more spectacular (and later, frightening) with far more details than I could ever convey on a forum board.

I used to wonder why, and how, it all came about as it did.....guess I'm unlikely to find out on this side of the divide? :confused:

Don't suppose it much matters whether I understand - job done is all that mattered.

19-11-2010, 01:19 PM
I knew some one who used to head a rescue group and in the end it almost became too much for them. Some strong stuff was going on.
There was a German officer and some of his crew were still wandering around believing that the war was still their reality. The heavier stuff was hinted at but never expanded upon.


19-11-2010, 03:32 PM
I knew some one who used to head a rescue group and in the end it almost became too much for them. Some strong stuff was going on.
There was a German officer and some of his crew were still wandering around believing that the war was still their reality. The heavier stuff was hinted at but never expanded upon.

Yeah this is an aspect about the afterlife not often spelled out. Some end up almost in limbo and it can take some time for them to find their way, but help, we are told, is always at hand.

It might make one wonder about the stories sometimes told of, for example, Roman soldiers being seen....

Are they still wandering around after all this time or are they only mysterious images - recordings - of a time and of people long gone, the figures being no more than ghosts?

It's unusual to hear of rescue groups nowadays, these seemingly also belonging to a time past.

Presumably there are a few dotted around doing what they can....

19-11-2010, 03:52 PM
This person who headed up this group was very strong in the Spiritual department and very experienced. The group members were hand picked and were chosen for their differing atributes so to speak, and all coming together to make the whole. And even then some of the 'areas' that they found themselves in drained them to a degree that some were being ground down to the point of having to give it up. Some of the discarnates that were being helped at times caused all kinds of problems. Real ones. To me this is the hands on nuts and bolts of Spiritual work. The job no one wants to do or can do except for those select bands. This must be the most incredibly rewarding work. To set souls free and to move them on to the light (with the help of Spirit) is a wonderful thing to be able to do. We need more of it. Lots more.

19-11-2010, 04:09 PM
Spirit rescue is fasinating and as you have said Glen it must be incredibly rewarding.
There must be thousands upon thousands just wandering around and basically unable to find their way, some, no doubt still believing that they are still in the here and now.
I admire all those people work in the rescue filed, it can't be easy.

19-11-2010, 04:19 PM
Can mediums mix up information they recieve?

For example, if they say that someone's Grandad from the dad's side who died of a certain disease but in fact it was the mother's side who died of this disease?

Or if they tell you the name of your Grandad (father's side again) but it was actually Grandad from mother's side with that name?

Is it possible for a good medium to make such mistakes?

19-11-2010, 04:27 PM
It is possible for this to happen. I know when I went to a few Spiritualist Churches, some mediums would be giving a message to someone in the audience only to realise that it was for the person sat next to them, say a sister/brother. There is a very fine line because of the connection being so close.

19-11-2010, 04:34 PM
But can it happen during a private reading, say if the medium was picking up on dead relatives but seems unclear which side of the family they are from?

19-11-2010, 04:43 PM
Yes that can also happen during a private reading. A medium once said to me, 'I have your grandfather here, on your mother's side of the family' she began giving me a description of him, it was during this that I realised she was in fact speaking about the one on my father's side of the family.

19-11-2010, 04:54 PM
Thank you Tricia. I saw someone once who gave me some pretty accurate evidence but I was confused because she told me she had my Grandad from my mothers side and gave me a name, but it was actually the name of my paternal Grandfather. She then told me that my paternal Grandad had died of a certain disease but it was in fact my maternal Grandad who had died of it! However, she did tell me some things that were spot on so I wondered if she could mix up the information she was given.

19-11-2010, 07:02 PM
Yeah this is an aspect about the afterlife not often spelled out. Some end up almost in limbo and it can take some time for them to find their way, but help, we are told, is always at hand.

It might make one wonder about the stories sometimes told of, for example, Roman soldiers being seen....

Are they still wandering around after all this time or are they only mysterious images - recordings - of a time and of people long gone, the figures being no more than ghosts?

It's unusual to hear of rescue groups nowadays, these seemingly also belonging to a time past.

Presumably there are a few dotted around doing what they can....

Are you talking about the Roman soldiers in York,Mac?
That was an incredibly interesting story. Often wonder if they are still around or has anyone ever tried to free them?

19-11-2010, 07:30 PM
Are you talking about the Roman soldiers in York,Mac?
That was an incredibly interesting story. Often wonder if they are still around or has anyone ever tried to free them?

Is there actually anyone to free.....? :wink: Or are these simply ghosts?

19-11-2010, 07:38 PM
Thank you Tricia. I saw someone once who gave me some pretty accurate evidence but I was confused because she told me she had my Grandad from my mothers side and gave me a name, but it was actually the name of my paternal Grandfather. She then told me that my paternal Grandad had died of a certain disease but it was in fact my maternal Grandad who had died of it! However, she did tell me some things that were spot on so I wondered if she could mix up the information she was given.

Hi Starbuck,

I would say the medium was more than llikely picking information up from both of your grandfathers at the same time and because of this some confusion was caused. It may have been due to medium error but it could also bbe down to the eagerness of your grandfathers in relaying their communications especially if neither have been through before.

19-11-2010, 07:54 PM
Is there actually anyone to free.....? :wink: Or are these simply ghosts?

You got a point there,Mac.
Sometimes ghosts are part of the framework,stone walls,atmosphere etc.
Not spirit as such but that's my opinion.

19-11-2010, 08:08 PM
Hi Starbuck,

I would say the medium was more than llikely picking information up from both of your grandfathers at the same time and because of this some confusion was caused. It may have been due to medium error but it could also bbe down to the eagerness of your grandfathers in relaying their communications especially if neither have been through before.

Thanks Skye that makes a lot of sense.

19-11-2010, 08:40 PM
You're more than welcome Starbuck.