View Full Version : An evil spirit is attached to me, what do i do?

02-02-2012, 01:57 AM
In the past few months i have been experiencing the prencence of something negative that feeds on me when im in a negative mind set. Sometimes I'll wake up from weird dreams and just be In a bad mood all day day and just can't shake it off. Last night I was talking to my mother over the phone and i stopped being able to hear her. She couldnt year me either but said she heard something else talking to her that sounded like a deep rowling man's voice and the only thing that broke through from what I was saying was the word mom. It frightened her and it made my beliefs of something evil connected to me seem more valid. If there is Indeed something evil connected to me, what can I do to get rid of It? Someone please help!

04-02-2012, 04:37 PM
Dear RoxyRad, I don't know if what attached to you is an unseely Fae Being or a demonic entity- but whatever it is, it definitely does not come from an area of Light. Even if it is a fae elven type being, this one thrives and loves fear and discord. Yes, there are very positive good Fae, but just as with we humans, all intelligent life has choices,and there are psychopathic evil ones found in all races. I believe there are those in ALL intelligent races who can allow themselves to fall under the influence of demons and Satan.

I don't know if you believe in Jesus Christ -but if I were you, I'd personally not only ask for Archangel assistance, but would First also cry out to Jesus Christ for intervention in this-- because all negative entities- wether demons, unseely, or negative minded humans can't stand being in His presence. I don't mean to push my Christian belief system on you-but I can't see where it would hurt to ask for His help in this- and see what happens.

Others will also give you good advice as well- This being does not have your good intentions in mind and wants to use your energy for him/herself-- You will find that any negative mind set you fall under could also be part of this Being's own personality influencing your own energy as well because it is clinging to you and sharing your energy field.

I would also pray for this Being too with sincere love--and ask God for HIS love for it (not your own human love) True love has transforming power and if this Being has any bit of Light still remaining within him/her, it may respond to God's love in light , or else it will feel repulsed and leave you.

I'll keep you in my prayers too-hang in there!!


04-02-2012, 04:57 PM
Read A Course In Miracles perhaps to discover that it may be an illusion.

"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists."

05-02-2012, 11:50 PM
As an alternative, turn the non-literal tables. Turn them very suddenly and very hard. Defense might be the "best offense," and often a strategically superior position, but big fish eat little fish and big dogs chase away little dogs. Be the big fish and the big dog.

Not everyone's thing, but it's brought me quite a lot of peace.

06-02-2012, 12:00 AM
As an alternative, turn the non-literal tables. Turn them very suddenly and very hard.
I agree! tell it to butt out.

Sarah: ...For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great...
[thunder rumbles]
Sarah: For my will is as strong as yours, my kingdom as great... Damn.
[pulls the Labyrinth book out of her pocket]
Sarah: I can never remember that line.
Sarah: You have no power over me.

06-02-2012, 12:28 AM
Roxy, what kind of special talents do you have that you are aware of?

06-02-2012, 02:24 AM
Roxy lets not jump on the paranormal train just yet okay? Could have been a bad connection or a call that got mixed with another radio frequency.
Also the bad mood could be changes in your life? Break up? family or freind argument or passing? Frustation at work? anything. we all get into bad moods I suggest burning some incense and take a long hot soak bath with some of those calgon crystals you can get at walmart ot the vaseline ones they smell yummy and very tranquil. Burn some scented candles before sleep make sure you dont eat anything before sleep.
If this continues I suggest going to a doctor tell him you need a full check up and blood panel work up. see if there is a chemical imbalance if that doesnt help call a local paranormal group I can recommend some in your area they will check for high EMF's and logical debunking before we jump on the spirit train. Just keep your wits about you and you should be fine. Also remember dont believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see. :)

06-02-2012, 04:22 PM
No evil spirit. I promise. :)

st Jhons wort and passion flower. Double dose for the first week. Then follow what's on the label from your healthfood store. Trust me :)

-- as always check for your doctor first and pay attention to possible allergic reactions.

12-02-2012, 08:43 AM
If that don't work figure out if its a djinn, there are lines from the quran to banish them and keep you safe.

13-02-2012, 06:47 PM
Do not fear because it feeds on your fearful energy and gets stronger. There is a powerful protection visualization called, "Grid of Light with St. Germain and the Angels of Violet Flame, Ray and Light and Goddess of Victory." I can't post URLs because I don't have at least 15 posts yet. Search on the internet.

Again, do not fear it. Trust and have faith that God will protect you. Your faith and trust will provide you stronger protection when doing the visualizations and prayers. Pray day and night. Pray that you will be protected on every level of your entire being. Remember, you got to release the fear.

19-03-2012, 03:35 AM
i have also encountered negative beings. some that have made me feel 'dead'.
the only thing that got rid of it was prayer. even then halfway through praying, i fell into a 'death' again, and woke up unable to lift my head from the pillow because it fed from my energy completely, and i was left freezing and icy under my blanket in my bed. it was very frightening.
as i prayed again, i began to feel warmth seep back under my skin and into my body. my spirit felt almost back to normal.
i was screaming inside my head, as i laid motionless in my bed, until i said a few prayers in my mind.
after a few prayers were said i could get up, and finally move about.
it happened very quickly, and now since its been a few weeks after that episode, i wondered what portal in my room it came through.
so i decorated that spot with many beautiful statues of fairies and angels. i am not religious, and dont classify myself as christian, although i do have a beautiful relationship with god and jesus, and at that point i held onto them to help me. they gave me the words to say in my mind so i could be restored.
maybe prayer can work for you?

19-03-2012, 03:35 AM
i have also encountered negative beings. some that have made me feel 'dead'.
the only thing that got rid of it was prayer. even then halfway through praying, i fell into a 'death' again, and woke up unable to lift my head from the pillow because it fed from my energy completely, and i was left freezing and icy under my blanket in my bed. it was very frightening.
as i prayed again, i began to feel warmth seep back under my skin and into my body. my spirit felt almost back to normal.
i was screaming inside my head, as i laid motionless in my bed, until i said a few prayers in my mind.
after a few prayers were said i could get up, and finally move about.
it happened very quickly, and now since its been a few weeks after that episode, i wondered what portal in my room it came through.
so i decorated that spot with many beautiful statues of fairies and angels. i am not religious, and dont classify myself as christian, although i do have a beautiful relationship with god and jesus, and at that point i held onto them to help me. they gave me the words to say in my mind so i could be restored.
maybe prayer can work for you?