View Full Version : Candle flame during meditation

23-03-2007, 08:57 AM
Morning all,
Two nights ago i was having a really nice meditation, felt really quite switched on with the aid of a lovely new clear quartz crystal - very powerful.

Anyway, the room was dark apart from a well used, lit church candle, the flame i couldnt see due to it being down within the edges of the candle.
Anyway, while i was meditating and concentrating on sending my energy out and upwards to try and reach my guides i was aware of a sudden strong brightness in the room, which i saw even though my eyes were closed.

Wondering what was going on, i opened them to see the flame was suddenly burning really brightly - illuminating the part of the room it was in so much more.

My question is, is i have lit this candle many times before - and never had this - could this be a sign from spirit as i have been struggling a little of recent with my beleifs and am now just coming back to a solid, relaxed and welcoming state where im am accepting things rather than expecting.

any feedback is appreciated!

19-04-2007, 03:50 PM
Hello Mattstar,

I have had this happen to me several times, when the candle flame seems to jump about or really glows brighter.I always take it as a sign that the spirits are trying to tell us that they are with us. Like you, I have only just started my true spiritual path and have many times thought, did I just imajine that or not?

I have found that with me, when I have stopped wanting so much, and just relaxed and had my strong faith back, then thats when I have recieved more clear information. keep at it, and Im sure all will be revealed. good luck

19-04-2007, 06:52 PM
Yes mattstar, ridding yourself of expectations will have a very freeing effect on you and your meditation. It has been my experience that rather than trying to project outward, that we need to focus inward. Everything we need in within our soul, and will be revealed to us as we need it. Our spirit's guide[s] will come to us, we don't need to go searching for anything. The freer and more open we are to our soul's spirit, the more meaningful our meditations will be.


20-04-2007, 01:26 PM
I have similar experiences when I feel a spirit nearby. I have a night light in the room for my bub and it will flicker -fade in and out. it only happens with this light and I have replaced the bulb. Lately I ask the spirit to not play with the lights as it can wake the baby, It usually stops.

20-04-2007, 04:35 PM
Hello Mattstar,
This is a sign of your growing spirituality.
Keep on in faith and trust.
Light and grace.

27-04-2007, 12:15 PM
I have had this happen to me several times, when the candle flame seems to jump about or really glows brighter.I always take it as a sign that the spirits are trying to tell us that they are with us. Like you, I have only just started my true spiritual path and have many times thought, did I just imajine that or not?

Hi Elaine ~ I have noticed this too, with the candle flame, and I have wondered the same thing. Nice to know that others have similar experiences.

Has anyone seen visions , or animal shapes within the candle flame while meditating? My friend has, and I have tried to focus on the flame but I have not seen anything within the flame. It has appeared to be burning higher , taller, at these times and dancing around.