View Full Version : BH Clow's Spring Equinox report

20-03-2007, 07:45 PM
Spring Equinox: March 20, 2007

"It is the Spring Equinox 2007. The time has arrived to tally up all the changes, advances, and difficult lessons that have come since the Spring Equinox 2006; get ready to develop a whole new direction in your life. The New Year is not January 1, it occurs during the Spring Equinox each year, the ideal time to set new intentions for a whole new creative year. The megalithic people understood the great power that is available during the Spring Equinox, and now this wisdom is coming back into our world again. Since this equinox occurs during Day Five-the advanced unifying synthesis-it is especially auspicious.

The degree of change in the world and in our lives has been intense during the past twelve months, and so we need to have a brief look into this period, and into what has transpired since the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2006. A major influence during 2006-07 has been Pluto transiting the Galactic Center, with an exact conjunction after the 2006 Winter Solstice. The shift in the world by means of weather and great transformative events has been so awesome that many of us feel overwhelmed and confused. This is because the tides in the world have turned. We are like schools of fish or plankton seeking the new current, a current that can only be found with psychic skills and open feelings. No matter where you are in your process now, you are admitting to yourself that you do not know what the future holds, and that has to be okay. What choice do any of us have?

Considering the Galactic underworld-1999-2011-as defined by Carl Johan Calleman, we are in the middle of the advanced unifying synthesis. Earthly geomagnetic and historical tides have shifted so radically since 1999 that we all just have to surrender and trust. Those who cannot do this, such as the Bu****es, are like swimmers fighting the current and being pulled to the bottom. If you have surrendered to the flow, you are allowing yourself to be carried along with all their loot, and you may even be experiencing the collective currents as assisting your movements. Meanwhile, George Bush refuses to play his role as Lame Duck; he still thinks he is the global leader! This is forcing every politician in the system to choose their own path, something that is very new for many of them. The citizens are cheering them on. In our personal lives, we are being pushed against the wall to change and create something entirely new, and it doesn't feel as bad as we thought it would! Or, because it feels so bad, we just surrender, which is the power of the inner feminine.

Pluto on the Galactic Center (GC) is unleashing into Earth the full spiritual powers from the universe itself, and old methods just will not work any more. Pluto on the GC has inspired a titanic evolutionary struggle in our lives: We are all focusing on survival instead of pursuing short-term comforts. On the day of the 2006 Winter Solstice, Jupiter conjunct Mars in Sagittarius (the use of great powers to expand spirituality) was squaring Uranus in Pisces, which rules the spiritual transformation of our reality; this is the aspect that pushed the tides in a new direction. Then, during the New Moons of the Winter Solstice phase, Uranus in Pisces moved closer and closer to the lunar North Node in Pisces, which is circulating all the karma from the past into current time. Because of this complex, we've turned to focusing on survival inspired by Pluto on the GC, and we've realized that the next stage of our evolution is spiritual creativity, not killing each other off in the name of God and his kings.

As you reflect on the Winter Solstice period, you can see that war is going to end-no matter how much more pain must go on in the short run caused by mean old men going against the tides. As Carl Calleman said, people can see that initiating wars precipitates anarchy; there are no winners and losers during the Galactic Underworld. We are able to see the eventual result-anarchy-because of experiencing time acceleration. The reason the tension is so high between what is so obviously needed, and how the world is being run right now, is coming from the energy within each one of us that still has not released aggressive solutions for problems and irrational territorial obsessions. Just keep on releasing and letting go of unnecessary baggage so you can flow down the stream. In light of that need, which is actually extreme in light of the power released during the Aquarius New Moon on February 17, consider what you'd like to intend for this year. Maybe you will choose to intend something that could relieve the pressure in the larger field? The time has come to reach out and help when you can. Or, the time has come to remove your support for the problems themselves-such as paying for health insurance, enlisting in the military, or extending your credit cards.

As I examine the Spring Equinox chart, we are looking for aspects that will set a field in place until the Summer Solstice in June. By understanding the quality of the field during the spring, the things we'd like to create are enhanced. As far as I can see, the great waves of change will continue unabated, and there are some nice aspects that can be used to help us flow. Pluto is a bit past the GC during the Equinox, but the god of the deep is closely squaring the Spring Equinox Sun. Therefore, intense change and transformation of our basic self-expression (Sun) will be very potent for each person. Since the juice that impacts the Aries Sun is from the GC, those who are transforming themselves spiritually will be empowered, and those clinging to obsessions, control issues, and beliefs that "might makes right" are disempowered. Pluto will square the Equinox Suns, oppose the Summer Solstice ingress, and conjunct the Winter Solstice ingress for a few years now; this process will be agonizing for anybody who opposes the new spiritual tides.

Next we look to Mars, since the god of war and power rules the Aries Sun; Mars opposes Saturn and is in the middle of an Aquarian stellium that opposes Saturn. This suggests that the spring will be characterized by even more war and aggression, if you can imagine it. Yet Chiron, Mars, and Neptune in Aquarius also means that healing forces are powerfully working with spirit to transform reality in the spring. This modality is in great manifestation tension (Saturn in Leo) creating structures that support our wills and desires. This is such a strong configuration this spring that I would say there is going to be a really big struggle between allopathic medicine and the alternative health movement. Since this issue involves your health and the freedom to make choices about your own bodies, what each one of you does matters a lot this spring. After all, the great American medical system can't even take care of all the wounded men coming home from Iraq! If you are not involved in the movement, you can still read up on this area and discuss these issues with your friends.

Saturn in Leo also trines Jupiter in Sagittarius, which means structural changes are greatly assisted by expansive Jupiterian optimism. This trine is the kind of energy that can bowl things over and sweep away blocks, and it will affect our finances and the way we plan for our lives, so use it! There is a lot of political pressure in the US to prop up the ailing for-profit medical system by forcing each American to buy medical insurance, which would weaken alternative medicine. It isn't just poor people who live without medical insurance, and it is doubtful a for-profit system will ever protect the poor. Millions of Americans who have abandoned allopathic medicine pay for alternative care out of their own pockets. Remember, Jupiter trines Saturn five times until November 2008, so how we each use the resources we have is very important. For example, when you make your intentions for the year, new investment strategies that could heal the world (Saturn opposite Chiron/Mars/Neptune) are favored.

At this point, Uranus in Pisces is very close to the lunar North Node in Pisces, and so the pressure is really on to craft great spiritual transformations. And, Jupiter in Sagittarius squares the North Node/Uranus, so there is great power and energy behind these changes. This aspect and the Saturn opposition to the Aquarian stellium tell me that the time has come for each one of us to aggressively oppose the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and wherever else the Bush-ites are shoving people around. The US invaded Iraq during the 2003 Spring Equinox; now four years later, the astrology truly shows that the tide has turned. But, will you be flowing with it?

Lastly, feminine support for these changes is strong in this chart. The Moon in Aries trines Pluto, which means strong feminine emotions are in tune with the GC. And Venus in Taurus, which is a potent, slow, and loving force, sextiles Mercury in Pisces, which means the goddess will be psychic and sensual. Also the Moon in Aries is in a wide grand trine to Saturn in Leo trining Jupiter in Sagittarius. This spring season will be filled with exciting new hope and the desire to return to sanity, so why not jump into the stream instead of ending up being rotting kelp on the beach?

Looking at the chart cast for Washington, DC (which enables me to utilize house positions to forecast what the Bush-ites might be planning), the first thing that grabs me is there are no planets in the fourth and tenth houses (4 and 10), which suggests disempowerment of the Bush-ites, while Libra rising with no planets in 1 hints that they will be wishy-washy. The astounding creativity inherent in Chiron/Mars/Neptune opposing Saturn is rather weak in 5, except Rove might enjoy playing with its potential. Because Mars in 5 so closely opposes Saturn in 11, expect to see expensive new weapons introduced this spring. And, Jupiter trining Saturn from 3 suggests the amount of money being wasted will be incredible, and the media will tend to expose these boondoggles.

The Aries solar ingress in 6 (as well as the North Node conjunct Uranus) suggests the Bush-ites will have their noses to the grindstone and not be able to see the forest for the trees, which has been a problem with them all along. This Spring Equinox chart does not favor their desire to have things their own way at all, although they will cram the media with propaganda, which can be seen with Jupiter in Sagittarius approaching Pluto in 3. George Bush really likes to work with women, and this theme will be strong for the season, as can be seen with the Moon in Aries and Venus in Taurus in 7. This aspect hints at female aggressiveness in Washington, which will favor Nancy Pelosi, yet will also spotlight Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton.

For this spring season, maybe one of your intentions could be to join the anti-war movement and/or to support our right for alternative medicine? Whatever you decide to create this year, I wish you success, and remember, the tide has actually turned during this wonderful Day Five of the Galactic Underworld, the advanced unifying synthesis that we will use to create an entirely new world. My contribution will be The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind, which is being printed right now and will ship in April. It explores the new Christology and the Mayan Calendar. The Mind Chronicles Trilogy was released in February, I am very pleased with it, and I can't wait to see The Mayan Code! (Both books will be posted soon on our website, and in the meantime, you can order from our distributor, Wise Awakening, at www.wiseawakening.com, or through your local bookseller.) "