View Full Version : Message from Babaji

15-12-2011, 07:24 PM
If you could banish all karma, all indebtedness created by the souls that inhabit the earth, Would you? If you could forgive every infraction, every insult to the

ego,every inhumanity to the world and each other, would you? If you could wipe the slate clean so no stain remained and let go of all the burdens you have dragged

with you throughout your lives, would you?

What stops you from doing this? The world and its appearances are your own creation, you have been given full reign to do what you will, to learn, to build with

beauty instead of horror. You make your own place in the world, there is no one to blame,no finger to point.

Dear ones, here is the simple secret to your release. Refuse to support the disharmony in yourselves, then you can let go of the disharmony all around you. Your inner

world creates your outer world. If you are torn and undecided, if you spread yourselves out so your innate power is fragmented, then you will encounter a fragmented


See the divine light shine in everyone and in everything,-let go of the appearance. See the inner light, not the shadow that is cast before you. If you can see the light

in each other then you will begin to heal because you are experiencing truth instead of a lie. You go through the motions of purity when your heart is filled with

animosity toward others.

Self is all encompassing. If you can truly love yourself and the truth of yourself, then you will also see it in each other, because self is one, seemingly divided yet the

same. Illusion is just the belief that you are less than you truly are.

Let your light shine on everyone and everything, let go of the need to judge to make right and wrong. Let go of the urge to make others different than yourselves.

Walk your truth in every moment, not just when you sit to contemplate or meditate. See the spark in all. That is all there is to awakening dear ones, to see and then

live truth.


15-12-2011, 08:45 PM
Dear ones, here is the simple secret to your release....

Thank you, lovetruth and Babaji.


Miss Hepburn
15-12-2011, 09:04 PM
And here I am - I didn't say thank you - I just copied it and sent it to someone that I knew needed it - thank you, Babaji.

16-12-2011, 05:49 PM
Xan and Miss Hepburn, you are most welcome. I know most of your already know this information, but when I receive it, I pass it on. Love to all. lovetruth

See the face of divinity (be it Jesus, Krishna, Babaji, Mohammed, etc.) on the face of all you encounter, truth once seen cannot be denied.

16-12-2011, 10:28 PM
Knowing, yes... and letting it go in deeper from these inspirations, also yes.


16-12-2011, 10:46 PM
words I need to remind myself of constantly!!!

Refuse to support the disharmony in yourselves, then you can let go of the disharmony all around you. Your inner

See the divine light shine in everyone and in everything,-let go of the appearance.

let go of the need to judge to make right and wrong. Let go of the urge to make others different than yourselves.

17-12-2011, 08:05 AM
I think I'm going to wake up every morning and read this.

17-12-2011, 09:30 PM
Second part of message from Babaji

Beloveds of light, you have all been lead into believing that what you see in the world is reality. Reality has many forms, the least, is the hallucinations you experience

in this world of appearances. Because it seems solid and thus you believe your senses, yet the senses do not reveal the truth. All the appearances are projections from

the mind. Matter is not but light taking form, so you can learn from the various appearances you create for your own soul growth. Once you realize this, you will see

what is beyond the appearance. Truth lies in love only. Every time you realize this, you bring yourselves closer to the truth of who you are. Savor the lessons but then

learn to move beyond them. You were not meant to linger in matter for so many lifetimes. When you are blinded with fear, you increase the cycles of birth and death

because you are not learning only lingering. Full Realization takes courage, you must make the effort. If you continually fall into the trap of fear, the lessons are not

retained. Do you see you have the opportunity to move forward in every moment? It is simply a choice. Love each other, you are all in this grand play to learn this

very basic lesson. Love alone can unlock the cycle of birth and death. Fill your hearts with love each morning and make the commitment to live love in every situation,

then your day will be geared toward moving forward. When you feel fear, examine it. See what the trigger was, then learn to appreciate the cause of your every

action or reaction. If you become a witness to your actions, you will not have to repeat them. Examine your day each evening and give yourselves a score from 1-10

on how well you remembered your lessons. You see dear ones, it is not so very hard, It just takes commitment to change. Do not take life so very seriously. Do you

not know you are all loved and cared for by your innate spirit, which is truth? Here is your source for all things, but you need to acknowledge this and know that your

lives are special. Do not waste a moment of it on things that have no true spiritual value. You will know what these are. Be that beautiful light and share yourselves

with others. Give in whatever way you can to help others on the path. You are all in this together, oneness experiencing division. Remember oneness is your truth

and do not hesitate to ask for help. In deepest compassion Babaji

Just a note: Babaji is committed to stay on the earth plane until all beings find truth. He is an exceptionally sweet and compassionate being of light.

17-12-2011, 10:15 PM
This is so beautiful.
Babaji is very close to me.
In pure light.

Miss Hepburn
17-12-2011, 11:13 PM
I think I'm going to wake up every morning and read this.

You are very wise.

Welcome here, btw.
:smile: Miss Hepburn

And you know how to center your posts....
I like that.

18-12-2011, 06:30 PM
Message from Babaji Part 3

In every life there is a seed. This seed is meant to sprout and then be nurtured so that it grows into something magnificent and beautiful. You have let your seeds

sprout but then you forget to water them. You neglect to remove the weeds so that your sprout can grow in the light. All come to earth with a special purpose and

meaning. If you do not discover that meaning then you are not living to your fullest. Once you have chosen the path of freedom, and abide by its laws, you will have

all that you need in this world, and in the next. Life was not given to be a struggle, rather it was given that you learn to take all it hands you and make well of it.

You are not here to destroy or judge, but to love and honor. Each of you are divine by nature and when you finally behold that spark of beauty, you will have no

trouble in knowing which direction to take. Life becomes simple and rewarding when you give your life to truth. the greatest power of the world is within each of you

and it only waits to be implemented so that you can create with beauty and wisdom. Do not throw this back into the face of God, use your talents to help each

other. The self cannot live in selfishness, this has gone on for too long. Precious beings, you are, and your gifts to the world are only just being discovered. This is

the reason you are here in such numbers, each of you has a distinct purpose in bringing balance back to the earth. Do not waste time grasping for things that are of

a material nature only, these are finite and give such limited pleasure. Go rather for the divine choices that bring happiness to all, and reunion of spirit to the all. Feel

the pain of another so you can learn compassion, and know that each that feels pain, is also your pain. If the people of the world would work in unison toward peace

and love, all would unfold in an instant. You must lose the illusion of separation and know your brother, your neighbor etc. as yourselves. Help them, listen to them,

feed them if you must. How can one starved for the basics know to strive for the love of truth? Share of yourselves, give what you can to another to make their

path easier. This need not always be of a material nature, rather a smile, a listening ear, all these are important to your own soul growth. Recognize yourselves in

others, and this will not be so hard. You have come to believe that you are all sufficient unto yourselves, this is the biggest lie. All are interdependent, because you

are one and as you help each other, you are helped. Discard the lies of those who wish to rule in chaos and divide you. You know your nature is of love. Live it dear

ones, live it. Babaji

It gives me great joy to be able to relay these messages from the Master Babaji. And love to all of you and your comments. He also has a great sense of humor, but that is another story. lovetruth

19-12-2011, 04:27 PM
Babaji just materialised in my living room and said tell them not to be so gullible before eating my last piece of chocolate and walking through the door (it wasn't open).

19-12-2011, 07:46 PM
Actually Babaji did float through my room once some years ago, and gave me a simple message that made a big difference in my spiritual growth.

He didn't say anything about chocolate, though he mention something about people these days being a bit cynical from lack of love.


19-12-2011, 09:10 PM
Actually Babaji did float through my room once some years ago, and gave me a simple message that made a big difference in my spiritual growth.

He didn't say anything about chocolate, though he mention something about people these days being a bit cynical from lack of love.


There is nothing as powerful of love, and yes it does change your life.
lovetruth :hug2:

20-12-2011, 11:40 AM
Actually Babaji did float through my room once some years ago, and gave me a simple message that made a big difference in my spiritual growth.

He didn't say anything about chocolate, though he mention something about people these days being a bit cynical from lack of love.
I'm hardly cynical am I? I can tolerate dressing up your own beliefs and pretending they come from some wacky alien or even a made-up angel.

But when it comes to putting your words in the mouth of the Holy Avatar of Avatars, Babaji... who wouldn't even be known about had Yogananda not shared "the most sacred of my human experiences"...

... it's a bit much.

20-12-2011, 06:38 PM
Dearest Aquarian, Are you feeling some doubt in your own spirituality I ask this because you are spending your energy putting down something you appear to love.

I recognize it is because I have been there too. Doubt in the self can manifest in doubt in everything around you. Perhaps you are looking for healing

but you are not quite sure how to go about it, so you sally around the edges, maybe poke your toe in the waters but the truth is Aquarian, it takes more than

that. At some point you will realize you will need to take the full plunge (that means surrendering the ego, Logic, belief, pain, blame.) You get it. Why do you think

the Masters came to the earth if they did not want us to follow in their divine footsteps, this includes all of us, not just a select few. That is the final goal after all.

We can trust the ego and keep believing we are less than, and others are less than, or we can rise above the ego to the truth that has always been there, but

unfortunately goes unrecognized because the egos belief in its own supremacy.

You may not believe a word of what is written above, that is fine. I will tell you I have been practicing Kriya yoga since my 20s and it is a powerful tool to realization.

You would know this if you have read "Autobiography of a Yogi" which it appears you have. Do you remember the parts where Yogananda says he is always with

his devotees. It is true, and Babaji has said the same. I find it sad that you cannot look beyond your limited interpretation. The ego will never give

you a true picture of reality. Go within your own heart and ask Babaji to speak to you if you have not already spoken with him, I guarantee if you do this sincerely,

he will, but if you do so, that cynical side will also transform. Do you believe you are the only one connected to Babaji. I know there are many who receive his divine

message. He expects us to move forward and live his sage advice. At some point we have to let go of the little self to make room for the Divine. In doing so my own

Life has become simple and blissful. I am not saying that I have reached the goal, I still have a long way to go, but Aquarian I am on the path, and people are truly

dear to me now, I do not see the differences like I used to. My life runs smoothly, there is no longer confrontation or fear. It is a wonderful place to be, but Babaji

reminds me this is only the beginning. I have nothing to gain by posting the words of sweet Babaji, he simply would like to get his word out there. Time is short in this

finite world, we all have everything to gain when we finally turn to love. lovetruth

20-12-2011, 06:48 PM
I'm hardly cynical am I? I can tolerate dressing up your own beliefs and pretending they come from some wacky alien or even a made-up angel.

But when it comes to putting your words in the mouth of the Holy Avatar of Avatars, Babaji... who wouldn't even be known about had Yogananda not shared "the most sacred of my human experiences (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fthe%2Bmost%2Bsacred%2Bof%2 Bmy%2Bhuman%2Bexperiences)"...

... it's a bit much.

I'm curious Aquarian. After reading this thread a few days ago and remembering my Yogananda days, I did some research on Babaji.
I remember being strongly 'drawn' to Babaji after reading Autobiography of a Yogi but i didn't know (and you alude to it here) that the mention of him in that book started a series of these such things (people channeling him and or seeing him).
What I am curious about is why you call him the Holy avatar of avatars?
Do you have experience of him outside of Yoganandas book?

Blessings, James

20-12-2011, 08:22 PM
I don't mean to be harsh but...

Dearest Aquarian, Am I sensing some deep wound from your past?

The reason I bring this up is it appears to be worn on your shoulder for all to see.

The only reason I recognize it is because I was wounded also. It is nothing to be ashamed of, I am guessing you are on the forum because somewhere in your heart you are looking for healing but you are not quite sure how to go about it, so you sally around the edges, maybe poke your toe in the waters but the truth is Aquarian it takes more than that.
I was initially looking to protect myself from demonic attacks but no-one here seems capable of helping me. Not that that's any concern of yours or I'm asking for anything. Just giving you feedback on your wayward mindreading here.

At some point you will realize you will need to take the full plunge (that means surrendering the ego, Logic, belief, pain, blame.) You get it.
Why do you think the Masters came to the earth if they did not want us to follow in their divine footsteps. That is the final goal after all. We can trust the ego and keep believing we are nothing but bundles of pain in a finite world or we can rise above the ego to the truth that has always been there, but unfortunately goes unrecognized because the egos belief in its own supremacy.

You may not believe a word of what is written above, that is fine. I will tell you I have been practicing Kriya yoga since my 20s and it is a powerful tool to realization.
So why do you think 'Babaji' just happens to state what you already believe? Why do you need Him to attract interest in your beliefs?

You would know this if you have read "Autobiography of a Yogi" Do you remember the parts where Yogananda says he is always with his devotees. It is true, and Babaji has said the same.
Unsurprisingly, none of their real devotees attempt to 'channel' them.

I find it sad that you cannot look beyond your egos interpretation of the world around you.
I'm not the one who needs the name of Babaji to give herself permission to access her inner wisdom.

It will never give you a true picture of reality. Go within your own heart and ask Babaji to fill the void, I guarantee if you do this sincerely, he will, but if you do so, change will be expected because we do not move forward if we cannot let go of the little self to make room for the Divine. I truly hope you find your way Aquarian. It took me most of my life before I sincerely surrendered but I can tell you my life did change in magnificent ways. You may not want to believe any of this but the truth is my life had become simple and blissful.
There is no void in my heart. I have repeatedly asked for help from Babaji and Yogananda. Maybe they did help me.

I do know I had actual God-contact through Yogananda's instructions. This is not a boast -- I simply followed his written instructions.

But it may make you think twice before acting all superior to me.

I am not saying that I have reached the goal, I still have a long way to go, but Aquarian I am on the path, and people are truly dear to me now, I do not see the differences like I used to. My life runs smoothly, there is no longer confrontation or fear.

It is a wonderful place to be, but Babaji says this is only the beginning. I have nothing to gain by posting the words of sweet Babaji, he simply would like to get his word out there.
Babaji could paint them in the sky if he wanted to.

Time is short in this finite world, we all have a choice to make and I would guess that most on this forum have already made their choices by the posts that I read. There really is beauty in the world Aquarian but I admit it is hard to see when you carry the world on your shoulders. I only have one other thing to say Dear Aquarian. Your are loveable and I can see that. The people on this forum can see that, unfortunately you do not seem to be able to see that in yourself. When you do, your attitude will change. You are a pussycat, you just believe you are a tiger.
Well that's sweet. And I am a very very nice person, loved by rather lovely people. But when I see delusion, sometimes I feel a sledgehammer is the only tool I have.

It is my limitation I know.

20-12-2011, 08:33 PM
I'm curious Aquarian. After reading this thread a few days ago and remembering my Yogananda days, I did some research on Babaji.
I remember being strongly 'drawn' to Babaji after reading Autobiography of a Yogi but i didn't know (and you alude to it here) that the mention of him in that book started a series of these such things (people channeling him and or seeing him).
What I am curious about is why you call him the Holy avatar of avatars?
Do you have experience of him outside of Yoganandas book?
Through Yogananda's instruction, I met God the Father - the most significant experience of my life. It was brief and I didn't get round to asking about Babaji.

But because of this experience, and because Yogandanda communicated a more accurate version of reality than anyone else I've found, I trust his word.

An Avatar is a perfected being. Perfected even beyond Sri Yukteswar who came back from the dead to describe the world that the ascended hope to ascend to. Perfected beyond Lahiri who could actually levitate.

It was Yogananda who called Babaji Mahavatar or Great Avatar. Sri Yogananda himself had to wait something like 10 years for a visit from Babaji, his guru's guru's guru -- and that was because Babaji had a mission for Yogananda to bring Kriya to the West.

Yogananda, who consulted with Jesus on the real meaning of the Gospels, stated that Babaji was Jesus's counterpart corporeally present on planet Earth - and that he'd been here for 300 years at least.

20-12-2011, 08:39 PM
Through Yogananda's instruction, I met God the Father - the most significant experience of my life. It was brief and I didn't get round to asking about Babaji.

But because of this experience, and because Yogandanda communicated a more accurate version of reality than anyone else I've found, I trust his word.

An Avatar is a perfected being. Perfected even beyond Sri Yukteswar who came back from the dead to describe the world that the ascended hope to ascend to. Perfected beyond Lahiri who could actually levitate.

It was Yogananda who called Babaji Mahavatar or Great Avatar. Sri Yogananda himself had to wait something like 10 years for a visit from Babaji, his guru's guru's guru -- and that was because Babaji had a mission for Yogananda to bring Kriya to the West.

Yogananda, who consulted with Jesus on the real meaning of the Gospels, stated that Babaji was Jesus's counterpart corporeally present on planet Earth - and that he'd been here for 300 years at least.

Thank you for explaining........Yogananda was a big part of my life as well, and Babaji.............well there is just something magic about him to me.

Blessings, James

20-12-2011, 08:54 PM
Dearest Aquarian, I did change the post, too long..... but in all sincerity I do read and take to heart whatever I receive from Babaji, and why wouldn't I. I hesitated in

posting these messages because there are always those who will doubt what is received. I am not trying to make you a believer or anyone else. I am posting what I

received from Babaji because it has made a difference in my own life, and quite frankly he asked me to. I am sorry if you felt I was putting you down , that is not my

intention at all, I only know where I have come from compared to where I am now, and thought perhaps you could relate to that. If this creates anger and pain for

some then I will stop posting. Please take the time to read "The voice of Babaji" These three books were given To V.T. Neelakanten and S.A.A Ramaiah in 1952 from

Babaji where he did in fact visit in V.T. Neelakantens home. I just recently found this book. Yes Babaji does want his message spread to the world. I think when you

do make that beautiful connection with Babaji you will understand where I am coming from, at least that is my hope. lovetruth

Miss Hepburn
20-12-2011, 10:22 PM
love truth, please continue...kay?
Whenever you're ready.
:smile: Miss Hepburn

21-12-2011, 12:05 PM
Dearest Aquarian, I did change the post, too long..... but in all sincerity I do read and take to heart whatever I receive from Babaji, and why wouldn't I.
Because I've given you sufficient reason to doubt it is Babaji you're channelling - and you haven't responded to those points.

Please understand that I consider you my sister and wish to help you avoid the mistakes I've made. We probably have a lot in common.

Your thoughts are worthwhile enough without putting Babaji's name on them. However, feel free to continue with whatever you are comfortable with.

Please take the time to read "The voice of Babaji" These three books were given To V.T. Neelakanten and S.A.A Ramaiah in 1952 from Babaji where he did in fact visit in V.T. Neelakantens home.
I note Daya Mata claimed it is fake. She was the head of the SRF for 55 years and a close personal disciple of Yogananda. Yogananda himself stated that the SRF would always be run by an ascended master.

There is also this:

21-12-2011, 05:14 PM
Dearest Aquarian, It's not necessary to defend myself, why would you want to put doubt in my mind anyway? You had a strong reaction to something in these posts.

That indicates there is something in you that they are bringing up that needs to be looked at in yourself. Its all mirrors. and please do not take that as a barb. It is

exactly what I had to do for years, with myself. And once you start digging there is all manner of refuse that has to be looked at and let go of. I will tell you this, it

took me years of deep meditation and self examination before Babaji ever showed up, it is simply a cleansing of the mind. And he only comes if I am in a blissful state

of mind. At first it was all information for myself, always loving and kind and he is immensely patient. He has announced himself three times with the scent of Jasmine

once, and roses twice. He truly does come to his devotees and I cannot prove this to you or anyone else but I assure it is not my imagination. I am going to give you

a little of my background because I think it will help you to understand. I made a deep spiritual commitment a long time ago. I dallied with the Kriya yoga

off and on through the years because even though I was committed I let life get in the way. But I did keep up with my meditation through the years. In the past two

years I have practiced the Kriya yoga extensively every day for 5 hours. Believe me this has healed me in beautiful ways. More cleaning up of the refuse, it continues

to come around until it is finally finished.

I don't watch T.V. I don't read novels unless they are of a spiritual nature I don't go to movies unless thy are of a spiritual nature. I listen to classical and uplifting

music, I live in the forest, and walk in nature every day rain or snow. I'm a vegetarian, and I don't own a cell phone. I only spend time with positive and spiritual

people. Pretty boring huh. Is that what it takes to attract Babaji into your heart, I don't think so, but for me it was all necessary to keep my mind uncluttered and

receptive. Because believe me once that is accomplished you will not want to go back to the chaotic mind. Babaji keeps his distance if I am in any kind of mood, and

yes they still come up but it is easier now. I am able to let things go, and that in itself brings immense peace. I don't know what Daya Maya had to say about the

books "The voice of Babaji" but I can tell you it is a beautiful book and I was given the message to read it. At some point you just have to trust your own inner

guidance Aquarian. And I do consider you my brother, we are all in this together for a reason. God bless you. lovetruth

21-12-2011, 05:29 PM
Perhaps it would help to ask what form these messages come to you?

21-12-2011, 05:35 PM
why would you want to put doubt in my mind anyway? lovetruth

I think this is beautiful and I think you are as well. It says so much about love and the essence of what Babaji or the story of Babaji represents.
blessings, James

21-12-2011, 05:58 PM
Dearest Aquarian, that is an excellent question. When I am in an uplifted state of mind, information begins to come in a unbroken flow. I simply grab my notebook and begin to take dictation. that is what it comes down to, dictation. Sometimes it comes so quickly I will get a cramp in my hand, and have a hard time reading my own not so lovely penmanship. But when I go to put in on the computer it is there again, so the bad penmanship doesn't really matter. lol And thank you White Shaman and Miss Hepburn, my only commitment is to spirit and that will continue.

21-12-2011, 07:09 PM
How are you dictated to? A voice in your head?

Miss Hepburn
21-12-2011, 07:12 PM
5 hours doing meditation?
You just inspired me to meditate more like I used to.

I don't know where you came up with spacing your posts after 2 lines, but, boy, does it make it easy to read!
Thank you.

By the way - since you do Kriya Yoga - is it ok to tell me what are the premises for the techniques without revealing the techniques?
I thought there were 3?
Light, Music and Sat Nam - maybe called something else?

Or maybe it is 2 - Light and Hamso, So Hung, Hung so, So ham - so many names for the Holy Name, the Word, Sat Naam...thank you.


21-12-2011, 07:42 PM
How are you dictated to? A voice in your head?

This is a little hard to explain. it is not a voice. It is a train of thought, there is a difference. It comes with a beautiful blissful presence, I guess you would call it a light

transmission. When I first started to channel it was short phrases, because I was still getting in the way with my own thoughts. It was only after being able to still my

mind that the transmission became strong and clear. Hope this answers your question.

21-12-2011, 08:00 PM
5 hours doing meditation?
You just inspired me to meditate more like I used to.

I don't know where you came up with spacing your posts after 2 lines, but, boy, does it make it easy to read!
Thank you.

By the way - since you do Kriya Yoga - is it ok to tell me what are the premises for the techniques without revealing the techniques?
I thought there were 3?
Light, Music and Sat Nam - maybe called something else?

Or maybe it is 2 - Light and Hamso, So Hung, Hung so, So ham - so many names for the Holy Name, the Word, Sat Naam...thank you.


I took courses through Self Realization Fellowship in the early 70's. There is

a whole year, ( if I remember correctly) of exercises and breath techniques

before receiving Kriya Yoga breath instruction. that was to prepare the

body. I'm sorry, I don't feel comfortable in revealing anymore than that. I

took an oath when I received the lessons not to to reveal the techniques.

There are initiations into Kriya Yoga throughout the country, I don't know

what they require now. I do know I needed that year of intro. and I am sure

that is why it worked out the way it did. And the 5 hours of Kriya are not a

burden. there are profound blissful states throughout, and I divide it up into

two sessions. One in the late afternoon and once during the night. Hope

this helps. :hug2: I find I need less sleep too.

23-12-2011, 05:08 PM
Hello all, just wanted to mention another book called "Babaji and the 18

Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition" by M. Govindan, M.A. It tells the story of Babaji

and other Masters. A really beautiful book.

If you are sincere about contacting Babaji it is necessary to clean up the

mind clutter so you can receive the mind of God, which is always there we

just have to be receptive. The heart also must be cleansed of any negative

patterns, you will have to be brutally honest with yourself. If you are

holding onto anything that hardens your heart and you do not know how to

release it, ask spirit for help. They will come in and soften your heart, but

you then need to go in and open the windows of your heart,(it doesn't hurt

to then clean the windows, clear out the cobwebs and then dust and

rearrange the furniture either.) Flowers are nice too. In other words make

it a place Babaji would want to visit and perhaps stay. If you do choose the

path of mastery over self, the path is a razors edge, but beautiful beings of

light will hold your hands so you do not easily lose your balance. And if you

should fall off on occasion, they will pick you up and put you back where you

fell off. Their service is to help humanity and at some point you have to give

back to the Godhead with service, but amazingly it is something your heart

yearns to do anyway. Love to all of you, and have a beautiful season of

light. This is a lovely video Of James Twyman singing, enjoy

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aymtk0BeJV0 lovetruth

24-12-2011, 05:27 PM
Message from Babaji 4

Dear ones, do not be concerned with the old way of things. These of themselves will dissolve. Anything that is not love will disintegrate, for the earth holds only the

things of truth and discards that which is false. You will still see the appearances for awhile but in truth those things are no longer in this new reality. They are the

conflict of the past only, and cannot be in the now. This may not make sense to the concrete mind but the soul understands. Be grateful for the beauty and love

that surrounds you and let these illusions pass away from your awareness. Dear ones, these are the things of the world and this old world has already turned over to

present a new side. The truth will always prevail. Remember you are never alone in any of this. My children are always in my heart and I hold each one so dear. The

crucifix is nearly down and now the healing begins. That only means the old fearful ways are over and the people of truth (soul) take the reins from the old worn out

paradigm. A new world awaits those who have had the faith to witness the past present and future and now choose to live fully in the now. Create with this concept

of now and let the past crumble. All are witness to this change and will forever remember the old way as a test, a passage that had to be experienced as part of

greater growth of the spirit. Now that is gone, and reality can reveal itself to the whole. You are all in for a beautiful surprise in the next year. Just know that we

await it also. What wonders will befall the earth. I look ever to the purity of the heart to carry us through. In deepest love. Babaji

Miss Hepburn
27-12-2011, 04:39 PM
Thank you...:hug:

27-12-2011, 06:58 PM
Dear Ms Hepburn, thank Babaji. I do. Love to all.

27-12-2011, 08:07 PM
In cocoons of dark we doze,
hearts ablaze, await the dawn.
Restless sleep, in space and time,
yea are mine, sweet Divine.

As we tear the bitter womb,
we surrender, hearts entombed.
Rip asunder, prison wall,
come to me one in all.

Sun and air, wake inner light,
weak and weary from long night.
In protection, each I hold,
as thy golden wings unfold.

You were always meant to fly,
let your burdens fall on me.
Light and free of years untold,
glide again on wings of gold.

We will weave a tapestry,
silver threads of unity.
In remembrance of me,
yea are mine, sweet divine

This poem came to me several nights ago. (had to get up and write in down)

I just found this link: interesting explains and answers many questions on Babaji and Kriya Yoga. lovetruth http://www.enlightennext.org/magazine/j21/babaji.asp

27-12-2011, 09:49 PM
Beautiful poem! Thank you so much for sharing. :D

Love and light,
Kiki04 :hug2:

In cocoons of dark we doze,
hearts ablaze, await the dawn.
Restless sleep, in space and time,
yea are mine, sweet Divine.

As we tear the bitter womb,
we surrender, hearts entombed.
Rip asunder, prison wall,
come to me one in all.

Sun and air, wake inner light,
weak and weary from long night.
In protection, each I hold,
as thy golden wings unfold.

You were always meant to fly,
let your burdens fall on me.
Light and free of years untold,
glide again on wings of gold.

We will weave a tapestry,
silver threads of unity.
In remembrance of me,
yea are mine, sweet divine

This poem came to me several nights ago. (had to get up and write in down)

I just found this link: interesting explains and answers many questions on Babaji and Kriya Yoga. lovetruth http://www.enlightennext.org/magazine/j21/babaji.asp

28-12-2011, 05:46 PM
You are most welcome Kikio4

28-12-2011, 06:24 PM
Question to Babaji: What must we do in this timing?

Dear ones, when you have cleared yourselves to the degree you believe is possible, the next step is to keep your light bright and full. Your lives are special in that,

you are the carriers of light. The final countdown is here for the release of the soul. Your lives have been held in check because you allowed fear to rule you, and

when this happens, fear will take on many faces. You are now experiencing that fear in a big way, because it takes your own willingness to move it out of your world

of form. What caused such a degree of fear? Dear ones when one does not deal with what is at hand, it will increase until it is finally recognized. this is a simple

reaction to what you believe is true, but is not. Many lives have been wasted in fearful expressions and now the time has come to realize your mistakes. You are fully

capable of cleansing yourselves, then the earth. Many have trusted in the false appearances and tried to create a security that is not possible from the outside. So

the lesson , of course, is to realize that all is supported from the inner realms, not the outer appearance. As your world unfolds in these images of fear, remember it is

just a projection to be healed. Keep your balance by acknowledging that you are truly not a part of the appearance. the spirit always looks on in perfect calm,

this, dear ones is who you truly are. those false images that support the body only, make you think you are the body. You are not. The finite can never hold the

fullness of who you truly are. It is a temporary device to propel you toward wisdom. If you choose not to learn, you will repeat the cycle in another body, until you

take to heart the fullness of who you are. Do you think God does not love his creations? He is dreaming your existence, but you are also that spark and it is your

opportunity, your duty to create with that spark. Co-creating in matter is a wonderful experience if one can only remember the self instead of the flesh as reality. You

can cancel out the fears, the ugliness that appears before you. You must heal yourselves first, and many have. No one will truly be left behind, all will come to this

wisdom sooner or later, but it can happen in an instant if you have the faith that it can be so. Unleash that inner power, now is the time to blaze with brilliance

instead of hiding behind the flesh. Your light is recognized and it does attract greater light. You are the unity of spirit only if you choose to unite in the beautiful

blazing light and share your balance with the world. Stand up to the fearful images, proclaim your light. that is your calling, your inner life is who you are.

One final note. Some of you stand terrified of what is occurring and that only keeps you from moving forward. Help each other to be strong. You will finally learn that

you are all one, and powerful in that unity. I have the greatest respect for each of you, and in unity we will remake the world. Babaji

30-12-2011, 06:45 PM
Many doors will open when one commits to the life of spirit. No one is confined to a certain life. You are given the choice to remake your lives in each moment. That

is why you experience linear time, but in truth there is not the linear, only NOW. This gives you a sense of moving in a direction in space and time and each

entity has a basis for measuring growth. Growth is an actuality in many dimensions, not just this appearance, but many. In each aspect you unfold your inner truth

to the satisfaction of the soul. When these are all integrated the learning is profound because it takes place on many levels of consciousness, and in every form

imaginable. Awareness has many avenues of expression. When you behold the stillness that is the self,a miracle of true beginning emerges and the spirit will begin to

awaken on many levels. All are give innumerable opportunities to experience in form. Some take many different paths in many different dimensions,others will

experiment with alternative lives in a more careful scenario where the changes are small, but lead to other means of accomplishing growth. There is unlimited

possibility in each of you. Your spark of truth tests the many aspects of being and then returns to the stillness to regroup. Your lives are vast and varied and what

you experience in one life has a direct effect on the current experience of your present lives. It is all interconnected, like a wheel ever turning, one cannot point to

only one part of the wheel, the effect is movement, and constant change, yet the stillness remains in stillness yet observes the movement without judgement. Every

life purpose is played out in conscious awareness yet the body can only experience the limited view of it's present circumstances. To reach the ever conscious state,

one must endeavor to purify the mind and the body, then pursue direct knowing from the mind of Divine presence. This alone will move you from the idea of being the

one who experiences to being the observer and in this state of being, you release the small will to the true will of the Divine. In this alone will you grow into the

magnificent beings you are. Surrender your lower self, for the fullness of your true being. Be willing to forgo the small and finite, for the infinite. This choice is ever

your own to make. God has given you free will to experience in time and space, but if you yearn to break the cycle of finite experience you must have the courage to

break the old pattern and forge a new path beyond limitation. Let your imagination expand. It was given that you might see yourselves in perfection. See yourselves

as magnificent beings of light, then begin to forge the path to reality. The small will fall away as you step toward inner perfection. Each of you know this intuitively,

yet you hide your beauty from yourselves when you get caught up in the human dramas. Have the courage to break this vicious cycle and move out of the circle into

the expanding spiral. As your awareness increases, your awareness helps the next person to become aware and so on. Oneness is sharing on every level because life

itself intermingles with every other part of itself. Be creative, you have such abilities to heal and be healed of your twisted imaginings. then you can imagine the best

in yourselves. Walk in the light of perfection, then pass that light to your neighbor by sharing your inner life. This does not mean you preach your understanding to

another, but you first live that understanding, then a change will be noticed by all who interact with you, and your life will be observed. This observation will prompt

one on an inner level to change. Do you see how it works? live your life impeccably and others will choose to live their lives impeccably. Perhaps it will only let some

light into their consciousness but it is the start of inner awakening that is beginning to spiral among the restless souls who yearn for release. Be your divine power

dear ones, be the light so that others can see more clearly. In divine love Babaji

01-01-2012, 06:41 PM
Dear ones, whenever one has questions or doubts about their spiritual progress, this is important. You are gauging your spiritual progress. You will find that as you

progress, you will be more comfortable in your body and will be less anxious in your daily affairs. This amounts to trust which will carry you through most situations in

a peaceful manner. Before one has come to this state of being, the mind is bombarded with negative thought patterns and has a hard time sorting out truth from

fiction. It is a progression, and sometimes you will seem to back step but truly you are making progress. Every lesson learned is repeated in another manner, this is to

assure the spirit has indeed taken the lesson inward so it can translate into positive action. This is why sometimes it seems you digress, but you are only testing your

own progress. The spirit is wise in its ways and once the commitment to change has been made, you will draw help to yourself from the spiritual realms and from your

fellow earth dwellers who are attuned to their own progress, thus you are never alone on the path. Synchronicity will occur on a regular basis because you are in tune

with your spirit and the spirit wants ever to move forward. It becomes second nature to experience opportunities and multilayered messages coming from many

different sources, but you are just creating differently so that the usual blocks are removed and the path becomes straighter so you are able to perceive what lies

ahead of you. In other words your life will unfold before you as a joyous experience.

As fear diminishes, you open doors to greater possibility for yourselves. It is a progression of fearless action, then you will attract all that is of a loving nature without

the stain of fear. Your life is always secure in spirit, you must trust what I say. Your lives are first about growth of the mind and learning to get along with others,

and sharing ideas in a fair and loving manner. Most of you have progressed past this point. The next step is to trust the inner light which will guide your steps, if you

only allow it. When you are prepared to let go of the world and its ways, you will be led to the best opportunity for your souls further growth. Work and relationships

are important, but at some point you must move beyond this. If this brings up fear, just imagine what your souls greatest purpose is and dwell on that. See

yourselves in a situation that gladdens you hearts. Perhaps you no longer have such pressures to perform or you are able to spend time in nature. See yourselves in

these very situations but be sure you are seeing clearly with the spirits eyes. If fear comes up, start over until you can see yourselves empowered and in a place of

bliss and beauty. This dear ones is the next step to your progression. Moving toward the beauty of who you are, and embracing that image. At first play with this,at

some point you will find the truth of what your spirit craves. Spend time with this each day if you can. Write down these images, even draw pictures of them, it will

lead you to your deepest truth and as the images become stronger the fear will naturally fall away. Your lives are precious, you're here to learn to love in every

aspect of your lives, to live fully and in touch with all around you. Forgo the stress, choose differently, for the spirit, not the body. Let your imagination guide you to

that loving place of peace and hold the image until it becomes real to you. If you could see how you make your lives by each thought, you would quickly clean up the

way you use your minds. Let go of the battles of the past and present, these do not matter. What matters are the true connections you make with nature and each

other. The battles are the ego and the ego will try to continue ruling you until you put a stop to it. You all have strong spirits, knowing, loving, peaceful. Give them

a chance to express themselves beyond the egos petty concerns. I am ever with you Babaji

Miss Hepburn
01-01-2012, 08:10 PM
Wow...very much appreciated...

01-01-2012, 08:21 PM
Wow...very much appreciated...

I really appreciate you too and everyone else that takes these messages to heart.:hug2:

02-01-2012, 07:17 PM
Dear lovetruth,

I finally got around to meditating on your source. It still does not seem to be Babaji but then I have never met him or any of the departed masters. Maybe I'm blocked from doing so for some reason.

Instead I found your source to be a strongly loving intelligence. I found it was of little relevance to me (Babaji would be) and so I left it at that.

I suppose one question would be: how do you 'know' it's Babaji?

I do have a strange reaction to photos and recordings of Yogananda himself. And of course I'm curious about your experience with the SRF and why you left.

Either way, I think these channelings are a lot better than 90% of the stuff people come up with.

02-01-2012, 09:44 PM
Aquarian... If it were me I wouldn't waste time trying to figure out who's being channeled but take these true messages to heart.


03-01-2012, 01:49 AM
In cocoons of dark we doze,
hearts ablaze, await the dawn.
Restless sleep, in space and time,
yea are mine, sweet Divine.

As we tear the bitter womb,
we surrender, hearts entombed.
Rip asunder, prison wall,
come to me one in all.

Sun and air, wake inner light,
weak and weary from long night.
In protection, each I hold,
as thy golden wings unfold.

You were always meant to fly,
let your burdens fall on me.
Light and free of years untold,
glide again on wings of gold.

We will weave a tapestry,
silver threads of unity.
In remembrance of me,
yea are mine, sweet divine

This poem came to me several nights ago. (had to get up and write in down)

I just found this link: interesting explains and answers many questions on Babaji and Kriya Yoga. lovetruth http://www.enlightennext.org/magazine/j21/babaji.asp

Thats really beautiful! Makes me feel really good:smile:

03-01-2012, 01:00 PM
Aquarian... If it were me I wouldn't waste time trying to figure out who's being channeled but take these true messages to heart.
And if it were me? :tongue:

I merely offer feedback - lovetruth seems to be able to handle it.

BTW, how do you measure truth?

03-01-2012, 05:57 PM
Dear Aquarian, Thank you for your message. I have no problem with you questioning the source of the messages. If you think of it this way, we are always receiving

messages from source on different frequencies; We are like the tuner and we can tune in to all of the light beings who are here to help. I can only say I know it is

Babaji because he said so. when you began to really take spirituality seriously and surrender body, mind and spirit, you are heard, and because this is our ultimate

goal to reunite with the truth of who we are, spirit comes forth and helps in so many ways. The masters are all here to help us to achieve this goal. It can be Jesus,

and yes I have gotten messages from Jesus also. We are unlimited and if we just train ourselves to listen to the heart and not the mind chatter we do tune into these

sources of light which are really the same after all (one source). One thing I am finding is that we are all getting the same message it is always about love primarily,

oneness, following your inner light etc. It is always fascinating to me to receive an channeled message then to read something quite similar from someone else

channeled message the next or two days later. The message is the same, especially now. Just listen to your heart Aquarian and if you meditate, that is when the

messages come to me. So stilling the mind is important. We should never take anything as truth until we have tested it with our heart, that is where our wisdom lives.

I never visited SRF I ordered the lessons by mail, and took them until I received the Kriya practice. this was my reason for joining. There are other steps beyond

which I was l led to after. Spirit will literally take your hand and lead you to the books practices etc. that your soul needs to progress. So it is the initial giving up the

little will and aligning with the will of God. I promise if you do this you will get your answers from within.

One more thing, Babaji is not departed, he is still on the earth plane.

03-01-2012, 06:47 PM
Dear ones, remember when you were small children, you trusted your parents and those who cared for you. You did not question what you were taught in school until

your mind developed enough to have a basis for questioning. then when the questions began, there were many. You may have questioned your parents ability to

parent, you may have questioned your education, politics etc. This is the time again to question, to seek for deeper meaning in your lives. It is easy to just stick with

what you have finally accepted as true, but it is of utmost importance to take a look around you and ask again what is real. Your lives have been manipulated in ways

you cannot always see, but your spirits are of such a nature that they are not easily fooled. You have come into the world with vast information to help guide you.

What you see before you does not exist. It has form only because you are all playing the same game for awhile. the game is called, who am I really and how do I

discover who I am? Why have I played in certain scenes that others do not play in? Of course Karma plays a role in each existence and that is the set for the drama

that unfolds for each individual spark. One may be born rich, one poor. One has greater ability with math and science another art and language. these are all laid out

according to karma and also the souls need to progress in whatever it best needs to learn. You are all aware of this on some level. If you blame outside

circumstances you are not realizing the reality of cause and effect and you become a (victim). This can only play out for so long when suffering becomes unbearable,

one will pick another avenue, perhaps not in this life, but another. Here is where it gets a bit more convoluted. You are all living in your now, all lives are lived at the

same moment, therefore your past and future selves are healed in many ways. You cannot understand this easily because of your senses which only allow you to

understand a linear viewpoint. What I am implying is that you are doing so much more then you realize. Healing can be instantaneous if your mind can grasp the

concept of now. Frequently, those who have chosen a path of hardship, learn the most quickly, because suffering tends to make one look deeper. Now, no one

enjoys suffering and it is again just a part of the play, but on your earthly sojourns it seems real enough.

You all have a hand in what is appearing. You are not victims nor could you ever be. Your spirit chooses the best path for your greatest soul growth and it is always

the spirit that makes that choice. So let go of the grieving over your circumstances, these are yours because you have chosen them to balance karma and reach

greater states of inner understanding. The law (karma) cannot be violated, but you can reach this understanding and stop creating negative karma. this is such an

important point. Once you start loving more than destroying, your karma will stop and in each instance of love you bring greater joy into your lives, because you are

working with the power of truth instead of lies. It is really so simple, you have the help of your inner truth and when you make this choice, your lives will change. It is

an attitude of living in truth that will turn things around. Choose to do no harm, to assist, to open to greater love and understanding, to break tho old habits that stall

your progress. the power to change is in each of you, use it to make your life a beautiful story. Fashion your lives after those you admire. do not limit your ability to

transform yourselves into masters. this is who you are, masters in the making. the first step is to believe it is possible to make huge strides in your spiritual progress.

there is so much help for your spirits. Many wait to assist you in your desire for perfection. All reach the path in the same way. 1) There is the will to move beyond

pain and suffering. 2) Then the willingness to make the changes necessary. 3) The surrender of the old beliefs, so you can embrace the new. 4) Letting go of the ego

for the splendor of the spirit. 5) Love and assistance to self and others. This is the blueprint of every souls, progression unto perfection. Your friend in spirit Babaji

04-01-2012, 05:13 PM
Hello all, just want to thank you all for your comments, lovetruth

05-01-2012, 07:47 PM
BTW, how do you measure truth?

That's a good question, Aquarian.

Discernment between Truth and ordinary perception is not really 'measuring', but being aware in the silent unboundaried open space of being, that we may also feel as pure love for no reason.


05-01-2012, 10:35 PM
That's a good question, Aquarian.

Discernment between Truth and ordinary perception is not really 'measuring', but being aware in the silent unboundaried open space of being, that we may also feel as pure love for no reason.
I used the word measure as it implies precision. As we know, the subtle world requires extraordinary discernment as well as multiple perspectives and continuous rechecking of our assumptions.

Otherwise we're almost certainly fooling ourselves.

So it sounds like you believe truth about the subtle world is easily discernable in a particular state of mind? If so, how do you know you're in that particular state of mind and not any other?

06-01-2012, 06:18 PM
Aquarian, you are missing the point discernment is with the heart not the mind.

06-01-2012, 07:01 PM
Dear ones, creation goes so much deeper then the mind can imagine. Each of you holds the universe within you. Your hearts are your own inner sun. The truth has

been hidden so long to keep you from expanding in myriad ways. Do you realize how vast the idea is? One cannot fully grasp the magnificence of creation while

embodied, unless one has reached the state of enlightenment. What you encounter on earth is just a small part of of vastness. Yet the earth plays a major role in in

creation because all the parts are one. So in one sense the earth seems insignificant, but nothing in creation is insignificant, that includes your spirits. If you could

behold the vast beauty of your spirits. (they encompass all) The mind must expand to even hold the idea of vastness. For too long you have been held back from

knowing your magnificence, because duality was ordained that you might rediscover who you are. Countless lives have been spent in creating in different aspects so

you could learn to co-create. You cannot co-create until your heart is filled with love, because this only creates chaos. So your power in creating without love has

been somewhat limited. Once you begin to create with love you become unlimited, because you are aligned with source in your creations. So you have been juggling

with your ideas in each existence and testing out your limits. Sometimes your experiments were disastrous, sometimes they were beautiful, thus you learn to create in

a small fashion first. Limited power was also given to chaotic forms upon the earth so that you could practice in duality. these forms have a limited time to inhabit the

earth, and now their time is up. Do not judge these powers, you are all connected in a way that is not easy to explain in your 3rd dimensional awareness. you have all

spent some lives playing with chaos and some in love. Even in chaos there is a seed of truth because chaos is just a temporary form. This is why I keep speaking of

appearances, at some point you will begin to realize that only love exists. The projection exists only for your lessons until you can let go of the form and see the truth

behind the projections. You are living this right now. Here is where your spirits must be strong and stand up to the lie that looks so real. You are here to take back

the power that was loaned to the chaotic form and return it back to fullness. Your light is so bright and beautiful, let your visions of your true self carry you back to

your unique fullness. Each of you have brought a piece of the puzzle so you can reassemble your world in love and beauty. This my dears is why you are so very

important. Such divine power rests in your hands when you turn to love, and we can see the love blooming in your hearts. We hear your every murmur to the all for

strength when you are feeling powerless. Dear ones, you are not powerless in love. Love will buoy you up so you can understand from a higher perspective and you

will no longer drown in fear. See your spirits expand outward until they reach out to all creation. Let them merge in beautiful unity with each other. Express who you

are to the cosmos, it will respond. You are all oneness and beautiful. Then your expressions will be in light, your words and actions of love. You are simply inviting the

all back into your existence so that you can recreate together a world of love. I hold each of you in my divine heart, Babaji

06-01-2012, 07:09 PM
We all walk the same path

We all walk the same path when desirous of God.
Each step becomes a marker, a milestone later recognized.
Feet shod with wings, Mercurys’ heated ambition,
carries matter into light.

We all walk the same path,
old burdens drop away,
cast like stones which held us tight to illusion.
Dreams fade one by one, mirrors fogged, unclear.

Every thought analyzed checked for meaning, all false dispelled.
Mountains no longer dissuade us, these we cherish for lessons learned.
We become bold, assertive in truth, wisdom bubbles up in the heat of determination.
Belief decays, feeding the old perceptions

We all walk the same path. wedged between the old reality and the truth.
Pulled like taffy, resolve hardened and tested,
making us ready to savor the sweetness of release.

06-01-2012, 07:45 PM
So it sounds like you believe truth about the subtle world is easily discernable in a particular state of mind? If so, how do you know you're in that particular state of mind and not any other?

I asked this question of my guru of some years ago, as "How do I know what's true in all that I experience.?"

He said, "The truth is silent."

Since then I also find the quiet no-thought space to be unchanging and purely true.


06-01-2012, 07:54 PM
I asked this question of my guru of some years ago, as "How do I know what's true in all that I experience.?"

He said, "The truth is silent."

Since then I also find the quiet no-thought space to be unchanging and purely true.

So true, the mind is for us to discover ourselves. Once discovered, we give the mind back to the Divine and it becomes the mind of God. God is stillness, (silence).
Thanks Xan :hug2:

06-01-2012, 08:09 PM
Once discovered, we give the mind back to the Divine and it becomes the mind of God.

Yes... after the awakening, the surrender... and the serving.


07-01-2012, 09:06 PM
This is fascinating interview with Inelia Benz, enjoy


08-01-2012, 05:22 PM
I asked this question of my guru of some years ago, as "How do I know what's true in all that I experience.?"

He said, "The truth is silent."

Since then I also find the quiet no-thought space to be unchanging and purely true.

Frankly, I think you and your Guru both dodged the question. :wink:

08-01-2012, 05:23 PM
So sorry, pasted the wrong link (here is the one for Inelia Benz interview)


Dear ones, once one cancels out all the influences that distract the mind and holds back the spirit, there is a cleansing that takes place that will help to heal all the old

patterns, so that your true purpose can be realized. Some of you have discovered your unique purpose, some hesitate to believe that they are more than the body and

mind. We regard all of you as beings with free will so we will not interfere, yet if you ask for our assistance we will gladly share your purpose so you can continue to

move forward with your soul plan. When you hesitate to move forward in life you are staunching the flow and this brings discomfort to the body and mind. A simple

letting go and trusting is all that is necessary at this step. Yes, you must trust that you are more then the flesh. When you choose to do this, life will unfold in a

pattern that leads to greater awareness of self and the world around you. There will be those who refuse to budge, and we honor your decision but give your selves

credit for being here because this is not an easy passage for humanity, yet it is a tremendous opportunity for growth on many levels. No one can force growth on

another, it is a decision left to the wisdom of the soul. So leave your wisdom for those who are willing to listen and choose to make a leap in consciousness. Many will,

many will not. Do you see there is no judgement in either decision, life continues and when that spark is ready it will begin the upward climb to fullness. Many of you

passed the opportunity long ago because you were not prepared to make the journey at that time, but now you are ripe to extend yourselves in many of your aspects,

to accelerate as a whole and unify in your willingness to fullfill the souls true purpose. You will find that you will make new connections with others who are also willing

to make the leap in consciousness. In all your lives you travel with a soul group. sometimes the group is small, but at this time you have come together in a greater

percentage to help push the energy toward positive change on the earth and in the universe. This is no small endeavor, and many of you have been involved in this

creation for innumerable lives. You have had your hand in remaking the earth so that all have the same opportunity to move forward, instead of being held in the grip of

negative mind. Your power always lives in love and acceptance of all appearance no matter how chaotic it plays out. This comes of remembering who you are and

having the knowing that it is an aspect of creation that has lost its balance and simply needs to be realigned in truth. It has been a challenge for many to stay in

balance while embodied, but always there is help from spirit and from each other in your soul groups to ever move forward throughout the illusion to consciousness. The

earth supports you in your missions of unity and purpose. Have you not noticed this? You are all supported when you have aligned the heart toward love and

fellowship. She is committed to change and you are her means of doing so. In loving assistance Babaji

08-01-2012, 09:29 PM
Frankly, I think you and your Guru both dodged the question. :wink:

Aquarian... I'd like to hear what your question is that isn't yet answered.


08-01-2012, 09:35 PM
Aquarian, you are missing the point discernment is with the heart not the mind.
The heart (chakra?) is very limited in its ability to discern. The mind or rationality discerns. It is why we have it. Yogandanda is quite clear on this.

08-01-2012, 09:38 PM
Aquarian... I'd like to hear what your question is that isn't yet answered.Xan
I actually wrote 2, trying to clarify your first answer:

So it sounds like you believe truth about the subtle world is easily discernable in a particular state of mind? If so, how do you know you're in that particular state of mind and not any other?

08-01-2012, 09:50 PM
So it sounds like you believe truth about the subtle world is easily discernable in a particular state of mind? If so, how do you know you're in that particular state of mind and not any other?

You know when you are in that state of consciousness because the mind is silent. It's the no-thought zone.


09-01-2012, 05:31 PM
Yet the mind is only using perception, unless one has connected to the mind of one. So it is really up to each of us to understand with what we have available to understand with, until we have reached that point. The heart will always let you know if something feels right to you tho. :hug3: blessings lovetruth

10-01-2012, 06:04 PM
Dear Ones, in your hearts you hold the wisdom of the ages. this has been locked down for many lives, but you are the keepers of that wisdom and it is always yours.

You share in this wisdom, it has no boundaries. Every heart holds its own unique experiences, your soul stores these and from life to life these are brought into your

incarnations through the spirit. You have believed that the wisdom was not your own and you gave it away to those who held you captive in the belief that you are

bodies only.

As each soul stirs into awakening, the being remembers it has a continuum that stretches backward and forward. You have been forced to cram your multidimensional

being into a limited aspect and you lost the thread of your true existence.

The cosmic mind has been opened wide and all the information is yours to examine and claim once more. It has always been secured, but your beliefs held you from

embracing this full aspect of being. Knowledge cannot ever be destroyed, even if every library is ransacked, the heart ever holds the wisdom. As you move through

the cosmic cycles all the information of all existence is available to your spirit. Mind of all is shared with all of life. In every cell you hold the spiritual library. Nothing of

creation can be destroyed so it is always here. You have let the keys rust from disuse, but they are still your heritage. Your powers of knowledge and understanding

are unlimited once you fully realize who you are. Balance your lives so you can see beyond one limited viewpoint. Practice expanding your awareness beyond the body,

beyond the earth, all the way to source which all resides within you. It is always a returning to the self and then acknowledging the expansiveness of creation within

your own being. You need not go anywhere, you need not be any different. Do you see you are already perfect? The trick is to identify with the absolute and not

with the finite body. Why choose the house that will crumble, when the true mansion within cannot ever be destroyed, your birthright your heritage is shared in all.

You wash the body, but you forget to wash the mind and heart of accumulated baggage from untold lives. Unload these useless appendages and your spirit will lighten

and thank you. Address your bodily needs, that is a necessity but remember it is just the vehicle to bring you to greater awareness. Every being must make this

passage of awareness from the body awareness only, to the knowing of what animates it. Dear ones we watch your struggles with compassion and love, knowing you

will all eventually make this transition from the finite to the infinite mind. Babaji

Miss Hepburn
11-01-2012, 01:06 PM
Wow, I think I might print that out to read
every once in awhile.
Thank you.

11-01-2012, 05:14 PM
Wow, I think I might print that out to read
every once in awhile.
Thank you.

:hug3: thanks for your support and love!!!

11-01-2012, 06:56 PM
What a great message from Babaji. So many things I need to be reminded of daily. Thank you for posting it!

11-01-2012, 07:25 PM
What a great message from Babaji. So many things I need to be reminded of daily. Thank you for posting it!

You are most welcome. :hug2:

11-01-2012, 09:25 PM
Oh great Babaij.

Thank you for your gems of wisdom.

Please answer my following query...

Who would win in a fight...

robo-cop or predator??


Thank you in advance,

12-01-2012, 12:27 AM
The heart will always let you know if something feels right to you tho.
Even if superbly developed, the heart (chakra) alone is a very poor judge of truth. Billion of human beings have misinterpreted feelings of love as evidence of a suitable partner.


12-01-2012, 12:30 AM
You know when you are in that state of consciousness because the mind is silent. It's the no-thought zone.
I would hope there is more to ability to sort truth from delusion else you're likely to get the latter.

12-01-2012, 01:45 AM
Aquarian... You could always see for yourself. First become aware in the silence. Then see if there is delusion there or not.


12-01-2012, 03:49 AM
Aquarian... You could always see for yourself. First become aware in the silence. Then see if there is delusion there or not.
Of course, egoic defensiveness tends to encourage mostly delusion.

Whether you're talking about shutting off the internal dialogue, or quieting the mind, or even quieting the senses beyond that... there are multiple sources of delusion:
Pre-existing delusion
E-motion which drives perception
Physical interference from electrical fields etc
Interference from entities

12-01-2012, 05:56 AM
No, I'm not talking about quieting the mind but about becoming aware of the silent open space that is underneath thought activity and all around it.

All delusion is in thoughts and emotions of the mind. In the silent presence there are neither, but the presence of whole being beyond the mind.

This is not something one can 'do' but it may be discovered.


12-01-2012, 07:13 PM
Dear ones, your spirits are united in purpose, not just now but it has always been so. As you join in purpose in your desire to fulfill your divine missions, there

are always reminders on the path of which direction to take. If you carefully listen to these gentle reminders your path will become one of ease. Each of you radiate a

vibration or frequency that is read by those around you. You may not be aware of this on a physical level but you are quite aware on a spiritual level. These

frequencies are announcing who you are and what you have experienced. Your brothers and sisters learn from these and assist you to move in the direction most

needed for your progression. so on the subtle levels you are always in communication with each other. This is natural because you are all connected and it cannot be

otherwise. So in this knowing, you help the earth to waken along with your brothers and sisters. This is not limited to physical beings, it applies to all matter, so all life

around you in a sense is speaking to you by communicating this information of self. When you are able to sense these vibrations, you will naturally attune to your

environment wherever you are. The trees, flowers, grasses all are ever in spiritual communication. The senses have denied you, because in this aspect of creation the

they have been purposely limited to the gross physical realm only. At one time you did have these finer spiritual senses that were your everyday awareness. You are

again going to utilize these finer spiritual senses and once again you will be in spiritual communion with your environment. In this state it would be very unlikely you

would knowingly do damage to your surroundings, would it not? this vision has been carried in your hearts to renew the earth, to live as a powerful balanced human.

You were led astray, but in a higher understanding it was necessary to bring you from gross matter back into your true essence. All this has occurred in such a short

time as we see it. When you no longer live in the illusion of linear time, you will know these things with divine understanding and will appreciate what has occurred in

your process of transformation. Your true knowledge extends to infinity where all knowing is shared. Fasten your vision on the highest version of self that you can

muster. Your images will become your reality. See with your master vision, beyond the limits you have held as real. Babaji

Miss Hepburn
13-01-2012, 04:49 AM
"Your images will become your reality."

I hope so.

14-01-2012, 05:38 PM
Dear ones, the path to perfection always starts with a deep commitment to creating greater awareness, this will propel you to make different choices. If you study

your lives and look at the choices already made and how they have affected you lives, this, will help you to make the connection that indeed your lives are your own

making. If you could see life as a game or contest that is ever creating new images according to your own evolution, these pictures are yours alone to ponder and

reflect what the cause was to mirror these images. Anger will always come back in some manner so you can finally make the connection that each thought and action

has a consequence. If you are projecting love, that too will return. If you are projecting confusion your result will be more confusion. A lack of awareness leads to

despondency because one feels lost. Once you gain realization by examining your results, you will find it easy to make major changes in your lives. When you admire an

adept who has powerful results in manifesting , for example, keep in mind that this one has taken the steps to observe their behavior then modify it in order to make

change. there is no magic potion, just a strong commitment to remake, by tossing out the old patterns. You all know individuals that are ever in a state of conflict

because they continue to do and react in the same manner over and over again. It is easy to see the pattern of another and their blindness to their own rescue. It is

another thing to see our own patterns and this is where honesty is of utmost importance, because without honesty your ego will continue to fool you and progress will

be minimal. So when life is handing you a picture that is unproductive or unacceptable, take the high road and look at what your actions have been. cause and effect

will only be of value if you can see the outcome then change it by using a new form based on love and understanding. You do not have to defend your ideas, be willing

to take the position of humility instead of aggression. The ego will always insist on having its way until you watch its every move and then anticipate its next move.

Here is where you decide to override the egos defenses and let your spirit have the upper hand. You can let your ego determine your life, or you can choose otherwise.

Once you see this clearly, it is an easy thing to correct. Step back and be the observer, be aware of the power struggle that ensues as the ego throws its tantrums.

Watch my dears, soon you will see that its motives are laughable. Then you will be able to laugh at yourselves without derision but in a loving and capable knowing.

This again takes courage, most of the worldly population never makes this connection and they suffer. You are not here to suffer, you are here to learn. the steps are

always the same, but how you as seeming individuals take these steps is up to you. In divine grace, Babaji

16-01-2012, 05:27 PM
Dear ones, to engage your spirits in peacefulness, you must touch your essence. This state of being is reached when you meditate or spend quiet time in nature. Each

of you knows instinctively what nurtures your soul and what does not. the soul can become calloused or wounded in such a way that it nearly gives up. Many who

walk the earth are in a state of soulful despair. Ones motive cannot easily be healed, if one continuously stays in situations that demoralize the soul. Karmic debt can

be turned around if one is willing to surrender what does not uplift the spirit. Always ask your innate spirit for help. When there is the willingness to shift your

consciousness and you are sincere about making change, you situation will change. Some choose to create deepest despair, before choosing to shift into positive

change. Take note of your surroundings, are they harmonious to the spirit? These are the things that can be shifted by adjusting your thoughts and reactions. If

something or someone irritates you, look at that, and learn to see from a different angle. Perhaps you can recognize the humor in some of these situations. You can

never change another person, you can only change your perception of what is presented to you. If you choose to see life as a game, then these things are just

challenges to the being to shift its perspective from dislike to a neutral and balanced state of perceiving. Your choice is to see beyond the limitations of the body/ego,

so you can understand what is really being communicated. Many who lash out and blame are only reaching out for help. If you respond in kind, it only inflates the

situation. Try kindness and understanding, this alone will help one to realize there is another way to approach lifes situations. This requires a constant state of

awareness. Do not let busyness be an excuse. Life is an ever constant uplifting of consciousness but it takes persistence and willingness for change. Eventually it will

become second nature, and you will find your situations increasingly balanced and nurturing. It is your decision to climb out of the rut and renew your path to a

knowing of what is true and uplifting to the soul. There is always the counterfeit way way of approaching life and it is learned from an early age. It is not truth, and it

will only dig you deeper into illusion. Your hearts are strong and each of you are up to the challenge of overcoming the false. Many of you are here to show the way

for the masses. It is time to take the torch, and be that light, which leads to infinite life. Babaji

16-01-2012, 07:48 PM
No, I'm not talking about quieting the mind but about becoming aware of the silent open space that is underneath thought activity and all around it.
Yes, because it sounds so much like the latter has nothing to do with the former! :D

All delusion is in thoughts and emotions of the mind. In the silent presence there are neither, but the presence of whole being beyond the mind.
Truth isn't a sensory perception - it must involve thought of some kind.

This is not something one can 'do' but it may be discovered.
How inconvenient for everything except your ego.

16-01-2012, 09:16 PM
Truth isn't a sensory perception - it must involve thought of some kind.

Yes, it's not a sensory perception, nor is it thought or emotion... surprisingly.

This is not something one can 'do' but it may be discovered.

How inconvenient for everything except your ego.

Well, it's not the ego-mind that discovers it... it happens in awareness beyond the conceptual, identifying mind.


Miss Hepburn
17-01-2012, 05:50 PM
Dear ones, to engage your spirits in peacefulness, you must touch your essence. :smile: This state of being is reached when you meditate or spend quiet time in nature. Each
of you knows instinctively what nurtures your soul and what does not. the soul can become calloused or wounded ...
Ahh, wonderful reminder - Jesus calls it a hardened heart, yes.

17-01-2012, 06:08 PM
Ahh, wonderful reminder - Jesus calls it a hardened heart, yes.

And we are all wounded to some degree. It is admitting it, then taking the steps to heal.

17-01-2012, 08:02 PM
Truth isn't a sensory perception - it must involve thought of some kind.

Yes, it's not a sensory perception, nor is it thought or emotion... surprisingly.
I'll say it again: perception of truth must involve thought of some kind.

17-01-2012, 08:27 PM
Why must it?


17-01-2012, 08:35 PM
Because when you receive information, if it is going to enlighten you, you must respond to it. You must decide what to do with it... and that involves thought.

On a purely practical level, if there's no neural processing going on in someone's head, we declare them dead.

17-01-2012, 08:49 PM
ahhh... but enlightenment is not from information.

It's entirely experiential and without thought and can't be arrived at through mental processes.

Brain wave studies show patterns in the low Theta range with those in deep meditation, experiencing silent awareness.


18-01-2012, 05:23 PM
Dear ones, as your devotion increases toward all in self, you will begin to recognize the divine in all substance. To regard all you understand as matter, in the terms of

divine, takes a leap in consciousness. Your hearts awaken to greater purpose and your lives will reflect that. Opportunities for greater growth in the way of books,

people and situations increase when your mind becomes one pointed. This will ever escalate until you know without doubt that you are being propelled forward with

greater intensity. When you have shown a sincerity that cannot any longer be denied, the cosmos becomes your greatest asset as it assists in every manner, to draw

you to divine source. The spiral widens and you will begin to have a greater effect on you surroundings and with the people you have the most contact with. But on a

greater level you are also affecting everything around you and as your vibration increases, a circle of light will ever surround your being and it will increasingly touch all

substance in your field. Light attracts light, dear ones, this becomes like a tractor that pulls you ever closer to your goal. At this point there is no turning back, you are

pulled deeper into the substrate of light. As sacred rituals have been passed down through the ages to adepts on the path, you will be attracted to these aids to

enlightenment. Let your spirits unfold as you gain greater wisdom. Remember dear ones, there is no time, yet your opportunities to bypass suffering are ever at your

doorstep just waiting for you to take up the yoke and move in the direction of perfection. We are ever watchful of those who make this decision and we are here to

assist in all manner, those who show a willingness to master their lives. If you hesitate out of fear dear ones, we will help you to overcome. That first step is your

alone to take. May peace fill your ever expanding hearts. Babaji

18-01-2012, 08:35 PM
ahhh... but enlightenment is not from information.

It's entirely experiential and without thought and can't be arrived at through mental processes.
... in your apparently unjustifiable opinion.

Don't you think this board would be a lot better if people backed up their opinions with something more than 'Because I say so'?

I personally think a lot of bad karma comes from willfully risking people's progress with information you don't actually know to be true.

Brain wave studies show patterns in the low Theta range with those in deep meditation, experiencing silent awareness.
... caused by neurons firing a bit slower than usual.

Do you know Yogananda's writings about the ideational body?

18-01-2012, 08:47 PM
... in your apparently unjustifiable opinion.

There are many writings and teachings on enlightenment, or waking up in our true nature, that say the same thing, Aquarian.

It's a discovery beyond the conceptual mind.

But I think we've both expressed our views on this issue enough here.

Bowing out...


19-01-2012, 05:57 AM
... in your apparently unjustifiable opinion.

There are many writings and teachings on enlightenment, or waking up in our true nature, that say the same thing, Aquarian.
Feel free to disclose any credible ones so that the rest of us can judge their validity. Like I do, below.

God gave us a mind to distinguish truth in this world of delusion, so that we can find our way back to Him.

We only know of Babaji through Yogananda. In his Autobiography of a Yogi, he recounts (http://crystalclarity.com/yogananda/chap43.php) the words of his resurrected Master, Sri Yukteswar. In this particular extract, Sri Yukteswar is talking about the stage after the second ascension of those who have left this world enlightened enough to break the cycle of reincarnation.

"Causal desires are fulfilled by perception only. The nearly-free beings who are encased only in the causal body see the whole universe as realizations of the dream-ideas of God; they can materialize anything and everything in sheer thought."

19-01-2012, 10:14 PM
Aquarian... There are so many credible writings I couldn't possible list them all, but for a start there's The Bhagavad Gita, The Vedas, The Upanishads, Tao Te Ching... and in modern times, writings from Ramana Maharshi, H.W.L. Poonjaji, Adyashanti, Gangaji, Eckhart Tolle, to mention just a few.

Many of us did first hear about Babaji in Autobiography of a Yogi. Here's a more recent and thorough personal description you might find interesting:

http://www.babaji.net/teachings-babaji.htm (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.babaji.net%2Fteach ings-babaji.htm)


19-01-2012, 10:27 PM
That's a fake Babaji. Having actually died is a bit of a giveaway and of course Babaji's own 'church' in the West (via Yogananda), the SRF, reject him.
There is at least one other impersonation FYI.

Here's another passage from the same chapter.

"You have read in the scriptures," Master went on, "that God encased the human soul successively in three bodies-the idea, or causal, body; the subtle astral body, seat of man's mental and emotional natures; and the gross physical body. On earth a man is equipped with his physical senses. An astral being works with his consciousness and feelings and a body made of lifetrons. A causal-bodied being remains in the blissful realm of ideas."
The "scriptures" of course referring to those Hindu sacred texts you mention.

19-01-2012, 10:35 PM
Aquarian, if you think the most recent incarnation of Babaji is fake, there's nothing more to say.

blessings on your chosen way

19-01-2012, 10:39 PM
Aquarian, if you think the most recent incarnation of Babaji is fake, there's nothing more to say.
Your thinking that fraud was real is exactly what I've been talking about in this thread. You've also just proven to everyone here that your ability to be deceived is very high.

Unless you're claiming Yogandanda rejected Babaji and set up a church which would renounce a real Babaji (who could/would do nothing to change that) then you have to believe he's fake.

Also Babaji is deathless. He's at least hundreds of years old and has maintained the same body throughout -- if you believe Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Lahiri Mahasaya, Ram Gopal and probably others.

19-01-2012, 10:44 PM
To know what's real I don't go by authorities but intuitive knowing.

I hope you don't miss out on real discoveries for yourself because of holding on and holding back.

I will not respond to you here again.


19-01-2012, 11:37 PM
Is there no cracking through that ego?

There is no shame in being deluded. We all are. I strongly doubt there is a single person on this board who can reliably tell truth from delusion in these subtle matters.

Miss Hepburn
20-01-2012, 04:16 PM
Is there no cracking through that ego?

There is no shame in being deluded. We all are. I strongly doubt there is a single person on this board who can reliably tell truth from delusion in these subtle matters.
That's pretty strong, Aquarian.
Could you think of another way to communicate that?
I mean feel or think what you wish, of course, valid or not - but that was strong -at least for me.
If you 2 were close personal friends and that's the way
you guys talk with each other, that'd be different.

20-01-2012, 05:31 PM
Dear ones, your minds and hearts are ever linked when you hold one another in respect and love. Your own light increases and this light is transmitted to the whole. If

your focus is on disharmony, you create a force-field of chaotic energy that does nothing to help the whole. If you do nothing else, keep the egos desire to control in

check, as this creates more problems for your selves that you do not always recognize. If you cannot control your thoughts, it is best to remove yourselves from the

situation until you are able to see clearly what you are creating. It is time to let go of the struggle, the wars and rebellions that have raged within and out-picture in

your world. These energies are outmoded and in the process of dissolution. I will not remind you where your insistence on holding these energies will take you. Rather

let your divinity shine within and around you. You will then attract like energies to your own field and create healing in your wake. Dear ones you are honored for your

vast lessons learned, but do not fall back into the trap of negativity. Once you pull yourselves out, choose to stay attuned to the higher self so there is no major

back-peddling. You are in the process of cleaning up your remaining conflicts, do this and move on. To truly awaken, you are put on a delicate balance so you can

hold unity in duality. Make the best of each situation, know when to let go and move on. Recognize your part in every encounter. If it exceeds the energy needed to

stay in balance, take leave and do not engage. Mastering means mastering the senses, the body and mind with full awareness at all times. We know you will falter,

that is part of the learning, but be prepared to learn then continue in impeccability until you have perfected your journeys. We bless you and ever delight in your

spiritual progress. Babaji

20-01-2012, 08:30 PM
That's pretty strong, Aquarian.
Could you think of another way to communicate that?
Hmm, this thread makes me as subtle as an elephant. In my defense, Xan is something of an expert in EFT so he could probably relieve any distress in minutes. But I apologise for any momentary discomfort.

I tried tact but you often need to understand someone's ego very well in order to negotiate their defenses. Real-time feedback helps a ton too.

Another way? Not really but I'm open to suggestions... or demonstrations. :smile:

Nice sig quote btw. Don't suppose you have one where he explains beyond "Meditate unceasingly" how to "ride daily in a balloon of divine perception"?

22-01-2012, 05:11 PM
Imagine that you have been given the opportunity to reset the way that you perceive your world. The past and future will no longer hold meaning for you because it

does not follow your new spiritual perception. Just as one candle can light a multitude of wicks, your hearts are expanding to this new awareness. Just as the tide

carries with it the sands, your perceptions shall be shifted from the old way into the new. The lies of the past can no longer fool the heart that is fully open and

aware. No longer will the few control, their time is quickly closing, and instead the true light of reunion is descending upon the universal mind and remaking your world.

What do you think will happen when mere belief turns into knowing and all the past lies no longer can fool or control you? Where you were accustomed to following

anothers picture of reality, suddenly, you find that the picture has shattered and is without meaning. Now you are the creators of your reality without the interference

of anothers overlay. Can you imagine how empowering this would be for you and your world? This power lies within you and it is your choice to embrace as your

reality. Because the few have had the freewill to fool you and you the freewill to choose the path of illusion does not mean that you would not at some point awaken and

take back your power. In the meantime the old way believed that you were theirs to manipulate for all time. This dear ones is not true, you simply forgot your innate

powers in such a long and enduring sleep and now as you all rub your eyes and see the result of your prolonged sleep, you are fully awakening and choosing to take

back the power you loaned to the chaotic side of duality. Now is the time to shift that old image into one of love harmony and beauty. Just as the all creates with

idea first then word, you are all challenged to recreate your world with the same tools of creation. Though the images of destruction seem to persist, they are

dissolving before your very eyes and in their dissolution there is vast confusion because the finite has now met with the infinite and only one is real. It has been a

clever game and interesting to observe and participate in, but the game is nearing its end and it is time to cast away the old rules to remake in a fashion the uplifts and

empowers the whole. In the wake of this new consciousness, you are the vessels that hold the light and invite greater consciousness onto the earth. It is not a time

to go into fear, it is a time to bravely show your light and proclaim to the old images your fullness and truth. do not be deceived into thinking that the old powers still

hold the upper hand, they are projecting false images at the same time they scramble for cover. They fear the light, yet they too have the opportunity to shift into

truth. Freedom has always been your innate choice, now you take back what has always been yours. As consciousness spreads across your solar system and on your

earth, more and more will awaken and look in a new way at what has been created out of ignorance. The lesson learned will not soon be forgotten and you will finally

work together in harmony to remake your lives in trust and peace. The veil was held so tightly for so long, dear ones, you nearly forgot who you are and when that

realization sinks in, nothing will stop you from you inner expansion. You have created your destinies so that you could be here for this very reason and now all the

destinies merge into one. Your realizations have just begun dear ones, for the present holds all possibilities. Babaji

Miss Hepburn
22-01-2012, 06:16 PM
Hmm, this thread makes me as subtle as an elephant. :smile:

Nice sig quote btw. Don't suppose you have one where he explains beyond "Meditate unceasingly" how to "ride daily in a balloon of divine perception"?
Ha funny - what I bolded....
I always notice when anyone says, ''something makes me something..".
I used to say to my mom, who said that alot,
"Mom, if I had the power to make you anything, I'd make you HAPPY!!!"
I said it almost daily taking care of her.

Xan is a lovely sister, btw - your elder. :wink:

I will take your question seriously regarding L. Mayasaya's quote.
It may be a fun search!

I will say this, however, Joel S. Goldsmith's Practicing the Presence is extraordinary.
So much so, I would take it and maybe only it to a prison cell.
(Those deserted islands are actually quite crowded and modernized, dontchaknow.)

My search has begun!!!

You haven't gotten back to me yet on my PM question...

25-01-2012, 04:46 PM
Dear ones, the infinite Christic seed is the light that lives in your hearts and minds. This seed was planted for the purpose of awakening the soul to its divine purpose.

One who loves this light and nurtures it is a true devotee to the infinite path of love and light. You each have a different calling, this is yours alone to discover, and

when discovered, it will unfold you in your life and awaken the latent idea that is your essence. The power of love manifests in your work and in your varied aspects of

life. Wisdom goes hand in hand with your purpose, when you fully accept and live this divine role. Fear will flee and the heart will soar with this new vision of power

born of light. Dear ones, you have been prepared to carry immense light and to project love in every aspect of being. You are challenged to remember now, and

hold that light. It cannot be hidden any longer. The universal heart becomes your own heart and it beats to the tune of unconditional love. This is what powers the

creation. Can you expand your vision to encompass this? It is time to awaken on all levels. If you hold back even one aspect of your divinity you are denying your

fullness. We all have lived the challenges of life and we have overcome the small that we may handle the large. As your spirits grow, you will be handed greater

responsibilities in your spiritual life. Perhaps you do not realize that you are walking on two or more levels, the physical and the spiritual lives. as you grow you will

begin to feel the greater power of your spirit and you will know on many levels who you are. Because you have experienced on many levels, for many lifetimes, you are

experienced in spiritual matters but you still do not fully remember. It is time now to remember fully your true spiritual status. Do you think that you are not important

in this greater scheme? You have slept and denied your essence. Your missions are important to fulfill and that is your reason for living at this time. Not all will

awaken, not all will choose to live to the fullest chord of their contract, but many are and will. The opportunities now for the spirits growth, are endless. We wish you

to understand this. It bears repeating dear ones. Open your inner eyes that you may see clearly. Babaji

27-01-2012, 05:51 PM
Dear ones, you are in the process of reuniting with the cosmic whole. Whatever you hold as truth will be your doorway to a new paradigm. You are unlimited beings

and free will allows you to choose the timeline that best fit your beliefs. If you hold limitation as your truth then you will experience that limitation. If you see

yourselves as only flesh, without the power of spirit as your source of being, you will experience the fleshly state of being. Time and space are converging and all

possibility is being offered to you as creative force. You will determine the outcome of your personal choice. When you choose with wisdom, it is simple, you are

infinite, unlimited and beautiful beings. Those who choose the lesser reality can and will experience that lesser ideal. It takes fortitude and inner knowing to create a

path that will lead you to divine self. You are given the opportunity to finally let go of the dream to embrace the reality of who you are. Those who choose the lesser

path will continue in a dream state until they are ready to embrace the truth of who they are. This is the ascension, the choice to leave behind the world of dreams

and duality to return to unity. As your vibrational imprints converge you will create the inner worlds that fit your personal visions of who you are. You are truly mature

spirits who are now given the power of choice in a much larger arena. Your multidimensional aspects are being revealed, if you are ready to remember them. You are

challenged to see from a different perspective, one that has been hidden from you. Your inner being does understand the implications of what is being revealed. This is

simply the final aspect of the game you have all been playing for aeons. It is truly beautiful what is occurring on the earth, shifting your realities. You still have a hard

time grasping this information with the logical mind, it must be processed by the heart. There is so much information available for you when you are ready to see with

your inner eye and the information will fit together like puzzle pieces and create a new perspective of reality. Consciousness has no limits. Meditate on this and let

your being soar beyond time and space so you can feel the expansion that is yours to experience. The time of control is over and your expansion as co-creators is

handed back to you to rediscover. Facts will no longer serve. You can experience directly with true knowledge that comes from the infinite mind. No ones experience

is exactly the same, You are expanding in your own direct knowing. Do not let this confuse you, be open to the changes. Let go of all fear and worry. It is time to

simply experience without the attachment to a play that has finally run its course. I am ever with you, Babaji

29-01-2012, 06:00 PM
Dear ones, we congratulate you for your service to the light. Each of you has contributed to the divine idea and played your part as a child of God. Not all have found

the way, but millions have, and this heart pulse resonates through the cosmic body, remaking, revamping, the idea. In your evolution of the inner self- in knowing who

you are, you have created a new pattern based on love and peaceful harmony. The old pattern was necessary to prompt change. It is not to be thought of as inferior,

it has played its part to perfection, and in doing so created an ancient idea of limitation so that the whole could rise again as the phoenix, and declare to the very

cosmos its awareness of its self as perfection. This is no small deed dear ones, you have accomplished what was given to accomplish. We may say that you are over

the hump, so to speak and the worst is already being washed from you consciousness. To be free, one must know the opposites, thus your foray in duality has had an

important purpose. It has turned around the false image and mirrored it upon itself so that it could finally heal. This is revealed to you because many of you already

are aware of this and feel the intensity of the shift that has already occurred. You will be the leaders in profound growth which will continue to take place on the earth

and in your solar system. Be gracious, you have had the help of the light, service your many births into density. Look back at your lives and recognize the help along

the way. Use gratitude to shift change quickly, for you are mirroring back to the all your true natures.

Dear ones, it is time to relax your grip on this seeming reality. Now let life flow for you. Trust source as your giver of life, and give your hearts to each other. Be kind

dear ones, this has not been an easy passage for any upon the earth and many still suffer in ignorance, but just as dawn brings the full sun to bear upon the earth, the

light will spread and those who seem to be left behind will either embrace this beautiful truth or return to a remade earth in another body of lesser density. You are all

being remade in your fullness. The false image becomes dimmer as you bring increased light into your bodies. Do not fear for those who choose to stay in fear, it is all

in perfect order. Stay in your wisdom and you will gain understanding on many levels. All that is required is that you hold the light, and know that you are always safe

in light. Many of you are feeling surges of power and a deep and ancient knowing. This remembrance is your awakening soul. No longer will you give your power

away. Spend some time meditating on all the ways your life has conspired to bring you to where you are right now. Can you see how you have been guided and

secured in spirits sweet embrace, through it all? Can you see how your hard earned lessons have paid off in increased wisdom and peace? It has been a long haul for

many of you, not just this life, but many, but in Gods eyes it has been but a moment. When you again taste eternity you will understand these words. Work in unity

now, this will be your new consciousness, the unity of oneness, and you will all work together for the purpose of rediscovering your gifts and your true purpose in living.

Your purposes reweave the planet in beauty. Push the old way out of your hearts and minds, begin living this new unity. As you join in renewed purpose to remake

your reality, your thought will take a new path and recreate with the divine ideal. We will walk with you and in unity you will also become masters. So dear ones, your

jobs have been mighty and performed beautifully. In surrender to all, our success has been assured. Babaji

30-01-2012, 03:53 AM
In surrender to all, our success has been assured.


31-01-2012, 06:23 PM
Dear ones, train your mind on ways to keep in balance. This can be accomplished with meditations that address your deepest inner truth. Every choice made in wisdom will free you from the old way and in doing so you will reap the benefits of right action.

The following is a meditation given by Babaji:

Let a deep calm fall over you. Imagine a cloak of light surrounding your being. This cloak gives off a warm radiance which puts you at ease. Now let the warmth

penetrate your being. Let is seep into your pores and reach deep into muscle and bone. Visualize the light filling the voids between each atom, that make up your

physical body. When you can clearly see this light infused within you, imagine the light seeping into the atoms and so there is no longer a distinction between the void

and the atoms of matter. You are seeing pure golden light. Travel with your inner eye so you can see the light fill the body cavity. Then let the light ever expand, so

it moves beyond the boundary of your body outward. See it filling a space of ten feet beyond your body, then let the boundaries of you body fall away. You are now

an egg shape of glowing light. Let the egg gently expand outward until it fill the space of your home, remembering what it feels like. Your light body now takes the

shape of your home, but it is boundless and wills to expand further. Allow it to expand, let it expand into your community or city. See it envelop people, places and

nature. Take a moment to note how this feels. See that the light is the same as it encloses your surroundings. There is no difference between your light and the light

of all it is encompassing. Again note how this feels. Let the penetrating warmth encompass your surroundings and everything within it. There is no sense of

separation, as all the matter has become its true form, light. Now expand the light further so it surrounds the earth. It reaches around and comes back to you from

behind. The entire earth is now encompassed in light, and every atom every particle is this light. Let the warmth encompass the earth. This is a gentle comforting

warmth. There are no boundaries you are everything around you, including the earth herself.

Feel a gentle pulse now, a heartbeat that moves through the earth. It is your heartbeat in sync with the all. Again take a moment to feel this. You have no beginning,

no end, all is engulfed in all. This is the womb of the earth, and she is nurturing you in her light, and you are nurturing her in your light. Every being, everything, is

nurtured in this light. Take a moment to feel this nurturing light and love. Your light, the earths light, every being and everything is this light. There can be no

separation when all is understood in this way. Sit still and feel this divine light, and the gentle heartbeat that is in sync with the all.

Now gently pull your light back, noticing that as you do, nothing changes, your light and the light surrounding the earth and all is the same, yet you move back into

your community, back into your house and back into your body of light, yet light is still encompassing the earth. Nothing has changed but your perception, for dear

ones this is the truth. I would invite you to do this meditation often, and do not be afraid to move beyond the earth to your solar system, galaxy, universe and to the

very cosmos. Please do this when you are in a peaceful and loving state of mind and heart. This is a powerful exercise. Be sure you are calm and centered before you

begin to expand. Then spend as much time as you feel comfortable with being expansion. If you do this with deep concentration, it will expand your

consciousness very quickly. In divine love, Babaji

A note from lovetruth: I was given this exercise yesterday and used it last night. It is powerful. I had a wonderful dream this morning of a line of people crossing a

vast expanse of water. Fear came up for me when I got to the water because I am not a good swimmer. Then a man ahead said don't be afraid, the water is not too

deep, you can walk across. There was a woman with a baby and she was going to walk the baby in the water. I told her she should put the baby up on her shoulders.

Then in the sky the words "Do you suppose this is the cosmic passage that has been spoken of?" There was a sort of wink in this, like guess what, you are all already

making the crossing. There were also black and white rectangles floating in the water and they changed into people in white shirts and black suits and became a

symphony orchestra that began to perform as we made the crossing.

I don't generally share my dreams but this one is so meaningful as to what is occurring right now, I felt I should share it.

The dream means. Water=consciousness The people of course are all of us who have made the choice to ascend to cosmic consciousness. The woman with the baby

is a message that we must raise the children up, because these are the masters, and we need to see them for who they are. The words, were obvious, we are already

making the crossing into this consciousness. And the black and white represent duality, which has shifted into something creative by our free will choice (Sound, music)

a different way.

I just thought I would share this with you because I believe the meditation helped to bring me this beautiful dream. Love to all of you lovetruth.

02-02-2012, 05:51 PM
Dear ones you were designed so that your bodies can hold many different vibrations. Each vibration in encoded so that you learn on that wavelength, until you are

ready to move into a higher vibration. Each carries its own lessons, it also has its rewards and its pitfalls. To understand this think of a violin and how it has a range of

notes from very low to very high. During your many lives you experience on different levels of vibration. There may be a certain harmonic that you resonate with in

each life. In this life everything has been accelerated. You are no longer locked into one vibration or one harmonic. You have the opportunity to resonate on many

levels and this is because it enables you to share compassion and understanding with those on other levels of vibration. In other words you can harmonize on many

levels. This includes dimensions in other timelines. I do not wish to confuse you, but you are playing in many vibratory fields and interacting with a great variety of

different lives, different vibrations and different harmonics. Do you know now why you sometimes feel ungrounded? You are being pulled in many different directions at

once. You may feel spells of dizziness or spaciness, undecided or confused at times. Just remember you are interacting on so many levels now, some more than others

but all who have chosen this acceleration are moving into this new field of being. Do not let this alarm you, it is simply part of the process necessary to bring you back

into alignment with the All. It is important to spend time in stillness because your higher self is helping you to integrate these new energies so you can move back into

balance. If you have trouble meditating, simply sit listening to soothing music, or use one of the many relaxation techniques available to you. It is also important to get

enough sleep, so you do not become overly stressed. The more you can be peaceful and not overly concerned with the physical reality, the better. This takes a great

amount of trust in the process.

You are protected dear ones. It is fine to be informed, but do not allow your psyche to be pulled into dark places that are luring you on your internet and other media.

Remember you are living the last vestiges of duality in such an intense vision because there needs to be a total clearing of the old energies, thus, they are making a

larger appearance so you do not miss the lesson. This is a final release of the old way and it can fool you if you allow fear to enter your field. So help each other to

stay in balance. There is so much occurring in such a short span. It is an opportune time to surrender whatever it is you are unable to handle. Surrender to spirit,

these concerns, I assure you you will be supported, but be ready to make changes that do not fit the old patterns of your past. You are learning to flow so that you

can handle easily what comes your way. Dear ones, it is an exciting time to be on the earth, you are all here because you chose to be in this larger out-picturing, and

live your chosen paths. The meditation that I gave will help you with this expansion and it will also help you to learn to move beyond you old sense of limitation. I

salute each of you on you sacred journey. Babaji

04-02-2012, 04:24 PM
Dear ones, your jobs in spirit are unfolding and many of you have felt this awakening and rejoice in your hearts. Nothing of the old will remain as before, every false

image will be torn from the very foundation of your perception and remade in perfect balance. A total renewal of spiritual truth will be the new light that descends

upon the earth. One wonders how such can happen so quickly, but remember dear ones time and space as you understand it are not the norm. There are many

universes and each has its own laws, its own way of evolution. The deep density that the earth has carried is finally being shaken loose, so that she and all of life

which is a part of her can shift into a productive age of true spiritual unfolding. No longer will the truth of truths be hidden or held captive. The universal knowledge is

made available to all. You have been creatures of habit for so long but now the old habits will not fit your greater understanding and you will don new garments that

better fit your expanding awareness. Go through your mental closets and let go of what does not fit an unlimited perspective. Remember that every unwanted bit of

baggage that you release will make room for the beautiful new insights that are yours to embrace. It is important to remember this. You are letting go of untruth and if

you are willing to do so , you progression into divine knowing will be a simple passage. There is no need for struggle, letting go is a major part of the process.

Emotional, mental and physical limitations are yours to release if you so choose. Every adventure requires some planning if it is to be successful. This dear ones, is no

different. Unfold your ancient spiritual maps that you have carried throughout your lives, and begin to follow the path as true voyagers. all the tools are available, you

are called only to willingness to use these tools and discover their many surprises. You will know when you are following your highest path, it becomes a game. Your

struggles will fall away, this is something you will KNOW as you begin to trust and wisely follow your higher self.

When you meet one who has forgone fear for true expansion, you will note that these hold the power of spirit with the utmost strength and courage. This is where

each of you are being led, to this grand empowerment where fear has no foothold and you are able to laugh at yourselves and with each other as form releases all

those false ideas and images you once held as absolute. So hold this image of empowerment, you have been training in your countless sojourns for this experience.


04-02-2012, 04:24 PM
Hi all, had trouble with this making many many copies!!!! Maybe Babaji really wants to get his point across. I think I solved it. :icon_eek:

06-02-2012, 04:07 PM
Thank you, I agree I think you solved it!!! This message resonates with me right now and validates everything I have been telling myself for sometime (as well as the other messages you have posted)!!

I know and feel this truth, however, being human the hardest part for me is letting go of some things from the past (childhood) sometimes I wish one could have selective amnesia.

But also true "I need to work on this myself" and find a way to do so finally it is far past time.

"Go through your mental closets and let go of what does not fit an unlimited perspective. Remember that every unwanted bit of

baggage that you release will make room for the beautiful new insights that are yours to embrace. It is important to remember this. You are letting go of untruth and if

you are willing to do so , you progression into divine knowing will be a simple passage. There is no need for struggle, letting go is a major part of the process."

Yes this is what I need to do!~
I knew this but hearing it from someone else always helps!

Thank you

peace out in unity and respect

07-02-2012, 04:32 PM
Dear SaraSeeker, thank you for your comments. We all are having to follow the same advice right now, including me. It is so easy to forget sometimes as we get involved in life, I wish you the very best. lovetruth

07-02-2012, 04:50 PM
Dear ones, Your fullness is reflected in your every action. If you walk in life as one who is pushed and pulled by every circumstance, you will only succeed in being

unbalanced. Eventually the unbalanced will see that this path is fruitless and will make a change for the better. But, if you wish to accelerate your growth then be

watchful of your actions. If you are easily angered of frustrated then you are still believing that the outside world has control, and you are not perceiving with wisdom.

There is no blame dear ones, you are only experiencing your own mirrors. Clear your minds of past reactions, these will only lead you again and again to the same

result. These changes must be made in the spirit of love and understanding. Your freedom is your own, the only prison is in your own minds. Be thorough as you

examine yourselves, it is easy to be fooled by the egos many faults. This is said in love dear ones, each individual spark has to overcome on many levels, to make ready

the greater soul growth, and now is the time if you have neglected your spirit. Make the commitment to change and you are supported by every spirit. In other words,

life will go out of its way to help you toward remembering your divinity. You are making a path for yourselves to follow, one that has been cleaned of the roughness and

unevenness so those who wish to advance after can follow in your footsteps. Every being paves the way for many to follow in their own way, but the master makes

ready for the masses. You are all moving toward this direction, as it has always been since the dawn of time. Plant carefully the seeds that will eventually bear fruit,

as this will be you spiritual heritage. In divine light, Babaji

09-02-2012, 04:50 PM
Dear ones, If you are able to stay in a place of Curiosity in the next several months, this will help you to move through the heavier energies that you are required to

diffuse, as you agreed to in your spiritual contracts. Be willing to see the links from your past experiences that relate to these energies, then methodically unravel

these with your free will. Many uncanny happenings will make their appearances and you are asked to use your intuition to see the deeper meanings when these

occur. You are using all of your skills at this time to understand with your three bodies, the significance of what is occurring. The functions of the physical, mental and

emotional bodies are going to help you uncover the hidden meaning in so many awakenings of form. You will physically feel, mentally process and emotionally release

these patterns into a new design. You may not grasp this at the moment, but as your spirits mature you will understand how to open the many doors to your inner

sanctuary and then utilize the tools that have been forgotten for such a long spell. Some of the tools are intuition, wisdom and divine courage. There are many more

that will reveal themselves to you as you acquaint yourselves with the power seated in each of your bodies. So dear ones you are shifting these levels from a vibration

of density to a vibration of divinity. You will all experience an expanded consciousness, some more than others, according to your spiritual progress, but all will make

the shift toward enlarged horizons beyond the past limits held in your mass consciousness. Every being that moves higher into their truth will enable others to be raised

beyond their current level of truth. This will be a constant and an ever rising spiral of renewed wisdom. It is not a time to be timid. You are all multidimensional and

your spirit is asking you to expand to that understanding. The more you release past belief, the more you will be enabled to move into the higher octaves. Consider

yourselves as gods who have forgotten your divine nature and now are being given an opening to take full responsibility for who you are, and in that responsibility you

can no longer lie to yourselves or to others about who you are. Such a task is at hand for each of you. Babaji

11-02-2012, 05:56 PM
Dear ones, you are creating for yourselves a new awakening which will carry you into your perfect now. The uncertain stumbling of the old world will no longer have

power over you. This new awareness is actually your true nature which has been put aside so that you could experience the darkness in its totality, in order to bring

you back to your spiritual senses. It has been a long path of struggle, but the rewards have been numerous. This dear ones occurred so that you could meet your

nemesis, the ego and fully recognize it in your everyday encounters. It has played out in infinite ways its illogical plan, and now many of you are ready to banish it back

to its home which is ignorance. Once you have made the decision to forgo ignorance for knowledge, you are indeed forging a new and creative path. There is no other

way to learn on such a deep level, your beauty and your importance in this brief sojourn with the illusion of imperfection. Has it not taught you to observe your world in

a new way, to appreciate and and love what now appears can be taken from you? This patch of darkness is illusion, yet it has put on quite a performance in this

galaxy. There are other worlds who have already passed this test and now embark on a higher path in sharing their wisdom with those who are just making the

movement toward ascension, as your world is. You can never be alone in your progress, always someone has gone before you, and after this passage, these want to

help their brothers and sisters to make the same leap in consciousness. Once you are fully aware of this unity, and begin to think and act in this state of mind, you will

draw to you the deeper understandings that lead you to wisdom in all circumstances. Set your minds and hearts on such a divine plan, which you cannot yet fully see

but you can trust exists. This is the plan for all beings to eventually move into full realization of divine oneness. Cause and effect are for the sole realization that you

are all connected and what you do to another, you do to your own being. Once you have made this realization and live in constant observance of this basic law, your

karma begins to fall away. At this point you spirit will ever keep you tuned into your higher purpose and help you transcend the egos false premise. We encourage you

to call on us for support, for we are ever available to you and if possible more so in these trying times. As you can see, to stay on the road to destruction is but a

foolish attempt to assuage the egos illogical patterns. This my dears, is a total release then, of what can never serve the whole, thus a total cleansing of the false, for

perfect truth. In divine love, Babaji

13-02-2012, 06:28 PM
Dear ones, the will is designed for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to rediscover your true self in the many selves. Will determines your outlook on the

creation, it is your influence over the events that will make appearance in your field of action. Will is the foundation on which you create certain scenes that will

influence your thought and action with the final outcome of you rediscovering yourselves. Once you have played with freewill for many thousands of lifetimes, it will

finally occur to you that free will is a two edged sword. On the one hand, it allows for much diversified experience and it is a great tool for exploring and interacting

with your world, but if it is left unchecked, it will lead to destruction, by ever insisting on greater power. This happens when one has totally lost touch with the truth

and clings to the ego as its assumed sole support. Remember all experience is allowed in this game of life, and some will choose to descend deeply before rising again in

truth. Judgment only creates karma, for you are judging a part of the all which is also yourself. The greater path will always insure that the whole is respected and

loved in all creations. This may seem a hard lesson in the face of oppression, but all oppression is created because the players have agreed to this form for a limited

time to intensify the learning. This is where you stand at this time. Will has been abused and misused to create forms of oppression, but in truth dear ones, this is still

a play and the rules can always be changed. Your wills are to be used for the good of the whole, and if used in this way, the power of love backs your will. Always the

false falls away, it is a temporary form as it is not based in truth, thus it cannot continue to dominate beyond its time. The ultimate truth is love and its ever conscious

desire for wholeness is its purpose. This boundless love is the design of the universe and it will always return to its origin. Consider, dear ones, your part in all that has

transpired. You have lived most of your lives in the downward cycle and you have also lived many in the golden cycles. In this experience alone you are motivated to

always move in a direction of love. Your cycles play out for a reason, for the greater good. Always there will be those who incarnate into these dark cycles to help

uplift the heaviness and then release it to another form. In duality, there will always be these cycles of dark and light, love and hate etc. This is the illusion that has

kept you spellbound in a recurrent dream. Within you, light grows with ever greater intensity and changes the gloom back into light. Always remember, dear ones, you

are vessels of light and are here to remind the masses to return to light. Babaji

15-02-2012, 05:37 PM
Focus your attention dear ones, on the deep love in your hearts. When you do so, feel the heart expand as golden rays of light broadcast in all directions. The heart as

a broadcaster, sends forth your inner awareness and adds it unto the whole. Each heart is pulsating at a different frequency. When these are joined in purpose, the

frequency equalizes and spreads throughout the cosmic fiber. All hearts are one, yet in your "cosmic movie" all seem to share in separate forms, the true cosmic heart.

Each loving heart adds to the resonance of the whole, reflecting back to all, cosmic truth. The heart being the seat of intuition and desire, is ever attuned to the

whole. It is the cosmic feature that animates the body and relays to it its divine purpose. As all center in unity and realize that division is a creation of the ego only,

the world will be remade with this cosmic awareness. No longer will the few hold power over the many. Remember dear ones, this dual state of being is temporary. Now

that it has served its purpose, you can return to the full divine aspects of your beings. When you feel confusion or do not know which action to take in any situation,

sit still and connect to the cosmic heart. You can visualize as before, light emanating from your heart to the cosmic heart. Ask then for the solution to your problem.

You need only trust that the answer will come to you. This will help you to tune into cosmic mind. You have spent so many lives in believing that you are alone in

making decisions and many have erred in believing the ego is superior to the inner sage. It is now time to trust your inner sage, which has always been with you. You

have the ability to call on your divine counterparts to help you easily merge with divine intelligence. You are simply out of practice, but as your awareness grows, you

will be using the divine intuition to guide you. Everything is sacred, dear ones and as you watch the old patterns dissolve, and fall away remember this. Energy is never

lost, it is light taking form but in light there can be no death. Illusion masks this truth quite well, but as maya/illusion falls away, you will have this new understanding

and fear will vanish as a shadow from the past. Feed your hearts love dear ones and share that love with one another. If one cannot be moved or motivated by love,

give this one the dignity of choice and move on. All are now uniting in purpose of growth or destruction. Halt judgment and simply be witness to these events. In

cosmic light, Babaji

Miss Hepburn
16-02-2012, 02:08 PM
Focus your attention dear ones, on the deep love in your hearts. When you do so, feel the heart expand as golden rays of light broadcast in all directions. The heart as

a broadcaster,.... Babaji
I dunno, I just particularly loved this one...:smile:

16-02-2012, 04:57 PM
That is what Babaji is about, touching hearts. Thanks for your comment Miss Hepburn. :hug3:

17-02-2012, 05:25 PM
Remember, dear ones, your lives are the culmination of millions of years of spiritual evolution upon your planet. Each of you has moved upward throughout the ages to

your present form. Even those who do not display spiritual knowledge and live mostly in ignorance, are of such a high stature, because they embody the spark with

ever growing attainment promised by the spirit within. All of life, animate and inanimate contain this spark, but in man it has reached its full potential for expansion. It

is critical that you remember this, as you are ready to place judgment on one of your brothers or sisters. All are of vast beauty could you only see their final attainment

back to fullness. Remember dear ones, it is the ego that displays ignorance, the spirit can only display perfection. When you view the ego, you naturally want to judge,

because you all know deep within that it is the imposter. In this sense, you are perceiving the ego as ignorance yet the body holds the true essence, therefore it is to

be honored as a vessel of divine light. Could you only see with divine sight, you would have no problem with this exercise. It is wise to stay humble and lighthearted in

your opinions of each other. Those whom you deem as less, may be regarded as saints on another level of existence. The ego is a poor judge of character and is even

hard on its owner. Do not believe what it serves to you as truth, regard it as having an opinion devoid of truth. In your awakenings, you will begin to realize divinity in

all, including the sand at your feet. All hold the cosmic flame and all is here now for a specific purpose in spiritual evolution. Strengthen your ties with nature, so you

can easily have empathy for all forms. This will help you to release the old negative patterns that have neglected the earth and her creations. Each of you sustains

and feeds the earth when your thoughts are loving. This is a two way street, you are nurtured and cared for in return. Gratitude is love, and it has a direct effect on

your experience. It is easy to practice gratitude on those people and things that you already love. Try rather to extend it to those who are not as easily loved by

you. See what it is that you judge, then see it once again with your spiritual eye as a perfect spirit embodied. You would be wise to see not the ego in all its forms, for

the ego is not the true being you look upon. If you can practice this on all form that you have previously judged, and bring it to a conclusion, where you no longer wish

to judge, then you have made a mighty leap in consciousness. It is not so hard, dear ones, you must be willing to accept truth in all circumstances without exception.

In divine peace, Babaji

20-02-2012, 04:50 PM
Dear ones, you now are experiencing the finale of this vast cosmic play, and as you don your light garments, the old garments of a long era are folded up with care as

you remember your long journeys in the dualistic ages. Your new garment is permanent, for light transforms your old perceptions of who you thought you were, and

now you step onto the stage transfigured and remade in your true image. This garment is also protection that keeps you centered in truth so that you always remember

where you came from and where you return. The old can no longer touch you, the arisen mind now touches the cosmic mind and transforms love beyond all limitation.

You now have the ability to fashion your now with cosmic intelligence. The foundation of your creations are based in truth. Think of this garment as a new vehicle that

allows access to the whole of creation. This is a passport to the inner realms beyond human perception. This garment is your true freedom and as you have traded in

the small will for divine will, you are given the keys to the universe. Could you have imagined such a divine heritage while embodied you would have soon tired of your

lessons and given up. It was preordained that you reach a certain level of wisdom before these truths were exposed to your consciousness. The truth, dear ones, is

beyond imagination. It encompasses such diversity and beauty it cannot be comprehended with finite tools. These revelations will unfold as you fall deeper into the

impulse of love. Every step brings greater bliss, greater awe of the infinite scope of creation. Transcendent love is the key to all understanding and the simple heart

that can comprehend on this level is indeed blessed. You are creating with the light that ever surrounds and is in you. There is no beginning or end to the source of

light, it is, omnipresent and omniscient. Can you glimpse the paltry life you have willed to participate in, in order to finally return to your grand design? Dear

ones, you are deeply honored for the experiment that you have played in. to lose all concept of your divinity, to forget your beauty, to climb again to the light is

indeed an accomplishment. Those who lag, will come in their own time to this wisdom as the play ever unfolds in divine harmony. Let go of all your attachment to the

lower order, you are being asked to accept again your sacred gifts. The material has served its purpose and now simply plays out for the benefit of the still awakening.

Keep your vibration in love and this will carry you through the remainder of the dream. Ever in service, Babaji

27-02-2012, 04:43 PM
I tried tact but you often need to understand someone's ego very well in order to negotiate their defenses. Real-time feedback helps a ton too.
Another way? Not really but I'm open to suggestions... or demonstrations. :smile:
Interesting read this thread. First channeling thread i have ever read.

The way i choose is what Jesus spoke of.
There's two passages from the bible that i interpret as his expression of his attitude/motivation for helping others.

1: He explained to his disciples when they went on their first door to door witnessing\evangelizing thingy.
He said you knock on their door, share the message, if they invite you in, you enter.
If they reject the message, you say thankyou and leave them be.

2: Jesus said, speaking metaphorically, "i stand at the door and knock, if they welcome me , i enter and sup with them."

My interpretation, Jesus is saying you offer your help(in the case of this thread, information), if they accept it into their hearts, the help is welcomed and recieved.
If they reject the information, you simply leave them be.
you don't try to break down the door to a person's soul/heart/mind/whatever you wanna call it.

You, with genuine compassion for the person, knock on their door, if they never open, continuous knocking just becomes an annoying noise.

If they open their door and listen to your information, but do not agree with it, you simply let them be and they are as equally free to believe what ever they choose just as you are.
You do not continue as it's now obvious they do not believe what you want to say. If you continue, your words just become an annoying noise.

If they open their door and listen and agree with your words or continue to show interest, they will invite you in and you can share your brains out and they will recieve it openly.
Is there no cracking through that ego? This is you trying to force your way into another.
All this will do is raise their defenses. It's counter productive to what you want to achieve.

If a person is interested, they will willingly lower their defenses. No force is necessary.
If they are not interested, any force will be met with equal force in the form of defensiveness or retaliation.
There is no shame in being deluded. We all are. I strongly doubt there is a single person on this board who can reliably tell truth from delusion in these subtle matters. According to your conclusion, this includes you.
Yet here you are, doing the same as those you disagree with, claiming one's interpretation is truth.

If they don't believe or agree with you, let them be.
If you believe they are deluded, let them be in their delusion.
You don't get in by trying to knock their walls down especially with a hammer labeled "your delusional or wrong"

Jesus showed by example that genuine love and compassion for the lost was the most affective way into their hearts.
And if a person rejected him or his message, he compassionately left them alone to believe whatever they want to believe,
with no ill intent toward them.

27-02-2012, 04:56 PM
Babaji just materialised in my living room and said tell them not to be so gullible before eating my last piece of chocolate and walking through the door (it wasn't open). Actually Babaji did float through my room once some years ago, and gave me a simple message that made a big difference in my spiritual growth.

He didn't say anything about chocolate, though he mention something about people these days being a bit cynical from lack of love. This dialogue, and thankyou Aquarian and Xan for the wonderful example.
This dialogue shows me two people expressing their personal views\beliefs\perceptions through the guise of a channeled master.
Utterly convincing me that channeling is fake.
Again, thanks Aquarian and Xan for the simple but clear example of this.

28-02-2012, 12:26 AM
According to your conclusion, this includes you.
Of course.

Yet here you are, doing the same as those you disagree with, claiming one's interpretation is truth.
Well I also used more obvious analysis of sentence formation, topic choice etc compared to the only known source.

But I interjected out of concern for Lovetruth's wellbeing as her(?) light was apparent to me. We exchanged a few amiable PMs and she has satisfied me that she's in no great danger.

Her writings are of value regardless and so I dropped the matter.

If you want to discuss it further, I would suggest a new thread - PM me about it tho as I don't read much here these days. ;)

28-02-2012, 05:12 PM
Thank you for deciding to rest the case Aquarian. Though I must say I like how you offer the perspective and more critical viewpoint.

Maybe a mod can delete the bickering in this thread(including my senseless post at page 8) to make the Bebaji messages easier to read without having to discern posts which don't add a contribution but pollute the thread.

Messages from Babaji speak to me and my heart and I feel, now I have read the messages, that I have been privileged in this incarnation being offered this kind of information and I will surely use this to transform myself.

Thankyou Bebaji. :hug2:

*disregard whether the channeling is real or not, it is the message which it contains that counts. The message resonates with me and gives me a slight deja vu feeling.

28-02-2012, 06:24 PM
It is really up to each person to decide what resonates and what does not That is how we determine truth for ourselves. bless all of you, lovetruth

The Voice
31-03-2012, 09:46 PM
It is really up to each person to decide what resonates and what does not That is how we determine truth for ourselves. bless all of you, lovetruth

Well said -- learning to make decisions and take action through resonance is a very important capability to develop.
