View Full Version : golden medal fallen from my table

18-10-2011, 11:35 PM
hello, my golden medal fallen from my table, about half hour ago, when I was in a bed. Is this some kind of a sign? Thank you, cheers

19-10-2011, 06:43 PM
Hello, sorry for a double thread, dont know how it created, probably because I wrote this from my mobile phone. Anyway I think I know why fallen down, probably because I had worries about job yesterday and this somewhat answerd me. But Im still sceptic, it could be anythink, perheps medal was on the very close on the edge on the table, or somethink like that... And sorry if was a strange question, it sounds like a joke indeed, but it was happend. cheers.

20-10-2011, 03:51 AM
Conan, if it gives you comfort and peace and helps you realise you are never truly alone and always receive support from spirit, then it was indeed a significant sign for you and you should take it that way and run with it :)

Love and light to you

22-10-2011, 11:44 PM
thank you arto for your answer.

special thanks for love and light, im sending you too. Cheers.

23-10-2011, 12:08 AM
Hello, sorry for a double thread, dont know how it created, probably because I wrote this from my mobile phone. Anyway I think I know why fallen down, probably because I had worries about job yesterday and this somewhat answerd me. But Im still sceptic, it could be anythink, perheps medal was on the very close on the edge on the table, or somethink like that... And sorry if was a strange question, it sounds like a joke indeed, but it was happend. cheers.

Conan, my what a talented phone you have ! :D Posting in two places at once !

maybe someone was wanting to get your attention ? have you been speaking to the angels, your spirit guide or someone on the Other Side ?

I have heard of things falling off the wall ~ just to get the person's attention

Dream Angel xx

08-11-2011, 12:32 AM
Hello Conan.. I think it could be..

What Dream Angel mentions strikes a chord with me tho', in that I think rather than a 'sign' per se, it may be an attention getting action coming from a spirit of someone you were close to .. Going a step further, I would look at anyone who has passed that might have some kind of link to the medal (and what it signifies) and/or the table.

My husband put his watch on a table the belonged to his mother who passed last December. It fell off it shortly after we hopped in bed for the night & the lights were off.. I might have thought it was resting funny on the table & slid off (my husband put it there) except that I got up, put the watch on the table myself and in a SECURE spot and moments after turning off the lights & getting back into bed, we heard it fall off again!

This time my hubby got up cuz I was freaked out LOL!

I do believe it was my MIL who was trying to say she was hanging around.

So I think it's possible that it was something of this nature in your case. Only you will know for sure tho'. ;)

Blessings to you on your journey..
