View Full Version : The Three Crosses

12-09-2011, 12:48 PM

In the article on The Origin of the Signs we said that the number 360 was a handy one, mathematically, while 365 was not. By this we mean that the former can be divided by many whole numbers with the result being a whole number. Division of 360 by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 gives us the degree values for the major aspects [0°, 180°, 120°, 90° and 60°]. Likewise, the 12 signs of the zodiac can be divided by whole numbers and the resulting groups of signs given useful significance.

Although I didn’t mention it in the article The Four Elements in Astrology, the Elements are the four groups resulting from division of the zodiac by three. Each of the triplicities (Fire, Water, Air and Earth) has its origin at one of the four Cardinal Points – the equinoxes and the solstices. The point of origin of the zodiac itself lies at the vernal equinox (the vernal equinox for the northern hemisphere – all major astrological traditions originated in the northern hemisphere) in zero degrees of Aries. Thus, Aries is the origin of the Fiery triplicity, the primordial Element. It is the point of Emergence.

If we divide the circle by four, the resulting three groups of four signs each are called the Qualities (also known as Modes, Modalities, or the Crosses.) The four signs having their point of origin (zero degrees of each of the signs) at the Cardinal Points are called the Cardinal Signs, the Cardinal Quality. These signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The word “cardinal” comes from the old Latin word meaning hinge, because these four signs are “what things turn on” – they are turning points in the seasons we experience on Earth [spring, summer, fall and winter) and their zero points are the equinoxes and solstices. The signs of the Cardinal Cross act immediately and are concerned primarily with the changing or exploitation of the present situation or set of circumstances for the perceived benefit of the individual in whose chart they predominate. These signs are expeditious and expedient. They move things forward by direct action. This cross moves quickly to exploit every possible factor out of simple self-interest. In the terminology of modern psychology these signs are alloplastic; they meet life by attempting to change, redirect or exploit the circumstances encountered. In the older literature they are sometimes called the Active Signs.

The four Common, or Mutable, signs are, like the Cardinal signs, in contact with the solsticial or equinoctial points. However it is the last degree of these signs that touches the Cardinal Points. They are therefore preparatory, transitional, adaptive signs. In the terminology of psychology they are autoplastic; they meet life by changing or adapting themselves, rather than attempting to change the outer circumstances. Their principle concern in any situation is to quickly adapt and fit in. They are people-oriented and at all times seek to establish their place among their fellows. Their highly adaptable and fluid nature is little concerned with morality, ethical concerns or high-flown ideals. These four signs (Virgo not so much as the other three, being of the solid and stable Earth Element) are the Dual Signs; they are ambiguous, amorphous and Janus-like. Like the chameleon and the octopus, they quickly and thoroughly blend in with their surroundings. They are often seen as the “weakest” of the signs due to their lack of self-consistency and personal integrity. The four Common Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

The Fixed Quality has no contact at all with the solstices and equinoxes. Their middle degrees (15° of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are where the Sun is located in the very middle of each of the seasons. Thus, 15° of Aquarius is midwinter. The strongest, most intense and concentrated point of the nature of each of the four seasons is held within the Fixed Signs. They are signs of concentration and depth, and indicate stability and enduring conditions. These four signs are relatively unconcerned with passing circumstance; they are concerned with adherence to personal values, general principles, and closely-held ideals. They tend to let circumstances flow around them and keep their eye on the future consequences of any situation rather than seeking immediate advantage as the Cardinal Signs do, or expressing much concern about the people surrounding them as do the Common Signs. Psychology does not offer us a term for people whose way of meeting life fits the Fixed Mode. The Fixed Signs act in ways that allow them to remain true to themselves. Therefore, they are often seen as stubborn, obstinate, unbending, inflexible, and immoveable. They often act in a detached and abstract way because they so often are looking ahead rather than considering the immediate. These signs are interested in structure, organization. This group of signs tends to be self-secure. They are decisive, and once a determination is taken they will hold to it tenaciously. Fixed Signs are generally more internalized than the other two crosses. They are driven by an urge to harmonize the conscious and unconscious within themselves; they seek to stabilize the external so that they can direct their attention to resolving their internal conflicts. Thus, this group functions very well in structured circumstances but is very uncomfortable where there is fluidity or disorganization. Their immediate response to the latter sort of situation is to attempt to impose order and structure.

The Elements show the way we perceive things, our natural talents, the sort of situation we feel comfortable in and fit into easily. They show where we can function in an easy, flowing manner. Elements show how we view, evaluate and experience the world; they are subjective. The Qualities, these crosses, depict action. They show our natural inclination toward a specific mode of action, our natural orientation toward any situation. The crosses portray how we meet the external world.

Each of the twelve signs of the zodiac is a unique combination of one Element and one Quality. Aries, for example, combines the Fire Element and the Cardinal Quality; no other sign consists of this combination. We can understand the nature of each of the signs best when we understand the way the Element and Quality out of which the sign is “built” function in life.

One of the first things most astrologers do when beginning the analysis of a horoscope is to determine if any particular chart factor assumes a predominant position. To do this with the Elements and Crosses, the simplest method is simply to count the planets in each of the four Elements, and again, in each of the three Crosses. If five or more planets occupy a single Element, that Element is predominant; we would say “there is a preponderance of Earth.” When six or more planets occupy one of the three Crosses, that Cross is preponderant. The natures of the Element and/or Cross will predominate in the personality. In actual practice the question of preponderance is a bit more complicated; we consider which planets occupy any given sign (which, remember, is a combination of Element and Cross) – the Sun and Moon are generally given more weight – and we might also notice powerful formations of planets (which act to form a “psychological complex”) and weight our analysis in their favor. But to keep it simple, just count the planets by Quality and Element. Not all charts have such a preponderance. If your horoscope has no preponderance by Quality, but has only one opposition aspect in it, then the Quality that contains the opposition will show your primary way of meeting the world.

12-09-2011, 04:06 PM
Your comments on Mutable signs: "Their highly adaptable and fluid nature is little concerned with morality, ethical concerns or high-flown ideals. These four signs (Virgo not so much as the other three, being of the solid and stable Earth Element) are the Dual Signs; they are ambiguous, amorphous and Janus-like. Like the chameleon and the octopus, they quickly and thoroughly blend in with their surroundings. They are often seen as the “weakest” of the signs due to their lack of self-consistency and personal integrity. The four Common Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces."

I am Gemini born, one of the signs of which you describe as lacking in personal integrity and little concerned with morality, ethical concerns or ideals.

What you neglected to mention is that integrity is a Saturn function...anyone born of the Mutable signs having a strong Saturn in their nativity would be exempt from your all-encompassing conclusions. Should that planet be afflicted, such as in my case, the situation becomes one in which integrity becomes an issue according to what planets are aspected by Saturn...therein tells the tale of the people lacking integrity with whom contact is made.

What you further neglected to mention is that morals and ethics are a Jupiter function...whether one is lacking in morals and ethics is determined from their Jupiter and whether it is found in a Mutable sign and the aspects thereto, and not due to being born in a Mutable sign.

Ideals come under various rulerships. In general, a Neptune area, yet high idealism is an Aquarian concern, ideals concerning human and social relationships are an 11th house matter, while one's personal ideals are a 9th house matter. It is beyond belief for an astrologer to judge that because one is born under a Mutable sign they lack ideals.

To put Mutable signs in perspective they express the nature of each of the four elements in a medium state of activity; they are a happy medium between the excessive activity of the Cardinal signs and the stubborn resistance of the Fixed signs. Mutable sign people are the most adaptable of all signs...they are the people who develop enterprises pioneered by the Cardinal signs.

13-09-2011, 06:17 AM
Let’s look at what other astrologers, respected astrologers, have to say about Mutable Signs in general, and Gemini in particular.
Deceitful – William Lilly
Masculine – Partridge (being a masculine sign, I judge all Geminis to be men. This follows the same path of logic as your allegation that I judge all Geminis to be devoid of morals, unethical, and without ideals.)
Serving others – Hone
Changeful, slack, inconstant, diffuse, unstable, undependable – Hone
Two-faced – Hone
Extraordinary Duality (i.e., Duplicity) – Hone
Lacking continuity, rarely deeply held (emotional ties), divided, discontinuous. Lacks depth. – Hone
In discussing the horoscope of Brooke Shields and her ephemeral marriage to Andre Agassi, Tyl says “...reaction to persuasion pressure (note the overwhelming natal emphasis of Mutable Signs....)” This means that Mutable Signs are highly suggestible, easily influenced by immediate surroundings, and have no “inner star” to guide them. They are creatures of the moment, inconstant, accommodating. I might add here that "overwhelming natal emphasis" is what I was discussing, as I made clear by explaining how to find a preponderance in any chart.
Most immediate and fluid manner of functioning – Jones
Practical rather than ideal – Jones
“When a horoscope is emphasized in this fashion [Common Signs] ...in general more interested in people and personal relations than either in current crises and adventure or in moral issues ....” – Jones

I can provide a good deal more “expert testimony.” What we have here is enough.

Now, given these personal characteristics, let’s turn to the concept of “morality.” What is the nature of morality? Dictionary.com gives as one of its definitions of “morality”: “founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom.” In other words, morality has to do with “the spirit of the law, and not the letter.” The words “ethical” and “integrity” are shown as closely linked to morality.

An additional meaning of “integrity” and what I intended in the article is: “The quality of being unimpaired; soundness. Unity, wholeness.” In regard to this meaning of “integrity”, Hamaker-Zondag offers this observation on the Common Signs: “It is difficult for this person or those around him to have a clear image of what he really is as a person.” Now, if this analysis of the Mutable character is correct, how can a person who “trims his sails to every change in the wind,” and who has no clear and fixed image of self have “integrity” in this sense. There is nothing to hold to, to unify or define the personality other than each fleeting moment. The principal, rock-bottom quality of the Mutable Signs is quick and expedient self-adaptation to whatever immediate conditions prevail in the surroundings. Mutable Signs accommodate themselves to surrounding circumstances, whatever their nature.

Insofar as “morality and ethical” are concerned.... Morality is “founded upon fundamental principles.” Now the Mutable Signs in general and Gemini in particular are described by the various authors here quoted as – deceitful, two-faced, inconstant, superficial, duplicitous, changeful, diffuse.......how can such qualities be expected to even comprehend “fundamental principles,” which by their very nature are constant, well-defined, unchanging, and based on honesty? Jones says that the Mutable Cross is "practical rather than ideal," and "morality" is of its intrinsic nature ideal and not practical. It is a well-known trait of Gemini that with its agile and powerful mind and supremely detached nature, the sign can and does rationalize any and every sort of behavior and line of thought. Gemini is like the Texas weather: “If ya’ll don’t like the weather, wait ten minutes.”

As far as the thread goes, I neither recant nor apologize. The article stands as written. If a person chooses to take personal offense at general descriptions of the Qualities, to view them out of context, to misconstrue the meanings of the words and ideas offered, they are free to do so.

13-09-2011, 08:37 AM
Perfect article Greybeard! Don't you dare recount a word.

Every individual of course has to be viewed as a whole, with all the planets taken into account. A strong Saturn will of course grant more discipline and a strong Jupiter will of course grant more morality, which will of course cause tension should the sun be in Gemini. None of that contradicts anything Greybeard said.

13-09-2011, 04:23 PM
I do not allege that you "judge all Geminis to be devoid of morals, unethical, and without ideals" as you have so stated in your own words: "Their highly adaptable and fluid nature is little concerned with morality, ethical concerns or high-flown ideals."

Indeed, let us look at what respected astrologers have to say about Gemini. "Expert" testimony, as you state:

Grant Lewi: "Morality, says Gemini, is the capacity for being satisfied with what is constructive, for myself, for society as a whole. Immorality, conversely is what is destructive, does not serve the needs of the individual."

"For when Gemini is acting from the truth within him, solidly standing on sincere beliefs, he is unassailable, except by petty and truthless people who cannot for their own self-respect afford to recognize that there is any sincerity in the world at all."

Isabel M. Hickey: "From the standpoint of the universal laws Gemini is the most important of the twelve signs for our earth. Everyone on earth comes under the influence of Gemini."

Thomas H. Burgoyne (Initiate): "Upon the Intellectual Plane, Gemini signifies the union of reason with intuition, and those dominated by its influx express the highest mental state of embodied humanity."

An apology was not expected. The fact that you chose to slant specific astrological signs to indicate only negatives to suit your personal beliefs speaks for itself.

13-09-2011, 10:41 PM
"Their highly adaptable and fluid nature is little concerned with morality, ethical concerns or high-flown ideals." This appears to be the line, referring to the Mutable signs as a class, that got your goat; you have quoted it twice.

Let me address your quotations: only the quote from Lewi directly addresses the moral nature of Gemini. If Lewi's assessment is correct, the morality of Gemini is a very slippery one -- "...what is constructive for myself, for society as a whole." That is a very flexible moral code indeed and highly expedient, attuned to the moment and the individual. Morals and ethics, by definition, are social/collective values, and are relatively fixed codes subscribed to by the mass of people as guides to right behavior.

The quotation from Hickey is rather nebulous: "Everyone on Earth comes under the influence of Gemini." As an astrologer you know very well that everyone on Earth comes under the influence of ALL the signs. Her statement is a non-statement; it says nothing.

Burgoyne speaks not at all to morality, but to the "mental state" of Gemini. I have known people, as I'm sure you have, who were blessed with an exceptional intelligence but not a shred of morality.

You then go on to say, in your first reply, that "It is beyond belief for an astrologer to judge that because one is born under a Mutable sign they lack ideals." For you to deny that you in fact do "allege that I judge all Geminis to be devoid of morals...or high-flown ideals" flies in the face of this statement. Goodness, do all Sun in Gemini people speak from both sides of their mouth? You first said one thing, and then turn around and deny you said it: but we have it in print.

This discussion has no point, other than your own perception that my original article insults you personally.

13-09-2011, 10:47 PM
The Elements show the way we perceive things, our natural talents, the sort of situation we feel comfortable in and fit into easily. They show where we can function in an easy, flowing manner. Elements show how we view, evaluate and experience the world; they are subjective. The Qualities, these crosses, depict action. They show our natural inclination toward a specific mode of action, our natural orientation toward any situation. The crosses portray how we meet the external world.

I have a question concerning how a cross would affect a rising sign. It is my understanding from your explanation of Qualities, crosses, here and my reading about rising signs that both seem to be focused on how we interact with the world around us - so it seems that the two would need to be considered together, right?

How would you interpret the relationship's effect on the person?

13-09-2011, 11:12 PM
This discussion of the crosses refers to them in the most general sense. All people contain all signs, and what is referred to here is the case when there is "overwhelming natal emphasis" on one of the three crosses. It is generally accepted among astrologers, as a rule of thumb, that when 6 or more planets fall in one cross there is such an emphasis.

The signs in astrology constitute a "medium" that affects the expression or manifestation of any energy located within them. The crosses are one of the two major components that determine the nature of a sign; the other is the elements. It is the combination of these two factors that basically determines the nature of each of the signs.

Signs are "essential" in nature. They are immutable, deep, permanent, constant in their effects. We can compare them to our endowment of DNA; their nature remains with us throughout life and determines our own nature. They show inherent or endowed characteristics when applied to a human being. When there is an overwhelming emphasis on any one of the Qualities, the nature of that Quality is a predominant and essential part of the makeup of a person.

The Ascendant is quite a different matter. It is the "fastest moving, most changeable" of all the important astrological factors. It is said to depict the "persona" [the "ego-complex", or the "mask"] and is our presentation to the world, the thing that helps us protect our inner self and obtain what we need for survival and growth. The Ascendant, rather than being "essential," is "accidental." It is a self-constructed face that we turn to the world, and is built out of our experiences combined with drives proceeding from our innate nature. Although it has a constancy and consistency throughout life, it is not our deeper self. The sign occupying the Ascendant at birth (the Rising Sign) describes that persona, depicts our role in life, and addresses the primary issues we will face along life's path. The astrologers from the Middle Ages said that "the entire destiny of a man is foretold in the horoscope [by horoscope they meant the Ascendant; the Ascendant was formerly "the horoscope".]

The sign occupying the Ascendant changes about every two hours in middle latitudes, and is also dependent on the place of birth. The Ascendant, therefore, is the single astrological factor that "individualizes" the more general statements made by the planets on their voyage through the zodiac.

13-09-2011, 11:56 PM
The presence of a strong emphasis on one of the crosses [Action, and a primary concern with the external and immediate circumstances (Cardinal); Ordering, and a primary concern for ordering the external with reference to internal values, principles and ideals (Fixed); Adaptation, with a primary concern for people and personal relationships (Mutable)] presents us with innate personal characteristics. Because the Ascendant is malleable, it is here that adaptation will occur. The predominant cross will dictate to the Ascendant.

All horoscope factors must be considered, the horoscope always treated as a whole -- after all, the person it represents is a whole.

14-09-2011, 12:38 AM
Thanks for the response, I noticed in your first post that you said that in actual practice an astrologer might "weight" a sign if the moon or the sun was in it. In my case I have a preponderance of fire in my elements (Saturn, Sun, Venus - Leo; Moon, Neptune - Sagittarius) but I am unsure as to whether I have a cross or not.

If my Sun is weighted I may have a fixed cross - (Saturn, Sun, Venus - Leo; Jupiter - Taurus; Uranus - Scorpio) - so only 5 planets are present in the cross but one is the sun. Would I interpret that as a fixed cross?

I was wondering because I have been reading and applying what I am finding to my birth chart. My Ascendant is Gemini so I thought a fixed cross might be an influence on how I interact with others. While I am highly adaptable and have the capability to see many different sides to a matter - I am also very steadfast in my dealings and I have many traits that do not seem to be affected by my environment.

--- As an aside, I read through another thread where you mentioned that you use astrology as a psychological tool and thought that interesting. That is one of the reasons I am picking back up the study of astrology. I went back to school at 30 and am in my 4th year of undergraduate work towards a psychology degree and plan on moving on to graduate school so I can become a counselor. I have found in my personal life that every tool for self-analysis and analysis of others is essential and want to add a thorough understanding of astrology to my tool-kit. I plan on using charts with clients who would like that aspect of analysis and it was affirming to me to see someone who has already done that.

14-09-2011, 08:49 PM
You don't have a special emphasis on the Fixed Quality, although it is the strongest quality in the chart. Mutable signs carry 4 planets, including Moon. The Cardinal Quality contains only Pluto in Libra.

That conjunction of Sun with Saturn in the 4th House (the house of the father, or of parents) is an important one.

Stephen Arroyo is a practicing psychologist who uses astrology actively. Also Karen Hamaker-Zondag is an astrologer who correlates Jungian psychology to the horoscope. Their works may interest you.

Astrology goes deep into the psyche, and provides perspectives unavailable through conventional psychology, because of its ability to tie both the psyche and events together in a holistic way and also show the timing of those events (both internal and external).

14-09-2011, 09:03 PM
You are clearly Fire....5 planets there, including Sun and Moon (there is the "weight").

I would bet you tomorrow morning's pancake breakfast that if you have taken the Jung (and the mother/daughter pair....what's their name?) personality-type test, you score strongly in the Intuitive.

14-09-2011, 10:30 PM
I have taken the Jung test a few times over the years and I invariably come up as an INFP (Idealist) which is strong on the intuitive side. There, now we can both have pancakes - 'cept I'll go with oatmeal as Jupiter's expansive qualities do indeed threaten my waistline! *smile* I think the mother/daughter pair you're looking for is Meyers/Briggs.

My Sun/Saturn conjunction makes perfect sense, my family was very important to me, particularly my father.

Thanks for the recommendations - I just read today that Jung used astrology in his work and coincidentally his works on archetypical symbols has been an area of interest of mine for a while. Luckily I have three years before I become a "professional" so I have plenty of time to build up a thorough base of understanding before attempting to use astrology for anyone's analysis other than my own and close friends.

I tend to prefer subjects that require life long study and provide avenues towards a deeper understanding of the human psyche - I and astrology should work well together.

Be well.....