View Full Version : Essential and Accidental Dignities in Astrology

27-08-2011, 08:12 AM
In psychology, the term Accidental means adventitious or of external origin, in contradistinction to that which is endowed or of inherent origin. Accidental experiences are of two kinds: dispositional when they occur early in life and strongly influence character development, and definitive when they occur later in life and act as precipitating or provocative agents. The timing of such events can be seen by measuring the directional arcs between sensitive points of the horoscope (angles and planets). The closer aspects produce events before the more distant ones.

The astrologer can easily and quickly get a close estimate of the timing of such life-forming events by simply counting the number of degrees between the two planets (or planet and sensitive point) that symbolize the event.

A woman (3 July 1953; 1926; Walnut Creek, California) has the Moon in the Third House at three degrees from the Nadir; we suggest that at the age of three she experiences an important change of residence, as well as changes in her relationship with a parent or the parents. Simultaneously with this direction, Saturn comes to the Midheaven by direction. There were certainly important events concerning both parents here. The 6-degree opposition of Moon to Saturn is activated at age three by the directions to and from the meridian angles. Her reply to our conjecture: she moved from America to Germany, there was abuse, the relationship with the mother in particular is deeply affected. She says that a psychiatrist she consulted as an adult focused strongly on her age three. Other aspects give us definition as to what exactly happened during this formative (dispositional) period or set of episodes. The Moon is in Aries and shows the nature of her response to the events, how the accidental aspects activated the essential nature (in Aries) of Moon.

In another case, a man has Moon in the Ninth House opposed to Saturn in the Fourth (I no longer have this chart in my files) with an applying (zodiacal) orb of 13°. I told him that “at the age of 13 you were saddled with heavy responsibility, compelled to assume burdensome duties; the mother went to a foreign country.” In fact, at that age his mother abandoned the family for another man, went to Canada, and the boy, who was the eldest child in the family, had to assume many of the duties of the mother to help raise the younger children. Here is a definitive accidental event. Naturally this set of events produced deep, life-long psychological effects in him that are described by the Moon- Saturn opposition. Notice the wide orb of 13° which some astrologers would not allow as effective, yet the aspect manifested very clearly and powerfully.

In astrology, planets are said to have dignity (or to be debilitated). The dignities and debilities of the planets are divided into two broad classes. The first of these is Essential Dignity, which is based wholly on the sign position of the planet. Essential dignity, in the psychological sense, indicates inherent or endowed characteristics of the personality. The second class of "dignity" in astrology is Accidental Dignity. This type of astrological dignity represents "events" (experiential, or circumstantial) and indicates things affecting the personality that are adventitious or of external origin.

The essential dignities (in domicile,or exalted -- along with their opposites "in detriment, in fall", showing debility) are very well defined. You can find lists of these dignities and debilities on many astrology websites.

On the other hand, the accidental dignities have never been clearly defined, which is a reflection of their adventitious nature. One of these dignities occurs when a planet is angular. An angular planet is one which stands close to one of the 4 Angles of the horoscope (Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant or Nadir) and is within 10 degrees or so of the Angle. An angular planet is always a powerful influence in the life; it manifests through external events or life-patterns and will be involved in critical junctures in the life, creating turning points that very often change life-direction.

But in general an astrologer must weigh many factors in order to determine whether a planet is accidentally dignified, accidentally debilitated, or simply peregrine (a condition in which the planet has neither dignity nor debility). A planet's condition -- dignified or debilitated -- will determine how it acts in the life, whether it works more constructively or destructively. Observation shows that even planets that are dignified can work toward the downfall of a person, however; there can be "too much of a good thing". To make "snap judgments" when interpreting a horoscope can lead to egregious error.

A chart in which there are a good many planets in essential dignity usually indicates a life that is relatively "easy", successful, bountiful and rewarding. Where the opposite occurs, the likelihood is of setbacks, difficulties, and more limited success. A single powerful and well-conditioned planet can offset and even overcome these debilitated planets, but only at the cost of special effort. Also, the tenor of the chart taken as a whole must be gauged. A horoscope must always be judged as a whole. It represents the most complex organism we know of -- a human being -- and so that complexity must be reflected in the horoscope, and therefore judgment or interpretation is complex as well.

The dignities and debilities of the planets, both essential and accidental,are just one set of astrological tools among many sets that allow an astrologer to analyze with a high degree of certainty this most complex of organisms.

In the two examples given above, the statements made came from planets with some accidental dignity. They were angular and therefore could be expected to produce events or conditions that were quite apparent. The events were important in forming patterns of behavior in the life because they were angular. So, we see that the horoscope of any person will tell us not only the types of events, the people involved in them, the timing of them in the life, but also the psychological or other outcome of these accidents of life.

27-08-2011, 02:36 PM
Most excellent, Greybeard!


28-08-2011, 01:58 PM
This is an expansion on what was said in the first installment of this thread. For those of you interested in learning something about astrology and how it works, this may be of interest. Be happy to explain the terms below, on request.

Accidental Dignity gives the power to act and influence the life (debility -- weakness and ineffectual action that often leads to difficulties in life) and is accorded to a planet due to its mundane position, its interrelationships with other planets, or its motions. Remember, accidental dignity (debility) acts primarily as an experiential/circumstantial element in the life, as opposed to the essential dignities which show innate character and personal qualities, and have to do with function. The essential dignities are deep and permanent, but the accidental dignities are often more prominent and visible. They show highly individualized elements of the life.

Among the essential dignities we have the condition known as Sole Dispositon. Each sign has a ruling planet -- Sun rules Leo, Venus rules Taurus, etc. It is possible for one planet to rule all the others through a chain of disposition. Say Sun is in Leo, and Jupiter is there too, with all the other planets in Sagittarius. Jupiter rules Sagittarius; so the Sun ends up ruling all the planets because it rules Jupiter who rules all the others. This is sole disposition. It is an essential dignity because it is based on sign position. A planet in sole disposition of a horoscope is very powerful indeed. (The planet must be in a sign of its own rulership in order to hold this dignity.)

Angularity is probably the most powerful of the accidental dignities, but many others are quite potent in their effects. A planet solitaire in hemisphere is an example of this. Often, accidental dignity may be accorded a planet due to an accumulation of lesser dignities. Planets swift in motion, of high declination, or receiving many aspects (half again as many as other planets in the given horoscope is a reliable measure) are increased in dignity. Planets that occupy key positions in the whole pattern of planetary distribution in the map, or that hold similar positions in important formations are also increased in dignity. Dignity implies power or influence, greater standing. It is most often a sign of “good”, but care should be exercised in judging this, as accidental dignity is most basically a measure of power rather than of “good” or “evil” effects.

Retrogradation and interception are accidental debilities, as is combustion, which is considered by William Lilly to be the most severe of all debilities. A planet occupying a cadent house, especially the 12th, 6th, or 3rd, was considered an infortune by the medieval astrologers; the 8th House is also unfortunate. Planets with largely bad aspects to the other bodies may be said to be in accidental debility because the energies they symbolize do not function well with the others; a dissociated or feral planet – that is, one not beholding any major aspect to the others, and so dynamically cut off from them – may be considered to be severely debilitated. Planets besieged or under duress are in accidental debility. Planets with low declination, slow in motion, or under the sunbeams suffer lesser affliction.

Let's say that Neptune is closely conjunct the 4th House cusp. It is angular, and therefore is going to be be a powerful influence in the life. But we don't yet know if this influence is for "good" or for "evil". In this example, no other planet is angular; so Neptune (whatever the planet signifies in this chart -- its qualities, characteristics, likely events or life patterns, etc.; I won't interpret Neptune here, because it would require a whole separate article) is going to figure prominently in the life. The effects will be visible for all to see because Neptune is angular (Here in the 4th House they are somewhat more private than in the other angular houses).

So does Neptune in this chart lean more toward the "good" or the "evil" side. In the first place, this particular planet is never easy to live with; we can assume there will be enough "negative" influence to please anyone.

Now here is where all this dignity/debility stuff comes in. First, we will say Neptune is in Virgo; Virgo is the detriment of Neptune because it is the sign opposite the sign Nepture rules, which is Pisces. So here is a "debility" and it is essential in nature because it derives from sign position. Therefore, this condition -- whatever it means -- is inherent, deep, permanent and has to do with the way Neptune functions.

Second, we notice that Neptune is retrograde. This is a debility, and affects any planet by turning its energies inward, making them more subjective than when direct. Retrogradation causes obstacles and delays in the development of whatever any planet signifies, and a personal psychological responsibility greater than when in direct motion. The person may "turn away from" the challenges presented by the planet, not face them squarely; or, on the other hand, may be anxious, obsessed with, constantly ruminating over the issues presented by the planet. Perhaps there is a rather compulsive need to tie up loose ends. A retrograde planet usually indicates something that runs contrary to the normal or accepted currents in life, often accompanied by feelings of swimming upstream. When a planet is moving backwards in the zodiac (retrograde motion) it implies a whole host of possibilities, all associated with the idea of "going backward".

So here we have a planet that is has a powerful and broad influence on the life because it is angular (dignified), but we find that it is essentially debilitated (in Virgo - describing how it functions, and accidentally debilitated because retrograde. Often, a person trying to read their own chart is overwhelmed by the many, and often contradictory, statements about a planet in the chart. We have to understand that each and every separate statement is true, even when contradictory; the contradictions are built into the person the chart describes. They show the internal conflicts we must somehow resolve.

When a psychological energy cannot act effectively in the outer world (shown by the astrological "debilities"), the energy will then manifest on the more internal plane. It is apt to act through the unconscious rather than conscious mind. The energy must find release; it cannot become latent or inert.

Hope this gives you some idea of the practical meaning of the dignities and debilities in astrology. They are not just abstruse astrological jargon. But the terms are meaningless jargon for so long as we simply say "Mars is exalted in Capricorn" and don't bother to understand why this is so.

28-08-2011, 11:04 PM
That was great!
Thank you for posting your knowledge on here.

I'm a beginner/learner of astrology.
If someone has the Sun (29deg Libra) with no other aspects apart from a wide (10deg) conjunction to Pluto, in the 8th house -
(and Moon, Mercury, Uranus, Venus all fairly tight conjunct in Scorpio (9th house) ....
Would you say the Sun having no major aspects is debilitated? Especially being in Libra, and especially because Pisces is rising, personality kinda depends on others a lot.

But, despite apparently being debilitated, Pluto IS in the 8th house, and an astrologer once said to me, it is then accidently exalted.
And, though there are no aspects from the Sun or Pluto to any of those other planets in Scorpio, the theme of Scorpio is strong enough that the wide conjunction with no other aspects - could be a good thing, rather than detriment?
A sort of relief to the 'no personality' problem.

I might be confused, lol.
But I'm interested in your thoughts

Avilucis :glasses3:

29-08-2011, 12:38 AM
Intelligent questioning....

Your sun conjunct pluto in the 8th.....begs for us to take pluto as ruler of scorpio.....the planets are tied together "essentially" and this operates in lieu of direct aspects.

When you say "29 degrees of Libra, do you mean 29 and xx minutes? Because if so, then the Sun is in the Last Degree of Libra

And the last degree of a sign is a very interesting place...It is my own interpretation of the last degree (I've never seen it in any books that I can recall) that the position is one of "transformation", a place of chaos and turmoil....symbolized by the transition states of things like water when it comes to the boiling point...sort of oscillating between liquid and vapor

A ten degree orb with the Sun is perfectly acceptable....note in the article on the dignities how the Moon was at 13 degrees from Saturn in the man's chart, but the aspect was most definitely effective.

Also you have 4 planets in Scorpio, at least 2 of which are not Sun, Mercury, or Venus.....the old and proper definition of a Stellium......the 8th house sun/pluto, the Scorpio Stellium......

Study Scorpio deeply and give the study time for your unconscious mind to assimilate it......it will open your eyes to yourself.

Looks like you were born 22 October 1979....apparently at a low latitude, say within the tropics....Venus and Pluto are Mutual Dispositors of the map.....You can learn a lot by treating these two planets "as if in conjunction", because they mutually "rule" each other and between them the chart as a whole. They "determine" to a large extent the types of experiences you will need to ultimately transform yourself into what you already are in potential.

Very importantly....the most basic feature of the map, and therefore forming the matrix in which all else must function...is the Bundle pattern contained by the close trine of Mars to Neptune. Because of his positiion as the leading planet of this pattern (by dirunal motion Mars will be the first planet to "come up" at the Ascendant), Mars becomes a predominant force in your life. Therefore, study every detail you can about Mars in your chart...sign, house position, aspects, his lord Sun....and of course the pattern itself, which has much to say about you.

Plutonian horoscopes.....and this one is most assuredly plutonian....are never easy to live. The sun in the 8th house underscores your driving need to "see beyond the veil"....and that ain't easy. Neptune in the midheaven, with Pisces rising...well, I assume you see the picture.

Jupiter probably stands very close to your Descendant, and is tightly conjunct the North Node. He rules both Neptune and the house occupied by Neptune. So probably....given the approximate chart I have come up with for you....Jupiter should be taken as the most powerfully angular planet. The two planets, which have a lot in common, will operate together with Jupiter determining the actions of Neptune.

Hope this is of help to you....

29-08-2011, 07:50 AM
Thank you for taking the time to check out my chart.
You are close, I was born 23rd October 1979 at 2.30pm Hamilton New Zealand.

So, about Mars ...
I feel a little lost when you talk about 'Bundle pattern contained by the close trine of Mars to Neptune'.
Is there a place you can direct me to, which will tell me what Bundle patterns are? I haven't learned about chart patterns yet.

I'm still figuring out how you got Mars trine Neptune to be the 'matrix' of the chart, I'm going to read what you wrote again soon.

You are correct about Mars.
All I see is the squares, and the fire in the 6th house, that's how I know it's Trouble!
But although it helps to know about it, for me, the best success I've had is to concentrate on not falling into Pisces South Node, and learning control of emotional body, as well as sexual energies.
They all kind of tie in for me, somehow. Balance and health, perhaps you can relate that to North Node in Virgo 7th house - that angular quite important, as you mentioned in your article.

Thank you so much for your article! It's really helping me.


30-08-2011, 07:31 AM
Is it because those Mars is the lowest planet, and Neptune is the most elevated planet?
The trine between them draws them together to create the matrix?

30-08-2011, 07:32 AM
Oops, I just realised you messaged me - you probably told me already LOL!!

03-09-2011, 09:44 PM
What does it really mean when a planet is found in its dignity or debility?

Let's take an example horoscope, with Mars in his FALL in Cancer.
The Moon in this chart is in Aries (Moon rules Cancer; Mars rules Aries -- the two planets are in reception, and also a close square).
Only these two planets stand above the horizon, Mars in the 12th and Moon in the 9th and elevated. All the rest of the planets are below the horizon.
Pluto, in the 3rd House, is within orb of completing a T-square in Cardinal Signs. This is the critical formation in the chart, with Mars at the apex or focal point of the formation.

When I first began looking at the chart, I was baffled by that square and reception between Moon and Mars.... What might it mean?

Sometimes I use a set of image-symbols (the Sabian Symbols) to enhance or stimulate my understanding of meaning in a chart. And on an impulse, I decided to see what the symbol for the Moon's position at 14 Aries was...."A serpent coiling near a man and woman." --

Why my goodness...."Original Sin." The meaning of Mars in his Fall (yes, the Fall) became clear immediately. The connection to the Third House (Pluto was there, involved in the T-square) filled in the picture. The Third House is the house of Siblings. The Moon is the Mother. And Mars was in the Twelfth House of limitation, confinement, isolation, the outcast, our "hidden sins." Boy, did this guy take a fall.

03-09-2011, 10:03 PM
Note: The Fall of a planet is the sign opposite the planet's Exaltation. To understand what the term means in a practical sense, look up the word "fall" in the dictionary. It has many definitions, and any or all of them can be applied to "astrological fall."

Mars is Exalted in Capricorn, so his fall is the opposite sign, Cancer. Mars acts to "sever" things....cut them off.... and Cancer is the sign of maternal protection and nurture. That's what happened to the man in the example horoscope, and the how, why, when....all of this is shown in detail by the horoscope.

Moon/Pluto aspects...the hard ones (what Aquarius123 likes to call "growth aspects"....don't you just love sugar-coated New Age astrology?)...almost always indicate "Rejection" (Pluto) by the "Mother" (Moon)...[You can say to anyone who has an opposition or square between these two planets, "Your mother was literally cruel to you" and you are very unlikely to get an argument]...

11-09-2011, 08:04 PM
I am just now (I joined a week or so ago) making it to this area of the forum and I am finding how much I do not know about reading a birth chart - I am happy for the opportunity to learn, thank you for taking the time to explain and post, it is appreciated!

11-09-2011, 09:01 PM
Welcome aboard.

11-09-2011, 11:38 PM
Note: Moon/Pluto aspects...the hard ones (what Aquarius123 likes to call "growth aspects"....don't you just love sugar-coated New Age astrology?)...almost always indicate "Rejection" (Pluto) by the "Mother" (Moon)...[You can say to anyone who has an opposition or square between these two planets, "Your mother was literally cruel to you" and you are very unlikely to get an argument]...

It is not always the mother's fault. Sometimes it is the child who does the rejecting in a Moon/Pluto hard aspect...a case in point: the mother was forced to go to work when the father was unable to fully provide for the family. It wasn't cruelty, she assumed the burden foisted on her and took a job. The absence of the mother created emotional blockages in the child so that it was easier to distance from family, to take control..to the end that in adulthood advice is not welcome, preferring rather to make independent decisions.

12-09-2011, 02:39 AM
Point taken. In my experience I have found that the native feels that there was cruelty on the part of the mother... Looking at Martin Luther's chart, the opposition of Moon to Pluto is the outstanding feature of the chart, yet I have never seen anything in his biographical information to indicate cruelty toward him on the part of the mother. However, in later life she was arrested on a charge of witchcraft. That, of course, leads one to wonder....

Bobby Fisher has Pluto rising square Moon, 3 degree applying, First to Tenth (part of a Fixed T-square, Mars opposed Pluto right across the horizon) and he indeed rejected his mother and everything in life that can be associated with "the mother".

Thanks Moggy.