View Full Version : Rare Double Cazimi

03-08-2011, 03:30 AM
This is not really a thread....just a note of interest.

On 16 August the Sun, Mercury Rx, and Venus will all be located in the same degree of the zodiac (24 Leo), and in fact both Mercury and Venus will be Cazimi, around 2300 GMT.

The structure of the sky on this day, the pattern of planetary distribution, is built around a grand cross in Cardinal signs, with Moon and Mars in reception. Moon passes over the conjunction with Uranus during this 24 hour period.

The opposition of Mars to Pluto (violent force, compulsion, ruthless action) is separating, indicating the unfolding of built-up energies, their release.

Moon would translate the light from Uranus to Saturn, except that she is obstructed by Mars-Pluto before she can perfect the translation.

This chart brings Syria to mind.

This triple conjunction of Sun/Mercury/Venus is exceedingly rare.

Cazimi for Venus is exact at 1207 GMT on the 16th, and is effective between 1127 the 15th and 1247 the 17th.

Cazimi for Mercury (retrograde) is exact at 1426 the 17th, and the Cazimi period runs from 2117 the 15th through 0451 the 17th. Thus, the period during which both planets are concurrently Cazimi coincides with the Cazimi of Mercury. The partile conjunction of Mercury with Venus occurs at 2320 the 16th, just 8 arc-minutes beyond the heart of the Sun.

The time translates to 0220 the 17th in Damascus, Syria. That chart shows Mars opposing Pluto exactly on the horizon, both planets just below it.

Now we'll wait and see what, if anything, happens.

We should note that Sun is Sole Dispositor of the map at the time.

What this chart suggests to me is a popular uprising (Moon -- the populace, the masses -- moves from the suffering of Pisces to the impulsive and fiery Aries, seeking to assert itself) and is within orb of revolutionary Uranus. But she cannot succeed because she is blocked by the extreme and ruthless power of the Mars-Pluto opposition (operating just under the surface), and the Monarchy is dominant in his Fixed sign of Leo, and strongly aided by the Exalted Saturn holding down the fort in the 4th House.

Mars is at the midpoint of the Saturn-Uranus opposition (use of extraordinary force, challenging others in a decisive fight, deprivation of freedom -- Ebertin), is rising but in his Fall and rules the upcoming Moon-Uranus conjunction in the 10th.

Goodness, an astrologer's mind is such a strange place.

To really make such a prediction, there are two other things that should be examined de rigeur: The most recent eclipse, and the national chart of Syria. It wouldn't hurt to add Bashar al-Assad's personal chart to the mix. But the double Cazimi (a very, very rare event in the heavens) just caught my eye and the rest flowed out; the tone of the chart is one of violent revolution. The Cardinal sign emphasis -- action, a turning point, expediency --, but with the cross blocking effectiveness or follow-through defines the general pattern of the day.

03-08-2011, 04:01 AM
Cazimi is an astrological term derived from the Arabic -- the Arab astrologers introduced the idea of cazimi -- that means "In the heart of the Sun". The condition occurs when any planet is located with 17 arc-minutes of the center of the Sun; the disk of the Sun has a mean diameter of 34 arc-minutes, as viewed from Earth. The actual size of the Sun varies somewhat depending on our distance from it, but we use the value of 34 minutes as standard in astrology.

Cazimi is a special case of combustion (see my thread on that subject) in which the usually "bad" effects of combustion are reversed, and the cazimi planet is said to become "blindingly brilliant", its powers greatly enhanced rather than weakened.

A few years ago the transiting Neptune came to the Cazimi of my natal (and solar return -- that is, the event coincided with the solar return) Sun. The effects were life-changing; deep, permanent, awe-inspiring, other-worldly. The transit was a once-in-a-lifetime event. Some astrologers deny that Cazimi is effective. Because of my personal experience plus a handful of charts in my files, I strongly disagree. Cazimi does bring the planet to the most exalted state.

03-08-2011, 05:40 AM
These are great details. Thanks for providing them.