View Full Version : TWIN FLAMES

18-02-2005, 01:58 PM
Hi to you All. I think the subject of 'Soul Mates' but more especially that of 'Twin Flames,' will become of greater importance down roads. We are entering changing climes and where all our vibrations alter to draw us closer to what is termed magnetic field alignment.

I wonder what your public thinks about this and whether they understand any difference between 'Soul Mates' and 'Twin Flames?'

Look forward to all those explantions!! :roll:

Best regards,

Robert Burnett
Author of 'Twin Flames' Two Makes One - His Way.

19-02-2005, 02:30 PM
This is a very interesting discussion. In my perspective there is a distinct difference between 'Soul Mates' and 'Twin Flames'.

There are 3 types of Soul Relationships - Karmic Soul Mates, Companion Soul Mates and Twin Flames.

Karmic soul mates still have Karma to deal with between them and can be those such as family members, close friends and romantic relationships.

Campanion Soul Mates resemble twin flame relationships but there is also still Karma to be dealt with.

Twin Flames have no karma left to work out between them, they have resolved all of it in past lives and come together for no other reason that unconditional love. Twin flames love each other with no expectation of the other and with no conditions attached to the giving of that love. Spirit may require that you prove yourself worthy of this love and place you in situations to test the strength and truth of this love, by causing temporary or even permanent separations. Twin flames are earned and not a given, you must prepare yourself to be able to join with your twin flame, it is not automatic. IT IS A GIFT. It is truly a privilage to know your Twin Flame but you must be ready. You have to learn to love more deeply that you ever thought possible. You must deepen your capacity to love before you can know unconditional love and that means experiencing pain as well as joy. The more pain you have experienced the more joy you are capable of holding within. Sometimes the cup of love must be completely shattered before it can be built strong enough to hold the love of your Twin Flame. Steel must be tempered through flame and your heart must be tempered through pain before it is strong enough to protect the love of your Twin........ When Twin Flames come together they become ONE, they are not Like each other they are the mirror image of the other. They think alike, have the same values and often their life experiences are very similar and follow parallel lines. Sometime they even look alike.

12-04-2005, 02:09 AM
Hi! Interesting discussion about twin flames and soul mates. I just want to add a bit of what I have learned about twin flames and soul mates from Archangelic channelings. I don't expect everyone to agree with what I am going to say ~ how boring that would be! But try to keep an open mind! I may digress a bit to explain about the organization of the Universe.

When God, or Source Energy, whatever term you are comfortable with, sends out energy from Itself ~ (this is called a Lead Energy) ~ this energy, as soon as it departs from the Totality, perceives itself as being separate (yet still One) ~ and also immediately splits in energy ~ part of its energy becomes positive, the other negative (or male and female to apply a gender to it in reference to the earth plane. ) Each of these branches of energy have a consciousness and are now free to choose lifetimes, etc. ~ each of these splits can and do in turn split. These splits are twin flames. They are the other half of ourselves ~ when you meet your twin flame there is an immediate knowing of each other. Now each half of that twin flame split can and does divide itself into what is called lifelines ~ all energies with consciousness in and of itself, yet still part of the wondeful whole! An energy chooses to split in order to divide up the lesson learning responsibilities ~ makes the journey faster (one hopes) and much more interesting ~ this branching of our energy is called The Webbing Effect. We all are truly webbed within ourselves! As we learn our lessons (or balance), we journey back along our energy lines carrying the vibration and knowledge of what we have learned until eventually we reach our Lead Energy and then we are back in The One! Of course, one does not journey alone ~ we are webbed within ourselves and others! Makes it even more interesting!

There is a misconception ~ all is not always rosy when twin flames meet! Because twin flames are separate (yet part of a whole) they are free to make choices and manifest and learn percentages of lessons, etc. as others are. And our twin flame, since he/she is part of us, knows what presses our buttons, so to speak! It is indeed quite common for twin flames to not get along well with each other at a concrete level. Many can and do come to the conclusion that it is best for their growth to work as a team, but not live together ~ to maintain contact, but live geographically separate lives. I personally know some who do this and it works quite well for them. Living in close proximity did not. I also speak from personal experience ~ I did meet my twin flame in this life and it did not have a happy fairy tale ending! In fact, I had been told by my guides that it had not been planned that we would meet up in this life ~ but I was asked at higher levels to help him, as he was struggling with some issues, regressing in some ways, in fact. I did not immediately grasp the underlying reason for our meeting ~ I was ecstatic that I had found someone to be with who was so similar to me! Ah well, that's life!

From these teachings I have also learned that it is quite common for twin flames to not live in the same lifetime as each other ~ it is more the exception than the rule when they do ~ and it usually means that they have a very strong mission to accomplish together.

And I have also learned that, as is not the case with soul mates, twin flames do not build up karma with each other. Hence, they can press each other's buttons without karmic consequences! But not without any consequences! (But that's another story!) It is quite a unique energetic connection and quite special, especially when both have reached a high overall level of awareness of their path and mission together.

Soul mates are a bit different. These are energies who we have had very many lifetimes with and have a very strong connection to ~ although not the same as the twin flame connection. We may or may not have balancing to work out with soul mates ~ it all depends. Soul mates can be friends, lovers, parents, sisters, even non human energies in our lives. They are energies who we come together with to share the lifetime or a portion of a lifetime to help each other learn our lessons. Soul mates and twin flames both have the potential to make our journey very wonderful and joyfilled ~ but it is not a given! Soul mates can have balanced with each other in previous lifetimes, but in this one make choices that cause balancing to reoccur between them again. That does happen as well!

So the important thing to consider when developing relationships is not to obsess about whether one is a soul mate or twin flame, or whatever. But is this person at a similar level of awareness as we are with respect to the things that are important to us ~ can we have a relationship that is built on mutual respect and love, not neediness and conflict? That is the most important thing to consider. If you are fortunate enough to find out the specifics about soul mates or twin flames or such, then great. If that knowledge helps you concretely, then great. Speaking for myself, it did help me, as it explained what I was feeling and experiencing ~ helped confirm things, but didn't change things one iota. Choices are choices. Energy is energy.

12-04-2005, 02:29 AM
I apologize for the three duplicate messages! My computer did a weird thing when I clicked on submit! I didn't think it went through at all, but now I see it did it three times! I tried to delete some of them, to no avail! Sorry!

29-06-2005, 06:17 PM
Interesting subject and one that is very close to my heart, more ways than one. I found this forum while doing research on soul mates, and I would love to give my input on this.

I agree with the others have said about the differences between soul mates and twin flames so I won't duplicate what they said, but I do want to add this...

In my teachings, this subject comes up a lot. What's the difference between a soul mate and a twin flame? A lot of people who aren't on the up and up on soul mates think that there is only one out there for them...I'm presuming they are talking about their twin flame, but they use the term, "soul mate."

I try to explain to them that there is no "one" out there for them, but many, many soul mates who come into their lives at one point or another and every one of them serves a person for doing so. In your life's journey, you have tests and when you complete each "test," that broadens your mind and your intelligence as to what is good for you and what isn't. I told a client the other day that her abusing husband was one of her soul mates and I thought she was going to punch me in my face. I quickly explained that he served a purpose in coming into her life and that was to learn how to think more highly of herself and not allow this kind of treatment. Until she could get out of this mindset that she was a victim, she would continue this path. And this was one of her tests in life.

Back to twin flames, one of the definitions that hasn't been discussed is that a twin flame is one "kind" of soul mate that is very hard to attain until you have come to that point in your life where you have found yourself. Until you do, your twin flame and you will never be able to have a relationship. I also tell my clients that if everyone could meet and be with their twin flame and it was just that easy, everyone would be with theirs and would miss out on the important tests of life we must have. So, there again, all soul mates are just as important as your twin flame in making you whole.

Hope that helps! ;o)

11-07-2005, 10:53 PM
ok then tell me this plz. i dream about someone every so often and i think its dream sharing or something with them. i love this person (i am male and she is female) and in real life i am pretty sure that she is a living breathing real person. ive heard of this with others. what do u call that?

09-10-2005, 02:46 PM
Hello Dorothy

Great post. Agree with everything you expressed here. Twin Flames are earned, it is not a given. Once you have mastered certain key lessons, through the school of life, if you so choose your Twin Flame will appear.

Below is a piece of poetry I received through meditation. To view my complete book of poetry "Messages of Love and Divine Light Guidance" please visit our website at www.nextagemission.com and go to the Spiritual Links button for a list of e-books written by myself and my own twin flame.

Books by Victoria Greig http://people.lulu.com/users/index.php?fHomepage=105161

Also at http://www.lulu.com/content/159298 you will find the first half of our book titled "Twin Flames - 2 makes one His Way. I am working on my half of this book to later be combined into one book.

The subject of Twin Flames has been my one passion in this lifetime and I always had a knowing that we would be reunited in this lifetime.

Split into two parts
Equal and complete
In every way

Two parts of the whole
The essences of masculine and feminine
Experiencing the One
Through separate life experiences
Until they reach the threshold
Of the Ascension

And their souls long to be
Brought back together again
To be joined in this life
And merge their life energies
In the sacred act of Divine Love

Their souls send out the call to the Universe
For this most Holy merging

Their eyes meet
And there is no mistaking
The overwhelming sense of knowing they both feel
Stirring from deep within their hearts and souls
As they recognize their own

09-10-2005, 03:03 PM
ok then tell me this plz. i dream about someone every so often and i think its dream sharing or something with them. i love this person (i am male and she is female) and in real life i am pretty sure that she is a living breathing real person. ive heard of this with others. what do u call that?

Not sure what this is called but the dreams seem to be trying to tell you something. Chances are you will meet this woman as soon as you are ready. Prepare yourself for this reunion.

10-10-2005, 07:44 PM
I agree with Shyla on the dream thread. Dreams are funny creatures and I've just recently began to explore why it is we dream of certain people, things, events more than once. I'm sure there is a message there, only just what it is only you will find out sooner or later.

I believe that if you dream of a certain someone and it happens more than once over time, it is one of your soul mates definitely. I'd like to think it was one of your soul mates that you connected with in another lifetime, and yet there was still something that wasn't resolved. I believe that the soul mates you meet in this life, you have met them in other lives because it's the spirit of the soul mate that you connect with and that spirit has the capacity to travel astrally. As do you when you sleep.

I also had a certain being that kept popping up my dreams and I felt the complete love and yet I didn't know who it was. After I met my twin soul, the dreams stopped and I haven't had one since. Although the physical characteristics didn't quite match up, the "feeling" of love was the same. Could it have been our spirits connecting while we were asleep? Who knows, but my guess is, it was.

09-07-2006, 12:31 AM
Just wanted to put in my two cents on twinflames (twinsouls).

I believe I did meet mine, 5 years ago online. We knew one another in a public forum for about 10 months before we were unexpectedly separated (I say unexpected, yet I did know it was coming...I just kept on not listening to my inner voice). I have no idea what he went through after we lost contact with one another, but I can say that on my end, I went through such an emotional 'hell' that I literally almost lost my life. Before meeting him I would never have believed in the concept of twinsouls. Yet the separation from him triggered a literal overnight spiritual awakening in me, along with so many other things...dreams that were prophetic, dreams of meeting with him on astral plane, heightened intuition, contact with angels, and on and on. After searching the internet in an effort to understand what was happening (I'd never heard the term 'twinsouls' or 'twinflames' before), I was led to a couple of twinsoul forums. After participating (with hesitations) in them for a few years, I concluded that, while twinsouls do exist, the chances of meeting one's own is considerably rare, and that many who participated in those forums were (most likely) mixing up a soulmate relationship (often karmic) with that of a twinsoul one. I also tend to believe that for those who do meet their twinsouls, there is always a purpose for that meeting. Whether or not the twinsouls are to unite in that lifetime remains to be seen...but from my observations I would say that many do not. I do believe that not all twinsoul meetings are of the romantic nature (some could be mother and son, for example), but the relationship that they do have is extraordinary. I also tend to believe (from observations) that in some cases, both parties do not 'recognize' one another, for obvious reasons - in some cases, one of the pair is in the midst of a karmic relationship with another. However, even though the recognition may not be fully there, both will feel that intense draw to one another. One or both may not understand it, or might even be frightened of the intensity of it, but it will be there.

In my case, I don't believe he felt exactly what I did, but our separation did affect him deeply. For me, as I said...I almost lost my life because of it. I did recognize him, even though at the time I didn't understand what was going on. And I also knew that there was both a purpose for our meeting, as there was a purpose for our separation. Meeting one's twinsoul is not for the faint of heart. Yet it is a blessing...beyond any pain involved, the connection to one's twinsoul can bring one in direct connection with themSelf, and with God.

06-08-2006, 04:44 PM
Great poem, Shyla :smile:

Mother Goose
20-08-2006, 03:06 AM
I stopped believing in the 'one soulmate' idea when I was in my early twenties. And I'd never heard of 'twin flames' until a couple of years ago. I still have my reservations about twin flames; I have trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that there could be JUST ONE out there.

Let me ask something....is this twin flame a constant thing...through every lifetime is it the same set of souls? Because that's where I have a hangup. I guess this lack of understanding how this can be is because I've probably never met my twin flame.

I've met soulmates who've set my world on it's side and awakened things in me I never imagined were there. My husband is one of them, the rest of them are on-line friends. I guess because my feelings for them all are so intense, it's really difficult for me to imagine ONE soul would be 'more' to me than they are.