View Full Version : Virgo

22-06-2011, 01:52 AM
Could someone, anyone, everyone tell me everything you know about virgos? I am born under the virgo sign and I want to see if it really fits me. you know what im saying?

22-06-2011, 05:11 AM
sun sign or moon sign?

22-06-2011, 05:28 AM
Astrowin.com will do a free full chart for you. The time you were born is important, plus your birth date of course. Check it out.

22-06-2011, 11:23 PM
sun sign or moon sign?

Is there a difference? How do you tell what you are?

22-06-2011, 11:51 PM
I am going to tell what Virgo is to me. Although there are the usual stereotypical traits you always hear about (worried, hypochondriac, orderly) each Virgo manifests them differently or manifests something else entirely based on what other influences are in their chart.

I am a Virgo sun, and for me this is how it shows:

I worry a lot. I worry about the big things like how to finance a new car that we might need, but I'll worry about the little things like whether they will allow me to have the level of tinting I want or how I can ask people not to mess up my future hypothetical car seats.

I suffer from anxiety, hypochondria, OCD. While these aren't exclusive to Virgos it is pretty clear to see why these things are especially Virgo-centric.

I am a total slob. You hear that Virgos are neat neat neat, and this is true in some ways, but I've never met a Virgo who didn't have a sloppy car, bedroom, house. We have neat minds, though!

I spend time reading the ingredient lists on food; the backs of cereal boxes, shampoo bottles, warning labels, etc. And am genuinely interested in what I read.

I'm quiet, reserved, friendly but not too open. And I'm very critical. (Mostly of me though!)

Cafe Astrology's post on Virgo (sun) sums it up pretty well, actually. (Apologies as I'm unable to post the link.)

23-06-2011, 03:24 AM
Is there a difference? How do you tell what you are?
Moon sign is- sign of your moon on your birth time
Sun sign is -sign of sun on your birth time

i am giving some predictions-

Virgins are shy, intelligent, and truthful. They always like works in a system. They have good management qualities, they like to be neat and clean, they may be health conscious, and they may be touchy and emotional. Virgins are straight thinkers and have a logical mind. They are sympathetic and helpful to others. They may good knowledge about health. They may be nervous and worried.

23-06-2011, 04:45 AM
As a Virgo I find Thinker's description closer to how I experience myself than the one above.

Virgos are into the details... sometimes too much. They tend to be analytical and are precise in how they communicate. Virgos are independent and yet love to serve and be helpful, but in their own way.

Virgos are one of the more hidden signs... people don't usually see them as they see themselves. Virgos are sensitive and often have a cool exterior that people mistake as coldness of feeling. The same goes for their sexuality... being quite passionate but most folks wouldn't know it.

On the down side Virgos tend to be perfectionists and be picky and critical, even more of themselves than others. I used to say, "Never criticize a Virgo... they already do this too much to themselves."

A Virgo lover said, "Virgos are here to show us what's wrong with the world and ourselves... so we can correct it."

When a Virgo begins to discover what is really perfect, in their inner nature, the outer perfectionism and criticism fades away. As with any sign, coming to live from our true center balances us and raises our personal and astrological traits to a higher level.


23-06-2011, 06:30 AM
I'm a virgo too, but have no interest in these things, though reading the star signs in the paper is kinda fun.

23-06-2011, 09:40 AM
I'm a virgo too, but have no interest in these things, though reading the star signs in the paper is kinda fun.
what do you mean by these things. please reply..

29-06-2011, 10:43 AM
You can look at this blog, describing all zodiac signs:

29-06-2011, 10:19 PM
in my little experience and ideas, I would say...

Virgos are sometimes seen as uptight but I think it's because they are orderly and know things acutely.. They are analytical and discerning, creative and sensitive..

Iseke I have anxiety and ocd too.. but am gonna fix that soon! ^^
(and you can too.. but also you should see what other signs are in your chart that attribute to your other qualities.. oh I just have Virgo in Mercury, which is like the thinking planet anyhow..)

I could try to say more about Virgo but I won't be that ambitious

29-06-2011, 10:53 PM
I am going to tell what Virgo is to me. Although there are the usual stereotypical traits you always hear about (worried, hypochondriac, orderly) each Virgo manifests them differently or manifests something else entirely based on what other influences are in their chart.

I am a Virgo sun, and for me this is how it shows:

I worry a lot. I worry about the big things like how to finance a new car that we might need, but I'll worry about the little things like whether they will allow me to have the level of tinting I want or how I can ask people not to mess up my future hypothetical car seats.

I suffer from anxiety, hypochondria, OCD. While these aren't exclusive to Virgos it is pretty clear to see why these things are especially Virgo-centric.

I am a total slob. You hear that Virgos are neat neat neat, and this is true in some ways, but I've never met a Virgo who didn't have a sloppy car, bedroom, house. We have neat minds, though!

I spend time reading the ingredient lists on food; the backs of cereal boxes, shampoo bottles, warning labels, etc. And am genuinely interested in what I read.

I'm quiet, reserved, friendly but not too open. And I'm very critical. (Mostly of me though!)

Cafe Astrology's post on Virgo (sun) sums it up pretty well, actually. (Apologies as I'm unable to post the link.)

I love reading another virgos opinion of themselves, i can sort of see the simularities between us, however i can also see the differences. I do not worry alot, i used to, but because i analyse things and work out all my solutions i am usual left with little worry but simple acceptance. I am a slob when it comes to my room, but i hate messiness in those around me, i.e. constantly cleaning my boyfriends room or even my friends kitchen when i go there for tea. Totally a critical person, but like you said i'm usually my own target. I however am not quiet, around people i'm don't know alot about i can be shy, however once i'm settled i'm a very open person and very chatty. I indulge in intelligent conversation :)

22-07-2011, 09:20 AM
Virgo is the only zodiacal sign represented by a female. It is sometimes thought of as a potentially creative girl, delicately lovely; sometimes as a somewhat older woman, intelligent but rather pedantic and spinsterish. The latter impression is sometimes confirmed by the Virgoan preciseness, refinement, fastidious love of cleanliness, hygiene and good order, conventionality and aristocratic attitude of reserve.

They are usually observant, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, practical supporters of the status quo, and tend toward conservatism in all departments of life. On the surface they are emotionally cold, and sometimes this goes deeper, for their habit of suppressing their natural kindness may in the end cause it to atrophy, with the result that they shrink from committing themselves to friendship, make few relationships, and those they do make they are careful to keep superficial.

23-07-2011, 12:20 AM
I'm a virgo, I'm analytical and a perfectionist and usually know when a person is lying 9 out 10 times.

An astrological sign is like a tool , be it a subtle aspect of one's mind that tunes his personality in a certain way, can be misused. In the sense some portray the negative side, a virgo negative is worry wort, nervous wreck and considers himself weak.

Let's say a sign is software of the brain on some level that allows the freedom to "enter" into this software negatives or positives dependent on the emotional quotient like upbringing etc...

For example a mother of newly born virgo sees her son although its minor scratch makes it out to be more serious than it is will result the virgo seeing himself as weak.
While some astrologers that virgoans in the future will to more confident personalities when, Vulcan , its true ruler takes over lordship form mercury.

23-07-2011, 07:23 PM
I'm an old astrologer.....nearly 40 years of study now. Astrology works, and goes far deeper than you can imagine. But for astrology to really be of value, you will need to have your personal chart done. To do that, you need your date and exact time of birth, as well as place of birth.

"Sun-sign" astrology is at best a parlor game. True, by knowing your Sun is in Virgo, it says a lot about you. But it is rather unrealistic to think that by dividing 7 billion people into twelve groups (the signs) you are going to any information of value to you personally.

If your goal is to test the validity of astrology, you should give astrology a fair shake by getting your unique personal chart done. The charts available online for free at several sites are "computer-generated" and not terribly complete or accurate, but might provide you with a first-view of astrology. They should on the whole give a picture of you as an individual. The problem with them is that they rely on pre-written paragraphs for each separate position and aspect in a chart, and do not take the chart-as-a-whole into account. For a really "true" reading you need to consult a real human astrologer.

All that said.....

Virgo is an Earth sign. Earth signs are.....down to earth. They are oriented toward practical accomplishment and the real and substantial. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are concerned with perceiving concrete facts. In terms of Jungian psychology, they are the group of signs dealing with Sensation. These are the sensual signs. They value reality and efficiency. Things that cannot be perceived with the senses simply don't exist for these signs. Earth signs build for a future that holds a solid and practical basis. The concern is with the concrete. Persistence and a grasp of practical concerns are typically strong points in the Earth signs. Earth signs tend to see each thing in creation as a separate and individual thing. The weakness here is in relating the separate things perceived, connecting them. Earth signs are, in general, practical, methodical, cautious, patient, persevering, realistic, sensuous, concrete, solid.....

Virgo, unlike the other two Earth signs, belongs to the Common or Mutable Quality. Common signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are the signs of adaptation. They are "autoplastic" in nature; that is, they quickly and easily adapt themselves to whatever circumstances they may encounter. The principal concern of the Common signs is people and their place within the group of the moment. So these signs are very quick to adjust and adapt to change, are flexible, highly sensitive to any changes in surroundings and relationships, and are often rather chameleon-like. They are not particularly strong on holding to ideals and principles, but will tend to adopt the moods or values of whoever they are with at the moment; they want to fit in. These signs are accommodating. These signs are also dualistic in nature, and therefore are quite able to maintain a balance between positive and negative energies.

Virgo, then, as a combination of Earth and Mutability, is the sign of Analysis. This sign seeks purity. It cleans and cleanses, dissects and discriminates. The world is seen in bits and pieces, each thoroughly analyzed and assigned its proper cubbyhole. The sign of Virgo is the sign of service. It is very much concerned with duty and work. Health and the body are usually issues that hold Virgo's attention. Order is important to Virgo as well; the sign wants to put everything in its proper order. Virgo seeks to synthesize and integrate. Virgo generally feels very comfortable with routine. The sign attends to all the details required to fulfill the larger objective. Virgo functions best when he feels useful to the larger group; inner serenity follows upon successful self-alignment with the group life through service (being useful). The sign is highly critical; things out of place are noticed immediately and Virgo will not be at peace until they are rectified. Virgo is precise and concerned with details. Virgo can be be either truly humble (which leads to self-assurance and self-integration) or abjectly subservient (which leads to resentment and bitterness). Virgo is often anxious, worried, and under stress; where this is the case, a hardened or tense lower abdomen is often quite noticeable physically, and there are often accompanying intestinal problems.

As I said at the outset, sun-sign astrology is a parlor game. Each sign of the zodiac offers us both positive and negative possibilities. No sign is either good or bad, but has the potential for either or both. To evaluate the likelihood of one or the other being predominant, to understand the whys and wherefores of a personality, we must see the chart as a whole and not a collection of parts. After all, the horoscope is chart or map of a highly complex living organism.

23-07-2011, 07:30 PM
I realize the exact time of birth is highly important, but so many simply don't know and they always say then use 12 (am or pm, idk). What about that? (ty)

23-07-2011, 08:02 PM
Doggone it. I'm new here, just signed on. I wrote you a rather lengthy description of Virgo, but it doesn't appear in your replies, and I don't intend to rewrite it.

But if you intention is to "test" astrology, you really need to have your full birth chart done by a competent human astrologer (not the online computer readings). "Sun-sign" astrology in not an astrology that is meaningful to you as an individual. It divides humanity (7 billion people) into 12 groups (the signs of the zodiac) and is not concerned with the individual.

A chart that is based on your date and exact time of birth as well as place, however, is unique to you and you alone. Such a chart will provide you with a very profound look inside yourself (depending on the astrologer/interpreter who does the chart), and can be of great use to anyone interested in healing themselves spiritually.

Astrology can be used in many ways, and how you choose to use it depends on your own natural inclinations. I hope that you don't reject astrology because of the often superficial "readings" that are offered; don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Very often the Sun is not the primary focus in a horoscope. Some other planet or planets may play a more predominant role in determining your personality and destiny. The Sun in any horoscope represents or symbolizes the "center of self...the essential you", just as the natural Sun is at center of the solar system with all the other planets revolving around it. But we should remember that a human being is the most complex of organisms, a unified whole, and such a creature cannot be "boiled down" to "Sun in Virgo". That is simply absurd.

23-07-2011, 08:17 PM
I'm an old astrologer.....nearly 40 years of study now. Astrology works, and goes far deeper than you can imagine. But for astrology to really be of value, you will need to have your personal chart done. To do that, you need your date and exact time of birth, as well as place of birth.

"Sun-sign" astrology is at best a parlor game. True, by knowing your Sun is in Virgo, it says a lot about you. But it is rather unrealistic to think that by dividing 7 billion people into twelve groups (the signs) you are going to any information of value to you personally.

If your goal is to test the validity of astrology, you should give astrology a fair shake by getting your unique personal chart done. The charts available online for free at several sites are "computer-generated" and not terribly complete or accurate, but might provide you with a first-view of astrology. They should on the whole give a picture of you as an individual. The problem with them is that they rely on pre-written paragraphs for each separate position and aspect in a chart, and do not take the chart-as-a-whole into account. For a really "true" reading you need to consult a real human astrologer.

All that said.....

Virgo is an Earth sign. Earth signs are.....down to earth. They are oriented toward practical accomplishment and the real and substantial. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are concerned with perceiving concrete facts. In terms of Jungian psychology, they are the group of signs dealing with Sensation. These are the sensual signs. They value reality and efficiency. Things that cannot be perceived with the senses simply don't exist for these signs. Earth signs build for a future that holds a solid and practical basis. The concern is with the concrete. Persistence and a grasp of practical concerns are typically strong points in the Earth signs. Earth signs tend to see each thing in creation as a separate and individual thing. The weakness here is in relating the separate things perceived, connecting them. Earth signs are, in general, practical, methodical, cautious, patient, persevering, realistic, sensuous, concrete, solid.....

Virgo, unlike the other two Earth signs, belongs to the Common or Mutable Quality. Common signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are the signs of adaptation. They are "autoplastic" in nature; that is, they quickly and easily adapt themselves to whatever circumstances they may encounter. The principal concern of the Common signs is people and their place within the group of the moment. So these signs are very quick to adjust and adapt to change, are flexible, highly sensitive to any changes in surroundings and relationships, and are often rather chameleon-like. They are not particularly strong on holding to ideals and principles, but will tend to adopt the moods or values of whoever they are with at the moment; they want to fit in. These signs are accommodating. These signs are also dualistic in nature, and therefore are quite able to maintain a balance between positive and negative energies.

Virgo, then, as a combination of Earth and Mutability, is the sign of Analysis. This sign seeks purity. It cleans and cleanses, dissects and discriminates. The world is seen in bits and pieces, each thoroughly analyzed and assigned its proper cubbyhole. The sign of Virgo is the sign of service. It is very much concerned with duty and work. Health and the body are usually issues that hold Virgo's attention. Order is important to Virgo as well; the sign wants to put everything in its proper order. Virgo seeks to synthesize and integrate. Virgo generally feels very comfortable with routine. The sign attends to all the details required to fulfill the larger objective. Virgo functions best when he feels useful to the larger group; inner serenity follows upon successful self-alignment with the group life through service (being useful). The sign is highly critical; things out of place are noticed immediately and Virgo will not be at peace until they are rectified. Virgo is precise and concerned with details. Virgo can be be either truly humble (which leads to self-assurance and self-integration) or abjectly subservient (which leads to resentment and bitterness). Virgo is often anxious, worried, and under stress; where this is the case, a hardened or tense lower abdomen is often quite noticeable physically, and there are often accompanying intestinal problems.

As I said at the outset, sun-sign astrology is a parlor game. Each sign of the zodiac offers us both positive and negative possibilities. No sign is either good or bad, but has the potential for either or both. To evaluate the likelihood of one or the other being predominant, to understand the whys and wherefores of a personality, we must see the chart as a whole and not a collection of parts. After all, the horoscope is chart or map of a highly complex living organism.

Is this the one? Not sure why you can't view it, everything looks ok on my end, Greybeard.