View Full Version : Car Lights

Elaine and D
29-05-2011, 05:16 AM
Hi Everyone,

I have been thinking about this and maybe it means nothing but I thought I would post it anyhow to see what other forum members may think.

I went out yesterday to walk our dog. I was thinking about my boyfriend who is in spirit and said to him "Even though we cannot see each other I hope you are still with me".

I carried on walking and it was about a minute later I approached a car which was parked up with no-one inside it. The two back orange lights flashed twice then stopped, it reminded me of when a person operates a car lock from one of those devices that they carry with them. I looked around myself but could see nobody.

I even deliberately began to walk slower and kept looking back to the car to see if anyone was getting into it, there was no-one.

I continued walking the dog and even went round that way again to see if the car had gone. It was still there again with no-one near it.

I dont know what to think. Was it a sign that was being given to me or was it just something to do with the car itself.

Maybe I am reading too much into it coupled with some wishful thinking but I thought I would ask what anybody else thought.

Thankyou for reading,

Elaine :hug3:

29-05-2011, 09:36 AM
If you think that was a sign, then it was a sign. You usually feel these things