View Full Version : My Story - Opinions Appreciated

18-04-2011, 01:38 PM
Hi everyone. My story is going to be very long, so please bear with me.
First, I have to say that before my story began, I was firmly sitting on the fence regarding all this spirits, life after death stuff and whatnot. I wasn't a scoffer, but I didn't really see how it could be true. I'd had no personal experience to speak of in these matters.
Anyway - my story begins around four to five years ago. There are two tangents to it. Whether or not these two tangents are connected is what's been puzzling me.
I began taking an interest in a singer-songwriter - I'll call him "Gareth" for simplicity's sake. Obviously I don't want to identify him - he was well known enough - if you're British and 40 plus, you may well have heard of him. I had been aware of Gareth during the time his band had a few hit singles, some years earlier, but I hadn't followed his career.
Gareth died some years back now (over ten), in troubled circumstances. Again, I heard the news at the time, but it didn't mean a great deal to me tbh. It wasn't until around five years ago that I "discovered" ,so to speak, his music, and began listening to it properly. I was incredibly moved by it - it's fair to say that it "blew me away", as the saying goes. I began to read properly about Gareth's life and death, and it hit me very hard - I felt as if I were "mourning" him as if he had only recently died iyswim.
My interest in Gareth escalated, and I became involved with a long running fansite of his. I ended up becoming admin of it, and as a result, I came to encounter some of Gareth's family and friends. I also took it upon myself to visit his grave on the anniversaries of his birth and death, to leave flowers for him, on behalf of all us fans. I've managed to do this without fail for the last four years ( he's buried about two hours away from where I live, so getting there isn't a problem for me). It's something I do happily.
On one occasion on the tenth anniversary of his death, when I was in his home city (where he is also buried), I spent that evening with a lady who was a close friend of Gareth and his family. We chatted about Gareth, and she showed me letters and cards etc. that he had written to her, items of his clothing that had been bequeathed to her as mementoes, that sort of thing. It may sound morbid to some, but it was a very special evening for me.
One of my most treasured possessions is a postcard written by Gareth two years before he died, which was gifted to me by another of his friends whom I met a tribute night.
So that is the first tangent to my story - my love of Gareth and his music.
The second tangent -
I have lived in my present home for nine years now. For the first five years of this, I had never experienced anything like paranormal activity in it. Nor had I at any other home I'd lived in previously, and at this time I was thirty six.
So, around four or five years go, some very strange things started to happen. I would be alone in the house, and objects would disappear - I would search everywhere for them, then they would reappear in a place which I know I definitely checked. This completely freaked me out - at this time I had never heard of DOP. I would walk into a room and find that objects were moved halfway across the room from the place in which I knew they were a few minutes earlier. Twice I have had objects just drop down out of the air in front of me, as if someone were hanging from the ceiling, and dropping them down. I have watched my letterbox flapping for several seconds, with nobody at the door, and with no breeze. The lights in our living room dresser will be found switched off, when I know that I switched them on, while everyone insists that they didn't switch them off.
These events have been going on to this day, not all the time, just every few weeks or even months. But enough times for me to realise that I have undoubted paranormal activity in my home. My husband and parents have also witnessed it, so they know it isn't just me going crazy.
To someone like me, who up till then wasn't even sure that spirits actually existed, this was seriously freaky business, you understand. At first I was frightened of it, but as time went by, and I realised that nothing harmful or destructive ever happened - and never has - I grew calmer. I read around, and figured that I obviously had a spirit manifesting itself in my home. The spirit seemed to want my attention - which it has - but I wasn't sure why.
Anyway, two years ago, I met up once more with the lady I mentioned spending an evening with. I mentioned the activity to her, simply because I knew she was a believer in the spirit world, and I didn't know anybody else who was. She immediately suggested that it might be Gareth. This astonished me - I had never made the connection. I never met Gareth when he was alive - so why would he visit me in spirit? It didn't make sense.
Thinking about it, though, there a few possible pointers which seem to suggest it, although apart from the last one, I don't know if they are just coincidences.
First, when a fellow fan and I were walking to Gareth's grave with our flowers, on the tenth anniversary of his death, an animal, of a particular breed, that was closely linked to Gareth, was coming the opposite way along the pavement. It stopped, and looked at us. The guy with me nudged me, and said, "Look, it's a sign from Gareth, it has to be." I told him not be so soft; it was just a coincidence.
Another time, I found that my laptop, which had no desktop image selected at the time - just the default Windows logo - had had a picture of Gareth and his bandmate, on the cover of one of their albums - selected as my desktop image. I didn't do this, and my husband and daughters swear they didn't either. It's only me that uses the laptop - they use the main computer.
Talking of which, I was once using the main computer while my laptop was under repair. I was alone in the house. I had three or four windows open, one of which was a blog entry by one of Gareth's friends and fellow musical collaborators, describing his visit to a medium, in which Gareth's spirit appeared to make contact. I went upstairs, leaving another window from a different website onscreen - definitely not the blog entry. When I returned to the living room, the blog entry was onscreen. Now, I don't know much about computers, but I've never had a minimised window "jump" onto the screen by itself like that before.
I finally decided to visit a medium myself last year, something I'd never done. I have to say that nothing conclusive could be garnered from the meeting. The medium did mention that his first encounter with the spirit world was when he saw the spirit of his deceased pet - which was the very same animal and breed that I mentioned being linked with Gareth. Another coincidence?
And now comes the the real crux, to me, at least. This happened a couple of weeks after my visit to the medium. I had a dream.
The dream described below occurred between 6.20 and 7.00 a.m. one morning, when I was in a half dozing, half awake state.

This is my dream:

In my dream, I was awake - I think. I had, in waking hours, been thinking about who it could be that had been visiting our home over the past four years.

In my dream, whilst "awake", I spoke out loud, did something I have never actually done before - addressed Gareth by name, asked outright if it really were his spirit that was visiting my home.

In response to my address, I began to feel what I can only describe as a humming sound beginning inside my head. The humming grew louder, and eventually it cleared to become a voice, speaking. It sounded as if I were listening to a radio playing inside my head. I shook my head frantically at first, frightened of this "voice" inside my head, trying desperately to get rid of it. Eventually, though, something made me stop, and accept. The voice confirmed to me that the entity that had been manifesting in my house was indeed Gareth. It (the voice) faded, then grew stronger, at intervals, similar to a radio signal fading in and out. More was said, but I couldn't remember what when I woke up. Only the confirmation that it was him, or his spirit, I should say.

Now, I really don't know what to make of this. I could dismiss it as my subconscious, but then I searched on spirit communication - and the first few hits mentioned dreams. So is it possible that Gareth's spirit did indeed communicate with me via my dream?

I'm not scared by any of this, at least not any more, really, just intrigued. I really don't know anything much of this whole spirit world business. I'm not sensitive, or anything like that.

It's not that I'm desperately wanting the spirit to be Gareth's, iyswim. It either is or isn't, and it doesn't really matter - I have proof of spirit existence now - not that I was actually demanding it - and that's what's really important to me. But I can't help being curious. I'd love to know if if it really is Gareth - did I get my answer in my dream, do you think?

If you've got his far, thank you for reading my epic story. I swear every word of it is the truth. Any of your thoughts on it would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

(By the way, I've tried to be as obtuse as possible about Gareth's real identity, but if anybody has worked it out, please don't reveal it, obviously. Thanks.)

22-04-2011, 08:04 AM
Nobody? :confused:

I'm beginning to think that everybody thinks I'm making it all up. :icon_frown:

22-04-2011, 04:48 PM
It is a long post with many many things that could be responded to.

I picked this one:
The second tangent -
I have lived in my present home for nine years now. For the first five years of this, I had never experienced anything like paranormal activity in it. Nor had I at any other home I'd lived in previously, and at this time I was thirty six.
So, around four or five years go, some very strange things started to happen. I would be alone in the house, and objects would disappear - I would search everywhere for them, then they would reappear in a place which I know I definitely checked. This completely freaked me out - at this time I had never heard of DOP. I would walk into a room and find that objects were moved halfway across the room from the place in which I knew they were a few minutes earlier. Twice I have had objects just drop down out of the air in front of me, as if someone were hanging from the ceiling, and dropping them down. I have watched my letterbox flapping for several seconds, with nobody at the door, and with no breeze. The lights in our living room dresser will be found switched off, when I know that I switched them on, while everyone insists that they didn't switch them off.
These events have been going on to this day, not all the time, just every few weeks or even months. But enough times for me to realise that I have undoubted paranormal activity in my home. My husband and parents have also witnessed it, so they know it isn't just me going crazy.

My impression is that these things can be caused by telekinetic energies. Have you considered such a thing as that?


22-04-2011, 08:27 PM
Hi, John,

I'm aware that my post is long, but as I said, I wanted to make sure I got everything in.

I have heard of telekinetic energies, but I always imagined that to be related to stress? Also, I'm not sure that I believe that activity can take place without an actual spirit or entity harnessing the energy of a living person. I find it hard to believe that that person can unwittingly cause the movement of objects themself. Of course, that is just my belief, and I may be wrong.

Certainly, I seem to be the focus, as I am always present whenever phenomena occur, either (very often) alone, or with other family members present. However, I honestly don't believe that I am particularly stressed, or at least no more stressed than any other typical mother of three. I am generally a fairly calm, easy-going person. I would just love to know what's going on!

22-04-2011, 10:07 PM
Hi Tabitha,

In one of my discussion groups with over 1,400 members we talk a lot about telekinetic experiences. Most of our members want to move objects with their telekinetic energies.

I can appreciate that you do not want to believe such a thing can be done, however the evidence suggests otherwise. This is not stress related as much as it is an energetic attunement for stuff like this.

Energy work is a vast and little understood subject. We do not provide practical insights with our Ghost Buster movies. I can provide some channeled information about the subject of "energy residue". However I do not think that this applies to your circumstances. I suspect that you are using energies from within the Self that you are unaware of at this time.

The key words you use are that "Certainly, I seem to be the focus, as I am always present whenever phenomena occur".

That is why I came to this conclusion. I do not have a better explanation.

I hope you find the answers that you seek.


22-04-2011, 10:35 PM
I've just read all your post-intriguing. I hope there is life after death. I miss my grandson. I don't understand enough to be useful to you. You seem to be on quite a journey. I wonder if songwriters want to channel songs through someone. x

22-04-2011, 10:44 PM
Hi Tabitha,

Just my view.. sounds to me you lost an old soul friend although you did not physically meet in this life. And he is acknowledging you back.
I think it is a lovely experience! ..I think its amazing the amount of life energy you put in to a person you dont know physically..think about it this way ..why would this soul friend not put energy back in to you...He did open your eyes to another world ..How beautiful!! Also we cant peep fully around corners to the future .. keep a journal if you can :)

Lol u have to smile at what they ..the departed can do to get attention...look at all your signposts.
What path that is opened to you now.. how delightful... all the best to you

Love has no boundaries.

All The best
Bless you XX

16-05-2011, 09:26 PM
Hello, and thank you to those who have replied to me. :smile: I do apologise for not coming back to this earlier.

It's not that I dogmatically refuse to believe in the possibility of telekinetic energies causing my phenomena. Of course I have to accept that this might be one of a number of explanations. It's one that I'm finding difficult to grasp, though, and it doesn't satisfactorily explain to me all of the phenomena I've experienced - e.g. the disappearance and reappearance of objects.

But I don't know, of course. It's very frustrating being in the dark! I don't know if there is a definite connection between my experiences and my interest in Gareth, or if it is merely coincidental. I'd like to think that there is, but obviously I can't know for certain. I'd be happy for there to be, anyway.

Thanks again for your replies. :smile:

17-05-2011, 05:43 PM
Hi Tabitha!!

Wow what a fascinating story....it does sound like your spirit energy is/could be this musician. What really interests me is the connection you felt to him out of nowhere. I dont believe in coincidence so that leads me to believe that you either knew him in a previous life or that he has a message for you. I am relieved to know you are not afraid of what is going on in your home. As someone who believes in spirit communication I would try to make contact again with him. You said he came to you in a dream which is consistent with entities trying to communicate. I would suggest that you write him a letter and ask that he visit you again in your dreams to explain what it is he is trying to relay to you. Obviously your openness and desire to keep his name out there and continue to promote his work moves him even after death. Your genuineness is wonderful and I believe that spirits can see that. Even if we move on and let go of ego I am sure it feels good to be thought of and remembered.

Keep us posted...Light and Love!

17-05-2011, 09:08 PM
Hello, and thank you to those who have replied to me. :smile: I do apologise for not coming back to this earlier.

It's not that I dogmatically refuse to believe in the possibility of telekinetic energies causing my phenomena. Of course I have to accept that this might be one of a number of explanations. It's one that I'm finding difficult to grasp, though, and it doesn't satisfactorily explain to me all of the phenomena I've experienced - e.g. the disappearance and reappearance of objects.

But I don't know, of course. It's very frustrating being in the dark! I don't know if there is a definite connection between my experiences and my interest in Gareth, or if it is merely coincidental. I'd like to think that there is, but obviously I can't know for certain. I'd be happy for there to be, anyway.

Thanks again for your replies. :smile:

Yes it is good to keep in mind that you have more than one thing going on. As a result, it is most likely that each thing has its own best answers.

As I see it, there is no one explanation or insight that fits all that you have shared with us.

Best Wishes.

18-05-2011, 08:13 AM
HI Tabitha.

Thankyou for posting your story. It seems to me from your experience and my own, that somehow spirit find the right person so that they get messages across or progress spiritually. Dont ask me how they do it but they just do and the more you become focused, the easier it seems for the spirit. I have also found that spirit can manipulate computers easily. I have have witnessed that too. I had an email sent once that came out of the blue and had an attachment to it. At the time I was connecting with a man spirit that was close to the earth plane.One of the spirit's 'issues' in his physical life was that his mother had died when he was just a lad and he felt angry towards his mother for leaving him and at god. The attachment was about mothers being angels and the weird thing was that somehwere along the line of this email being sent, a comment was made "sad but true" and was signed John which was the name of this spirit. I just knew someone paranormal had happened with this email and I got goosebumps. There were a few other things that happened at the time too. My modem would go crazy and I would have things come up on my screen like yours.
At the time of all this happening I had so much stuff going on in my house too. Lights turning on when the globes had been blown for weeks, my side lamp turning on and off, portable cd player being turned from cd to radio by itself. First time I blamed my boys but when they are all out the house it happned again and knew i wasnt alone.
Later on I had other stuff happen . I could hear the spirit tell me he loved me. Then he said he had a surprise for me. He had me searchign around my house, even under the bed and I could feel that he was laughing then he told me my jewel box on my dressing table. I opened it up and there was this little magnetic tile thing that had the word LOVE on it. I swear I have no idea how that thing got in my music box and I had neve seen it before. Then one time while I was out shopping with my son I called into a bookstore to see if they had this book I wanted to get. They didnt and left then to go home with my teen son. I was foraging in my bag for the car keys and my hand got caught up in something. I pulled out this thing which i didnt know what it was at the time. I shoved it back in my bag as I felt guilty that it was there. I thought omg I have accidently shoplifted somethign lol and my son was wanted to see and then he was laughing at me saying I stole it lol. We had only been to 2 shops, a mens clothes shop for him and that book shop. I had not even opened my bag , it was over my shoulder and had only asked the question which she looked up on the computer and then we left. I got tot he car and my son and I looked at this thing. It was a string thing with beads on the end and these lovely bronze coloured hands praying. A bit religious.I found out later it was a book mark. I had no idea how it got in my bag as it wasnt physically possible.
Later the spirit told me he bought it for me. I believe it came from him and from his heart , but obviously it couldnt be bought.
Sorry my reply is long now too but I can relate to your story a bit.

20-05-2011, 12:17 PM
Hello again, and thank you coming2 and Trace for your contributions - very interesting and insightful.

I'm still hesitant to assume that the spirit - if it is a spirit visiting me - is Gareth, however much I'd like it to be. I guess I just can't get my head around why he would bother with someone he never met on earth, whatever anyone tells me.

If it isn't him, then I haven't a clue who it could be. I have tried asking out loud, when I'm alone in the house, for the spirit to let me know who they are, but I haven't had any definite answer back - unless my dream was the answer? I just don't know if that is the case, or if it was merely my subconscious. But I'm repeating myself now, sorry. I don't have any psychic or mediumistic abilities, so I guess direct communication wouldn't be easy. I envy those of you who seem to receive direct messages from the spirits you are in contact with!

coming2, you mentioned a letter - but what would I do with it once I'd written it? Sorry if I sound thick here. I did write a tribute poem about three years ago, not a very good one (a poet I am not), but it was from the heart, obviously.

As for ego, I understand where you're coming from, but Gareth wasn't egotistical in life; the circumstances of his death would make that obvious enough, but I don't want to dwell on that for fear of identifying him.

Trace, your story is fascinating, and as I mentioned earlier I wish I were capable of that level of communication. It would make everything a lot easier!

coming2, I am not now nervous of the activity - I've come to accept it over the years. This wasn't always the case, I was actually very frightened to begin with. Bloody petrified, even! But I think that once it became clear that nothing harmful or destructive ever happened, the fear gradually dissipated.

I do wish Gareth were still with us on earth, but at least my experiences - if they are caused by a spirit, be it Gareth or someone else - have given me some hope that this life isn't all there is.

Thanks again for your replies. :smile: