View Full Version : Unwanted reactions to certain crystals?

22-03-2011, 08:39 AM
So, we've talked about crystals we love and couldn't be without....the Soul stones. But are there any that you really don't like or have had unwanted reactions to? Do you know why you have those reactions?

I used to feel extreme discomfort and physical reactions around amazonite but eased myself into working with it a bit at a time...that was years ago and I LOVE amazonite now...

26-03-2011, 09:56 PM
Firstly I despised rose quartz . Unconditional love and all that but it obviously transformed me and touched my feminine side lol .

Malachite was too grounding , dark , bringing up the shadows and strong .

Garnet was too grounding , strong , I couldn't relax but then I went with the flow . I love it :))))))

Oh and somebody put me in a Lapis cross formation and malachite to ground . God it was way too much . Sending me straight into a past life .

Shackultite was a no no as well but saying that some crystal shops do not have the time to throughly cleanse the crystals .

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx I love them all now xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

26-03-2011, 10:14 PM
No offense Topaz:hug3:

but... yellow topaz just gives me a yuck feeling don't know why and not sure I want to find out. :D

26-03-2011, 11:50 PM
No offense Topaz:hug3:

but... yellow topaz just gives me a yuck feeling don't know why and not sure I want to find out. :D

I'm more of a blue Topaz :wink: fast cutting strong clearing vibration :hug3:

27-03-2011, 12:06 AM
okay good...:D any insights about yellow...ahhhg...see I just had to ask :tongue:

27-03-2011, 09:11 PM
Golden topaz is fast uplifiting good for Self estem issues and enlightenment . Good for the crown , solar pleux and sacral . The colour Yellow lifts depression , helps with calcium intake , good for bones so I have been told .

If that colour repulses you, may be it's the one you need :) Saying that may be I need a splash of Yellow in my life:wink: x

28-03-2011, 03:02 AM
mmm..thanks Topaz but naw, doesn't feel like that is it. As long as I can remember I have never liked the feeling I get from it...oh well who knows :D

28-03-2011, 08:47 AM
Interesting that the colour yellow is the colour of the direction you are working on your medicine wheel journey....

28-03-2011, 09:15 AM
Top of my list is -

Serpentine...the stuff gave me blood blisters after I held it, made me dizzy enough to puke too (thankfully not in the shop)....so an unwanted reaction could be an understatement. (I was dumb enough to try picking up another piece in a different shop because it was a different colour to the yellowish green of the first, just to make sure.....yeh....same result.)

Hematite is great for me when I am healthy, but if anything is at least a little out of place inside me (which it usually is) then I can guarantee hematite will unbalance me more. It also has a knack of drag all my energy into the ground, never to be recovered again...it's like a super grounding stone. Far too heavy duty for me, I'm breakable.

28-03-2011, 12:58 PM
i have to say i don't really have had any stones i felt a strong adverse reaction to (yet anyway). i love all stones and am constantly buying more, picking them up, carrying them around, stuff like that. even when i go hiking if i see an interesting rock, i pick it up and carry it with me. i tend to be drawn to a lot of them.

i do carry different stones every day and my "regular daily stone pouch" will have the same stones in it for some time then i'll change when i feel the need to. some days i find certain stones to help, other days i find the same stone that had helped, is not feeling good to me so then i leave it for a few days until my guides suggest i carry it again.

i love reading and learning about stones - which reminds me i should pick up a good book about them today on my way home from work :)

28-03-2011, 02:57 PM
Lingham...for some reason I just don't like it's energy. It screams at me.

28-03-2011, 08:29 PM
Interesting that the colour yellow is the colour of the direction you are working on your medicine wheel journey....

I don't get the feeling that it is the color that is affecting me when I look at it. I have plenty of yellow in my life, I think it is more of a certain vib...The air element is in the east and I am working in that right now but like I said this yuck feeling has always been there even as a child. No worries though I just don't own any and that works for me.:smile:

29-03-2011, 02:41 AM
A woman I knew some years back made me a necklace of tiger eye and black tourmaline. The thought behind it was very kind, to help me ground, but good Lord, I could barely stand wearing it longer than 5 minutes. It was too strong for me to handle.
I loved each of the stones in it, so I eventually took it apart and let the beads tell me where they wanted to be around the house, in the yard, sent / given to other people.
Snowflake obsidian. I don't know what it is about their kind, but each one I've crossed paths with has made it clear that I keep a good distance from them. (I don't exactally want to add on 'or else' but it's just about that bad. They do not like me.)
Then there are those Atlantian crystals. I have no idea what it is exactally about their energy but ouch!

Then, I have come across some stones and crystals that just feel like they're biting at me, for lack of a better description. But I've learned from experience that those are just in need of a good cleansing and grounding. Like my strand of tiger eyes I put outside in one of my flowerbeds a bit ago. It felt like they were biting at me energy-wise and I just know from experience that if they feel like that, they need some time in their chosen element to just relax, release, and recharge at their own pace.

And, by the way, have any of you ever been just meandering around a store, whether it's been a spiritual healing store or a salvation army sort of one and you crossed paths with a stone or crystal, but it yelled at you to leave it be (like it was meant for someone else to have)?