View Full Version : Children - our greatest teachers :)

10-03-2011, 12:21 PM
I have often thought about slash wanted to create a thread where we can share our special moments with children, whether they be children we raise or children we are fortunate enough to come into contact with during our day to day life.

For me, it is highlighted over and over again ... children are my greatest teachers ... their lessons are simple, spiritual and sincere in the truest sense of those wonderful 3 words. I have 2 adult children, if there is such an oxymoron lol, and I also work with children who are experiencing crisis in their lives. Children have so much to offer ... not a day goes by where this is not hightlighted for me in the most profound way so ... please ... lets share the love and light and wisdom of all the little people who are a part of our lives ... I will kick off the thread with a little memory i have ...

I remember one little boy a few years back ... we were doing some craft together in my 'special' room ... using lunch wrap tubes and foil etc ... I asked my little 6 yr old friend what he was making and he said ... 'Well this is a dooble woffer actually' ... I asked what it actually does and he answered ... ' Well it helps people to change their minds when they do things they dont really like' :D :hug3:

10-03-2011, 10:35 PM
Just yesterday I spent time with a little 20 mth old child who, among other things did a little dance around a c o c kroach on the floor lol ... how much inner joy must one be experiencing to squeal with delight at a half dead bug? ...

11-03-2011, 03:20 PM
Nice thread idea Sound.
What comes to my mind in regards to sharing what children have to offer is my 1-1/2 year old grandson. He is our first and it is so different from my perspective as to what I notice from him in this stage of my life as oppose to when I was younger and my 3 girls were little.
What I notice most about him and it teaches me so much, is that he notices everything. Sounds, new glasses, new haircuts, moods, anything new like seeing the inside of my garage for the first time.
His sense of presence is amazing.
I feel blessed that I am older and present enough myself to notice his sense presence.
Blessings, James

12-03-2011, 01:39 PM
Hi James ... glad you stopped by ... its all too precious not to share isn't it :hug3:

Yes children pay attention to detail. They are extremely present and very sensitive to what is occurring within their immediate environment. And they certainly do notice change like you say. They are very 'sincere' in their interactions also ... true to their feelings and emotions which is something we, as adults would do well to follow. They are wonderful little role models and here we are thinking that job is exclusive to us! lol ...

When I started the thread I thought each day i would try and share a little of my experience with children.

Yesterday I was sitting in my office doing some paperwork and a little 3 yr old came to the door and called out to me ... 'Cake, Cake ' instead of Kate lol I get up and go to the door to speak with her and she asks me 'Why do trees grow so tall?" lol they really know how to put you on the spot ... i told her that some do and some don't and the ones that do provide a safe home for the birds and shade for the plants underneath and, and, and they are reaching up towards the light lol ... that seemed to satisfy her ... till next time lol how little attention we pay to detail :D ...

12-03-2011, 01:52 PM
13 communication and life tips that children teach us

We can learn a lot from a child. Plenty of adults engage in childish behavior, but not enough adults allow themselves to truly become childlike and exhibit an approach and display behaviors that exemplify the very best of what being a child is all about. Obviously, the point is not that we should become literally like children in every way—a group of 4-year olds is not going to build the next space shuttle or find a cure for an infectious disease this year. But as an exercise in personal growth, looking at the innocent nature of a small child offers illuminating and practical suggestions for changing our approach to life and work as "serious adults," including the work of presenting, facilitating, and teaching. You could probably come up with 100 things children do that you'd like to be able to still do today—here are just 13.

(1) Be completely present in the moment.In the words of David M. Bader: "Be here now. Be someplace else later. Is that so complicated?" We adults are often living in the past (or have our heads in the future). Many adults carry around preconceptions, prejudices, and even anger about something that happened years ago—even hundreds of years ago before anyone they even know was born. And yet, very young children do not worry and fret about the past or the future. What matters most is this moment. “The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence," says Thich Nhat Hanh.

(2) Allow for spontaneity. We are often overly rigid and worry too much about what others may think or say, so we edit ourselves before we even try. I am not talking about anarchy, I am talking about bringing back some of that childlike behavior where you acted more on intuition and allowed your whims and momentary impulses to take you on all sorts of accidental discoveries. Our fear and our tendency to keep our minds fixed on the past and the future keeps us from being spontaneous in the moment.

(3) Move your body! To move is to live and to grow. When we were kids, no one had to tell us to get out of the house and exercise. We'd play football in the front yard until it got so dark we couldn't see the ball. Movement and exercise are how kids learn, and physical exercise improves cognition and memory for adults in both the short term and over the long term. Homo sapiens have evolved to move far more than your average person moves today. Moving is the most natural thing of all, certainly more natural than sitting on one's **** all day staring into a box or enduring lecture after lecture while remaining motionless on uncomfortable chairs. Move, and encourage others to do the same. "Our brains were built for walking—12 miles a day!" says Dr. John Medina.

(4) Play and be playful. To play is to explore and discover. Play helps us learn and discover new insights. You can be a "serious person" and play. NASA astronauts are serious, wickedly smart, and physically fit men and women of science. Yet, they're doing jobs they dreamed of as kids, and they are not above playfulness as Apollo 14 Commander Alan Shepard demonstrated by using his makeshift 6-iron to hit golf balls on the moon. Playfulness is a creative attitude that brings out the best in you and in others. Confucius said, "Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life."

(5 ) Make mistakes. Children make lots of "mistakes"—that's how they learn. Even though we are professionals, we can learn from mistakes as well, if we're willing to risk making them. Even experts make mistakes. An old Japanese proverb says "Even monkeys fall from trees." (Saru mo ki kara ochiru — 猿も木から落ちる.) Worry not about mistakes—learn from them. "Failure is the key to success." said The Great Teacher Morihei Ueshiba. "Each mistake teaches us something."

(6) Do not concern yourself with impressing people. Eventually peer pressure will set in, of course, but from what I have seen, very young children are naturally able to be in the moment and unafraid about what others may think of their "silly" behavior. "Do not try to make somebody believe you are smarter than you are," says writer Brenda Ueland. "What's the use? You can never be smarter than you are." In the words of Benjamin Zander, “This is the moment — this is the most important moment right now....It’s not about impressing people. It’s not about getting the next job. It’s about contributing something." When you are in the moment and truly engaged with your work and your ideas, the idea of trying to impress others is an uncomfortable distraction.

(7) Show your enthusiasm."Mere enthusiasm is the All in All," says Brenda Ueland. You do not have to tell little children to be enthusiastic about just about anything (save broccoli, perhaps). Many years ago when I used to visit numerous schools in Japan, I noticed the elementary schools were abuzz with activity and filled with totally engaged, enthusiastic students. This would even carry on into the first weeks of Jr. High School, but the level of enthusiasm took a big hit as they progressed through the exam-driven system of secondary education. That energetic elementary student is still inside of you — imagine what could happen if you combined that child you used to be with the skilled, knowledgeable and wise person that you are today.

(8) Remain open to possibilities and "crazy" ideas. This is related to the idea of beginner's mind. Shunryu Suzuki famously said "In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few." You may be an expert, but in order to learn, your cup must be empty. But for many adults, their cups runneth over with excuses and negative close mindedness disguised as skepticism. Healthy, unbiased skepticism is a good thing, but too many adults can tell you a million reasons why it can't be done or that has never been done. Curmudgeons abound, but life is too short to hang out with chronic sourpusses and others with closed minds.

(9) Be insanely curious, ask loads of questions. We think of formal education only as getting the answers, but questions are often more important. Knowledge is important, obviously, but "what if?" and "I wonder why?" is the stuff of imagination and engagement with the material. First come the questions, then begins the exploration and the discoveries—that is, the learning. Children are kind of like miniature scientists in the sense that they are naturally and unstoppably curious about the world around them. An adult with an insatiable curiosity will never stop learning and growing. It is curiosity that pushes us forward. Yet, as adults, we may have become complacent. The best teachers and the best presenters stimulate our natural curiosity. "You never learn a thing when you get the right answer, but are rewarded for doing so in schools," says TED founder Richard Saul Wurman.

(10) Know that you are a creative being. Ask any first grade class who among them is an artist, and watch every hand go up. By the time they are in college, you can barely get a single hand to go up in a class when you ask "who here considers themselves creative?" Is this because they've been educated out of their creativity as Sir Ken Robinson suggests? Regardless of your profession or education — whether you are an artist, design, teacher, or engineer — you are a supremely creative individual. If you doubt this, you rob the world and yourself of your true potential and a great contribution.

(11) Smile, laugh, enjoy. Take your work, very, very seriously, of course. But there is no reason to take yourself so seriously. The genuine enjoyment you project with your smiles and spontaneous laughter are infectious. Your dispassionate solemness is a mood that is also infectious. Which mood is more engaging? Which mood do you want to see reflected back at you? Laughter and a smile are gifts to yourself and to others.

(12) Slow down. Yes, of course focus is important, but not all distractions are a bad thing. Stop and notice the world around you. This stimulates your imagination. Says Brenda Ueland: "The imagination needs moodling — long inefficient, happy idling, dawdling, and puttering. People who are always briskly doing something and as busy as waltzing mice, they have little, sharp, staccato ideas...But they have no slow, big ideas." A small child walking on a path will stop and notice the novelty all around, while we impatient adults just want to get to our destination as soon as possible. Adults feel this way about happiness as well. Happiness is always in the future, over there, if I can just get "over there" to some place or situation in the future. This constant future-orientation causes many of us to step over the remarkable things in life that abound right here and now. Slow down and allow yourself to be distracted from time to time by the wonders of life around you.

(13) Encourage others. It is an amazing thing to see even very small children helping and encouraging others. Good teachers and good leaders inspire and encourage as well. Anatole France said "nine tenths of education is encouragement.” But what should you do when you yourself feel discouraged? An old Zen proverb has a simple answer: "Encourage others."

What children teach us about freedom and naturalness

Seven months ago, my first child was born here in Japan. A beautiful girl (pictured right). Anyone who has kids knows that they change your life like no other event can, and though you are in the role of parent and teacher, it is your child who actually teaches you far more than you ever expected. Children remind you that genuineness, naturalness, and the immediacy of the moment are what life is suppose to be all about. What is missing for many of us in our professional and personal lives is freedom, naturalness, and spontaneity, the three things that young children have in abundance. Whether we use multimedia or not, what is missing too often from presentations in the modern era is that human-to-human connection that exists where naturalness is allowed to breathe.

Natural like children
In Zen and Japanese Culture, Daisetz Suzuki says that in each of us there is a desire at some level to "return to a simpler form of living which includes simpler ways of expressing feelings and acquiring knowledge." In other words, there lives in each of us a desire to return to our inner nature or a natural way of life. This does not mean that we want to return to a primitive life of a prehistoric people, Suzuki insists. Going back to nature (or Nature) means a return to a life of freedom and emancipation. "When we speak of being natural, we mean first of all being free and spontaneous in the expression of our feelings, being immediate and not premeditating in our response to environment...." If we reflect on our own lives we realize we were the most free and most natural when we were children. Suzuki says in fact that "naturalness means to be like a child" — not in the sense of being "a bundle of egotistic impulses" — but rather like a child in the sense of being free, in the moment, with an open mind, and behaving with a true genuineness of motives.

"When there is no crookedness in one's heart, we say that one is natural and childlike." — Daisetz T. Suzuki

You had it once. You can have it again.
Pablo Picasso once said, “All children are born artists. The problem is to remain artists as we grow up.” Here in my home of Japan, we are not known for producing many remarkable orators or engaging presenters in the business world. Audiences endure more than they are engaged and inspired. Yet, when I visited elementary schools here in Japan, I found the young students there were always amazingly engaged, energetic, and happy to participate and share their ideas and stories. I suspect elementary schools in your town are filled with similarly energetic, hopeful students as well, no matter where you are in the world.

As very young children, we were naturally authentic communicators and conversationalists. But then somewhere down the line we began to be guided away from that natural, human talent as a shift occurred in our education that emphasized “the correct answer” and demanded careful, formal speech—speech that did not encourage engagement and dissuaded our true personalities from coming out, lest we run the risk of ridicule. But you are an adult now and you can change your destiny. You can find again that naturalness, creativity, and energy you had as a child and combine it with your knowledge, skills, and passion to make real human-to-human connections that lead to remarkable change.

There are many more things we can learn from children, of course. Please feel free to share some of those here for others to see.

12-03-2011, 02:55 PM
What a cool thread! Kinda like, Out of the mouths of babes, hehehe..

My kids, nieces, younger cousins, and friends little ones have taught me so many wonderful things in my life. Their pure hearts, laughter, and honesty inspires me to become more like them everyday.

My daughters imagination is just such a treat, and I love it when we can play, tell stories, make castles out of chairs and sheets, giggling till tears stream down our faces...Priceless...


16-03-2011, 12:26 PM
So my 20 month old grandson is really into Willy Wonka these days. The world stops when the Oompa Loopa’s come on and sing. Lol
Traditionally, when I come home, I hold him in my arms and we look outside and I point out trees and birds and such and he loves it. The other day I pointed out the Buddha statue on a stump in the corner of my yard and he says Buuu…Da.
It sounded so cute……….. then he starts singing………..Buuuu…Da DooopaDe Doo.
What a joy he is!
Have a great day all………James

16-03-2011, 12:29 PM
hehe beautiful James lol ... I want to hold him too lol xx

16-03-2011, 12:32 PM
hehe beautiful James lol ... I want to hold him too lol xx

I'll share! I'm sure he can feel and enjoy a cyber hold............:hug:

20-03-2011, 04:45 PM
I work with kids but as of now I can't think of any stories to share. I just wanted to say that this is a wonderful thread and I think everyone should have at least one kid in their life because they bring such joy!

27-03-2011, 08:56 PM
This is a great thread, I have 3 children and sometimes I forget the little things, just to notice the little things, I vow to slow down tomorrow and take more time with my little ones, the time when they are small goes so quickly.

Thank you for the reminder x

11-04-2011, 09:17 AM
There is a four year old child in my life who is a continuous teacher for me. It was because of him that I started down the path to the truth. Children are pure boundless love, and it is so refreshing to be reminded that it still exists. Yesterday, we were watching the moon together, and he said there is a piece gone! I didn't know what he meant at first..

"There's a piece missing from the moon, we have to find it!" of course I laughed :D I love the silliness of a child's mind

11-04-2011, 11:54 AM
"There's a piece missing from the moon, we have to find it!"

Love it!

11-04-2011, 12:17 PM
hi sound...great thread! :D

If i were to say all i wanted to about children, I'd be hogging the page lol...i think they're amazingly awesome!

11-04-2011, 12:23 PM
I agree NS!
We took my 21 month old grandson to a diner for breakfast yestersday and there is a waitress there that my wife and I quietly refer to as 'Flo' because she looks like Flo from the show Mel's Diner. He suddenly shouts something out that I thought was "foods coming" and I said 'yes, the food is coming'. My wife is cracking up because she had just wihispered to him that Flo was coming and what he exclaimed was not 'foods coming'.......it was "Flo's coming"....lol

11-04-2011, 12:25 PM
hey everyone :hug3: you can hog it as much as you like NS xxx we can never have too many anecdotes about children ...

I was working with a little 5 yr old boy today ... we spent some time painting and then as we were setting up a car track he said to me, out of the blue ...'I try not to be naughty but I am naughty you know' ... I replied that i thought he was a wonderful little person and sometimes just because he did some not nice things didn't mean he wasn't a nice boy ... he said 'No i am a naughty boy who does naughty things Kate ... my brain says hit your sister, hit your sister and I try really hard not to listen to it but then i just do what my brain says and hit her!' :D

11-04-2011, 12:26 PM
awww white :D

my grandson is all of just turned 3. On a wet night i was walking up the stairs at his home and he said "Grandma watch the steps you can slip." I can't believe he greeted me there just to tell me that.

11-04-2011, 12:28 PM
hey everyone :hug3: you can hog it as much as you like NS xxx we can never have too many anecdotes about children ...

I was working with a little 5 yr old boy today ... we spent some time painting and then as we were setting up a car track he said to me, out of the blue ...'I try not to be naughty but I am naughty you know' ... I replied that i thought he was a wonderful little person and sometimes just because he did some not nice things didn't mean he wasn't a nice boy ... he said 'No i am a naughty boy who does naughty things Kate ... my brain says hit your sister, hit your sister and I try really hard not to listen to it but then i just do what my brain says and hit her!' :D

Thats awesome! How did you respond to that.......after you finished laughing of course.......:smile:

11-04-2011, 12:31 PM
awww white :D

my grandson is all of just turned 3. On a wet night i was walking up the stairs at his home and he said "Grandma watch the steps you can slip." I can't believe he greeted me there just to tell me that.

That's awesome NS!They are certainly angelic IMO
I can't get enough of this guy.......
My daughter said that he was yelling out the car at some guy that other day because he was in a truck just like mine! "Papaa's fruck!!!" LOL

11-04-2011, 12:33 PM
lol Konrard ... a little moon madness lol

They dont miss a trick do they WS lol

I just love the way children find their own way of explaining stuff which is often very logical ...I was playing a game with a 4 yr old little girl the other day and one of the questions was 'What type of feet does a duck have?' ... and she replied with just a touch of exasperation ...'They have duck feet you silly thing Kate!' lol

11-04-2011, 12:36 PM
Thats awesome! How did you respond to that.......after you finished laughing of course.......:smile:

Well I didn't laugh out loud of course ... we talked about how hands are not for hitting and how that would hurt and that he didn't like being hit etc ... his sister happens to be older than him so she has probably given back as good as she gets i imagine lol

12-04-2011, 07:09 AM
That's awesome NS!They are certainly angelic IMO
I can't get enough of this guy.......
My daughter said that he was yelling out the car at some guy that other day because he was in a truck just like mine! "Papaa's fruck!!!" LOL

ROFL...so adorable! :D

19-04-2011, 10:19 AM
My little 5 yr old friend and i were waiting outside the supermarket for his mum to finish her shopping. An elderly lady passed by using her walking frame. My little friend asked what the 'thing' was called and how come she needed it. I explained and then he asked ' Why isn't she dead yet?" hahaha I commented that she looked like a very healthy older person and probably has many years to enjoy yet. My friend said with the look of great wisdom ' Shes probably not dead yet because she eats healthy food" :D How could i argue with that! lol

19-04-2011, 10:29 AM
My little 5 yr old friend and i were waiting outside the supermarket for his mum to finish her shopping. An elderly lady passed by using her walking frame. My little friend asked what the 'thing' was called and how come she needed it. I explained and then he asked ' Why isn't she dead yet?" hahaha I commented that she looked like a very healthy older person and probably has many years to enjoy yet. My friend said with the look of great wisdom ' Shes probably not dead yet because she eats healthy food" :D How could i argue with that! lol

You know what sound? I wish adults could keep the innocense of children....i wish we'd never grow up and become soooo cynical.

19-04-2011, 10:41 AM
Yeah i think about that sometimes too NS but then i think ... if that were the case we wouldnt experience the joy of children like we, as adults, quite often do ... its a catch 22 almost isnt it ...

19-04-2011, 10:43 AM
Yeah i think about that sometimes too NS but then i think ... if that were the case we wouldnt experience the joy of children like we, as adults, quite often do ... its a catch 22 almost isnt it ...

True....i think id rather deal with the innocense of a child LOL

19-04-2011, 10:46 AM
I am in my second, third, fourth [?] childhood and I am endlessly entertained by small trivial things. I can sit for hours on my beach and watch the waves roll in. I watch sunset every night because if I dont, it wont go down. I am absolutely gob-smacked when Spring flowers burst out of the ground. Etc, etc.
Childhood is not just a matter of years, it is also attitude !

19-04-2011, 10:57 AM
I am in my second, third, fourth [?] childhood and I am endlessly entertained by small trivial things. I can sit for hours on my beach and watch the waves roll in. I watch sunset every night because if I dont, it wont go down. I am absolutely gob-smacked when Spring flowers burst out of the ground. Etc, etc.
Childhood is not just a matter of years, it is also attitude !

damn right it is! :D

19-04-2011, 11:49 AM
~Childrens Drawings of Peace~





19-04-2011, 12:02 PM
like i said...sad that we grow up! beautiful drawings! :smile:

19-04-2011, 12:03 PM

29-04-2011, 10:31 PM
This is simply gorgeous lol ..... I just love the joy expressed in mums face too :hug3:


30-04-2011, 03:25 PM
Lol that's cute. Did you take that picture yourself?

30-04-2011, 11:34 PM
Lol that's cute. Did you take that picture yourself?

No LadyVirgo ... i just chanced across it on the net while I was looking for something else :hug3:

01-05-2011, 04:59 PM
How lucky are you! I wonder what statue that is though?

28-06-2011, 12:01 PM
I spent some time with a little 8 yr old girl today. Not long into our 'play session' it was discovered that she had an infestation of head lice. I was required to inform her (gently) that she would need to treat her hair to get rid of the lice ... 'She promptly put her hands on her hips and said, with a great show of defiance 'No Way! ... you are not killing my pets! :D I don't mind them living in my hair so it doesnt matter to me" lol ... We did eventually coax her to let us use a natural solution, with the suggestion that they would probably vacate of their own accord :D :hug3:

28-06-2011, 12:05 PM
I spent some time with a little 8 yr old girl today. Not long into our 'play session' it was discovered that she has an infestation of head lice. I was required to inform her (gently) that she would need to treat her hair to get rid of the lice ... 'She promptly put her hands on her hips and said, with a great show of defiance 'No Way! ... you are not killing my pets! :D I don't mind them living in my hair so it doesnt matter to me" lol ... We did eventually coax her to let us use a natural solution, with the suggestion that they would probably vacate of their own accord :D :hug3:

The next Dalai Lama...........:smile:


28-06-2011, 12:09 PM
Most definitely James .... and a few days ago we found some guinea pigs in her room which she had managed to 'sneak in' past 4 staff members lol bless her x

28-06-2011, 12:15 PM
Most definitely James .... and a few days ago we found some guinea pigs in her room which she had managed to 'sneak in' past 4 staff members lol bless her x

Can I adopt her? :smile:

28-06-2011, 02:00 PM
Oh my gosh, watch out when she goes to the zoo!

My favorite things are watching little ones.....

have HUGE belly laughs. How can you not feel the absolute joy....

finally be able to do something they have been trying so hard to accomplish - the complete triumph!

seeing someone they absolutely adore...the love they show is just amazing.

snuggle with their moms and dads...oy, makes me all weepy.

My kids constantly amaze me with their insights...too many to list!

28-06-2011, 02:24 PM
I'm aware that many of today's kids are coming in with a higher awareness and deep and intrinsic understanding and insights into spiritual matters. It's astounding to hear the profound things that come out of their mouths....... until you remind yourself that while their present body-vehicle may be young and small, in point of fact they, like you, are a vast and eternal spirit! I enjoy the company of such well-lit children... I see them as proof positive that the human race is evolving into homo Luminous as the Incan shamans predict!... but I also find great beauty in the elderly, many of whom are fore-runners, filled with wisdom acquired over a lifetime of experience and often shunted aside as having no value or worth in our society.

11-07-2011, 08:24 AM
What a beautiful thread! Great idea!

I have now children but I would LOVE children. I am 21 years old and I just know that one of things I would love to be, is a mother. I have TONS of cousins and a lot of them are much younger than me. I absolutely enjoy the children in my life. To hold a baby is such a precious thing. You hold them and you just know that you are holding the entirety of their life in your hands literally and the physical body that protects it and that is such a gentle thing to looking into a young child's eyes as they smile and just seeing the joy and absolute GOD energy within them so happy, not a care in the world and none judgmental. I know that I will never fully understand just how precious and beautiful life is until the day my future beautiful children give me the gift of sharing their lives with me. I am so blessed in this moment and this has just totally changed my aura and sadness I was in most this night. Wow, what an amazing thing children can bring. They are just such a pure feeling and so untouched in this lifetime that they are having that you feel so close to SOURCE again which is the reason that even talking about them just changes me...I am so in love and send my entire love energy out to all children...I love you xoxo

11-07-2011, 09:48 AM
This by far is my new fave thread!

Those pictures are adorable Sound. That statue photo is so funny. Reminds me of my almost 2 yo. She has seen me nurse her younger brother and also sees me when she showers with me (not always because i do like my own shower time) but i notice when other females visit, whether it's my mother or friends she will pull down their shirts or tip toe to peek down their shirts. You see when breastfeeding it was not a second thought, just natural. My baby needed feeding so id pull down my shirt and away we go. My daughter got so used to seeing this. Of course i'd explain to people so they wouldnt feel akward or embarassed but it shows how children have no concept of body parts as being anything other than natural. Body parts have a funtion and purpose and my daughter was curious to see if other woman had these things too!

I'll stop getting visitors soon im sure :tongue:

Bright Blessings :color:

11-07-2011, 12:04 PM
What a beautiful thread! Great idea!

I have now children but I would LOVE children. I am 21 years old and I just know that one of things I would love to be, is a mother. I have TONS of cousins and a lot of them are much younger than me. I absolutely enjoy the children in my life. To hold a baby is such a precious thing. You hold them and you just know that you are holding the entirety of their life in your hands literally and the physical body that protects it and that is such a gentle thing to looking into a young child's eyes as they smile and just seeing the joy and absolute GOD energy within them so happy, not a care in the world and none judgmental. I know that I will never fully understand just how precious and beautiful life is until the day my future beautiful children give me the gift of sharing their lives with me. I am so blessed in this moment and this has just totally changed my aura and sadness I was in most this night. Wow, what an amazing thing children can bring. They are just such a pure feeling and so untouched in this lifetime that they are having that you feel so close to SOURCE again which is the reason that even talking about them just changes me...I am so in love and send my entire love energy out to all children...I love you xoxo

Wow! You sound pretty amazing yourself.........:smile:
Your children and all children who cross your path will be surely blessed....:smile:

11-07-2011, 12:06 PM
Wow! You sound pretty amazing yourself.........:smile:
Your children and all children who cross your path will be surely blessed....:smile:

Awww! That's made me feel quite special, hahaha. Thanks so much. I hope when I have children that they know that they mean the moon the stars and more and I hope that one thing I hope I can teach them is that they are infinite beauty that can be and do ANYTHING they want :)....This post had made me all happy again

Thanks James :)

11-07-2011, 12:10 PM
Awww! That's made me feel quite special, hahaha. Thanks so much. I hope when I have children that they know that they mean the moon the stars and more and I hope that one thing I hope I can teach them is that they are infinite beauty that can be and do ANYTHING they want :)....This post had made me all happy again

Thanks James :)

Oh they will know....:smile:

11-07-2011, 12:25 PM
Miss.hawaiki ... that is the most beautiful expression i have been fortunate enough to read today ... my eyes are glistening with tears as i respond to your words. May you be forever surrounded by children and may their presence always bring joy to your heart ... I wish you a warm welcome to the community :hug3:

What a beautiful thread! Great idea!

I have now children but I would LOVE children. I am 21 years old and I just know that one of things I would love to be, is a mother. I have TONS of cousins and a lot of them are much younger than me. I absolutely enjoy the children in my life. To hold a baby is such a precious thing. You hold them and you just know that you are holding the entirety of their life in your hands literally and the physical body that protects it and that is such a gentle thing to looking into a young child's eyes as they smile and just seeing the joy and absolute GOD energy within them so happy, not a care in the world and none judgmental. I know that I will never fully understand just how precious and beautiful life is until the day my future beautiful children give me the gift of sharing their lives with me. I am so blessed in this moment and this has just totally changed my aura and sadness I was in most this night. Wow, what an amazing thing children can bring. They are just such a pure feeling and so untouched in this lifetime that they are having that you feel so close to SOURCE again which is the reason that even talking about them just changes me...I am so in love and send my entire love energy out to all children...I love you xoxo

11-07-2011, 12:36 PM
Hey Tinks :hug3:

It is a brilliant pic isnt it ... talk about capturing the moment :D ... i also loved breast feeding ... for me it was a very special and almost sacred part of my parenting relationship with my children ... it did have its funny moments thats for sure, especially with my daughter as she was determined to make the experience last for as long as she could lol i think I made it through to 15 mths with her lol. Many a time i can remember going down to the local store all milk stained and hair askew lol ... TMI you are probably thinking lol ... and don't get me started on those folk who have hang ups about women breastfeeding in public lol I am almost certain those same people would not have given it a second thought when they were feeding at the breast of their own mothers ... personally i find it far more offensive watching people devour Maccas or some such food [for want of a better word lol] .... I tell you one thing i am extremely curious about is who ever thought of using cabbage leaves when weaning lol

This by far is my new fave thread!

Those pictures are adorable Sound. That statue photo is so funny. Reminds me of my almost 2 yo. She has seen me nurse her younger brother and also sees me when she showers with me (not always because i do like my own shower time) but i notice when other females visit, whether it's my mother or friends she will pull down their shirts or tip toe to peek down their shirts. You see when breastfeeding it was not a second thought, just natural. My baby needed feeding so id pull down my shirt and away we go. My daughter got so used to seeing this. Of course i'd explain to people so they wouldnt feel akward or embarassed but it shows how children have no concept of body parts as being anything other than natural. Body parts have a funtion and purpose and my daughter was curious to see if other woman had these things too!

I'll stop getting visitors soon im sure :tongue:

Bright Blessings :color:

11-07-2011, 12:39 PM
Miss.hawaiki ... that is the most beautiful expression i have been fortunate enough to read today ... my eyes are glistening with tears as i respond to your words. May you be forever surrounded by children and may their presence always bring joy to your heart ... I wish you a warm welcome to the community :hug3:

Awww, that's really warmed my heart. Children are so amazing and it's awesome how they invoke those feelings. I am so glad I lifted your spirits in some ways :) I wish that light would envelop the world.

Thanks for the warm welcome, I deeply appreciate it! xoxox all of my love

13-07-2011, 03:31 PM
...My heart is sinking so deep right now to a place of no return....Because I will never have children because my partner does not! I can't explain how this is making me feel I am so jealous of what every other person, all of my cousins and family and others I know who get to share this amazing gift and I will NEVER EVER EVER GET TO FEEL IT! I am so broken! All I feel like is focusing on work, money, making myself look good and partying my life away....That's it from now on....! Sorry to create such a negative vibration....I am so sorry! Please forgive me!

13-07-2011, 08:03 PM
Hi again miss. hawaiki

First up you dont need to apologize ... its great that you feel comfortable enough to share here.

About eventually having children ... things change, including how people feel about being a parent. You are 21 yrs young ... it has been my experience that if i keep something in my sights the universe has a way of helping that to unfold, to be realized. While you are waiting for that to happen just relax and enjoy all the little 'people' that you are fortunate enough to come into contact with on your own journey lol :hug3:

13-07-2011, 11:13 PM
Hi again miss. hawaiki

First up you dont need to apologize ... its great that you feel comfortable enough to share here.

About eventually having children ... things change, including how people feel about being a parent. You are 21 yrs young ... it has been my experience that if i keep something in my sights the universe has a way of helping that to unfold, to be realized. While you are waiting for that to happen just relax and enjoy all the little 'people' that you are fortunate enough to come into contact with on your own journey lol :hug3:

Sound, thank you for your kind and wise words...

I don't really want to get into it in this thread as it isn't about my problems or my partner but...Trust me, it won't happen...It's weird because this is such another HUGE indicator that we are not a match at all but I just can't leave him, so much of me over 8 years is in him....

Anyway, it is morning here now and at least the thought of my baby cousin across the road has made me smile...Babies are such amazing healers without even knowing it. They bring such an amazing life force in with them when they enter, so untainted, untouched and beautiful. It can change the vibration in the room.

27-07-2011, 01:53 PM
I have been working with a little boy who has, unfortunately regressed in his toileting habits due to recent trauma. Together we have developed a sticker chart and each day when he returns from school he puts a smiley face on the chart after using the bathroom. He then gets to choose from a selection of matchbox cars/trucks. It has been working very well and he hasn't missed a beat for 3 days now. I have been transporting him home from school so that I can reinforce the strategy in the car. Today when i collected him from school I asked him how his day was at school ... 'Good' was his answer ... I casually asked him what he wanted to do when he returned to the service and he replied " Well i don't want to **** myself' :D :hug3:

02-08-2011, 02:10 PM
Wow, I love this thread! Children really are amazing creatures :smile:

I have an-almost-3 year old, and he is my most amazing blessing and most patient teacher. Since he was born, people will meet him and look into his huge brown eyes and say 'Ooh, he's an old soul!' Honestly, I've lost count of the number people who've made that comment to me...

He has taught me patience that I never knew I had, he's helped me rediscover my inner child, he gives me love beyond all condition or measure. He throws himself into life with such abundance and joy, but at the same time there's an air of seriousness and gravitas in the way he goes about things. I like seeing that juxtaposition in him, the look of concentration when he tries something new and the pure excitement when he finally works it out.

There are so many moments I could share - one that happened recently was when he and I were at the beach and a storm started rolling in. There was thunder and lightning but no rain yet (though I could tell it was coming). He heard the thunder and got a bit frightened, but I explained to him that it was just clouds banging together and that made it ok. Then he saw the lightning and that was it, he was hooked! I was worried about getting to the car before the rain came, I was stressed because his clothes weren't that warm, I wanted to get home and get dinner cooked but he made me STOP, watch the storm, count between the thunder rumbles and the lightning flashes. We stood there for ages, his arms around my neck, wonder written on his face and I thought - life couldn't get more perfect :smile: Then it started raining and I ran to the car with him in my arms, both of us giggling til I thought we'd burst!

And to think I was NEVER going to have children! lol.

02-08-2011, 03:00 PM
Wow, I love this thread! Children really are amazing creatures :smile:

I have an-almost-3 year old, and he is my most amazing blessing and most patient teacher. Since he was born, people will meet him and look into his huge brown eyes and say 'Ooh, he's an old soul!' Honestly, I've lost count of the number people who've made that comment to me...

He has taught me patience that I never knew I had, he's helped me rediscover my inner child, he gives me love beyond all condition or measure. He throws himself into life with such abundance and joy, but at the same time there's an air of seriousness and gravitas in the way he goes about things. I like seeing that juxtaposition in him, the look of concentration when he tries something new and the pure excitement when he finally works it out.

There are so many moments I could share - one that happened recently was when he and I were at the beach and a storm started rolling in. There was thunder and lightning but no rain yet (though I could tell it was coming). He heard the thunder and got a bit frightened, but I explained to him that it was just clouds banging together and that made it ok. Then he saw the lightning and that was it, he was hooked! I was worried about getting to the car before the rain came, I was stressed because his clothes weren't that warm, I wanted to get home and get dinner cooked but he made me STOP, watch the storm, count between the thunder rumbles and the lightning flashes. We stood there for ages, his arms around my neck, wonder written on his face and I thought - life couldn't get more perfect :smile: Then it started raining and I ran to the car with him in my arms, both of us giggling til I thought we'd burst!

And to think I was NEVER going to have children! lol.

Very nice! That is perfect. Thanks for sharing that, it was wonderful to read.

We just had our first grandson and he is 2. Like you I have a miliion stories I could tell.
He is our joy!
Just yesterday, he was in his mothers arms at our house and I asked him if he liked Crappa's new haircut (he doesn't say Grampa too well...lol).
Well he had just gotten up so he was a little cranky so I decided to make him laugh and I walked by him and said "Don't you touch crappa's hair".
Well of course he did and after a few times at this I had to stop in fear that he would laugh himself unconscious.............lol
What a pure laugh!

01-09-2011, 10:56 PM
(In Australia)

4th September - 11th September

Child Protection is everybody's business


not human
02-09-2011, 12:05 AM
I love the level of honesty that comes from communicating with children. It is a chance to see ourselves in our native state of being.
I heard a story about a little 8 yo boy who sustained horrific burns to 90% of his body & was in an isolation ward in a hospital. Adults & relatives were all walking on eggshells with the little guy not being able to confront his condition.
Another little boy made his way into the ward, saw him & said 'man you is sure ugly' they both laughed. That is straight honesty without significance and it is liberating.

24-11-2011, 11:40 AM
Today a little 9 yr old i have been working with came to the office and handed me an empty coke bottle with my name on it (in Australia the coke bottles now have all different names on the label with the saying .... 'Share a coke with __________'). She said 'This is for you Kate' ... I thanked her and she said 'I drank all the coke so I can only share the bottle with you' :D :hug3:

01-12-2011, 12:38 PM
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

~Kahlil Gibran~


01-12-2011, 12:44 PM
Today a little 9 yr old i have been working with came to the office and handed me an empty coke bottle with my name on it (in Australia the coke bottles now have all different names on the label with the saying .... 'Share a coke with __________'). She said 'This is for you Kate' ... I thanked her and she said 'I drank all the coke so I can only share the bottle with you' :D :hug3:

Precious! :smile:

06-12-2011, 10:13 PM
no story per se but just wanted to say that my son has taught me much about life, more than anyone.

"truth out of the mouths of babes doth come"

15-12-2011, 02:33 PM
me too necta3 ...both my son and my daughter :)

17-12-2011, 04:56 AM

They truly are teacher's.

I was 13 when I was int the hospital for a bone infection. I was in there for well over a month so I saw many children come in and out. There were two very special one's that inspired me to go along the most rewarding path in life.

Both were special needs but not born that way. One had a reaction to childhood immunizations the other had a TV land on his head. Both were non verbal and very high maintainance. After I got out I went back as a volenteer even as shy as I was I was comfortable with those children. I did not have to talk to anyone.

I remember the day I went up and a bed was empty. One had passed away. I remmeber her Mom calling me....and saying it was cruel to say but it too was like the weight of the World was off her finally. She was getting up in year's and care like now is hard to find. I understood that statement.

I went on the stay as a volenteer with Special Needs children and adults til I have me first Son. Then from there two more came. Teachers again....all of them.


17-12-2011, 05:01 AM
I think its nice to know that we both learn from each other, from the young we remember what we already knew, from the older they learn how to mature into a life they haven't experienced yet.:smile:

19-01-2012, 10:35 PM
I think our children also teach us that which we have not learnt along the way, or that which wasn't reinforced ...

31-01-2012, 12:12 PM
TwinSpeak/Secret Language or just Gibberish? :D Either way it is very entertaining if you adore children :)



amy green
03-02-2012, 10:18 PM
Although I chose not to have kids, I love the innocence of young children...to be able to capture how they see things. Here are some examples:-

A child asked an elderly person "what was life like in black and white?"

"What did God stand on when he made the world?"

"Vicars don't laugh much because Jesus didn't tell many jokes"

07-04-2012, 02:26 AM
Unconditional love. My 6 year old just gave me one hundred kisses. My 9 year old is macho during the day but pure love come sleep time. He'll say good night, I love you, kiss, air hug, then repeat it ten times more.

Everyday there's always something new and exciting. They are great teachers and love bugs.

08-04-2012, 09:42 PM
Like many have said before me, children really make us take notice of nature around us.

Yesterday my kids just got finished with their karate weapons class. In front of me, I see this huge, cool looking aircraft about to land. My son says mom look up in the sky. I said yes, isn't the airplane cool? He said no mom. Look at the hawk flying overhead. I don't know how I've missed it. There was this gorgeous hawk flying above us. I could see each of its feathers in detail.

03-12-2012, 01:12 PM
Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar
is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar

~Bradley Miller~


03-12-2012, 07:29 PM
Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar
is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar

~Bradley Miller~


That's a great quote, dear Sound. Thanks for posting.

01-01-2013, 12:39 AM
My pleasure knight :)

I had a lovely 'little person' experience on Saturday while i was out shopping.
I was sitting in the foyer area of a large dep't store on a bench seat, waiting for my (adult) daughter to finish her shopping. A little girl, who i guessed correctly was 7 yrs old, came out of the shop and sat down on the other end of the seat. We looked at each other ... I smiled ... she looked at me for a little longer, then smiled widely and said in a sing song voice ... 'Hello my name is Anna-lee (and then proceeded to spell her name), I am waiting for my mum and I love lollies ... what's your name?' :D I told her my name and that i was waiting for my daughter and that I used to love lollies but now i love fruit better ! hehe ... she thought about that for a minute and then laughed mischievously lol ... her mum came out after that and off they went ...

It was such a lovely exchange ... she was so friendly and open and obviously 'enjoyed' that moment with me ... its difficult because it isn't always safe for children to talk to strangers. I have had ch'n speak to me at different times when I am out and about and I know i am safe for them to interact with, but unfortunately thats not always the case, and if we remain aloof so as encourage them to develop boundaries do we impede the childs natural inclination/ability to 'connect?' it is a bit of a dilemma I feel ...

11-06-2014, 12:06 PM
Make the Ordinary Come Alive

Do not ask your children
to strive for extraordinary lives.
Such striving may seem admirable,
but it is a way of foolishness.
Help them instead to find the wonder,
and the marvel of an ordinary life
Show them the joy of tasting
tomatoes apples and pears.
Show them how to cry
when pets and people die
Show them the infinite pleasure
in the touch of a hand.
And make the ordinary come alive for them.
The extraordinary will take care of itself



11-06-2014, 12:34 PM
a child's mind is like a fresh canvas, ready to be painted with the colors of life. as with any work of art, the outcome depends upon who's got the brush.

-lynn stanley