View Full Version : Vywamus - Mastering Gratitude

Simon Karlos
07-03-2011, 06:05 PM
Posted: Sun Oct 1st, 2006 12:02 am @ SpiritHub.org

It is I, Vywamus, and I've been asked by this messenger to present some ideas on mastering gratitude. Let's see... This could take awhile, but since I am being rushed, here goes!

A very brief definition of gratitude: Trusting that all really is well!

Once again, I am repeating my core message, that all is well in Divine Reality, and I am sticking with it! Here are some examples:

"I TRUST that I am experiencing this moment for a reason."
"I TRUST that this moment holds an important message for me."
"I TRUST that I have received this message, and that I can now tune into my heart and hear it!"

This is the essence of trust and of mastering gratitude, friends! Trust, trust, trust, trust, trust! If you don't trust your Divinity, then your sense of trust will rust, so TRUST IS A MUST! Yes, I know that many people shy away from "musts," and rightly so, yet this "must" is not a judgment nor a command, as many would think, but rather a:


"MUST" simply means here that mastering gratitude (and its power to manifest miracles) requires TRUST:


In other words, if you assume responsibility for setting/being a personal example of Spiritual Truth (Divinity), then you are truly mastering the amazing powers of gratitude!!! And what does Spiritual Truth (and Vywamus) always say? (Here I go again!)

"ALL IS WELL!!!!!!!"

Having fun? Vywamus out!

07-03-2011, 06:12 PM

An upbeat and poignant reminder.

Thanks, Simon AND Vywamus!

Simon Karlos
07-03-2011, 06:20 PM
:D :D Very welcome, brother!

27-05-2011, 06:46 AM
This is great, thanks! :D

Love the to-the-point and humurous take on spiritual topics. I think having fun in itself is a great spiritual practice and raises one's vibration. There's hardly anything as pleasurable as making people laugh :smile:

29-05-2011, 04:27 AM
Thanks Simon! Your posts are always interesting and uplifting! :cat: My cat will eat your fish! :icon_eek: :icon_eek: lol curious why do you often post a fish?