View Full Version : Odd dream

06-03-2011, 11:53 AM
I had this weird dream of Fae.What happened was I was in a big City and there were birds flying off and one of them started falling like an air plane it had like smoke coming from the back of it and hit some city alley.Now a girl (human about 12-14) came with two fae one had nature clothes on.While the other one who caught my eye the most was this odd business fae who came up I think he said something to me but I was still trying to figure out what it meant.He had a black suit and was carrying a brown suitcase,both of them were following the girl to bird.I ran to some house which was apparently mine because my ''Sister'' greeted me in and told me dinner is ready.Odd thing was that she was Asian and I was African-American/Caucasian so I assume I was adopted.I was trying to go look for the odd people I saw but I felt someone watching me and I was scared I looked back and I saw only two people but they weren't paying attention to me.And that's all I remeber can anyone interpret this for me?

06-03-2011, 11:58 AM
To me, that sounds like change.
Something around you is going to change.
It's going to be because of an accident, or something... rather large, and there will be a change.
It could be as simple as a shop catches on fire and a new one goes up kind of thing, but you're going to witness some of this change. Especially with the people watching you, you might be under the impression that you caused it to happen.

The fact of your race, and your sisters, sounds to me - feeling like an outsider.

That's what I came up with. I meditated on it for a few moments with some tea. :)

09-03-2011, 02:18 AM
Well actually that is pretty accurate about the outcast part.My Mother and my younger brother and sister say I'm grumpy they say it's because a teenager.But they annoy the living hell out of me.