View Full Version : Questions about Quartz Crystals for my excercise

02-03-2011, 09:50 PM
I am working through some excercises and the author recommends I get a small quartz crystal that I use to help with an exit strategy in doing OBE's. I was looking online and found a few crystals but they didn't resonate with me. They were rectangle with a leather loop for neckace wear but it was impossible to get what it looked like as they just show a generic picture but the exact crystal will be different each time. I'd rather go to a store and get one.

Should I get a small non-pointed crystal with clarity inside or marked with different characteristics? I was thinking it should be about 1-2" and cut square at the end because of one the excercises I need to put it on my forehead while doing it and the author suggests not to get a pointed crystal for fear it could fall and poke my eye! Or maybe I should consider a flat crystal or is there even a crystal cut like that? Does energy resonate based on its size or shape or its quality? I would appreciate any information. Thanks!

03-03-2011, 12:14 AM
no energy doesn't resonate based on shape or size or quality. If I were you I'd go to a store and get one that way you can put your hands over them and be near them to see if they will do what you need to do. As for the shape the pointed so it doesn't go into your eye is a good idea but if you want to take the chance because it's the right crystal I say go ahead.
I hope I helped I'm sure other's will