View Full Version : "What's Up in Arkansas? Transition in the Crystal Vortex"

01-03-2011, 12:41 PM
Metatron via James Tyberonn


Interesting information about emerging Arkansas, US vortex, global energies, Atlantean crystals.


"The Vortex is Completing

The activity of the Crystal Vortex is quickening. We have told you in previous channels that the vortexial portal of Arkansas is emerging to be one of the most important and powerful energies on the planet. It has grown logarithmically over the past 3 years, and many unusual phenomenon are beginning to be noticed in the Crystal Vortex.

We tell you Masters, this is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of up shifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific comprehension.

Arkansas is the largest deposit of natural quartz crystal in the northern hemisphere, and the second largest deposit in the world, second only to Brazil. But it is the largest unsegmented, continuous deposit on the planet, and contains the most resonant crystals, indeed programmed and coded crystals from the Law of One. The quartz deposits in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock and extend in a massive western curve for over 170 miles, with a width of 35-40 miles. Arkansas also contains unique combinations of magnetic minerals, radium charged aquifers and a diamond deposit, which work synergistically with the quartz. Because of this blend of energies, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in terms of the potency and utility of its vortexial-portal field. This is why the Atlanteans were especially attracted to the area, and why the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance still retain underground bases in the area. It is rapidly completing, and is on path to soon become the Trigger of the Ascension."

01-03-2011, 02:26 PM
they have been having non stop small earthquakes for the last three years.
they had a 5.3 on monday, the largest so far

01-03-2011, 02:32 PM
they have been having non stop small earthquakes for the last three years.
they had a 5.3 on monday, the largest so far

Uhmar, you and I must be on the same frequency right now. I was thinking of asking if the non-stop swarm of earthquakes around Guy, Arkansas has anything to do with the crystals. I didn't hear about the 5.3, tho. Mainly they have been 2+'s.

01-03-2011, 02:33 PM
Wow this is great info thanks for sharing.

01-03-2011, 02:56 PM
Crystals are going to be our answer moving forward...

"Funny" how the discovery of "The Crystal Caves" is now hitting the mainstream...


To me, this is along the lines of "Ancient Aliens" another show that plays into some "New Age" ideas...

Just another example of "spirit" making itself known in the mass consciousness.

01-03-2011, 03:55 PM
Crystals are going to be our answer moving forward...

"Funny" how the discovery of "The Crystal Caves" is now hitting the mainstream...

http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/into-the-lost-crystal-caves-4636/Overview77#tab-after-effects (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fchannel.nationalgeogra phic.com%2Fepisode%2Finto-the-lost-crystal-caves-4636%2FOverview77%23tab-after-effects)

To me, this is along the lines of "Ancient Aliens" another show that plays into some "New Age" ideas...

Just another example of "spirit" making itself known in the mass consciousness.

Isn't it a pity that those magnificent crystal caves will soon be under water ?:icon_frown: (again). Some geologist far in the future will rediscover those spires of crystal.
But if the second largest deposit of quartz crystals lie beneath Arkansas, then the earthquake swarms make much more sense, doesn't it?

01-03-2011, 04:09 PM
I don't see it as a pity...

The caves are appearing now for a reason.

Perhaps Earth is a garden, not the Garden of Eden, but simply a garden.

Those that believe in higher dimensional and vibrational beings, also know about the power of crystals. Crystals have long been talked about in channelings. Perhaps there is a particular vested interest in these "crystal gardens" for the betterment of the future here on Earth and for our "friends from other worlds" to come and share in the harvest.

I see all the seismic activity as the mother simply shaking off old energies before she, herself, ascends. Though, a large quartz deposit would certainly explain an energy vortex for sure.

The divine energy has a way of presenting things as certian "times".

of course, it is all based on the perspective of the perceiver. :-)

01-03-2011, 04:14 PM
I don't see it as a pity...

The caves are appearing now for a reason.

Perhaps Earth is a garden, not the Garden of Eden, but simply a garden.

Those that believe in higher dimensional and vibrational beings, also know about the power of crystals. Crystals have long been talked about in channelings. Perhaps there is a particular vested interest in these "crystal gardens" for the betterment of the future here on Earth and for our "friends from other worlds" to come and share in the harvest.

I see all the seismic activity as the mother simply shaking off old energies before she, herself, ascends. Though, a large quartz deposit would certainly explain an energy vortex for sure.

The divine energy has a way of presenting things as certian "times".

of course, it is all based on the perspective of the perceiver. :-)

Ladofthelight, I don't believe in coincidences. All is synchronicity; every thing happens as it is meant to.
And I do agree that Gaia is shaking off the old to make way for renewal.

01-03-2011, 04:40 PM
Indeed it is! Happy - no - EXSTATIC to have a front row seat here right now!

Internal Queries
01-03-2011, 05:33 PM
hmmm how interesting. back in 80s i went to a rainbow gathering and during a mass mediation (10 thousand plus people Oming together) i had a vision of massive crystals, i mean, HUGE crystals, buried deep under ground. i wasn't into crystals then and i'm still not but considering that the vision i had in the 80s appears to be coming to fruition now maybe i ought to be.

30-05-2011, 10:49 AM
... i had a vision of massive crystals, i mean, HUGE crystals, buried deep under ground. ...

Tyberonn & others have written about massive ancient crystals from Atlantis that were saved before Atlantis fractured. These were supposed to be functioning as a type of energy generators.