View Full Version : Thoughts on Non-duality

21-10-2017, 07:17 PM
I've been hanging out in the Spiritual Development forum mainly because there are usually more viewers there, however I feel like transitioning to the less popular Non Duality section of the forum would be more appropriate for me, so thanks for having me here... this forum is truly a hippie crystal.

Having said that here are some thoughts I had on non duality:

If one perceives there is an ego within their I AM then that in itself is duality.
I've acknowledged the concept of Oneness for a while now, but still thought one had an ego... I no longer think or assume that. If you do that's fine, you have every right to. But to me, however incomplete I maybe, I'm still a whole UNIT.
Now because within the mutual polarity of Allness and Nothingness the two are ONE yet NONE (i.e. Nil) then seeing yourself a part of everything as a whole yet recognizing that your essence is formless. I.e. that you are not the body or the thoughts... you are the observer. But that does not imply a self necessarily for behind the illusion the observer of the thoughts is in fact not an I but a speck of awareness growing in Innerstanding.

Just some thoughts; more to come.

21-10-2017, 07:22 PM
If you're acting while seeking a reaction you're in duality.
The only way to remain in the world but not of it
is to practice the ancient teachings of the Bhagavad Gita
and apply the true meaning: eat, drink, sleep (all cravings the body needs... not necessarily desires)
but the aspect of seeking need's to be dropped.
It's that seeking that neo-advaity speaks about that is creating an identification with the world of form, for what is it that you are seeking but the mirage of thisness; this appearance within your consciousness which is indeed in your own Mind.

Understanding is the key: unlock.

22-10-2017, 01:38 AM
If you're acting while seeking a reaction you're in duality.
The only way to remain in the world but not of it
is to practice the ancient teachings of the Bhagavad Gita
and apply the true meaning: eat, drink, sleep (all cravings the body needs... not necessarily desires)
but the aspect of seeking need's to be dropped.
It's that seeking that neo-advaity speaks about that is creating an identification with the world of form, for what is it that you are seeking but the mirage of thisness; this appearance within your consciousness which is indeed in your own Mind.

Understanding is the key: unlock.

What a drag it is to have to work out whether you are in duality or not.

The beauty, one of the beauties , of nonduality (at least some versions) is that it doesn't matter whether you think you are in duality or not for it must already be Oneness (nonduality) thinking its in duality.
