View Full Version : Contacting My Guide(s)

10-02-2011, 02:45 AM
Hello all, I am new to the forum and would like some help from the spiritual/meditating community.

I'm trying to contact my spirit guide(s) through meditation as i have read its the best way to contact them after a medium but i know no mediums lol. So i have meditated a few times trying to clear my mind of all thoughts and i am pretty good at doing so, so theres no trouble there and i say aloud in my head 'I Would like to contact my spirit guide', i do this for around 30mins but i seem to get nothing what so ever, No touch, No feeling, Nothing. I begin to wonder if i even have a spirit guide... I would like so help and advice about my life at the moment and whats to behold in the future perhaps as at the moment my life is heading in the wrong direction as its pretty much failed at age 20! Im aware that spirit guides dont have to be around you 24/7 but at this time im in need of help from them! Has any of you good people have any advice or suggestions you could kindly give me to finally contact my spirit guide(s)? Also a quick question, Could you ask a spirit guide to make contact everyday so when you want to you can talk to them like a best mate thats with you all the time? lol

Thanks in advance.

P.S Sorry if this is in the wrong section.

10-02-2011, 09:13 AM
:smile: There is an Angel and Guides section which will answer your questions, have a look and see what you think.

Dont expect to have experiences similar to others, its something that is personal to you. Start with getting to know yourself better, see the bigger picture and accept the truth that is you. That can take a life time in itself.... good luck.

PS You arent a failure you are a work in progress:smile:

10-02-2011, 10:55 AM
It really depends on if your guide wants you too see him.
Some famous mediums haven't even seen there guides.
I asked too see my guide and i saw him through meditation.
But it was very vivid. Maybe one day i will.

You can try other techniques which have worked for me.
Banging - ask your spirit guide to bang on something to prove that they are there, do this a few times to prove it to yourself then ask questions :)

10-02-2011, 11:14 PM
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the replies. My younger brother used to talk to a ghost alot when he was younger, sometimes i thought it was a bad spirit, sometimes i thought he was good because sometimes he used to play with my brothers mind by calling on my brother, pretending to be one of his friends but no one was there but this ghost never did any harm (As far as i know) and now he doesn't like to talk about it. So i thought perhaps i'll have some luck with spirits but to date no luck. My friend found out his spirit guide who warned him of a fire a week before his house burnt down, he said he had dreams everyday, a week before the fire of fires and he could see massive bright flashes in front of him, I know his spirit guide and what her name is as she revealed her name to him and how she died. I will try harder and try both of your suggestions. Im not expecting to see or hear anything yet of if i do but i have tried asking someone or something to bang quite alot but nothing, My nan passes away a year ago and miss her greatly everyday and was hoping she was around but have felt nothing but spirits dont always come back if im correct, The spirit world works in mysterious ways lol Thanks again for both of your replies i shall get to work soon.

14-02-2011, 09:52 AM
Tell your spirit guide that you want to talk to them. They should help you to find venues in order to be able to communicate freely with them.

You can open up your ability to see, and hear them like any other people outside of meditation. However this takes a lot of effort on your part and is dependant on your own ability, which can take years to develop. This is why you typically want to go through a medium first, however it is difficult to find one that isn't a charlatan.

This is why you should tell your guide what you want to do so that they can help guide you to the right people and paths in your life to make it happen.

16-02-2011, 03:09 AM
Tell your spirit guide that you want to talk to them. They should help you to find venues in order to be able to communicate freely with them.

You can open up your ability to see, and hear them like any other people outside of meditation. However this takes a lot of effort on your part and is dependant on your own ability, which can take years to develop. This is why you typically want to go through a medium first, however it is difficult to find one that isn't a charlatan.

This is why you should tell your guide what you want to do so that they can help guide you to the right people and paths in your life to make it happen.

Hey Sozerius,
Thanks for the advice, i do always try many different ways of communicating other that meditation and try every day for the past year but nothing as such has ''popped'' up. Im afraid i have tried one of the worst forms of communicating and that is a ouija board, i did get through to a relative who i had never met but anything could get through and 'pretend' to be that someone as i have read so never really done it again after that. I used to go to a spiritual meeting where a ''medium'' would come and pass on messages to us from the other world but that can be confusing because sometimes the person could get mixed up if you know what i mean. Just wish it was a bit more simpler to actually talk to your guide as he/she is your best friend who you'd hang around with every day, That would be pretty cool.

Thanks again.

18-02-2011, 12:25 PM
Yes, your guide can be like a 'best friend', if thats what you want. But for that to be possible you would probably want to open up your sensory abilities of perception to the spiritual plane. It can be difficult to acheive this if you arent born already pre-disposed to the ability, but it is possible.

But it is not an easy thing to accomplish. Spiritual goals of this nature are not a walk in the park, as not everyone is meant to connect to the spirit plane that way. For this reason, you have to go through a sort of trial of fire, in a way, beforehand. Your patience, willpower, motivation, and focus will all be tested. And, wether or not you can remain emotionally balanced (happy with your life and current place in it) while seeking something so difficult to achieve will also be important.

If you decide that you are willing to consistantly focus on acheiving the ability to hear and see the spirits.. there is a simple regime that you will have to decide how to keep up in your life.

1. The emotional balance. If you arent currently happy or emotionally stable, then your spirit will also be unstable, and drained from any negative emotions. You need to balance yourself out and work on making yourself happy so that you have the emotional/spiritual balance to proceed.
The emotions are a very important link from the physical to the spiritual for us, they are part of the foundation of our spiritual growth.

2. There is energy that runs up along your spine, like a flame that builds up at the base, whereas the heat flows up from that flame. You need to focus on sparking that flame- through your desire, passion, etc. The things that incite you and cause you to be excited in various ways will spark the flame. I should mention that sexual energy and passion is one of the strongest forms of that. Once you have learned to raise the flame, you need to learn to focus it and control it. Once you have a grasp of maintaining control over this energy, and keeping it steadily high, then you will be able to use it to empower your spirit.

3. Direct the energy from the flame towards the back of your head and focus it there. There is a 'gateway' of sorts at this point that will allow you to connect stronger to the energy of the spiritual with your physical perceptions. You will want to alternate between focusing the energy from the flame onto this area, and also onto the areas around your temples, as this is where you 'spiritual ears' are at.

Best of luck. =]

18-02-2011, 03:19 PM
I have never had specifically personal relationships with my spirit guides, whom, as I understand it, change over the course of a lifetime, depending on what one is dealing with/working on, which calls in the expertise of a guide proficient and experienced in that area, although I understand there is one that remains with an individual soul thoughout eternity, incarnation after incarnation. The message has always been more important to me than an ego identification of the messenger. My guides impress the information they want me to have in my consciousness, and that steers my path and assists me in making decisions. I've never felt it necessary to know them by "name"... I know them by vibration.

20-02-2011, 06:21 AM
I have never had specifically personal relationships with my spirit guides, whom, as I understand it, change over the course of a lifetime, depending on what one is dealing with/working on, which calls in the expertise of a guide proficient and experienced in that area, although I understand there is one that remains with an individual soul thoughout eternity, incarnation after incarnation. The message has always been more important to me than an ego identification of the messenger. My guides impress the information they want me to have in my consciousness, and that steers my path and assists me in making decisions. I've never felt it necessary to know them by "name"... I know them by vibration.

To each their own. Not everyone wants, or even knows to want a relationship with their guide. Guides are limited to acting only according to our free will, so if you only want a vibrational relationship, then thats all you will get. The guide being there does not create the need for the relationship, it is only necessary if you desire it. If you don't, then thats absolutely o.k. :P

I should mention that guides may stay with us after accomplishing a current task (whatever reason they are guiding you at the moment) if they want to keep helping us throughout our life. It really depends on if the guide wants to. If you develop a relationship with the guide, then the guide will be more inclined to want to stick around during each stage of your development. Also, sometimes, if a guide was in a past life with you (as a human or other physical being), then they may still have certain emotions for you, such as love. This may cause that guide, like a partner, want to always stay with you.

28-02-2011, 02:33 AM
A quick question, Is it possible for someone to contact my guides so i know how many guides i have and what there names are? Im sorry if this is sort of a stupid question. When my friend was talking about his guide i was somewhat jealous of him and i dont know mine :( lol.


06-03-2011, 08:12 AM
Most people have just one guide, in some cases none at all. There are more living people than there are spirits who guide on earth. In cases where a person does not have a spirit guide, they are guided by the spirit most commonly thought of as the 'holy' spirit. There is no difference in the end result of wether or not you have a spirit that guides you, or the holy spirit- however often times our goals are more in-lign with our guide's plan for us if we have one. I'll pm you about seeing if I can help you contact your guide.

06-03-2011, 10:44 AM
So if someone tells you your guide is a woman wearing white called Rosemarie you are going to believe it? Its true?

Perhaps you have to work it out for yourself, you have to own the knowledge in your gut or it will never truly sit well within you? Good luck :)