View Full Version : How to induce a nde like experience

16-11-2016, 01:03 AM
i'm looking to have near death experience without putting my life in danger

16-11-2016, 01:22 AM
I'm sorry but the whole meaning of a near-death experience is just that -near death. It is usually a natural occurrence, not one which can be forced in any way. I have no idea what could happen if one was forced. Also there is the practical problem that we are not usually capable of killing ourselves and returning. That is a fine line.

This has started to remind me of the movie "Flatline"....

I may be wrong, but maybe that's not even what you're looking for? You are looking to experience your multi-dimensional Self? Right? That can be done without putting your life in any danger. What you are seeking is an expansion of consciousness. That can be done through meditation and possibly also out-of-body experiences and Astral travel. Or even a great change within you and a different perspective, regardless of the phenomena which may, or may not be attached.
One can see the Stars without ever having to 'go anywhere'. It's a heart-known thing.

When we do eventually cross over we walk with a Grace, and all is well there.

16-11-2016, 02:11 AM
I think you probably don't want to try to induce and NDE... An OBE (out of body experience) will feel very similar in that you can view your body and so on though.

Why do you want to have an NDE?

16-11-2016, 01:03 PM
I've heard ketamine could work

16-11-2016, 01:40 PM
This all sounds decidedly reckless to me and most unwise.
These aren't phenomena to be played with.

There are plenty of books on the subject, first hand accounts from people telling their experiences.
If you want to learn about NDEs, this is the best way!

16-11-2016, 01:40 PM
PS: Have you considered counselling? This matter has been eating away at you for quite a time now. It's not healthy.

16-11-2016, 01:47 PM
I don't need counseling or hearing about people's experiences I need real answers, having an nde seems to be my best way of getting them

16-11-2016, 06:48 PM
There is a line as thin as a hair between killing yourself permanently and being able to return to the physical body. I doubt if anyone has the ability to measure the limits, and control the events as finely as that. Once you go, there is no changing your mind. You will be a suicide victim, and have to bear all the ramifications of that. For the sake of an experiment and a vision into the next dimension - do you really want to go down that route??

Astral travel will give you a wonderful view of the next dimension! You can have some amazing experiences, visit loved ones, or those who have passed over, or other Beings....etc.
Astral travel is a real thing. Even a most basic out-of-body experience will show you the immortality of yourself. It's not any kind of 'hallucination'. You'll see anyway when you get out!

If -seriously now -you are depressed, then that needs some attention. It is an illness, and needs professional help.

16-11-2016, 06:55 PM
Why do you think I've been so obsessed with trying to find out what happens after death in the first place

17-11-2016, 12:13 AM
I can completely understand your need to know what happens after the death of the body. Not to 'believe' not to 'imagine'....but to know. Most of us are at least curious, many of us have quite set ideas, some of us don't have any idea. It is one of the mysteries. The only reason it's a mystery is because for some reason when we come down here consciousness enters a very dense phase. That often baffles me, but I do realise that 'dense-ness' can be overcome at least in part, by expansion of consciousness.
I also feel that there are other aspects to the after-death state which we can only know when we go there -naturally, and permanently.

I have been given glimpses of the life beyond, and those have brought me much happiness. Yet I realise those lovely glimpses were from a clear minded, natural and innocent Soul whose Heart was full of love, and who lived this life for its own sake, and to the bitter end, with grace
I have also been given glimpses of incredibly dark/cold/horrible conditions (which I was given to envision from late childhood, but have only in the last few years begun to understand what those things were. They were Astral Worlds which I have experienced before and have no wish to return to.)
I look on those memories as visions into choices, and what I decide to do with myself, my consciousness -in all dimensions, and my energy-field. Those are states I have already known before, and I heed their warnings.
No -not 'punishment'....but simply like to like situations!

I have no logic parameters about it. Only my intuition and what I have glimpsed. Memory has been my teacher in one respect....Love in another and much greater respect. (about which I am still learning day to day.)

There are layers upon layers out there. There are literally billions of Astral situations. I would have no wish to gamble in any way with what may happen to my own Soul. Trying to outwit our own mortality, and our choice to enter the dense physical, may backfire. Yet our choices are our own to make. Our journeys are our own. No-one can tell us what to do. We have to find out ourselves.

Intent is everything in the Inner Worlds. It's wise not to forget that.

desert rat
25-11-2016, 02:57 PM
In the movie Flatliners they medically induced a death state . They encountered some bad side effects. As this is a death state and a few people have tracked down people over advice given over the net , I don't think many hear would give advice on how to conduct a N.D.E. experment .

25-11-2016, 06:20 PM
In the movie Flatliners they medically induced a death state . They encountered some bad side effects. As this is a death state and a few people have tracked down people over advice given over the net , I don't think many hear would give advice on how to conduct a N.D.E. experment .


I was going to comment on this movie....what happens in it is that state of obsession takes over and you almost enter that state of madness. I do not feel that enduing death would bring in the same effects to someone as a spontaneous NDE event does.

I one know they are going to enter that death state and then come back I would feel that the brain would prepare for that and your thoughts would go wild in what you might experience and imprint that onto what you bring back with you. How would you know that its not your imagination that has put thoughts into your mind. Much like a bad hypnosis session where thoughts or memories are implanted into you in that state.

Whom would be there to bring you back ? If you were to not come back I would worry on being Earth Bound in death and wondering in that state of not living and not dead but just being there.

I had a NDE and while I learned something from it I still have not fully come to understand it all. Would I want it again NO. Did it serve a purpose in my life yes, as mine was a lesson event.


16-12-2016, 04:35 AM
It's about intention, a person of strong mind can convince their sub-conscious (which is in control of survival mechanisms) that they(soul) are going to kill the (physical) body. This produces an NDE like effect, but perhaps is not the same as an NDE. More research is necessary.

"For the good of the world, I give my life, to be spent in hard labor, so that I may return to the source and others will have my gifts."

If you truly want to give your life away, then you can do it. But the intention has to be real, me telling you about how it happened to me might lose the effect of 100% pure intention. I only had to say it once beacuse I meant it, you may have you say your own vow thousands of times (and not fast either, its about quality not quantity), and it's important to follow what you want, change the vow until it is your desires. The important principles of the vow are.

I ----going to give (stuff being given. time is better than energy, life is better than time) ------for-----( one person is good, for many people is better, for all is best) ------

and this last part is the important part

because ----- (because I want to, good, because I can, better, for nothing in return /becasue its who I am, best)


I'm going to give my life for the life of my son because I never got to say goodbye.

is not as powerful as

I'm going to give my life for the good of all because I want to.

and the most powerful of all

I'm going to give my life for the good of all because I want nothing at all / beacuse it's who I am.

16-12-2016, 01:58 PM
Hey, ask...I'm not sure why or what would cause the "need" for person to have a NDE. Before I had mine, I was certain that life after death was just a false hope, had no problem with and accepting that existence ends with death. This isn't the case with many others who've had a NDE, yet with some it is.
I don't think it's wrong at all to be curious about having the experience, but maybe it's futile to wish to experience one. For those that are curious, there's lots of information from those that have had one. Maybe researching them is the best road to take, rather than to seek ways to experience it yourself. If it's really that much of a passion for you, I'd say research OBEs or astral projection to find out how people have come to experience those, because these too are consciousness leaving the body...essentially just like a NDE.
That NDEs happen may have a reason behind them...and then maybe they don't...they just.......happen to the few. I really don't know.

16-12-2016, 04:03 PM
To wish to have an NDE is one thing but to induce one is an entirely different matter all together. It is like saying I am curious about death and therefore I want to die and come back so that I could see for myself what it is like to die.

Glacier Serenade
28-12-2016, 08:32 PM
I definitely understand the need to "know" what happens after death, but as others have said it is most unwise to risk your life in order to try and see it for yourself, the closest thing to it is to practice OBEs/Astral Projection which can get you to see, to an extent, the afterlife, from what I have read as I have limited knowledge on the Astral planes, you can see some of the dead who have passed on and are yet to go to the afterlife (which I think isn't visitable through AP and can only be travelled to via NDE or death?) perhaps visiting beings in the Astral you can ask them your questions.

Dominus vobiscum
06-01-2017, 06:49 AM
I have had a few since I started studying NDEs a few years ago. Super vivid dream where I see my dead relatives and talk about things and catch up.

The first one, I hugged my grandfather and he became as bright as the sun and filled me with love.

I would have chalked it up to a good dream, but I felt it for three days afterward.........
