View Full Version : Does spirit speak ?

17-07-2016, 01:52 PM
& by this I mean can you hear a voice from them if they were to appear in apparition or is it all telepathic, if they do speak does the voice sound normal like a human talking ?

17-07-2016, 04:33 PM
Spirit do speak using a voice like a human being but sometimes it may be audible or voiceless. It also depends on what kind of spirit it is. If it is an angel the voice will sound angelic and if it is a huma spirit the voice will sound like a human being.

17-07-2016, 04:50 PM
While I've heard them speak, my understanding of it is it's actually an energy/frequency communication which our brain instantly translates into words, or words and feelings.

Plants, animals and crystals communicate the same way. It's called telepathy and the brain instantly translates the incoming information into words or, words & scenes or words, scenes & emotions - depending on how much of our abilities to perceive are awakened.

Much of how it gets translated seems to be related to how we EXPECT to experience it. Meaning our thinking about it and expectations around it set the parameters for how the brain will translate it. Limiting belief systems can be a really squasher here and incoming information can become a very narrow band or a wide open flow depending on our inner most belief systems around the subject. Hidden belief systems play a huge part, so be aware of the belief under the thoughts.

18-07-2016, 11:11 AM
Hi, I'm curious about this, how can you tell if its just in your head or its an actual sound?...

18-07-2016, 12:19 PM
Hi, I'm curious about this, how can you tell if its just in your head or its an actual sound?...

Not sure if this will be of any help to you Christy, but the way I see, understand and have experienced it, it's not dissimilar to a thought popping into yah head, only it'll be a little bit more forceful or pronounced, as though there is importance attached to it... It's the type of thought, where you would actually say to yourself - heck: now that's important, better make a note about that...

Best I can offer, because that's how it works for me... Unless of course, it's a face to face event... Then that's something quite different


18-07-2016, 02:29 PM
& by this I mean can you hear a voice from them if they were to appear in apparition or is it all telepathic, if they do speak does the voice sound normal like a human talking ?


It is all telepathic. It can involve a voice, or visions, or any number of sensations. That is why we have a number of Clair's defining those things.

What you imagine as a voice does not matter that much in my view. What you are told will reveal a great deal to you. Love and wisdom are high vibrational energies. Fear and concerns are low vibrational energies. It is up to you to discern for your self what is good advice and what is not. That matters a lot more than the tone of a voice in my view.


18-07-2016, 11:12 PM
Hi, I'm curious about this, how can you tell if its just in your head or its an actual sound?...

It's a long path to be able to discern in many cases. But once you 'got it' you got it!

For me noticing the thing which was seen, heard or shared which couldn't have been something I would have known or thought of therefore my brain couldn't have made it up.
There's a long process of vetting in all this - learning what brain did make up, what came in and then brain added onto it and so on. It's a Path you gotta walk, to start getting enough information to get a baseline and understand what's real and what's invention by the mind. Maybe start talking with trees and plants. sometimes you'll think you made stuff up, other times you can verify in city records that the area the tree was in REALLY did look as it showed you, or there really did used to be a building there or over there, or the species of bird it showed you used to be found in that area.
Don't surmise or assume - research. This is how we learn in the beginning the difference between active imagination and actual telepathy.

Miss Hepburn
18-07-2016, 11:34 PM
How do you know it's not coming from your own head?

One big way is, haha, and picture me motionless to the point of
not breathing...'they' or 'He' speaks in a way you do not!
Not even the cadence!

Like when my sister heard our Dad's voice say something ....in
a million years she would never say....or even think, she said....
"It was definitely Dad, telling me what to do so I didn't get stuck
in the snow in that ditch."
(And she didn't cuz she did what he said.) :wink:

19-07-2016, 05:56 AM
Hey I was wondering, this thread reminds me of something I think about, sometimes I intuitively write and I use all kinds of word that I don't even know if they make since or not but they feel write in the moment. Sometime all look some of these words up and they're always the perfect word for the spot; how do you know being so open, in the process of intuitive writing or trying to connect to a guide that you're not simply unlocking some forgotten memory, a vocabulary you picked up subconsciously? I'm not questioning communication with guides though that happens but in this type of case what do you think? Also I'm good a visualizing things and the way my mind often works is I think a question and the answer pops into my head before I can take a moment to think about it and for me that feels very normal but the visualizations aren't really under my control, more of a rapid cognitive reaction but all this still feels very much a part of the mind. I guess I have difficulty distinguishing between received info and not, but however I also believe that it's all relative, who we are what we think - one mind kinda thing...

19-07-2016, 08:31 AM
They takk differently from humans, as talking silently - but for our limited understanding it seems not talking. If you employ logics, you won't get it.

19-07-2016, 01:26 PM
I recall three occasions face to face with spirit. On two of those occasions that talked to me directly like human beings in an audible voice. On the other occasion it was a soundless voice. The other time it was an audible angelic voice.

31-07-2016, 02:26 PM
From experience, I can physically hear them, in the same way I hear an actual person talk to me. I have trouble discerning between spirit messages conveyed telepathically, and my higher self.

11-08-2016, 03:59 PM
Spirit speaks via signs and symbols.

11-08-2016, 08:51 PM
the very concept of language dissolves when you look at this topic.. I mean, what IS communication?

12-08-2016, 06:06 AM
& by this I mean can you hear a voice from them if they were to appear in apparition or is it all telepathic, if they do speak does the voice sound normal like a human talking ?

I went through this quite extensively. I have a lot of experience dealing with this question myself, and from what I learned is that they do not speak to you, although anything is impossible and obviously no one can truly know 100% mind you but from what I have gathered through my own experiences again - it is a feeling - you just know. It is equivalent to me asking you how do you know you are feeling the ground when you walk? Put that into context.

You can't. Much like how it is impossible to properly explain colors to a blind man that has never seen before, it is practically impossible to explain the feeling of knowing.

There's no talking. Just feeling and knowing. Intuition is the best word that I can think of that properly explains it.

Usually when you are hearing a voice in your head, you are hearing parts of yourself that you have long forgotten. You are simply rediscovering who you are. To test the voice, simply do a experiment:

For example, close your eyes and push the keyboard at random. If the voice isn't apart of you, it will be able to know the answer. Usually, in most cases, most people are manifesting their own form of consciousness - which is fine if that is your goal. This can lead to insanity at the extreme if not controlled.

12-08-2016, 09:56 AM
I went through this quite extensively. I have a lot of experience dealing with this question myself, and from what I learned is that they do not speak to you, although anything is impossible and obviously no one can truly know 100% mind you but from what I have gathered through my own experiences again - it is a feeling - you just know. It is equivalent to me asking you how do you know you are feeling the ground when you walk? Put that into context.

You can't. Much like how it is impossible to properly explain colors to a blind man that has never seen before, it is practically impossible to explain the feeling of knowing.

There's no talking. Just feeling and knowing. Intuition is the best word that I can think of that properly explains it.

Usually when you are hearing a voice in your head, you are hearing parts of yourself that you have long forgotten. You are simply rediscovering who you are. To test the voice, simply do a experiment:

For example, close your eyes and push the keyboard at random. If the voice isn't apart of you, it will be able to know the answer. Usually, in most cases, most people are manifesting their own form of consciousness - which is fine if that is your goal. This can lead to insanity at the extreme if not controlled.

I guess different people experience things in their own way.

16-08-2016, 06:06 AM
& by this I mean can you hear a voice from them if they were to appear in apparition or is it all telepathic, if they do speak does the voice sound normal like a human talking ?
For me, its a kind of telepathic thing but, under the right conditions, I can hear/feel that it's my late wife's voice and also our late brother-in-law's voice. Maybe my mind re-creates their voice just to go with the telepathic message. they seem to receive me whether spoken out loud or just a thought.

16-08-2016, 06:09 AM
Hi, I'm curious about this, how can you tell if its just in your head or its an actual sound?...
I don't bother to question it so long as it makes sense or is obviously from my late wife and/or others. :smile:

16-08-2016, 08:13 AM
Double post so I have deleted this one...smiles.

16-08-2016, 08:25 AM
Hi, I'm curious about this, how can you tell if its just in your head or its an actual sound?...

Hi Christy. ...ill answer that for you.
Im assuming that you have herd of the energy connection between your soul/spiritual & your physical bodies ..... (silver cord some would refer to it as).
Well your spiritual side of you will here their voices as either thought transferal soul to soul or audibly from the mouth of their spiritual body/soul to the ears of your spiritual body. ...either way the info/sounds will be transferred through from your spiritual/soul self to your sences of the physical body via the energy cord.
And in the case of the thought transfer soul to soul, you will only here it in your head.
And in the case of if they stand there right in front of you while you are still in the the physical body and speak to you from their mouth, then the sounds received by your spiritual body ears will be transfered to your physical body ears via the energy cord connection between your physical body and your spiritual body.

In essence your physical brain will receive the external sounds from the silver cord and send it to your physical ears.....your physical ears wont pick up the info by themselves before your spiritual ears/soul does.

SMILES From me Neil.

16-08-2016, 11:50 AM
I live with three people that are Clairaudient. Sometimes they can tell that it's a voice in their head but they often think a voice or sound like footsteps is audible when it's not to me.

16-08-2016, 12:39 PM
Most of you are confusing guides for what is called the monkey mind in meditation traditions. I bet most who hear audible hallucinations also hear things like ringing and are able to play music in their heads at will, as if they have a radio station playing in their heads within the background on a ongoing basis.

Just like the ink block test, if you sit random people through it, everyone can envision whatever they want. That however comes from you and remains as manifesting of your psyche, something that I also have experience in and is common within the population, something a good amount of people go through within their life time.

What isn't common is a high enough spiritual level to tap into divine knowledge. That is special.

Im sure this question will come up. How do you know the difference? Here's a hint that might help. Buddhists monk spend
Up to a entire year, to many more in what is known as a vow of silence. A way to strenghten this ability.

A prerequsite that is a must to hear your guides is silencing your mind. If you can't look at your watch for 5 mins without thinking, then although I can't be absolutely sure when I say this, traditionally speaking I doubt you have a high enough sensual ability to pick up on divine messages, although anything is possible. Like I said before, most are just manifesting this on their own and are self delusional.

16-08-2016, 06:21 PM
Everybody is different, how they hear or perceive words. Some people hear through their ears as if a person was in the room speaking. I have been told this but I don't hear that way.

At first I had guides with very distinct accents so I could tell them apart. It is silent but the complicated accents and tone is present.

Things change and methods change but occasionally I still might converse briefly internally like that. Mostly it isn't necessary.

Writing is another technique and with that I 'get' the words as I write.

There are many ways to communicate.

16-08-2016, 08:32 PM
Everybody is different

Rozie, it's the opposite. Not just everybody, but everything is the same. We are all connected. :hug3:

Rozie, it's the opposite.
For fun, why not. Johnathanrs, of the past, you are also incorrect.

You're right to a degree though, just as her statement is also right to a degree. Funny how I am saying the opposite, that your comment is incorrect, yet further stating that her comment is also correct. How is that possible?

A glass can't be half full and half empty at the same time. Two things of opposite polarity cannot work in harmony. Or can they? Contradictions! Heh. You be the judge. =}

17-08-2016, 05:03 PM
@Jonathanrs, yes, but we are also unique aspects of the one. What makes us unique is our point of view. How people perceive and work with their personal version of the universe is individualized. We are all special snowflakes.

Opposition is required to achieve balance.

17-08-2016, 06:15 PM
Guess so, it sounds crazy, they whisper. I can hear and feel them so close, and I still think this is a madness. So, I can say I am mad. It is going on.

18-08-2016, 12:40 AM
@Jonathanrs, yes, but we are also unique aspects of the one. What makes us unique is our point of view. How people perceive and work with their personal version of the universe is individualized. We are all special snowflakes.

Opposition is required to achieve balance.

Where difference is perceived, barriers conjugate. When oneness is perceived, oneness transpires.

26-08-2016, 08:25 AM
My main guide says we are all one. And she says I am you and my guides are me, not in the sense that I am making them up, but in the sense that she is saying we are one again to make her point. Also, there are always multiple beings watching over me. If one didn't see what I did, they still know as they work in concert and they are one too. Once, I asked her a question and she laughed and said she was not omnipotent. Guidance which shows omnipotence, I assume comes directly from Spirit or the Creator etc.

They hear me whether I am speaking or thinking. They guide me constantly, since I am very open to guidance, I am always ready to listen/see etc. Random things I somehow run across on the web and think are ludicrous, can be them getting me prepared to hear things they say are true about me, I found out. So, I have started wondering about all the random things, lol. She blindsides me quite often though (but with tender loving care).

I was very disturbed hearing people here saying they don't contact their guides because their guide "messes with" them. Before, seeking a guide, etc. or involving yourself with any entity you need to protect yourself, so "bad guides" don't show up. Guides who don't have your 100%, absolute, highest good in mind exist. Guides who are full of their own ego. These are spirits from the middle realm where we reside. Get rid of them and pray and seek one from the upper realms or what people often call heaven or paradise etc. Ask for your main guide who has your 100%, absolute, highest good in mind only. I suggest a shamanic journey to the upper realm, so you are sure. Hank Wesselman's book, the one with Sacred Garden in the title, is a very short, quick read and has a lot of info on getting the right guides.

After I found my main guide, i felt comfortable with her introducing me to my other guides, because I could feel she was 100% for me and my good and my future good and knew me before my incarnation. I have only known her a short while, but I love her with a deep abiding love. I hear my guides telepathically. And when I see them they are translucent kinda, I presume because they are not fully here in this realm. When I journey to their realm, they are solid looking.

When I first was meeting my guide in the upper realm. She would appear like 10 feet in front of a huge blazing ball of light. I wondered what that was but didn't get the chance to ask. Then the last time I met her there, a person came out of the light behind her. They were androgynous looking. S/he introduced him/herself as The Architect. I asked if he were male and I forget exactly what they said... You know, I don't think I wrote that conversation down (you always think you will remember this right) anyway s/he is androgynous. They said they were responsible for the design of those realms. They said they were also known as the Great Spirit, the Holy Spirit, Kundalini, all of those beings in the earthly religions. Then they walked back into the sphere of bright light. I wish I had thought to thank them right then, but I was pretty speechless at the time.

I googled Kundalini, cuz all I knew about it was it was from yoga in my mind, and I read about awakening it, and it sounded just like my experiences about the Holy Spirit. Then I saw kundalini spirit as a google search and checked it out. It seems people are rejecting other people manifesting the Holy Spirit, because it is doing the same thing in some churches as Kundalini. How very sad! They are advising "women" not to do yoga so they don't bring unclean spirits into the churches. Of course, they blame women :(

After this my guide rebaptised me. I was so at peace all day. I don't think I did anything much after, I just sat in my comfy chair absorbing the great feelings. :). I asked her why the feeling didn't last and she said I close my chakras all of the time and I need to work on opening them every morning. I think next I need to ask her for more hours in my day or just to help me with my time management, concept of time etc. because she has given me quite a list of things to do every morning. :p

I wish I could sit at her feet learning every minute! I still need to get to know everybody else which is overwhelming. I need to ask her if they are one, why do I need more than her? One of my guides is Mauna Kea, the mountain here. I had been praying for a connection to the land so badly. I was born here, but grew up someplace else and came back here. I only have a connection to land here which is like where I lived in my childhood, which here is the forests grown for logging purposes. I get so sad seeing the trees getting cut. But since my connection with the mountain, that is changing rapidly. I feel more like I belong here. I have never felt that way before. It made me cry. I guess that is why you need different guides, I dunno.

