View Full Version : Fainting in-dream, wake up to communication?

26-06-2016, 05:38 PM
Hey all, new kid here - hope you’re all good, and willing to give your interpretation... :icon_wink: This happened about 2-3 months back.

I was dreaming about usual randomness at first. I won’t describe the snippets, but soon enough I end up engaging in a conversation with a man (black-haired, caucasian, overweight, mid-forties, tuxedo shirt...?) From what I remember the conversation was business-related and we were on a street. Possibly.

The conversation must’ve lasted about 5-odd minutes before my vision began to fade. Thinking that I were fainting (I was), I tried to communicate this to the man but I couldn't. I were blinded, then I felt myself dropping, in slo-mo. At least that's how it felt. I feel myself waking up out-of-dream and I haven’t opened my eyes yet, but I can hear someone reassuring me. Like, how a paramedic would comfort an injured person after an accident. Exactly like that. So much I think that I'm gonna wake up in an ambulance. That maybe somehow, something had happened to me during my sleep.

Oddly enough, the above all happened very fast. I never laid there pondering with my eyes closed. It was a split-second thought. Without even opening my eyes, I can't breathe. If you’ve ever had an asthma attack, panic attack or just been straight-up suffocated that's what it felt like. It was really mere seconds. The voice was there as soon as I woke up and started “suffocating”.

I can’t really explain what it sounded like. Generic, almost. Not in a boring way. Just sorta light? And from what I could gather they were male. They’re telling me “just breathe” and “it's all going to be okay”. I feel a hand is on my shoulder. In my mind, they’re hooking me up to an ECG...

Then I open my eyes. And that’s pretty much when I realise I'm not being reassured by a paramedic. LOL

I can’t actually see much, though, at all. I’m initially moving around a lot, tossing my head, ect ect. And only when I actually begin to take notice do I see their second arm placed on my left arm. It was dark, so I have no real details - and honestly they were so convieniently stood that I could not see their face - but from the darkness I could make out that they were human-appearing. Quite tan, and wearing a pristine white t-shirt. From the arms, slim...

The reassuring goes on for a bit, and eventually I calm down (again, didn't take long...) and I slowly gain my breath back and fall into a deep sleep without trouble. I’ve had quite a lot of strange experiences, so maybe they tie in together somehow - and I’ve continued to faint in dream at least twice since this. Just this time without suffocating and an intervention.

Anyone? :rolleyes: I have tried to find answers, through triggering it again - or astral projecting... but to no avail.

03-07-2016, 10:16 PM
Going solely by my intuition, with some logic, I would have to say that you were dreaming, and while you were dreaming you had a (sleep?) apneic episode. Your mind then, in trying to make sense of the whole thing and be useful, fabricated the paramedic treatment and reassurance for you in your semi-lucid state. You very well may have actually come close to fainting, or worse. Any sleep apnea in your family history?

18-07-2016, 08:35 AM
So your saying that you felt like you where suffocating, in your dream you fainted, you woke up and there was some form of people or spirits or something in your room that looked human and your reaction was just to ketch your breath and go back to sleep? what if they actually caused you to suffocate but unintenually took it too far and was trying to get you to breath again? I don't know if it where me, just based on what I read so far, unless it was all part of a dream I don't think I could just go back to sleep still surrounded by beings.

25-07-2016, 03:42 AM
I would have to say that you were dreaming, and while you were dreaming you had a sleep?

25-07-2016, 09:36 AM
It sounds like you were visited by spiritual beings through a dream